General examples General-purpose and introductory examples for the scikit. Blob Detection BRIEF binary descriptor Canny edge detector CENSURE feature detector Circular and Elliptical Hough Transforms Contour finding Convex Hull Corner detection Dense DAISY feature description Denoising the picture of Lena Edge operators Entropy Histogram Equalization Gabor filter banks for texture classification Gabors / Primary Visual Cortex “Simple Cells” from Lena GLCM Texture Features Histogram of Oriented Gradients Filling holes and finding peaks Immunohistochemical staining colors separation Find the intersection of two segmentations Label image regions Local Binary Pattern for texture classification Local Histogram Equalization Local Otsu Threshold Marching Cubes Markers for watershed transform Robust matching using RANSAC Medial axis skeletonization ORB feature detector and binary descriptor Thresholding Finding local maxima Phase Unwrapping Piecewise Affine Transformation Approximate and subdivide polygons Build image pyramids Random walker segmentation Mean filters Robust line model estimation using RANSAC Filtering regional maxima Measure region properties Deconvolution of Lena Comparison of segmentation and superpixel algorithms Shapes Skeletonize Structural similarity index Template Matching Adaptive Thresholding Tinting gray-scale images Block views on images/arrays Watershed segmentation Longer examples and demonstrations