数学建模与数据科学简要(Mathematical model&Data science)


标签(空格分隔): 数学建模 数据科学 mathematical_model data_science


Mathematical model


  • A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language.
  • The process of developing a mathmatical model is termed mathematical modeling.
  • Application:
  • (1)natural science(such as physics,biology,earth science,meteorology),
  • (2)engineering disciplines(such as computer science,artificial intelligence),
  • (3)social sciences(economics,psychology,sociology,political)
  • A model may help to explain a system and to study the effects of different components,and to make predictions about behaviour


  • Mathematical models are usually composed of relationships and variables.
  • Relationships can be descrided by operators,such as algebraic operators,functions,differential operators,ect.
  • Variables are abstractions of system parameters of interest,that canbe quantified.

Linear vs. nonlinear

  • If all the operators in a mathematical model exhibit linearity, the resulting mathematical model is defined as linear.
  • The definition of linearity and nonlinearity is dependent on context, and linear models may have nonlinear expressions in them.
  • In a mathematical programming model, if the objective functions and constraints are represented entirely by linear equations, then the model is regarded as a linear model.
  • If one or more of the objective functions or constraints are represented with a nonlinear equation, then the model is known as a nonlinear model.
  • A common approach to nonlinear problems is linearization, but this can be problematic if one is trying to study aspects such as irreversibility, which are strongly tied to nonlinearity.

static vs. dynamic

  • A dynamic model accounts for time-dependent changes in the state of the system. Dynamic models typically are represented by differential equations or difference equations.
  • a static (or steady-state) model calculates the system in equilibrium, and thus is time-invariant.

Explicit vs. implicit

  • If all of the input parameters of the overall model are known, and the output parameters can be calculated by a finite series of computations, the model is said to be explicit.
  • But sometimes it is the output parameters which are known, and the corresponding inputs must be solved for by an iterative procedure, such as Newton’s method (if the model is linear) or Broyden’s method (if non-linear). In such a case the model is said to be implicit.

Discrete vs. continous

  • A discrete model treats objects as discrete, such as the particles in a molecular model or the states in a statistical model.
  • a continuous model represents the objects in a continuous manner, such as the velocity field of fluid in pipe flows, temperatures and stresses in a solid

Deterministic vs. probabilistic(stochastic)

  • A deterministic model set of variable states is uniquely determined by parameter in the model and by sets of previous states of these variables.Therefore, a deterministc model always performs the same way for a giben set of inital conditions.
  • in a stochastic model-usually called a “statistical model”-randomness is present,and variable states are not described by unique values, but rather by probability distrbutions.

Deductive vs. inductive

  • A deductive model is a logical structure based on a theory.
  • An inductive model arises from empirical findings and generalization from them. The floating model rests on neither theory nor observation, but is merely the invocation of expected structure.

(3)Commonly uesd model

1-Optimiazation model

  • the selection of a best element (with regard to some criterion) from some set of available alternatives.
  • an optimiazation problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real function by systemtically choosing input values from within an




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