Introduction to Gradient-Based Learning

Consider a cost function C which maps a parameter vector\theta to a scalarC(\theta) which we would like to minimize. In machine learning the cost function is typically the average or the expectation of a loss functional:

C(\theta) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n L(f_\theta, z_i)

(this is called the training loss) or

C(\theta) = \int L(f_\theta, z) P(z) dz

(this is called the generalization loss), where in supervised learning we havez=(x,y) andf_\theta(x) is a prediction ofy, indexed by the parameterstheta.

The Gradient

The gradient of the function C of a single scalar\theta is formally defined as follows:

\frac{\partial C(\theta)}{\partial \theta} = \lim_{\delta \theta \rightarrow 0}  \frac{C(\theta + \delta \theta) - C(\theta)}{\delta \theta}

Hence it is the variation \Delta C induced by a change\Delta \theta, when\Delta \theta is very small.

When \theta is a vector, the gradient\frac{\partial C(\theta)}{\partial \theta} is a vector with one element\frac{\partial C(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i} per\theta_i, where we consider the other parameters fixed, we only make the change\Delta \theta_i and we measure the resulting\Delta C. When\Delta \theta_i is small then\frac{\Delta C}{\Delta \theta_i} becomes\frac{\partial C(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i}.

Gradient Descent

We want to find a \theta that minimizesC(\theta). If we are able to solve

\frac{\partial C(\theta)}{\partial \theta} = 0

then we can find the minima (and maxima and saddle points), but in general we are not able to find the solutions of this equation, so we use numerical optimization methods. Most of these are based on the idea oflocal descent: iteratively modify \theta so as to decreaseC(\theta), until we cannot anymore, i.e., we have arrived at a local minimum (maybe global if we are lucky).

The simplest of all these gradient-based optimization techniques is gradient descent. There are many variants of gradient descent, so we define hereordinary gradient descent:

\theta^{k+1} = \theta^k - \epsilon_k    \frac{\partial C(\theta^k)}{\partial \theta^k}

where \theta^k represents our parameters at iterationk and\epsilon_k is a scalar that is called thelearning rate, which can either be chosen fixed, adaptive or according to a fixed decreasing schedule.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

We exploit the fact that C is an average, generally over i.i.d. (independently and identically distributed) examples, to make updates to \theta much more often, in the extreme (and most common) case after each example:

\theta^{k+1} = \theta^k - \epsilon_k    \frac{\partial L(\theta^k,z)}{\partial \theta^k}

where z is the next example from the training set, or the next example sampled from the training distribution, in theonline setting (where we have not a fixed-size training set but instead access to a stream of examples from the data generating process). Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a more general principle in which the update direction is a random variable whose expectations is the true gradient of interest. The convergence conditions of SGD are similar to those for gradient descent, in spite of the added randomness.

SGD can be much faster than ordinary (also called batch) gradient descent, because it makes updates much more often. This is especially true for large datasets, or in the online setting. In fact, in machine learning tasks, one only uses ordinary gradient descent instead of SGD when the function to minimize cannot be decomposed as above (as a mean).

Minibatch Stochastic Gradient Descent

This is a minor variation on SGD in which we obtain the update direction by taking the average over a small batch (minibatch) ofB examples (e.g. 10, 20 or 100). The main advantage is that instead of doingB Vector x Matrix products one can often do a Matrix x Matrix product where the first matrix hasB rows, and the latter can be implemented more efficiently (sometimes 2 to 10 times faster, depending on the sizes of the matrices).

Minibatch SGD has the advantage that it works with a slightly less noisy estimate of the gradient (more so asB increases). However, as the minibatch size increases, the number of updates done per computation done decreases (eventually it becomes very inefficient, like batch gradient descent). There is an optimal trade-off (in terms of computational efficiency) that may vary depending on the data distribution and the particulars of the class of function considered, as well as how computations are implemented (e.g. parallelism can make a difference).


Another variation that is similar in spirit to minibatch SGD is the use of so-called momentum: the idea is to compute on-the-fly (online) a moving average of the past gradients, and use this moving average instead of the current example’s gradient, in the update equation. The moving average is typically an exponentially decaying moving average, i.e.,

\Delta \theta^{k+1} = \alpha \Delta \theta^k + (1-\alpha) \frac{\partial L(\theta^k,z)}{\partial \theta^k}

where \alpha is a hyper-parameter that controls the how much weight is given in this average to older vs most recent gradients.

Choosing the Learning Rate Schedule

If the step size is too large – larger than twice the largest eigenvalue of the second derivative matrix (Hessian) ofC –, then gradient steps will go upward instead of downward. If the step size is too small, then convergence is slower.

The most common choices of learning rate schedule (\epsilon_k) are the following:

  • constant schedule, \epsilon_k = \epsilon_0: this is the most common choice. It in theory gives an exponentially larger weight to recent examples, and is particularly appropriate in a non-stationary environment, where the distribution may change. It is very robust but error will stop improving after a while, where a smaller learning rate could yield a more precise solution (approaching the minimum a bit more).

  • 1/k schedule:\epsilon_k = \epsilon_0 \frac{\tau}{\tau + k}.

    This schedule is guaranteed to reach asymptotic convergence (as k \rightarrow \infty) because it satisfies the following requirements:

    \sum_{k=1}^\infty \epsilon_k = \infty

    \sum_{k=1}^\infty \epsilon_k^2 < \infty

    and this is true for any \tau but\epsilon_0 must be small enough (to avoid divergence, where the error rises instead of decreasing

    A disadvantage is that an additional hyper-parameter \tau is introduced. Another is that in spite of its guarantees, a poor choice of \tau can yield very slow convergence.

