
        之前有写过一篇关于JTAG Master工具的使用文档,但是tcl复杂的命令让很多初学者感到困难。




###         TCL GUI For Memory/Register Test                         ###  
###         Author : Arth Ding                                       ###
###         E-mail : 903201008@qq.com                                ###
###	    Date   : 2016/12/1                                       ###  
namespace eval FEM_gui {

proc add_combo_entry {dash group handle label_text tooltip combo_entries default_entry onchange} {
	dashboard_add $dash $handle group $group
	dashboard_set_property $dash $handle title ""
	dashboard_set_property $dash $handle itemsPerRow 2

	dashboard_add $dash ${handle}_label label $handle
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label text $label_text
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label preferredWidth 20
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label toolTip $tooltip
	dashboard_add $dash ${handle}_entry comboBox $handle
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry options $combo_entries
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry selected $default_entry
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry preferredWidth 100
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry onChange $onchange
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry toolTip $tooltip
proc add_text_entry {dash group handle label_text tooltip default_value onchange} {
	dashboard_add $dash $handle group $group
	dashboard_set_property $dash $handle title ""
	dashboard_set_property $dash $handle itemsPerRow 2

	dashboard_add $dash ${handle}_label label $handle
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label text $label_text
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label preferredWidth 20
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_label toolTip $tooltip

	dashboard_add $dash ${handle}_entry textField $handle
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry text $default_value
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry toolTip $tooltip
	dashboard_set_property $dash ${handle}_entry preferredWidth 100

variable jd_path
set jd_path 0	
variable PaddingType
set PaddingType 0
variable writedata
set writedata 0

set dash [add_service dashboard dashboard_example "Memory Debug GUI" "Tools/Example"]
dashboard_set_property $dash self visible true
set TestLength 1000
dashboard_set_property $dash self itemsPerRow 2
dashboard_set_property $dash self foregroundColor blue

dashboard_add $dash mytabGroup tabbedGroup self
dashboard_set_property $dash mytabGroup expandableX true
dashboard_set_property $dash mytabGroup expandableY true

dashboard_add $dash tabgeneralGroup group mytabGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash tabgeneralGroup title "General"
dashboard_set_property $dash tabgeneralGroup itemsPerRow 2
dashboard_set_property $dash tabgeneralGroup expandableX true

dashboard_add $dash tuningGroup1a group tabgeneralGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1a title "Demo Start"
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1a expandableX true
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1a expandableY true
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1a itemsPerRow 2

dashboard_add $dash dialsGroup group tabgeneralGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash dialsGroup title "Test Status"
dashboard_set_property $dash dialsGroup itemsPerRow 2
dashboard_set_property $dash dialsGroup expandableY true	
dashboard_set_property $dash dialsGroup expandableX true

dashboard_add $dash EtherCATReg group tabgeneralGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg title "Memory Access"
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg itemsPerRow 2
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg expandableY true	
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg expandableX true	

dashboard_add $dash dial0 dial dialsGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 expandableX false
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 expandableY false
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 title "Pcocess rate (%)"
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 min 0
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 max 100
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 tickSize 5
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 value 0

dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 preferredHeight 200
dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 preferredWidth  290

dashboard_add $dash tuningStatusGroup group dialsGroup
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningStatusGroup title "Status"
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningStatusGroup preferredWidth 300
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningStatusGroup expandableX false
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningStatusGroup expandableY false
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningStatusGroup itemsPerRow 1

dashboard_add $dash tuningGroup1b button tuningGroup1a
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1b text "Connect JTAG"
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1b onClick {::FEM_gui::connect 1}

add_combo_entry $dash tuningGroup1a           PaddingType "Padding Type:" "The Data of Padding Type" [list random 0x5A5A5A5A increment 0x0 0xffffffff] 0 {::FEM_gui::padding_type_update PaddingType}
add_text_entry $dash tuningGroup1a            TestBaseAddr "Test Base Address:" "DDR Read/Write Length" "0x0" dummy_callback
add_text_entry $dash tuningGroup1a            TestLength "Test Length:" "DDR Read/Write Length" "1000" dummy_callback
add_text_entry $dash tuningStatusGroup    UsedTime "Used Time  :" "Used Time" "0" dummy_callback
add_text_entry $dash tuningStatusGroup    ErrorNum  "Error Num  :" "Read/Write error num" "0" dummy_callback

dashboard_add $dash tuningGroup1d button tuningGroup1a
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1d text "Start Test"
dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1d onClick {::FEM_gui::memory_test }

add_text_entry $dash EtherCATReg    RegAddr      "Reg Address:" "Register Address" "0x0000" dummy_callback
add_text_entry $dash EtherCATReg    ReadLength   "Data Length:" "Data Length" "1" dummy_callback
add_text_entry $dash EtherCATReg    WriteData    "Write Data :" "Write Data" "0x0" dummy_callback

dashboard_add $dash EtherCATReg1a button EtherCATReg
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg1a text "Register Write"
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg1a onClick {::FEM_gui::memory_write }

dashboard_add $dash EtherCATReg1a button EtherCATReg
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg1a text "Register Read"
dashboard_set_property $dash EtherCATReg1a onClick {::FEM_gui::memory_read }

set frame_send_sum 0
set connected 0
proc connect {a} {
	variable connected
	variable dash

