[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(008)

Nested Members  嵌套成员


    Since object members may contain other members, it's not uncommon to see patterns such as window.location.href in JavaScript code. These nested members cause the JavaScript engine to go through the object member resolution process each time a dot is encountered. Figure 2-12 shows the relationship between object member depth and time to access.


Figure 2-12. Access time related to property depth

图2-12  访问时间与属性深度的关系


    It should come as no surprise, then, that the deeper the nested member, the slower the data is accessed. Evaluating location.href is always faster than window.location.href, which is faster than window.location.href.toString(). If these properties aren't on the object instances, then member resolution will take longer as the prototype chain is searched at each point.



Caching Object Member Values  缓存对象成员的值


    With all of the performance issues related to object members, it's easy to believe that they should be avoided whenever possible. To be more accurate, you should be careful to use object member only when necessary. For instance, there's no reason to read the value of an object member more than once in a single function:



function hasEitherClass(element, className1, className2){
  return element.className == className1 || element.className == className2;

    In this code, element.className is accessed twice. Clearly this value isn't going to change during the course of the function, yet there are still two object member lookups performed. You can eliminate one property lookup by storing the value in a local variable and using that instead:



function hasEitherClass(element, className1, className2){
  var currentClassName = element.className;
  return currentClassName == className1 || currentClassName == className2;

    This rewritten version of the function limits the number of member lookups to one. Since both member lookups were reading the property's value, it makes sense to read the value once and store it in a local variable. That local variable then is much faster to access.



    Generally speaking, if you're going to read an object property more than one time in a function, it's best to store that property value in a local variable. The local variable can then be used in place of the property to avoid the performance overhead of another property lookup. This is especially important when dealing with nested object members that have a more dramatic effect on execution speed.



    JavaScript namespacing, such as the technique used in YUI, is a source of frequently accessed nested properties. For example:



function toggle(element){
  if (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(element, "selected")){
    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(element, "selected");
    return false;
  } else {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(element, "selected");
    return true;

    This code repeats YAHOO.util.Dom three times to access three different methods. For each method there are three member lookups, for a total of nine, making this code quite inefficient. A better approach is to store YAHOO.util.Dom in a local variable and then access that local variable:



function toggle(element){
  var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
  if (Dom.hasClass(element, "selected")){
    Dom.removeClass(element, "selected");
    return false;
  } else {
    Dom.addClass(element, "selected");
    return true;

    The total number of member lookups in this code has been reduced from nine to five. You should never look up an object member more than once within a single function, unless the value may have changed.



Summary  总结


    Where you store and access data in JavaScript can have a measurable impact on the overall performance of your code. There are four places to access data from: literal values, variables, array items, and object members. These locations all have different performance considerations.



• Literal values and local variables can be accessed very quickly, whereas array items and object members take longer.


• Local variables are faster to access than out-of-scope variables because they exist in the first variable object of the scope chain. The further into the scope chain a variable is, the longer it takes to access. Global variables are always the slowest to access because they are always last in the scope chain.


• Avoid the with statement because it augments the execution context scope chain. Also, be careful with the catch clause of a try-catch statement because it has the same effect.


• Nested object members incur significant performance impact and should be minimized.


• The deeper into the prototype chain that a property or method exists, the slower it is to access.


• Generally speaking, you can improve the performance of JavaScript code by storing frequently used object members, array items, and out-of-scope variables in local variables. You can then access the local variables faster than the originals.




    By using these strategies, you can greatly improve the perceived performance of a web application that requires a large amount of JavaScript code.


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