关于Reestablishing a Product 的英语



explain: Repeating in the same way over and over
example: The cyclical lunar pattern always ends with a full moon each month.

2: Nostalgic:
explain: making you feel a desire for the past
example: We liked the nostalgic film about a young girl in New york growing in the 1920s.

3: reviving:
explain: to bring something back into use
example: The theatrical company decided to revive an old play that nobody had seen for 50 years.

4: Luxury:
explan: Something which is expenseive or of the highest quality
example: A Rolex watch is a luxury item that I just can't afford right now.

5: retro
explain: done in a fashion, design, or style which reminds people of the past.
example: The retro design of the chair reminded my grandmother of her children.

6: setting it in motion
explain: to start soemthing
example: We have to set a marketing campaign in motion before our competitors do.

7:take into consideration
explain: to think about something seriously when making a decision
example: We will take your marketing idea i nto consideration.

8: cruising
explain: to travel without a desination in mind, Or to travel at steady speed.
example: We had no plans for the weekend, so we just cruised around on the coast roads.

9: know-how
explain: the ability to do something well
example: the computer industry has the know-how to build talking computers.

10: made inroads into
explain: to become more involved in or more successful in a particular area.
example: The new company has made inroads into the telcommnication market.

11: icon
explain: a respected or popular symbol of importance
example: Rock-and-roll musicians became cultural icons for many young people in the 1960s.

12: lifestyle:
explain: the ways in which someone lives life, including his or her job, recreation, and buying habits.
example: Because my friend travle a lot for her job, she has a busy lifestyle.

1 3: state-of-the-art
explain: using the newest amd most advanced techiniques.
example: The digital television incorporates state-of-the-art technology.

14: uncoventional
explain: unusual or going against what is normally acceptable
example: The bright green shoes that he wore to the wedding were very conventional.

1: It was a pleasure to meet with other Vento owners to discuss our cars.
when you aksed us to think about the car, the first feature we took consideration was the design.
We all quickly agreed that it made us feel nostalgic for a time in the past when we were younger.
It was easy for all of us to reach this consensus about our feeling toward his beautiful car.
I know people these days like things that remind them of the past, and the retro look the Vento is
appealing even to my daughter.

2: Recently, with the cyclical nature of fation, eveything from the 1960s seems to be repeating itself again and again.
There are many things, like bell-bottom pants, that I didn't want to see come back into again, but reviving the Vento
is a good idea. The Vento was the first sports car that was sold in the European market. That was back in 1960s.
The Ventro is respnsoble for setting it in motion. The high quailty(and the high price) of the Vento made it a 
luxury, but it was one that you coun't live without.

3: I used to drive my Vento to beach every day to impress my friends. Some days I would get into the car
and just start cruising, with no direction in mind. The way I lived in those days was unusual, and the Vento
reflected my unconventional image. It fit perfectly with my carefree lifestyle. This sport car represents
the fun that people my age had when they were growing up. It is an autootive icon for my age group.

4: I like the speed of my Vento. At the time it was first introduced, it had the newest technology of all sport
car. The Vento was equipped with a state-of-the-art engine. DiPrima built the best cars around 
because they really had the know-how to produce a powerful sports car. 
It is no surprise that the Vento   made inroads into the French market when I was young.
Everyone wanted one because we were all ready for a stylish car back then. 
If the admiring way people look at my old Vento is any indication, 
I think you will have a lot of success reestablishing this car.




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