facet normal 5.223066e-02 -1.736872e-01 9.834148e-01
outer loop
vertex 3.002048e+02 9.027633e+01 1.639474e+02
vertex 2.440949e+02 8.656459e+01 1.662719e+02
vertex 2.513544e+02 6.242381e+01 1.616227e+02
Class MergeNodeTool用于合并相同的点
//! @param[in] theSmoothAngle smooth angle in radians or 0.0 to disable merging by angle
//! @param[in] theMergeTolerance node merging maximum distance
//! @param[in] theNbFacets estimated number of facets for map preallocation
Standard_EXPORT Poly_MergeNodesTool (const double theSmoothAngle,
const double theMergeTolerance = 0.0,
const int theNbFacets = -1);
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) myPolyData; //!< output triangulation
MergedNodesMap myNodeIndexMap; //!< map of merged nodes
NCollection_Map<NCollection_Vec4<int>, MergedElemHasher>
myElemMap; //!< map of elements
NCollection_Vec4<int> myNodeInds; //!< current element indexes
NCollection_Vec3<float> myTriNormal; //!< current triangle normal
gp_XYZ myPlaces[4]; //!< current triangle/quad coordinates to push
Standard_Real myUnitFactor; //!< scale factor to apply
Standard_Integer myNbNodes; //!< number of output nodes
Standard_Integer myNbElems; //!< number of output elements
Standard_Integer myNbDegenElems; //!< number of degenerated elements
Standard_Integer myNbMergedElems; //!< number of merged elements
Standard_Boolean myToDropDegenerative; //!< flag to filter our degenerate elements
Standard_Boolean myToMergeElems; //!< flag to merge elements
在vec3AreEqual中使用两种评判标准,如果myInvTol <= 0 则不启用可容忍的误差来判断两点是否相等,仅当点完全一致时为相同顶点,另一种就是加入了可以容忍的误差,当点足够近的时候,也判断为相同的节点(注:代码中的myInvTol = 1.0/可容忍的误差值,避免因为太小而被判断为 == 0.0 导致没有加入可容忍的误差值)
// =======================================================================
inline bool Poly_MergeNodesTool::MergedNodesMap::vec3AreEqual (const NCollection_Vec3<float>& theKey1,
const NCollection_Vec3<float>& theKey2) const
if (myInvTol <= 0.0f)
//! 如果myInvTol <= 0 则不启用可容忍的误差来判断两点是否相等,仅当点完全一致时为相同.
//bool IsEqual (const NCollection_Vec3& theOther) const
//return v[0] == theOther.v[0]
//&& v[1] == theOther.v[1]
//&& v[2] == theOther.v[2];
//调用了NCollection中的IsEqual方法 对比每一个值来判断是否相等
return theKey1.IsEqual (theKey2);
/// tolerance should be smaller than triangle size to avoid artifacts
//const CellVec3i anIndex1 = vec3ToCell (theKey1);
//const CellVec3i anIndex2 = vec3ToCell (theKey2);
//return anIndex1.IsEqual (anIndex2);
float aVal = theKey1.x() - theKey2.x();
if (aVal < 0) { aVal = -aVal; }
if (aVal > myTolerance) { return false; }
aVal = theKey1.y() - theKey2.y();
if (aVal < 0) { aVal = -aVal; }
if (aVal > myTolerance) { return false; }
aVal = theKey1.z() - theKey2.z();
if (aVal < 0) { aVal = -aVal; }
if (aVal > myTolerance) { return false; }
return true;
当aCosinus <= -myAngleCos时,如果设定了myToMergeOpposite = true(允许合并具有相反方向法线的节点) 则合并。
