
1. netstat -as
Show the state of all sockets. Without -a, sockets used by server processes aren’t shown
Show per-protocol statistics. If this option is repeated, counters with a value of zero are suppressed.
2. netstat -as
163471 packets sent
163346 data packets (2574999 bytes)
0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
89 ack-only packets (18036 delayed)
0 URG only packets
0 window probe packets
20 window update packets
16 control packets
0 send attempts resulted in self-quench
181384 packets received
163374 acks (for 2575033 bytes)
14 duplicate acks
0 acks for unsent data
18052 packets (2008708 bytes) received in-sequence
5 completely duplicate packets (0 bytes)
0 old duplicate packets
0 packets with some dup. data (0 bytes duped)
0 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)
0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
0 window probes
0 window update packets
0 packets received after close
0 discarded for bad checksums
0 discarded for bad header offset fields
0 discarded because packet too short
0 connection requests
20 connection accepts
20 connections established (including accepts)
16 connections closed (including 2 drops)
0 embryonic connections dropped
0 delayed frees of tcpcb
163374 segments updated rtt (of 163351 attempts)
0 retransmit timeouts
0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
0 persist timeouts (resulting in 0 dropped connections)
2 keepalive timeouts
0 keepalive probes sent
2 connections dropped by keepalive
145113 correct ACK header predictions
17971 correct data packet header predictions
40 PCB hash misses
0 dropped due to no socket
0 connections drained due to memory shortage
0 PMTUD blackholes detected
0 bad connection attempts
20 SYN cache entries added
0 hash collisions
20 completed
0 aborted (no space to build PCB)
0 timed out
0 dropped due to overflow
0 dropped due to bucket overflow
0 dropped due to RST
0 dropped due to ICMP unreachable
0 delayed free of SYN cache entries
0 dropped due to response limit
0 SYN,ACKs retransmitted
0 duplicate SYNs received for entries already in the cache
0 SYNs dropped (no route or no space)
0 packets with bad signature
0 packets with good signature
0 sucessful ECN handshakes
0 packets with ECN CE bit
0 packets ECN ECT(0) bit
43449 datagrams received
0 with incomplete header
0 with bad data length field
0 with bad checksum
7856 dropped due to no socket
2740 broadcast/multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
0 dropped due to full socket buffers
32853 delivered
40378 PCB hash misses
29788 datagrams output
327695 total packets received
0 bad header checksums
0 with size smaller than minimum
0 with data size < data length
0 with length > max ip packet size
0 with header length < data size
0 with data length < header length
0 with bad options
0 with incorrect version number
0 fragments received
0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
0 fragments dropped (out of ipqent)
0 malformed fragments dropped
0 fragments dropped after timeout
0 packets reassembled ok
234667 packets for this host
0 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
0 packets forwarded (0 packets fast forwarded)
93028 packets not forwardable
0 redirects sent
0 packets no matching gif found
201135 packets sent from this host
1962 packets sent with fabricated ip header
0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
0 output packets discarded due to no route
0 output datagrams fragmented
0 fragments created
0 datagrams that can’t be fragmented
0 datagrams with bad address in header
7856 calls to icmp_error
0 errors not generated because old message was icmp
Output histogram:
destination unreachable: 7856
0 messages with bad code fields
0 messages < minimum length
0 bad checksums
0 messages with bad length
Input histogram:
echo reply: 1962
destination unreachable: 7856
0 message responses generated
0 path MTU changes
0 Broadcast/Multicast echo requests ignored
0 Broadcast/Multicast timestamp requests ignored
0 messages received
0 messages received with too few bytes
0 messages received with bad checksum
0 membership queries received
0 membership queries received with invalid field(s)
0 membership reports received
0 membership reports received with invalid field(s)
0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong
4 membership reports sent
(Fast) IPsec:
0 no SA found (output)
0 no memory available (output)
0 no route available (output)
0 generic errors (output)
0 bundled SA processed (output)
0 SPD cache lookups
0 SPD cache misses

IPsec ah:
0 ah input packets processed
0 ah output packets processed
0 ah headers too short
0 ah headers for unsupported address family
0 ah packets with no SA
0 ah packets dropped by crypto returning NULL mbuf
0 ah packets with bad authentication
0 ah packets with no xform
0 ah packets dropped due to queue full
0 ah packets dropped for replay counter wrap
0 ah packets dropped for possible replay
0 ah packets dropped for bad authenticator length
0 ah packets with an invalid SA
0 ah packets too big
0 ah packets blocked due to policy
0 ah failed crypto requests
0 ah tunnel sanity check failures
ah histogram:
0 ah bytes received
0 ah bytes transmitted

