
Champion Team: Tsinghua University - Intrepid (sh09onsite51)
Best Women's Team: Hangzhou Dianzi University - HDU-Sailormoon (sh09onsite102)
Rank Team Name Solved Time Award
1 Tsinghua University - Intrepid (sh09onsite51) 8 1387 Gold Medal
(2) Tsinghua University - AlphaCentauri (sh09onsite131) 7 1068 Gold Medal
2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University - TriPAL (sh09onsite87) 6 1036 Gold Medal
3 Zhejiang University - yukkuri (sh09onsite15) 5 939 Gold Medal
4 Wuhan University - FreeRadiant (sh09onsite41) 5 961 Gold Medal
5 Peking University - Falcon (sh09onsite22) 5 1041 Gold Medal
6 Fuzhou University - ACOrz (sh09onsite55) 4 925 Gold Medal
7 Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University - SYSU_Imitator (sh09onsite99) 4 1057 Gold Medal
(8) Wuhan University - Whu_Hibix (sh09onsite120) 3 300 Gold Medal
(8) Wuhan University - FreeOpen (sh09onsite19) 3 392 Gold Medal
(8) Tsinghua University - firstblood (sh09onsite64) 3 433 Gold Medal
8 Huazhong University of Science and Technology - HustCFOP (sh09onsite84) 3 512 Gold Medal
(8) Shanghai Jiao Tong University - SJTUClover (sh09onsite42) 3 512 Gold Medal
(9) Peking University - Catalyst (sh09onsite6) 3 524 Silver Medal
9 Beihang University - BUAA_Regulus (sh09onsite124) 3 529 Silver Medal
10 Southeast University - www.seuer.com (sh09onsite36) 3 600 Silver Medal
11 Tongji University - Until Fin (sh09onsite132) 3 622 Silver Medal
* Fudan University - LastWorld (sh09onsite31) 3 699
(12) Zhejiang University - LAF (sh09onsite83) 3 721 Silver Medal
12 Beijing Normal University - Sphinx@BNU (sh09onsite109) 2 147 Silver Medal
13 East China University of Science and Technology - BlueGene (sh09onsite9) 2 187 Silver Medal
14 Hangzhou Dianzi University - HDU-VS (sh09onsite14) 2 228 Silver Medal
15 National University of Defense Technology - Zoe (sh09onsite20) 2 246 Silver Medal
(16) Fuzhou University - nostop (sh09onsite34) 2 250 Silver Medal
16 Tianjin University - TJU_OMY (sh09onsite101) 2 265 Silver Medal
17 Harbin Institute of Technology - Archers (sh09onsite107) 2 270 Silver Medal
18 China University of Geosciences, Beijing - newHope (sh09onsite39) 2 325 Silver Medal
* Fudan University - A.C.E. (sh09onsite71) 2 335
(19) Zhejiang University - bitset (sh09onsite106) 2 346 Silver Medal
19 South China Agricultural University - SCAU_APM1000 (sh09onsite44) 2 347 Silver Medal
20 Xidian University - maybe (sh09onsite24) 2 382 Silver Medal
(21) Beihang University - BUAA_Admin (sh09onsite65) 2 383 Silver Medal
(21) Tongji University - Three Watcher (sh09onsite117) 2 391 Silver Medal
21 Chulalongkorn University - CU Star 02 (sh09onsite110) 2 407 Silver Medal
21 Fujian Normal University - ChainingSoul (sh09onsite38) 2 407 Silver Medal
23 Xiangtan University - daybreak@xtu (sh09onsite118) 2 411 Silver Medal
24 Southwest University for Nationalities - mercury (sh09onsite1) 2 415 Silver Medal
25 Hefei University of Technology - gambling (sh09onsite59) 2 417 Silver Medal
26 East China Normal University - Castor (sh09onsite70) 2 443 Silver Medal
27 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications - _0xDEADBEEF (sh09onsite90) 2 448 Silver Medal
28 Nanjing University - IronMan (sh09onsite11) 2 Bronze Medal
29 Central South University of Forestry and Technology - JCMer (sh09onsite53) 2 Bronze Medal