// =======================================================================
// function : MergedNodesMap::isEqual
// purpose :
// =======================================================================
inline bool Poly_MergeNodesTool::MergedNodesMap::isEqual (const Vec3AndNormal& theKey1,
const NCollection_Vec3<float>& thePos2,
const NCollection_Vec3<float>& theNorm2,
bool& theIsOpposite) const
if (!vec3AreEqual (theKey1.Pos, thePos2))
return false;
const float aCosinus = theKey1.Norm.Dot (theNorm2);
if (aCosinus >= myAngleCos)
//theIsOpposite = false;
return true;
else if (myToMergeOpposite
&& aCosinus <= -myAngleCos)
theIsOpposite = true;
return true;
return false;
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) Poly_MergeNodesTool::MergeNodes (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& theTris,
const gp_Trsf& theTrsf,
const Standard_Boolean theToReverse,
const double theSmoothAngle,
const double theMergeTolerance,
const bool theToForce)
if (theTris.IsNull()
|| theTris->NbNodes() < 3
|| theTris->NbTriangles() < 1)
return Handle(Poly_Triangulation)();
Poly_MergeNodesTool aMergeTool (theSmoothAngle, theMergeTolerance, theTris->NbTriangles());
aMergeTool.AddTriangulation (theTris, theTrsf, theToReverse);
//theToForce为true的时候代表强制放回新的Poly_Triangulation,即便点的数量和面的数量没有改变 (没有发生合并)
if (!theToForce
&& aMergeTool.NbNodes() == theTris->NbNodes()
&& aMergeTool.NbElements() == theTris->NbTriangles())
return Handle(Poly_Triangulation)();
return aMergeTool.Result();
void Poly_MergeNodesTool::AddTriangulation (const Handle(Poly_Triangulation)& theTris,
const gp_Trsf& theTrsf,
const Standard_Boolean theToReverse)
if (theTris.IsNull())
if (!myPolyData.IsNull()
&& myPolyData->NbNodes() == 0)
// 提前分配好空间
myPolyData->SetDoublePrecision (theTris->IsDoublePrecision());
myPolyData->ResizeNodes (theTris->NbNodes(), false);
myPolyData->ResizeTriangles (theTris->NbTriangles(), false);
for (int anElemIter = 1; anElemIter <= theTris->NbTriangles(); ++anElemIter)
//Poly_Triangle中含有一个int mynodes[3]用来存放三个点的下标
Poly_Triangle anElem = theTris->Triangle (anElemIter);
if (theToReverse)
anElem = Poly_Triangle (anElem.Value (1), anElem.Value (3), anElem.Value (2));
for (int aTriNodeIter = 0; aTriNodeIter < 3; ++aTriNodeIter)
const gp_Pnt aNode = theTris->Node (anElem.Value (aTriNodeIter + 1)).Transformed (theTrsf);
myPlaces[aTriNodeIter] = aNode.XYZ();
- 调用PushLastElement (3);
- 判断点的数量是否合法
- 判断是否设置了可容忍的误差(Angle和Tolerance)
3.1. 如果开启了,判断是否可以跳过角度检查(angle接近90度 ),如果不能跳过,则计算三角形的法向量并保存。调用pushNodeCheck方法对每一个点进行检查,查找在哈希表中是否存在相同或者相近的顶点,如果存在则直接放回index值,如果不存在则需要新增顶点,保存在哈希表和myPolyData中。
3.2. 如果没有开启,则直接调用pushNodeNoMerge对每个点进行插入,不进行去重操作。 - 其他一些选项的检查
- 在myPolyData中新增三角面
void Poly_MergeNodesTool::PushLastElement (int theNbNodes)
if (theNbNodes != 3
&& theNbNodes != 4)
