[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(020)

Yielding with Timers  用定时器让出时间片


    Despite your best efforts, there will be times when a JavaScript task cannot be completed in 100 milliseconds or less because of its complexity. In these cases, it's ideal to yield control of the UI thread so that UI updates may occur. Yielding control means stopping JavaScript execution and giving the UI a chance to update itself before continuing to execute the JavaScript. This is where JavaScript timers come into the picture.



Timer Basics  定时器基础


    Timers are created in JavaScript using either setTimeout() or setInterval(), and both accept the same arguments: a function to execute and the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before executing it. The setTimeout() function creates a timer that executes just once, whereas the setInterval() function creates a timer that repeats periodically.



    The way that timers interact with the UI thread is helpful for breaking up long-running scripts into shorter segments. Calling setTimeout() or setInterval() tells the JavaScript engine to wait a certain amount of time and then add a JavaScript task to the UI queue. For example:



function greeting(){
  alert("Hello world!");
setTimeout(greeting, 250);

    This code inserts a JavaScript task to execute the greeting() function into the UI queue after 250 milliseconds have passed. Prior to that point, all other UI updates and JavaScript tasks are executed. Keep in mind that the second argument indicates when the task should be added to the UI queue, which is not necessarily the time that it will be executed; the task must wait until all other tasks already in the queue are executed, just like any other task. Consider the following:



var button = document.getElementById("my-button");
button.onclick = function(){
    document.getElementById("notice").style.color = "red";
  }, 250);

    When the button in this example is clicked, it calls a method and then sets a timer. The code to change the notice element's color is contained in a timer set to be queued in 250 milliseconds. That 250 milliseconds starts from the time at which setTimeout() is called, not when the overall function has finished executing. So if setTimeout() is called at a point in time n, then the JavaScript task to execute the timer code is added to the UI queue at n + 250. Figure 6-3 shows this relationship when the button in this example is clicked.


Figure 6-3. The second argument of setTimeout() indicates when the new JavaScript task should be
inserted into the UI queue

图6-3  setTimeout()的第二个参数指出何时将新的JavaScript任务插入到UI队列中


    Keep in mind that the timer code can never be executed until after the function in which it was created is completely executed. For example, if the previous code is changed such that the timer delay is smaller and there is another function call after the timer is created, it's possible that the timer code will be queued before the onclick event handler has finished executing:



var button = document.getElementById("my-button");
button.onclick = function(){
    document.getElementById("notice").style.color = "red";
  }, 50);

    If anotherMethod() takes longer than 50 milliseconds to execute, then the timer code is added to the queue before the onclick handler is finished. The effect is that the timer code executes almost immediately after the onclick handler has executed completely, without a noticeable delay. Figure 6-4 illustrates this situation.



    In either case, creating a timer creates a pause in the UI thread as it switches from one task to the next. Consequently, timer code resets all of the relevant browser limits, including the long-running script timer. Further, the call stack is reset to zero inside of the timer code. These characteristics make timers the ideal cross-browser solution for long-running JavaScript code.


Figure 6-4. There may be no noticeable delay in timer code execution if the function in which
setTimeout() is called takes longer to execute than the timer delay

图6-4  如果调用setTimeout()的函数又调用了其他任务,耗时超过定时器延时,定时器代码将立即被执行,它与主调函数之间没有可察觉的延迟


Timer Precision  定时器精度


    JavaScript timer delays are often imprecise, with slips of a few milliseconds in either direction. Just because you specify 250 milliseconds as the timer delay doesn't necessarily mean the task is queued exactly 250 milliseconds after setTimeout() is called. All browsers make an attempt to be as accurate as possible, but oftentimes a slip of a few milliseconds in either direction occurs. For this reason, timers are unreliable for measuring actual time passed.



    Timer resolution on Windows systems is 15 milliseconds, meaning that it will interpret a timer delay of 15 as either 0 or 15, depending on when the system time was last updated. Setting timer delays of less than 15 can cause browser locking in Internet Explorer, so the smallest recommended delay is 25 milliseconds (which will end up as either 15 or 30) to ensure a delay of at least 15 milliseconds.

    在Windows系统上定时器分辨率为15毫秒,也就是说一个值为15的定时器延时将根据最后一次系统时间刷新而转换为0或者15。设置定时器延时小于15将在Internet Explorer中导致浏览器锁定,所以最小值建议为25毫秒(实际时间是15或30)以确保至少15毫秒延迟。


    This minimum timer delay also helps to avoid timer resolution issues in other browsers and on other systems. Most browsers show some variance in timer delays when dealing with 10 milliseconds or smaller.



Array Processing with Timers  在数组处理中使用定时器


    One common cause of long-running scripts is loops that take too long to execute. If you've already tried the loop optimization techniques presented in Chapter 4 but haven't been able to reduce the execution time enough, then timers are your next optimization step. The basic approach is to split up the loop's work into a series of timers.



    Typical loops follow a simple pattern, such as:



for (var i=0, len=items.length; i < len; i++){

    Loops with this structure can take too long to execute due to the complexity of process(), the size of items, or both. In my book Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, Second Edition (Wrox 2009), I lay out the two determining factors for whether a loop can be done asynchronously using timers:

    这样的循环结构运行时间过长的原因有二,process()的复杂度,items的大小,或两者兼有。在我的藏书《Professional JavaScript for Web Developers》第二版(Wrox 2009)中,列举了是否可用定时器取代循环的两个决定性因素:


• Does the processing have to be done synchronously?


• Does the data have to be processed sequentially?



    If the answer to both of these questions is "no," then the code is a good candidate for using timers to split up the work. A basic pattern for asynchronous code execution is:



var todo = items.concat(); //create a clone of the original
  //get next item in the array and process it
  //if there's more items to process, create another timer
  if(todo.length > 0){
    setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
  } else {
}, 25);

    The basic idea of this pattern is to create a clone of the original array and use that as a queue of items to process. The first call to setTimeout() creates a timer to process the first item in the array. Calling todo.shift() returns the first item and also removes it from the array. This value is passed into process(). After processing the item, a check is made to determine whether there are more items to process. If there are still items in the todo array, there are more items to process and another timer is created. Because the next timer needs to run the same code as the original, arguments.callee is passed in as the first argument. This value points to the anonymous function in which the code is executing. If there are no further items to process, then a callback() function is called.



    Because this pattern requires significantly more code that a regular loop, it's useful to encapsulate this functionality. For example:



function processArray(items, process, callback){
  var todo = items.concat(); //create a clone of the original
    if (todo.length > 0){
      setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
    } else {
  }, 25);

    The processArray() function implements the previous pattern in a reusable way and accepts three arguments: the array to process, the function to call on each item, and a callback function to execute when processing is complete. This function can be used as follows:



var items = [123, 789, 323, 778, 232, 654, 219, 543, 321, 160];
function outputValue(value){
processArray(items, outputValue, function(){

    This code uses the processArray() method to output array values to the console and then prints a message when all processing is complete. By encapsulating the timer code inside of a function, it can be reused in multiple places without requiring multiple implementations.


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