

推荐比赛群:大数据比赛交流群 155167917




--odps sql 
--create time:2016-05-09 17:21:27
--Create table tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online as
--select * from tianchi_data.tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online;
--Create table tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online as
--select * from tianchi_data.tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online;
--select count (*) from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_user_online;

--create table train_item as  
--t.item_id,t.item_category from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online t group by t.item_id,t.item_category ;
--select count (*) from train_item;  --6052459


--create time:2016-05-09 21:14:12
--create table trainset18_cart_no_buy1 as 
--select cart.*,length(buy.time) as buy_time 
--from trainset_18_cart cart 
--left outer join trainset_18_buy buy on
--cart.user_id=buy.user_id and cart.item_category=buy.item_category;

--create table trainset18_p as
--select t.* from  trainset18_cart_no_buy t where buy_time  IS NULL;
--ALTER TABLE trainset18_cart_no_buy1 ADD COLUMNS (label boolean );
--select t.* from  trainset18_p t where user_id='100000027'

--create table trainset18_p_1 as
--select p.user_id,p.item_id,p.item_category,max(time)as cart_time from  trainset18_p p 
--group by p.user_id,p.item_id,p.item_category;
--create table trainset18_p_2 as
--select p.*
--from trainset18_p_1 p
-- join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;

--select count (*) from tianchi_fresh_comp_train_item_online;
--select count (*) from train_item;

--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as  --57006--select p.user_id,p.item_id
--from trainset18_p_1 p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;
--select count (*) from trainset18_p_1;    --662462--select count (*) from tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;--57006
--create table trainset18_p_2 as --57006--select p.*
--from trainset18_p_1 p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;

--create table trainset18_p_uc as  --37331
--select p.user_id,count(p.item_id) as item_count,p.item_category
--from trainset18_p_2 p group by p.user_id,p.item_category;
--select count (*) from trainset18_p_uc;

--create table trainset18_p_uc_3 as  --4083--select * from trainset18_p_uc where item_count>2

--create table trainset18_p_uc_4 as  --2100--select * from trainset18_p_uc where item_count>3
--create table trainset18_p_3 as     --18768行 大于3的uc对
--select p2.user_id,p2.item_id,p2.item_category,p2.cart_time,uc3.item_count
--from trainset18_p_2 p2 
--left outer join  trainset18_p_uc_3 uc3 on
--p2.user_id=uc3.user_id and p2.item_category=uc3.item_category;
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_3 where item_count is  NULL; --38808
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_3 where item_count is NOT NULL; --18198

--create table trainset18_p_4 as     --18768行 大于3的uc对
--select p2.user_id,p2.item_id,p2.item_category,p2.cart_time,uc4.item_count
--from trainset18_p_2 p2 
--left outer join  trainset18_p_uc_4 uc4 on
--p2.user_id=uc4.user_id and p2.item_category=uc4.item_category;

--select count(* )from trainset18_p_4 where item_count is  NULL; --44757
--select count(* )from trainset18_p_4 where item_count is NOT NULL; --12249

--18号对商品子集的实际购买量 --35878
--create table  trainset_18_buy_son as
--select p.*
--from trainset_18_buy p
--join train_item ti on
--p.item_id=ti.item_id ;
--create table  trainset_18_buy_son1 as --32958
--select b.user_id,b.item_id from trainset_18_buy_son b group by b.user_id,b.item_id;

--create table trainset_18_click as --==32534036
--b.* from trainset_18 b where b.behavior_type=1 ;

--drop table if exists trainset_18_click_count;
--create table trainset_18_click_count as --14792012
--user_id,item_id,max(time) as click_time,count(behavior_type)as ui_click from trainset_18_click  group by user_id,item_id;

--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_click;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click as --57006
--select p4.* ,cc.ui_click,cc.click_time from trainset18_p_4 p4
--left outer join trainset_18_click_count cc on
--p4.user_id=cc.user_id and p4.item_id=cc.item_id;


--create table trainset18_P_4_null as --44757 假如购物车且同类商品部超过3件的ui集
--select p4.* from trainset18_p_4 p4 where p4.item_count is  NULL ;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_11143 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where 
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 14' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<3 and item_count is NULL ;--1600
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_click_11202;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_11202 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 20' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<2 and item_count is NULL;--2355
--create table trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 as
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where cart_time<'2014-12-18 12' and ui_click<5 and item_count is NULL;--8004
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day;
--create table trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day as --白天加入购物车后再次查看但未购买(点击总数不超过8次)
--select * from trainset18_p_cart_click where cart_time<click_time and cart_time<'2014-12-18 18' 
--and item_count is NULL and ui_click<8 ;--3928 / 3402

--create table trainset18_p_delete1 as --44757
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag1
--from trainset18_P_4_null pn 
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_11143 cc on --1600
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete1_ok as --43157
--select * from trainset18_p_delete1 where flag1 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete2 as --43157
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag2
--from trainset18_p_delete1_ok pn 
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_13202 cc on --1842
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete2_ok as --41315
--select * from trainset18_p_delete2 where flag2 is null
--select * from trainset18_p_delete2_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --30935 

--create table trainset18_p_delete3 as --41315
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag3
--from trainset18_p_delete2_ok pn --41315
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 cc on --8004
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete3_ok as --33311
--select * from trainset18_p_delete3 where flag3 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete_11202 as --44757  删去12-19点加入购物车但点击次数只有一次的ui对
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag1
--from trainset18_P_4_null pn 
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_11202 cc on --2355
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok as --42402
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_11202 where flag1 is null

--create table trainset18_p_delete_00125 as --42402  删去00-12点加入购物车但点击次数小于5次的ui对
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag2
--from trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok pn 
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_click_00125 cc on --8004
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok as --34398
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_00125 where flag2 is null

--drop table if exists trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy as --34398  --删去白天加入购物车后再次查看但未购买
--select pn.* ,cc.user_id as flag3
--from trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok pn 
--left outer join trainset18_p_cart_no_buy_day cc on --3402
--pn.user_id=cc.user_id and pn.item_id=cc.item_id;
--drop table if exists trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok;
--create table trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok as --31987 (30996)
--select * from trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy where flag3 is null


--create table trainset18_p_test as
--select * from tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;
--DELETE  from trainset18_p_test  where --执行报错
--cart_time<'2014-12-18 14' and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' and ui_click<3 ;

--drop table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict
---预测结果表 38808--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as
--select p3.user_id,p3.item_id from trainset18_p_3 p3 where p3.item_count is  NULL;


--drop table if exists tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict;
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as 
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as --29684 -- >11
--create table tianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict as --32838 -- >09
--select p3.user_id,p3.item_id from trainset18_p_3 p3 where p3.item_count is  NULL and cart_time>'2014-12-18 08';
--select p4.user_id,p4.item_id from trainset18_p_4 p4 where p4.item_count is  NULL --and cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' ;
--9-37936,10-36221,11-34377   2016.05.13
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete2_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --30935  2016.05.14  hit:1982
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_11202_ok where cart_time>'2014-12-18 11' --32022  2016.05.15
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_cartnobuy_ok --31987  2016.05.15 hit:1950
--select user_id,item_id from trainset18_p_delete_00125_ok  --34398 2016.05.16  hit:2142







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