Flow Graphs, Chain Rule and Backpropagation: Efficient Computation of the Gradient

Consider a function (in our case it is L(\theta,z)) of several arguments, and we wish to compute it as well as its derivative (gradient) w.r.t. some of its arguments. We will decompose the computation of the function in terms of elementary computations for which partial derivatives are easy to compute, forming aflow graph (as already discussed there). A flow graph is an acyclic graph where each node represents the result of a computation that is performed using the values associated with connected nodes of the graph. It has input nodes (with no predecessors) and output nodes (with no successors).

Each node of the flow graph is associated with a symbolic expression that defines how its value is computed in terms of the values of its children (the nodes from which it takes its input). We will focus on flow graphs for the purpose of efficiently computing gradients, so we will keep track of gradients with respect to a special output node (denotedL here to refer to a loss to be differentiated with respect to parameters, in our case). We will associate with each node

  • the node value
  • the symbolic expression that specifies how to compute the node value in terms of the value of its predecessors (children)
  • the partial derivative of L with respect to the node value
  • the symbolic expressions that specify to how compute the partial derivative of each node value with respect to the values of its predecessors.

Let L be the output scalar node of the flow graph, and consider an arbitrary nodeu whose parents (those nodesv_i taking the value computed atu as input). In addition to the valueu (abuse of notation) associated with nodeu, we will also associate with each nodeu a partial derivative\frac{\partial L}{\partial u}.

The chain rule for derivatives specifies how the partial derivative\frac{\partial L}{\partial u} for a nodeu can be obtainedrecursively from the partial derivatives \frac{\partial L}{\partial v_i} for its parentsv_i:

\frac{\partial L}{\partial u} = \sum_i \frac{\partial L}{\partial v_i} \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial u}

Note that \frac{\partial L}{\partial L} = 1 which starts the recursion at the root node of the graph (node that in general it is a graph, not a tree, because there may be multiple paths from a given node to the root – output – node). Note also that each\frac{\partial v_i}{\partial u} is an expression (and a corresponding value, when the inputs are given) that is associated with an arc of the graph (and each arc is associated with one such partial derivative).

Note how the gradient computations involved in this recipe go exactly in the opposite direction compared to those required to computeL. In fact we say that gradients areback-propagated, following the arcs backwards. The instantiation of this procedure for computing gradients in the case of feedforward multi-layer neural networks is called the**back-propagation algorithm**.

In the example already shown earlier, L=sin(a^2+b/a) and there are two paths froma toL.

This recipe gives us the following nice guarantee. If the computation of L is expressed withn computations expressed throughn nodes (and each node computation requires a constant computation time) andm arcs, then computing all the partial derivatives\frac{\partial L}{\partial u} requires (at most)O(m) computations, using the above recursion (in general, with a bounded in-degree, this is alsoO(n)). Furthermore, this is a lower bound, i.e., it is not possible to compute the gradients faster (up to an additive and multiplicative constant).

Note that there are many ways in which to compute these gradients, and whereas the above algorithm is the fastest one, it is easy to write down an apparently simple recursion that would instead be exponentially slower, e.g., inO(2^n). In general\frac{\partial L}{\partial u} can be written as a sum over all paths in the graph fromu toL of the products of the partial derivatives along each path.

An illustration of this is with a graph with the following structure:

x_t = f(x_{t-1}, y_{t-1})y_t = g(x_{t-1}, y_{t-1})

where there are n/2 such(x_t,y_t) pairs of node, ending withL=h(x_n,y_n) and with input nodesx_0 andy_0. The number of paths fromx_0 toL is2^{n-1}. Note by mental construction how the number of paths doubles as we increasen by 1.

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gradient-based neural dag learning(梯度优化的神经有向无环图学习)是一种用于构建和训练神经网络结构的方法。它通过学习网络的拓扑结构,即神经网络的连接方式和层次结构,来优化网络性能。 传统的神经网络结构通常是由人工设计的,而在gradient-based neural dag learning中,网络的结构可以通过梯度下降算法进行优化。该方法的核心思想是在训练过程中不仅学习网络的权重参数,还学习网络的拓扑结构。 在gradient-based neural dag learning中,网络的结构可以表示为有向无环图(DAG),图中的节点表示网络中的层或操作,边表示连接。我们可以用一组变量来表示每个节点的状态和连接关系,通过优化这些变量,实现网络结构的优化。 具体地,gradient-based neural dag learning通过计算网络中每个操作或层对目标函数的梯度来优化变量。在梯度下降的过程中,网络的结构随着反向传播算法的迭代而逐渐优化。这种方法可以使得网络自动完成结构的搜索和选择,提高了网络的表达能力和性能。 由于gradient-based neural dag learning可以自动进行网络结构的学习和优化,它可以减轻人工设计网络结构的负担,并且在处理复杂任务时能够获得更好的性能。然而,由于网络结构的搜索空间非常大,优化过程可能会很复杂,需要大量的计算资源和时间。 总之,gradient-based neural dag learning是一种通过梯度下降优化网络结构的方法,能够自动学习和优化神经网络的拓扑结构,提高网络性能。这种方法在深度学习领域有着广泛的应用潜力,并且为网络的设计和训练带来了新的思路和方法。


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