
Vocabulary List:

  • stinky
  • underlying
  • generosity
  • overwhelming
  • iconic
  • iconic
  • idiomatic
  • unease
  • strip
  • prostitution
  • allegory
  • undertone
  • heartfelt
  • berate
  • epic
  • widget
  • supreme
  • appealing
  • exceptional
  • arduous
  • top-notch



Avoid the temptation to say, "poop smells bad because it's so stinky." 避免这样回答“大便闻起来不好是因为它很臭。”
 ADJ If something is stinky, it smells extremely unpleasant. 发恶臭的


To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes. 要解决问题,你得了解其潜在原因。
the underlying rock formation 地表下的岩石结构
 ADJ The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them. 潜在的
ADJ You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else. 在下面的


We were amazed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我们喜出望外。
His generosity shamed them all. 他的大度使他们都感到羞愧。
 N-UNCOUNT If you refer to someone's generosity, you mean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more than is usual or expected. 慷慨


They had overwhelming public support to prosecute the war. 绝大多数民众支持他们继续进行这场战争。
an overwhelming sense of loss 莫大的失落感
overwhelming majority 压倒的多数压倒多数
very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide how to react 巨大的;压倒性的;无法抗拒的


The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status. 这些广告帮助耐克公司成就了偶像地位。
 ADJ An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something. 偶像的; 图符的; 象征性的


She speaks fluent and idiomatic English. 她讲一口流利地道的英语。
Every code base has idiomatic patterns; you just have to learn to see them and act. 每个代码库都有惯用模式。您必须学会发现它们并采取行动。
 ADJ Idiomatic language uses words in a way that sounds natural to native speakers of the language. 符合母语习惯用法的; 地道的


A feeling of unease nagged at her. 一种不安的感觉一直困扰着她。
He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war. 他面对着民主党人对战争可能性的日益增加的不安。
• a deep feeling/sense of unease 深刻的忧虑感╱忧患意识( also un·easi·ness /ʌnˈiːzinəs/ ) [ Using. ] the feeling of being worried or unhappy about sth 不安;忧虑;挂念


The islands are separated by a narrow strip of water. 岛屿之间一衣带水。
They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again. 他们教我们拆卸、安装汽车引擎。
All 23 of them were strip-searched for drugs. 他们23个人均被脱衣搜查,看是否藏毒。
I stripped and washed myself all over. 我脱掉衣服,把全身洗了洗。
 ~ sth (off)~ (down to sth)~ sb (to sth) to take off all or most of your clothes or another person's clothes 脱光衣服;脱掉大部分衣服;扒光…的衣服
[ VN ] ~ sth (off)~ A (off/from B)/~ B (of A) to remove a layer from sth, especially so that it is completely exposed 除去,剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光
~ sth (out) to remove all the things from a place and leave it empty 从(某处)拿走所有东西;使(某处)空无一物
[ VN ] ~ sth (down) to separate a machine, etc. into parts so that they can be cleaned or repaired 拆卸;拆开
[ VN ] ~ sb of sth to take away property or honours from sb, as a punishment 剥夺;褫夺


Her article lifts the lid on child prostitution. 她的文章揭露了儿童卖淫的丑闻。
She eventually drifted into prostitution. 她最终沦落风尘。
 the work of a prostitute 卖淫;为娼;当男妓
~ of sth ( formal ) the use of your abilities on sth of little value 才能的滥用(或糟蹋)


The poem's comic allegory was transparent.
 a story, play, picture, etc. in which each character or event is a symbol representing an idea or a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc.; the use of such symbols 寓言;讽喻;寓言体;讽喻法


• His soft words contained an undertone of warning. 他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。
in undertone 小声地~ (of sth) a feeling, quality or meaning that is not expressed directly but is still noticeable from what sb says or does 蕴涵的感情(或特质、意思);寓意;弦外之音


Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war.
• a heartfelt apology/plea/sigh 真切的道歉╱恳求╱叹息
• heartfelt sympathy/thanks 由衷的同情╱感谢
[ usually before noun ] showing strong feelings that are sincere 衷心的;真诚的


She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.
 V-T If you berate someone, you speak to them angrily about something they have done wrong. 严责


...Columbus's epic voyage of discovery. …哥伦布的伟大发现之旅。
There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic. 通过其诸多与众不同的特点,你可以识别出好莱坞的史诗影片。
 [ CU ] a long poem about the actions of great men and women or about a nation's history; this style of poetry 叙事诗;史诗
[ C ] a long film/movie or book that contains a lot of action, usually about a historical subject 史诗般的电影(或书籍)
[ C ] ( sometimes humorous ) a long and difficult job or activity that you think people should admire 壮举;惊人之举


So, how do you define widget tests? 那么,怎样定义小部件测试呢?
The secret is a little widget in the can. 奥秘就在于罐中的一个小装置。
 N-COUNT You can refer to any small device as a widget when you do not know exactly what it is or how it works. 小装置


The verdict was overruled by the Supreme Court. 最高法院驳回了那个裁决。
The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power. 副总统现在必须承担起最高权力的重任。
 highest in rank or position (级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的
very great or the greatest in degree (程度)很大的,最大的


There was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing. 他所做的带有一种我发现很迷人的幽默感。
She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice. 她向他投去一种会融化坚冰的温柔恳求的表情。
 attractive or interesting 有吸引力的;有感染力的;令人感兴趣的
showing that you want people to help you or to show you pity or sympathy 恳求的;可怜的;希望同情的


At the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a musician. 他五岁时就表现出非凡的音乐才能。
This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances. 只有在特殊情况下才会延长最后期限。
 unusually good 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的
very unusual 异常的;特别的;罕见的


We must have patience in doing arduous work. 我们做艰苦的工作要有耐性。
 involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time 艰苦的;艰难的


I always love visiting top-notch research institutions and universities, because I'll learn so much. 我一直很喜欢参观一流的研究机构,和大学,因为我会学到很多东西。
 ( informal ) excellent; of the highest quality 最好的;卓越的;第一流的
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