IPsec esp:
0 esp input packets processed
0 esp output packets processed
0 esp headers too short
0 esp headers for unsupported address family
0 esp packets with no SA
0 esp packets dropped by crypto returning NULL mbuf
0 esp packets dropped due to queue full
0 esp packets with no xform
0 esp packets with bad ilen
0 esp packets with bad encryption
0 esp packets with bad authentication
0 esp packets dropped for replay counter wrap
0 esp packets dropped for possible replay
0 esp packets with an invalid SA
0 esp packets too big
0 esp packets blocked due to policy
0 esp failed crypto requests
0 esp tunnel sanity check failures
esp histogram:
0 esp bytes received
0 esp bytes transmitted
IPsec ipip:
0 ipip total input packets
0 ipip total output packets
0 ipip packets too short for header length
0 ipip packets dropped due to queue full
0 ipip packets blocked due to policy
0 ipip IP spoofing attempts
0 ipip protocol family mismatched
0 ipip missing tunnel-endpoint address
0 ipip input bytes received
0 ipip output bytes processed
IPsec ipcomp:
0 ipcomp packets too short for header length
0 ipcomp protocol family not supported
0 ipcomp not db
0 ipcomp packets dropped by crypto returning NULL mbuf
0 ipcomp queue full
0 ipcomp no support for transform
0 ipcomp packets dropped for replay counter wrap
0 ipcomp input IPcomp packets
0 ipcomp output IPcomp packets
0 ipcomp specified an invalid TDB
0 ipcomp packets decompressed as too big
0 ipcomp packets blocked due to policy
0 ipcomp failed crypto requests
IPcomp histogram:
0 ipcomp input bytes
0 ipcomp output bytes
235 total packets received
0 with size smaller than minimum
0 with data size < data length
0 with bad options
0 with incorrect version number
0 fragments received
0 fragments dropped (dup or out of space)
0 fragments dropped after timeout
0 fragments that exceeded limit
0 packets reassembled ok
0 packets for this host
0 packets forwarded
235 packets not forwardable
0 redirects sent
33 packets sent from this host
0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
0 output packets discarded due to no route
0 output datagrams fragmented
0 fragments created
0 datagrams that can’t be fragmented
0 packets that violated scope rules
235 multicast packets which we don’t join
Input packet histogram:
hop by hop: 62
UDP: 144
ICMP6: 29
Mbuf statistics:
0 one mbufs
235 one ext mbufs
0 two or more ext mbufs
0 packets whose headers are not continuous
0 tunneling packets that can’t find gif
0 packets discarded due to too many headers
0 failures of source address selection
0 forward cache hit
0 forward cache miss
0 calls to icmp6_error
0 errors not generated because old message was icmp6 or so
0 errors not generated because of rate limitation
Output packet histogram:
multicast listener report: 30
neighbor solicitation: 3
0 messages with bad code fields
0 messages < minimum length
0 bad checksums
0 messages with bad length
Histogram of error messages to be generated:
0 no route
0 administratively prohibited
0 beyond scope
0 address unreachable
0 port unreachable
0 packet too big
0 time exceed transit
0 time exceed reassembly
0 erroneous header field
0 unrecognized next header
0 unrecognized option
0 redirect
0 unknown
0 message responses generated
0 messages with too many ND options
0 messages with bad ND options
0 bad neighbor solicitation messages
0 bad neighbor advertisement messages
0 bad router solicitation messages
0 bad router advertisement messages
0 bad redirect messages
0 path MTU changes
163515 packets sent
163390 data packets (2583829 bytes)
0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
89 ack-only packets (18036 delayed)
0 URG only packets
0 window probe packets
20 window update packets
16 control packets
0 send attempts resulted in self-quench
181428 packets received
163418 acks (for 2583863 bytes)
14 duplicate acks
0 acks for unsent data
18052 packets (2008708 bytes) received in-sequence
5 completely duplicate packets (0 bytes)
0 old duplicate packets
0 packets with some dup. data (0 bytes duped)
0 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)
0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
0 window probes
0 window update packets
0 packets received after close
0 discarded for bad checksums
0 discarded for bad header offset fields
0 discarded because packet too short
0 connection requests
20 connection accepts
20 connections established (including accepts)
16 connections closed (including 2 drops)
0 embryonic connections dropped
0 delayed frees of tcpcb
163418 segments updated rtt (of 163395 attempts)
0 retransmit timeouts
0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
0 persist timeouts (resulting in 0 dropped connections)
2 keepalive timeouts
0 keepalive probes sent
2 connections dropped by keepalive
145113 correct ACK header predictions
17971 correct data packet header predictions
40 PCB hash misses
0 dropped due to no socket
0 connections drained due to memory shortage
0 PMTUD blackholes detected
0 bad connection attempts
20 SYN cache entries added
0 hash collisions
20 completed
0 aborted (no space to build PCB)
0 timed out
0 dropped due to overflow
0 dropped due to bucket overflow
0 dropped due to RST
0 dropped due to ICMP unreachable
0 delayed free of SYN cache entries
0 dropped due to response limit
0 SYN,ACKs retransmitted
0 duplicate SYNs received for entries already in the cache
0 SYNs dropped (no route or no space)
0 packets with bad signature
0 packets with good signature
0 sucessful ECN handshakes
0 packets with ECN CE bit
0 packets ECN ECT(0) bit
0 datagrams received
0 with incomplete header
0 with bad data length field
0 with bad checksum
0 with no checksum
0 dropped due to no socket
0 multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
0 dropped due to full socket buffers
0 delivered
0 datagrams output
(Fast) IPsec6:
0 no SA found (output)
0 no memory available (output)
0 no route available (output)
0 generic errors (output)
0 bundled SA processed (output)
0 SPD cache lookups
0 SPD cache misses