(30) Peking University - ForwardPKU (sh09onsite46) 2 Bronze Medal
30 National Taiwan University - Will (sh09onsite113) 2 Bronze Medal
31 Harbin Engineering University - HEU_ONE (sh09onsite12) 2 Bronze Medal
32 Beijing Institute of Technology - bit_cat (sh09onsite3) 2 Bronze Medal
(33) Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University - SYSU_Cattail (sh09onsite105) 2 Bronze Medal
33 Shanghai University - Larva1 (sh09onsite63) 2 Bronze Medal
34 Guangdong University of Technology - GDUT_F_Speedo (sh09onsite108) 1 Bronze Medal
35 Zhejiang University of Technology - AngryCheers (sh09onsite30) 1 Bronze Medal
36 Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University - NIT-T01 (sh09onsite115) 1 Bronze Medal
37 National University of Mongolia - SMCS-1 (sh09onsite56) 1 Bronze Medal
38 Beihua University - Beihua Sailing (sh09onsite133) 1 Bronze Medal
39 Jilin University - luckydog (sh09onsite126) 1 Bronze Medal
39 Nanjing University of Science and Technology - STsky (sh09onsite129) 1 Bronze Medal
(41) Hangzhou Dianzi University - HDU-Sailormoon (sh09onsite102) 1 Bronze Medal
(41) Huazhong University of Science and Technology - HustVega (sh09onsite139) 1 Bronze Medal
41 University of Science and Technology of China - USTC2009-2 (sh09onsite54) 1 Bronze Medal
(42) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications - iessur-912 (sh09onsite45) 1 Bronze Medal
(42) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications - _Etemay (sh09onsite32) 1 Bronze Medal
42 South China Normal University - SCNU_LoveXXLoveYYLoveAC (sh09onsite40) 1 Bronze Medal
43 Chongqing University - crazyqueen (sh09onsite29) 1 Bronze Medal
* Fudan University - Middle Ages (sh09onsite134) 1
44 Changchun University of Science and Technology - The 1st Team of CUST (sh09onsite49) 1 Bronze Medal
45 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - mmkiller (sh09onsite21) 1 Bronze Medal
46 Beijing Jiaotong University - Acceleration (sh09onsite27) 1 Bronze Medal
(47) National University of Defense Technology - GossipBoy (sh09onsite130) 1 Bronze Medal
(47) Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University - NIT-T02 (sh09onsite94) 1 Bronze Medal
47 Southwest Petroleum University - Sunday (sh09onsite81) 1 Bronze Medal
48 Southwest Jiaotong University - SyberPunk (sh09onsite91) 1 Bronze Medal
49 Ningbo University - great sword (sh09onsite137) 1 Bronze Medal
(50) Nanjing University - The Loney One (sh09onsite48) 1 Bronze Medal
50 Beifang Ethnic University - medlar (sh09onsite23) 1 Bronze Medal
51 Renmin University of China - KingBase (sh09onsite43) 1 Bronze Medal
52 Beijing Normal University Zhuhai - BNUZH_(-_-)[>_<]{^_^} (sh09onsite82) 1 Bronze Medal
52 Shanghai Normal University - SHNU_FireStar (sh09onsite62) 1 Bronze Medal
(54) Zhejiang University of Technology - Excaliburs (sh09onsite57) 1 Bronze Medal
(54) Beijing Normal University - Acapriccio@BNU (sh09onsite61) 1 Bronze Medal
54 Hunan University - Hu_monster (sh09onsite97) 1 Bronze Medal
54 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - UESTC-try (sh09onsite28) 1 Bronze Medal
56 Xiamen University - iostream (sh09onsite72) 1 Bronze Medal
57 Dongguan University of Technology - dgut-rush (sh09onsite85) Honorable Mention
58 Zhejiang Sci-tech University - zstu_sh01 (sh09onsite2) Honorable Mention
(59) Chulalongkorn University - CU Star 08 (sh09onsite8) Honorable Mention