	if {$connected == 0} {

		set devices [ get_service_paths device]
		set device [lindex $devices 0]
		set masters [get_service_paths master]
		set j 0
		set found_master 0
		foreach master $masters {
			#alternative method to get info on master type
			if [regexp -nocase {usb_debug_master_0.([a-z0-9_]+)} $master mstrall mstr1] {
				send_message info "Connecting to USB Master $master"
				set found_master 1
			incr j
		if {$found_master == 0} {
			foreach master $masters {
				#alternative method to get info on master type
				if [regexp -nocase {jtag_master.([a-z0-9_]+)} $master mstrall mstr1] {
					send_message info "Connecting to JTAG Master $master"
					set found_master 1
				} elseif [regexp -nocase {phy_[0-9]/master} $master mstrall mstr1] {
					send_message info "Connecting to JTAG Master $master"
					set found_master 1
				} elseif [regexp -nocase {alt_jtagavalon_wrapper_[0-9]} $master mstrall mstr1] {
					send_message info "Connecting to JTAG Master $master"
					set found_master 1
				} elseif [regexp -nocase {jtagmem_[0-9]} $master mstrall mstr1] {
					send_message info "Connecting to JTAG Master $master"
					set found_master 1
				incr j
		set ::FEM_gui::jd_path $master
		send_message info "Connecting to JTAG Master $master"
		open_service master $::FEM_gui::jd_path
		set connected 1
		dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1b text "Disconnect JTAG"

	} else {
		close_service master $::FEM_gui::jd_path
		set connected 0
		dashboard_set_property $dash tuningGroup1b text "Connect JTAG"

proc memory_read {} {
	 variable dash
	 set regaddr [dashboard_get_property $dash RegAddr_entry text]
	 set datalength [dashboard_get_property $dash ReadLength_entry text]
	 set readdata [master_read_32 $::FEM_gui::jd_path $regaddr $datalength]
	 puts "$readdata"

proc memory_write {} {
	 variable dash
	 set regaddr [dashboard_get_property $dash RegAddr_entry text]
	 set datalength [dashboard_get_property $dash ReadLength_entry text]
	 set writedata [dashboard_get_property $dash WriteData_entry text]

	 master_write_32 $::FEM_gui::jd_path $regaddr $writedata

proc memory_test {} {
	 #connect JTAG Master
	 variable dash
	 variable writedata
	 set test_cnt 0
	 set test_num [dashboard_get_property $dash TestLength_entry text] 
	 set num_div100 [expr $test_num / 100]
	 set process_rate 0
	 set usedTime 0 
	 set usedTimeOld 0  
	 set memory_base_addr [dashboard_get_property $dash TestBaseAddr_entry text] 
	 set readdata 0
	 set error_num 0
	 dashboard_set_property $dash UsedTime_entry text $usedTime
	 dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 value $process_rate
	 set startTime [clock seconds]
	 set padding_type $::FEM_gui::PaddingType
	 while {$test_cnt < $test_num} {
		if {$padding_type == 0} {
			set writedata [expr int([expr [::tcl::mathfunc::rand] * 32768 *32768])]
		} elseif { $padding_type == 1 } {
			set writedata 0x5A5A5A5A
		} elseif { $padding_type ==2 } {
			incr writedata 
		} elseif { $padding_type ==3 } {
			set  writedata 0x00000000
		} elseif { $padding_type ==4 } {
			set writedata 0xffffffff
		master_write_32 $::FEM_gui::jd_path [expr $memory_base_addr + $test_cnt *4] $writedata
		set readdata [master_read_32 $::FEM_gui::jd_path [expr $memory_base_addr + $test_cnt *4] 1]
		if { $writedata != $readdata } {
			incr error_num
		incr test_cnt
		set endTime [clock seconds]
		set usedTime [expr $endTime - $startTime]
		dashboard_set_property $dash UsedTime_entry text $usedTime
		dashboard_set_property $dash ErrorNum_entry text $error_num
		if {$test_cnt > $num_div100 * 100} {
			dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 value 100 
		} elseif {$test_cnt % $num_div100 == 0} {
			set process_rate [expr $test_cnt / $num_div100 ]
			dashboard_set_property $dash dial0 value $process_rate
		} else {
			#do nothing
	if {$error_num == 0} {
		send_message info "Test Done! No Error"

proc padding_type_update {combohandle} {
	variable dash
	variable writedata
	set padding_type [dashboard_get_property $dash ${combohandle}_entry selected]
	send_message info "updating padding type to $padding_type"
	set ::FEM_gui::PaddingType $padding_type
	set writedata 0




1. 插上JTAG下载器,将带Jtag Master IP核的工程下载到FPGA,通过Quartus打开System Console,右键点击script。如下图所示。点击Open User Scripts Folder ,如果不存在该文件夹,系统会提示是否创建该文件夹,点击创建后
打开script文件夹。将保存的mem_test.tcl文件复制到script文件夹中。 点击script文件夹前面的+号展开,双击mem_test.tcl即可执行该脚本。

2. 执行脚本后打开如下界面,点击Connect JTAG。如果成功按钮会变成Unconnect JTAG。失败左侧的Message区域会报错。连接JTAG成功后,就可以直接修改Memory Access区域中的地址,长度和数据等。然后通过Register Read或者Register Write操作进行寄存器的读写。





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