QPS (Query per second) (每秒查询量)
TPS(Transaction per second) (每秒事务量,如果是InnoDB会显示,没有InnoDB就不会显示)
Read/Writes Ratio(数据库读写比率,对是否使用MySQL Replication还是使用MySQL Cluster很有参考价值。)
MyISAM Key buffer read ratio
MyISAM Key buffer write ratio
Slow queries per minute (平均一分钟多少慢查询)
Slow full join queries per minute(慢查询的比率)
Temp tables to Disk ratio (写到硬盘的临时表与所有临时表的比率,对性能有较大影响,说明有SQL使用了大量临时表)
TPS(Transaction per second) (每秒事务量,如果是InnoDB会显示,没有InnoDB就不会显示)
Read/Writes Ratio(数据库读写比率,对是否使用MySQL Replication还是使用MySQL Cluster很有参考价值。)
MyISAM Key buffer read ratio
MyISAM Key buffer write ratio
Slow queries per minute (平均一分钟多少慢查询)
Slow full join queries per minute(慢查询的比率)
Temp tables to Disk ratio (写到硬盘的临时表与所有临时表的比率,对性能有较大影响,说明有SQL使用了大量临时表)