

QoQ(quarter over quarter):季营收成长(衰退)率 是指今年该季的营收金额与上一季或去年同一季的营收金额的成长(衰退)百分比率

billion=10亿=1000,000,000 ;million=100万=1000,000

YoY:Year over Year ,意为同去年同期相比。YoY(Year-on-year percentage),是指当期的数据较去年同期变动多少。例如,甲公司今年11月营收115亿元,去年11营收为100亿元,则营收YoY为15%。

YoY (Year-over-Year) figures report the changes in a year’s worth of data, in comparison with the previous year. YoY incorporates more data and thus is able to give a better long-term picture of the underlying report figure.


an abbreviation for year-over-year or year-on-year, meaning "in comparison with the same period last year."
abbreviation美: [əˌbriviˈeɪʃ(ə)n]英: [əˌbriːviˈeɪʃ(ə)n],n.缩写;【数学】约分;【音乐】
Mom: 是月度比较,Month-over-Month,比如 (8月-7月)/7月  *%



例:Although CPI was slightly softer than expected at 0. 6% QoQ in Q3, the AUD took the news badly.


QQ图(quantile—quantile)美: ['kwɒntaɪl] 英:分位数。


In statistics, a Q–Q plot[1] ("Q" stands for quantile) is a probability plot, which is a graphical method for comparing two probability distributions by plotting their quantiles against each other. First, the set of intervals for the quantiles is chosen. A point (xy) on the plot corresponds to one of the quantiles of the second distribution (y-coordinate) plotted against the same quantile of the first distribution (x-coordinate). Thus the line is a parametric curve with the parameter which is the (number of the) interval for the quantile.

If the two distributions being compared are similar, the points in the Q–Q plot will approximately lie on the line y = x. If the distributions are linearly related, the points in the Q–Q plot will approximately lie on a line, but not necessarily on the line y = x. Q–Q plots can also be used as a graphical means of estimating parameters in a location-scale family of distributions.

是一种散点图,对应于正态分布的QQ图,就是由标准正态分布的分位数为横坐标,样本值为纵坐标的散点图. 要利用QQ图鉴别样本数据是否近似于正态分布,只需看QQ图上的点是否近似地在一条直线附近,而且该直线的斜率为标准差,截距为均值. 用QQ图还可获得样本偏度和峰度的粗略信息。

Q-Q P-P图是根据变量的累积比例与指定分布的累积比例之间的关系所绘制的图形。通过P-P图可以检验数据是否符合指定的分布。当数据符合指定分布时,P-P图中各点近似呈一条直线。如果P-P图中各点不呈直线,但有一定规律,可以对变量数据进行转换,使转换后的数据更接近指定分布。 Q-Q图同样可以用于检验数据的分布,所不同的是,Q-Q图是用变量数据分布的分位数与所指定分布的分位数之间的关系曲线来进行检验的。图




how to interpret the Q-Q plot:



The QQ plot shows the expected distribution of association test statistics (X-axis) across the million SNPs compared to the observed values (Y-axis). Any deviation from the X=Y line implies a consistent difference between cases and controls across the whole genome (suggesting a bias like the ones I’ve mentioned). A clean QQ plot (see below), on the other hand, should show a solid line matching X=Y until it sharply curves at the end (representing the small number of true associations among thousands of unassociated SNPs). The blue points in this figure show what’s left after removing the validated associations, which shows that most of that tail was, in fact, due to true disease variants, but also that more interesting results might still be lurking in the data.

The QQ plot is a graphical representation of the deviation of the observed P values from the null hypothesis: the observed P values for each SNP are sorted from largest to smallest and plotted against expected values from a theoretical χ2-distribution. If the observed values correspond to the expected values, all points are on or near the middle line between the x-axis and the y-axis (null hypothesis: light gray line in Fig. 2b and c). If some observed P values are clearly more significant than expected under the null hypothesis, points will move towards the y-axis, as shown in Figure 2b. If there is an early separation of the expected from the observed (Fig. 2c), this means that many moderately significant Pvalues are more significant than expected under the null hypothesis. This result is rarely due to thousands of true positives; more often, it is due to population stratification: systematic differences in allele frequencies between subpopulations of the collection of individuals investigated, so that a large number of P values are smaller than expected from chance alone.

可用的检验分布包括:beta、卡方、指数、gamma、半正态、Laplace、Logistic、Lognormal、正态、排列、Student's t、Weibull 和均匀分布。根据选定的分布,您可以指定自由度及其它参数。

•  您可获取转换值的概率图。转换选项包括自然对数、标准化值、差分和季节性差分。

•  您可指定计算期望分布,以及求解“连结”(对相同值有多个观察结果)的方法。


P-P 图

By P-P plot we meant Probability-Probability plot or Percentage-Percentage plot used in SPSS research. It is a probability plot which is used for assign how closely the two data sets located. For creating this plot two cumulative distribution of the required data sets are needed. It is useful to compare within the two probability distributions which can be locate near or far from each other. This plot has limited use in comparing two variables rather than use in explaining theoretical model. Additionally, as a graphical adjunct of the fit of probability distributions, this P-P plot can be used in SPSS research.


可用的检验分布包括:beta、卡方、指数、gamma、半正态、Laplace、Logistic、Lognormal、正态、排列、Student's t、Weibull 和均匀分布。根据选定的分布,您可以指定自由度及其它参数。

•  您可获取转换值的概率图。转换选项包括自然对数、标准化值、差分和季节性差分。

•  您可指定计算期望分布,以及求解“连结”(对相同值有多个观察结果)的方法。

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