0 messages received
0 messages received with too few bytes
0 messages received with bad checksum
0 messages received with bad version
0 registers received
0 bad registers received
0 registers sent
0 messages received
0 checksum calculations on inbound
0 messages with bad checksum
0 messages dropped due to no socket
0 multicast messages dropped due to no socket
0 messages dropped due to full socket buffers
0 delivered
0 datagrams output
15 packets sent
0 reply packets
15 request packets
25819 packets received
12 reply packets
25807 valid request packets
25807 broadcast/multicast packets
0 packets with unknown protocol type
0 packets with bad (short) length
0 packets with null target IP address
0 packets with null source IP address
0 could not be mapped to an interface
0 packets sourced from a local hardware address
0 packets with a broadcast source hardware address
0 duplicates for a local IP address
0 attempts to overwrite a static entry
0 packets received on wrong interface
0 entrys overwritten
0 changes in hardware address length
1 packet deferred pending ARP resolution
1 sent
0 dropped
0 failures to allocate llinfo
2.netstat -m
Show statistics recorded by the memory-management routines (the network manages a private pool of memory buffers).

3. on -p 200 tracelogger -w -s3 -f /dev/shmem/tracelogger.kev**
-s num
The number of seconds to log for. The default is 0, specifying an unlimited duration.
Log wide events; the default is to log fast events. For more information, see “Fast and wide modes” in the “Events and the Kernel” chapter of the System Analysis Toolkit User’s Guide.
先slay 32786 (tracelogger) 不让会busy

4. dumper -d $path_of _coredump_file -p $pid_of_iopkt**
-d path
The directory in which to place dumps. The default is the home directory of user that started the process, or /tmp if none.
-p pid
Save a dump file for this process immediately, and then exit dumper.
# pidin | grep io-pkt
32792 1 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r SIGWAITINFO
32792 2 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 2
32792 3 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r RECEIVE 20
32792 4 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 24
32792 5 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 23
32792 6 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r CONDVAR (0x3710d2de8)
32792 7 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 28
32792 8 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 27
32792 9 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r CONDVAR (0x3710d7368)
32792 10 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r RECEIVE 34
32792 11 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 36
32792 12 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 38
32792 13 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 40
32792 14 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 22r NANOSLEEP
32792 15 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 42
32792 16 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 21r RECEIVE 44
32792 17 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 46
32792 18 bin/io-pkt-v6-hc 10r RECEIVE 48
5. dumper -d $path_of _coredump_file -p 32792

pidin -F “%a %b %p %N %h %J %B %f %F %l”


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