[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(006)

Identifier Resolution Performance  标识符识别性能


    Identifier resolution isn't free, as in fact no computer operation really is without some sort of performance overhead. The deeper into the execution context's scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it is to access for both reads and writes. Consequently, local variables are always the fastest to access inside of a function, whereas global variables will generally be the slowest (optimizing JavaScript engines are capable of tuning this in certain situations). Keep in mind that global variables always exist in the last variable object of the execution context's scope chain, so they are always the furthest away to resolve. Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show the speed of identifier resolution based on their depth in the scope chain. A depth of 1 indicates a local variable.



Figure 2-4. Identifier resolution for write operations

图2-4  写操作的标识符识别速度

Figure 2-5. Identifier resolution for read operations

图2-5  读操作的标识符识别速度


    The general trend across all browsers is that the deeper into the scope chain an identifier exists, the slower it will be read from or written to. Browsers with optimizing JavaScript engines, such as Chrome and Safari 4, don't have this sort of performance penalty for accessing out-of-scope identifiers, whereas Internet Explorer, Safari 3.2, and others show a more drastic effect. It's worth noting that earlier browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2, had incredibly steep slopes and would not even appear within the bounds of this graph at the high point if their data had been included.

    总的趋势是,对所有浏览器来说,一个标识符所处的位置越深,读写它的速度就越慢。采用优化的JavaScript引擎的浏览器,如Safari 4,访问域外标识符时没有这种性能损失,而Internet Explorer,Safari 3.2,和其他浏览器则有较大幅度的影响。值得注意的是,早期浏览器如Internet Explorer 6和Firefox 2,有令人难以置信的陡峭斜坡,如果此图包含它们的数据,曲线高点将超出图表边界。


    Given this information, it's advisable to use local variables whenever possible to improve performance in browsers without optimizing JavaScript engines. A good rule of thumb is to always store out-of-scope values in local variables if they are used more than once within a function. Consider the following example:



function initUI(){
  var bd = document.body,
  links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"),
  i = 0,
  len = links.length;
  while(i < len){
  document.getElementById("go-btn").onclick = function(){
  bd.className = "active";


    This function contains three references to document, which is a global object. The search for this variable must go all the way through the scope chain before finally being resolved in the global variable object. You can mitigate the performance impact of repeated global variable access by first storing the reference in a local variable and then using the local variable instead of the global. For example, the previous code can be rewritten as follows:



function initUI(){
  var doc = document,
  bd = doc.body,
  links = doc.getElementsByTagName("a"),
  i = 0,
  len = links.length;
  while(i < len){
  doc.getElementById("go-btn").onclick = function(){
  bd.className = "active";


    The updated version of initUI() first stores a reference to document in the local doc variable. Instead of accessing a global variables three times, that number is cut down to one. Accessing doc instead of document is faster because it's a local variable. Of course, this simplistic function won't show a huge performance improvement, because it's not doing that much, but imagine larger functions with dozens of global variables being accessed repeatedly; that is where the more impressive performance improvements will be found.



Scope Chain Augmentation  改变作用域链


    Generally speaking, an execution context's scope chain doesn't change. There are, however, two statements that temporarily augment the execution context's scope chain while it is being executed. The first of these is with.



    The with statement is used to create variables for all of an object's properties. This mimics other languages with similar features and is usually seen as a convenience to avoid writing the same code repeatedly. The initUI() function can be written as the following:



function initUI(){
  with (document){ //avoid!
    var bd = body,
    links = getElementsByTagName("a"),
    i = 0,
    len = links.length;
    while(i < len){
    getElementById("go-btn").onclick = function(){
    bd.className = "active";


    This rewritten version of initUI() uses a with statement to avoid writing document elsewhere. Though this may seem more efficient, it actually creates a performance problem.



    When code execution flows into a with statement, the execution context's scope chain is temporarily augmented. A new variable object is created containing all of the properties of the specified object. That object is then pushed to the front of the scope chain, meaning that all of the function's local variables are now in the second scope chain object and are therefore more expensive to access (see Figure 2-6).


Figure 2-6. Augmented scope chain in a with statement

图2-6  with表达式改变作用域链


    By passing the document object into the with statement, a new variable object containing all of the document object's properties is pushed to the front of the scope chain. This makes it very fast to access document properties but slower to access the local variables such as bd. For this reason, it's best to avoid using the with statement. As shown previously, it's just as easy to store document in a local variable and get the performance improvement that way.



    The with statement isn't the only part of JavaScript that artificially augments the execution context's scope chain; the catch clause of the try-catch statement has the same effect. When an error occurs in the try block, execution automatically flows to the catch and the exception object is pushed into a variable object that is then placed at the front of the scope chain. Inside of the catch block, all variables local to the function are now in the second scope chain object. For example:



try {
} catch (ex){
  alert(ex.message); //scope chain is augmented here


    Note that as soon as the catch clause is finished executing, the scope chain returns to its previous state.



    The try-catch statement is very useful when applied appropriately, and so it doesn't make sense to suggest complete avoidance. If you do plan on using a try-catch, make sure that you understand the likelihood of error. A try-catch should never be used as the solution to a JavaScript error. If you know an error will occur frequently, then that indicates a problem with the code itself that should be fixed.



    You can minimize the performance impact of the catch clause by executing as little code as necessary within it. A good pattern is to have a method for handling errors that the catch clause can delegate to, as in this example:



try {
} catch (ex){
  handleError(ex); //delegate to handler method


    Here a handleError() method is the only code that is executed in the catch clause. This method is free to handle the error in an appropriate way and is passed the exception object generated from the error. Since there is just one statement executed and no local variables accessed, the temporary scope chain augmentation does not affect the performance of the code.






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