(59) Tianjin University - TJU_TextPad (sh09onsite93) Honorable Mention
59 Jinan University - JNU-Glory (sh09onsite100) Honorable Mention
(60) Harbin Institute of Technology - SoYeah (sh09onsite76) Honorable Mention
60 China University of Geosciences - AirForce (sh09onsite138) Honorable Mention
61 Shandong University - algoholic (sh09onsite18) Honorable Mention
62 Mongolian University of Science and Technology - MUST_CSMS (sh09onsite136) Honorable Mention
63 Xi'an Jiaotong University - Vurtne (sh09onsite123) Honorable Mention
(64) Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University - NIT-T03 (sh09onsite16) Honorable Mention
64 Central South University - Believe (sh09onsite50) Honorable Mention
65 Dalian University of Technology - very new bee (sh09onsite5) Honorable Mention
66 Fuzhou University, Zhicheng College - zc soaring (sh09onsite7) Honorable Mention
(67) Beijing Jiaotong University - Always (sh09onsite52) Honorable Mention
67 Shanghai Business School - SBS Team 1 (sh09onsite60) Honorable Mention
68 Shandong University at Weihai - sdu (sh09onsite33) Honorable Mention
(69) Harbin Institute of Technology - Polaris (sh09onsite127) Honorable Mention
69 Guangzhou University - DAY__DAY__UP (sh09onsite89) Honorable Mention
70 Zhejiang Normal University - xiaoling (sh09onsite47) Honorable Mention
(71) Hunan University - HNU_Seeker (sh09onsite80) Honorable Mention
71 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications - PUMA (sh09onsite121) Honorable Mention
(72) Harbin Engineering University - HEU_WON (sh09onsite26) Honorable Mention
72 Changsha University of Science and Technology - Lolicon-csust (sh09onsite4) Honorable Mention
73 Nankai University - [NKU]rookie (sh09onsite112) Honorable Mention
74 South-central University for Nationalities - IT_energy (sh09onsite66) Honorable Mention
75 Soochow University - BUFF (sh09onsite78) Honorable Mention
76 Huazhong Normal University - GreenLight (sh09onsite88) Honorable Mention
77 East China Jiaotong University - HPX (sh09onsite10) Honorable Mention
(77) East China Normal University - Sickle1 (sh09onsite92) Honorable Mention
(77) East China University of Science and Technology - CFZ_SG (sh09onsite35) Honorable Mention
(77) East China University of Science and Technology - Coeus (sh09onsite58) Honorable Mention
77 Hunan Normal University - Apples (sh09onsite98) Honorable Mention
(77) Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications - IOT (sh09onsite25) Honorable Mention
(77) Nanjing University of Science and Technology - Violet (sh09onsite111) Honorable Mention
(77) Nanjing University of Science and Technology - Astar (sh09onsite37) Honorable Mention
77 Northeast Normal University - Xiaohu (sh09onsite17) Honorable Mention
77 Nyit-nupt - f(x) (sh09onsite68) Honorable Mention
(77) Nyit-nupt - Little boys (sh09onsite95) Honorable Mention
77 Shandong University of Technology - SDUTFighter (sh09onsite122) Honorable Mention
77 Shanghai Jianqiao College - Sin (sh09onsite75) Honorable Mention
(77) Shanghai University - Larva2 (sh09onsite86) Honorable Mention
77 South China University of Technology - SCUT_cBuBBle (sh09onsite96) Honorable Mention
77 Wenzhou University - JustTry (sh09onsite128) Honorable Mention
77 Yunnan University - YNU (sh09onsite119) Honorable Mention

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