之前虽然看了ufldl的教程,但是没去做他的练习。作为一个刚刚入门机器学习的学生,还是不能偷懒,所以趁今天有时间做了第一个练习题Sparse Autoencoder
下面贴下代码 还有讲下做的过程中发现的一些问题。
STEP 1: Implement sampleIMAGES
function patches = sampleIMAGES()
% sampleIMAGES
% Returns 10000 patches for training
load IMAGES; % load images from disk
patchsize = 8; % we'll use 8x8 patches
numpatches = 10000;
% Initialize patches with zeros. Your code will fill in this matrix--one
% column per patch, 10000 columns.
patches = zeros(patchsize*patchsize, numpatches);
%% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
% Instructions: Fill in the variable called "patches" using data
% from IMAGES.
% IMAGES is a 3D array containing 10 images
% For instance, IMAGES(:,:,6) is a 512x512 array containing the 6th image,
% and you can type "imagesc(IMAGES(:,:,6)), colormap gray;" to visualize
% it. (The contrast on these images look a bit off because they have
% been preprocessed using using "whitening." See the lecture notes for
% more details.) As a second example, IMAGES(21:30,21:30,1) is an image
% patch corresponding to the pixels in the block (21,21) to (30,30) of
% Image 1
image_size = size(IMAGES); %图像大小
for i=1:numpatches
x = randi(image_size(1) - patchsize); %随机得到patch的最小x坐标
y = randi(image_size(2) - patchsize); %随机得到patch的最小y坐标
patches(:,i) = reshape(IMAGES(x:x+patchsize-1,y:y+patchsize-1,randi(image_size(3))),patchsize*patchsize,1); %随机选择一个张图片用上面得到坐标进行sample得到patch
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
% For the autoencoder to work well we need to normalize the data
% Specifically, since the output of the network is bounded between [0,1]
% (due to the sigmoid activation function), we have to make sure
% the range of pixel values is also bounded between [0,1]
patches = normalizeData(patches);
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
function patches = normalizeData(patches)
% Squash data to [0.1, 0.9] since we use sigmoid as the activation
% function in the output layer
% Remove DC (mean of images).
patches = bsxfun(@minus, patches, mean(patches));
% Truncate to +/-3 standard deviations and scale to -1 to 1
pstd = 3 * std(patches(:));
patches = max(min(patches, pstd), -pstd) / pstd;
% Rescale from [-1,1] to [0.1,0.9]
patches = (patches + 1) * 0.4 + 0.1;
patches = sampleIMAGES;