throw Standard_ProgramError ("Poly_MergeNodesTool::PushLastElement() - Internal error");
bool isOpposite = false;
myNodeInds[3] = -1;
if (myNodeIndexMap.HasMergeAngle()
|| myNodeIndexMap.HasMergeTolerance())
if (!myNodeIndexMap.ToMergeAnyAngle())
myTriNormal = computeTriNormal();
pushNodeCheck (isOpposite, 0);
pushNodeCheck (isOpposite, 1);
pushNodeCheck (isOpposite, 2);
if (theNbNodes == 4)
pushNodeCheck (isOpposite, 3);
pushNodeNoMerge (0);
pushNodeNoMerge (1);
pushNodeNoMerge (2);
if (theNbNodes == 4)
pushNodeNoMerge (3);
if (myToDropDegenerative)
// warning - removing degenerate elements may produce unused nodes
if (myNodeInds[0] == myNodeInds[1]
|| myNodeInds[0] == myNodeInds[2]
|| myNodeInds[1] == myNodeInds[2])
if (theNbNodes == 4)
if (myToMergeElems)
NCollection_Vec4<int> aSorted = myNodeInds;
std::sort (aSorted.ChangeData(), aSorted.ChangeData() + theNbNodes);
if (!myElemMap.Add (aSorted))
if (!myPolyData.IsNull())
if (myPolyData->NbTriangles() < myNbElems)
myPolyData->ResizeTriangles (myNbElems * 2, true);
myPolyData->SetTriangle (myNbElems, Poly_Triangle (myNodeInds[0] + 1, myNodeInds[1] + 1, myNodeInds[2] + 1));
if (theNbNodes == 4)
if (myPolyData->NbTriangles() < myNbElems)
myPolyData->ResizeTriangles (myNbElems * 2, true);
myPolyData->SetTriangle (myNbElems, Poly_Triangle (myNodeInds[0] + 1, myNodeInds[2] + 1, myNodeInds[3] + 1));
void pushNodeCheck (bool& theIsOpposite,
const int theTriNode)
int aNodeIndex = myNbNodes;
const gp_XYZ& aPlace = myPlaces[theTriNode];
const NCollection_Vec3<float> aVec3 ((float )aPlace.X(), (float )aPlace.Y(), (float )aPlace.Z());
if (myNodeIndexMap.Bind (aNodeIndex, theIsOpposite, aVec3, myTriNormal))
if (!myPolyData.IsNull())
if (myPolyData->NbNodes() < myNbNodes)
myPolyData->ResizeNodes (myNbNodes * 2, true);
myPolyData->SetNode (myNbNodes, aPlace * myUnitFactor);
myNodeInds[theTriNode] = aNodeIndex;
// =======================================================================
// function : MergedNodesMap::Bind
// purpose :
// =======================================================================
inline bool Poly_MergeNodesTool::MergedNodesMap::Bind (int& theIndex,
bool& theIsOpposite,
const NCollection_Vec3<float>& thePos,
const NCollection_Vec3<float>& theNorm)
if (Resizable())
ReSize (Extent());
//NCollection_ListNode** NCollection_BaseMap::myData1
DataMapNode** aData = (DataMapNode** )myData1;
const int aHash = hashCode (thePos, theNorm, NbBuckets());
for (DataMapNode* aNodeIter = aData[aHash]; aNodeIter != NULL;
aNodeIter = (DataMapNode* )aNodeIter->Next())
if (isEqual (aNodeIter->Key(), thePos, theNorm, theIsOpposite))
//TheItemType& ChangeValue () { return myValue; }
theIndex = aNodeIter->ChangeValue();
return false;
if (myInvTol > 0.0f)
//myInvTol = 1.0/可容忍度
//例:可容忍度为0.001 则myInvTol=1000,点的坐标全部乘1000
// 当点的坐标为0.45333时,会被放大到(int)453,此时454或453或452都会被认为是相同
// 的点,下面的THE_NEIGHBRS就是用来帮助判断的。
static const CellVec3i THE_NEIGHBRS[26] =
CellVec3i(-1, 0, 0),CellVec3i( 1, 0, 0),CellVec3i( 0,-1, 0),CellVec3i( 0, 1, 0),CellVec3i( 0, 0,-1),CellVec3i( 0, 0, 1),
CellVec3i(-1,-1, 0),CellVec3i( 1,-1, 0),CellVec3i( 1, 1, 0),CellVec3i(-1, 1, 0),
CellVec3i( 0,-1,-1),CellVec3i( 0, 1,-1),CellVec3i( 0, 1, 1),CellVec3i( 0,-1, 1),
CellVec3i(-1, 0,-1),CellVec3i( 1, 0,-1),CellVec3i( 1, 0, 1),CellVec3i(-1, 0, 1),
CellVec3i(-1,-1,-1),CellVec3i( 1,-1,-1),CellVec3i(-1, 1,-1),CellVec3i( 1, 1,-1),CellVec3i(-1,-1, 1),CellVec3i( 1,-1, 1),CellVec3i(-1, 1, 1),CellVec3i(1, 1, 1)
const CellVec3i anIndexCnt = vec3ToCell (thePos);
for (int aNeigIter = 0; aNeigIter < 26; ++aNeigIter)
const CellVec3i anIndex = anIndexCnt + THE_NEIGHBRS[aNeigIter];
const int aHashEx = vec3iHashCode (anIndex, NbBuckets());
for (DataMapNode* aNodeIter = aData[aHashEx]; aNodeIter != NULL;
aNodeIter = (DataMapNode* )aNodeIter->Next())
if (isEqual (aNodeIter->Key(), thePos, theNorm, theIsOpposite))
theIndex = aNodeIter->ChangeValue();
return false;
//theIsOpposite = false;
aData[aHash] = new (this->myAllocator) DataMapNode (thePos, theNorm, theIndex, aData[aHash]);
return true;
RWStl_Reader* myReader;
NCollection_DataMap<Standard_Integer, Standard_Integer> myNodeIndexMap;
class MergeNodeTool : public Poly_MergeNodesTool
//! Constructor
MergeNodeTool (RWStl_Reader* theReader,
const Standard_Integer theNbFacets = -1)
: Poly_MergeNodesTool (theReader->MergeAngle(), 0.0, theNbFacets),
myReader (theReader),
myNodeIndexMap (1024, new NCollection_IncAllocator (1024 * 1024))
// avoid redundant allocations as final triangulation is managed by RWStl_Reader subclass
//! Add new triangle
void AddTriangle (const gp_XYZ theElemNodes[3])
Poly_MergeNodesTool::AddTriangle (theElemNodes);
// remap node indices returned by RWStl_Reader::AddNode();
// 对于顺序增加是一个很耗费时间的方法, 但是保留了,因为这是STLAPI的接口
int aNodesSrc[3] = { ElementNodeIndex (0), ElementNodeIndex (1), ElementNodeIndex (2) };
int aNodesRes[3] = { -1, -1, -1 };
for (int aNodeIter = 0; aNodeIter < 3; ++aNodeIter)
// 查找map中是否有对应下标已经存储过了,如果有则直接填入aNodesRes中
if (!myNodeIndexMap.Find (aNodesSrc[aNodeIter], aNodesRes[aNodeIter]))
aNodesRes[aNodeIter] = myReader->AddNode (theElemNodes[aNodeIter]);
myNodeIndexMap.Bind (aNodesSrc[aNodeIter], aNodesRes[aNodeIter]);
if (aNodesRes[0] != aNodesRes[1]
&& aNodesRes[1] != aNodesRes[2]
&& aNodesRes[2] != aNodesRes[0])
myReader->AddTriangle (aNodesRes[0], aNodesRes[1], aNodesRes[2]);
RWStl_Reader* myReader;
NCollection_DataMap<Standard_Integer, Standard_Integer> myNodeIndexMap;
- RWStl_Reader.hxx | RWStl_Reader.cxx
- Poly_MergeNodesTool.hxx | Poly_MergeNodesTool.hxx
- NCollection_DataMap.hxx | NCollection_DataMap.cxx
- Poly_Triangulation.hxx | Poly_Triangulation.cxx