
lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce resource usage while still having a full scale TCP. This makes lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM.
Main features include:

  • Protocols: IP, IPv6, ICMP, ND, MLD, UDP, TCP, IGMP, ARP, PPPoS, PPPoE
  • DHCP client, DNS client (incl. mDNS hostname resolver), AutoIP/APIPA (Zeroconf), SNMP agent (v1, v2c, v3, private MIB support & MIB compiler)
  • APIs: specialized APIs for enhanced performance, optional Berkeley-alike socket API
  • Extended features: IP forwarding over multiple network interfaces, TCP congestion control, RTT estimation and fast recovery/fast retransmit
  • Addon applications: HTTP(S) server, SNTP client, SMTP(S) client, ping, NetBIOS nameserver, mDNS responder, MQTT client, TFTP server

以上是LwIP官网的一段描述,LwIP全名:Lightweight IP,意思是轻量化的TCP/IP协议,是瑞典计算机科学院(SICS)的Adam Dunkels开发的一个小型开源的TCP/IP协议栈。LwIP的设计初衷是:用少量的资源消耗实现一个较为完整的TCP/IP协议栈,其中“完整”主要指的是TCP协议的完整性,实现的重点是在保持TCP协议主要功能的基础上减少对RAM的占用。此外LwIP既可以移植到操作系统上运行,也可以在无操作系统的情况下独立运行。

LwIP 具有主要特性:

  1. 支持ARP协议(以太网地址解析协议)。
  2. 支持ICMP协议(控制报文协议),用于网络的调试与维护。
  3. 支持IGMP协议(互联网组管理协议),可以实现多播数据的接收。
  4. 支持UDP协议(用户数据报协议)。
  5. 支持TCP协议(传输控制协议),包括阻塞控制、RTT估算、快速恢复和快速转发。
  6. 支持PPP协议(点对点通信协议),支持PPPoS和PPPoE。
  7. 支持DNS(域名解析)。
  8. 支持DHCP协议,动态分配IP地址。
  9. 支持IP协议,包括IPv4、IPv6协议,支持IP分片与重装功能,多网络接口下的数据包转发。
  10. 支持SNMP协议(简单网络管理协议)。
  11. 支持AUTOIP,自动IP地址配置。
  12. 提供专门的内部回调接口(Raw API),用于提高应用程序性能。
  13. 提供可选择的Socket API、NETCONN API(在多线程情况下使用) 。


  1. 资源开销低,即轻量化。LwIP内核有自己的内存管理策略和数据包管理策略,使得内核处理数据包的效率很高。另外,LwIP高度可剪裁,一切不需要的功能都可以通过宏编译选项去掉。LwIP的流畅运行需要40KB的代码ROM和几十KB的RAM,这让它非常适合用在内存资源受限的嵌入式设备中。
  2. 支持的协议较为完整。几乎支持TCP/IP中所有常见的协议,这在嵌入式设备中早已够用。
  3. 实现了一些常见的应用程序:DHCP客户端、DNS客户端、HTTP服务器、MQTT客户端、TFTP服务器、SNTP客户端等等。
  4. 同时提供了三种编程接口:RAW API、NETCONN API和Socket API。这三种API的执行效率、易用性、可移植性以及时空间的开销各不相同,用户可以根据实际需要,平衡利弊,选择合适的API进行网络应用程序的开发。
  5. 高度可移植。其源代码全部用C实现,用户可以很方便地实现跨处理器、跨编译器的移植。另外,它对内核中会使用到操作系统功能的地方进行了抽象,使用了一套自定义的API,用户可以通过自己实现这些API,从而实现跨操作系统的移植工作。
  6. 开源、免费,用户可以不用承担任何商业风险地使用它。
  7. 相比于嵌入式领域其它的TCP/IP协议栈,比如uC-TCP/IP、FreeRTOS-TCP等,LwIP的发展历史要更悠久一些,得到了更多的验证和测试。LwIP被广泛用在嵌入式网络设备中,国内一些物联网公司推出的物联网操作系统,其TCP/IP核心就是LwIP;物联网知名的WiFi模块ESP8266,其TCP/IP固件,使用的就是LwIP。



  • LwIP与标准TCP/IP协议栈的区别


/** Main packet buffer struct */
struct pbuf
    /** next pbuf in singly linked pbuf chain */
    struct pbuf *next;

    /** pointer to the actual data in the buffer */
    void *payload;

     * total length of this buffer and all next buffers in chain
     * belonging to the same packet.
     * For non-queue packet chains this is the invariant:
     * p->tot_len == p->len + (p->next? p->next->tot_len: 0)
    u16_t tot_len;

    /** length of this buffer */
    u16_t len;

    /** a bit field indicating pbuf type and allocation sources
    u8_t type_internal;

    /** misc flags */
    u8_t flags;

     * the reference count always equals the number of pointers
     * that refer to this pbuf. This can be pointers from an application,
     * the stack itself, or pbuf->next pointers from a chain.
    LWIP_PBUF_REF_T ref;

    /** For incoming packets, this contains the input netif's index */
    u8_t if_idx;
  • next是一个pbuf类型的指针,指向下一个pbuf,因为网络中的数据包可能很大,而pbuf能管理的数据包大小有限,就会采用链表的形式将所有的pbuf包连接起来,这样子才能完整描述一个数据包,这些连接起来的pbuf包会组成一个链表,称之为pbuf链表。
  • payload是一个指向数据区域的指针,指向该pbuf管理的数据区域起始地址,这里的数据区域可以是紧跟在pbuf结构体地址后面的RAM空间,也可以是ROM中的某个地址上,取决于pbuf的类型。
  • tot_len中记录的是当前pbuf及其后续pbuf所有数据的长度,例如如果当前pbuf是pbuf链表上第一个数据结构,那么tot_len就记录着整个pbuf链表中所有pbuf中数据的长度;如果当前pbuf是链表上最后一个数据结构,那就记录着当前pbuf的长度。
  • len表示当前pbuf中有效的数据长度。
  • type_internal表示pbuf的类型,LwIP中有4种pbuf的类型,并且使用了一个枚举类型的数据结构定义他们。
  • flags不同协议层表示内容不同。
  • ref表示该pbuf被引用的次数,引用表示有其他指针指向当前pbuf,这里的指针可以是pbuf的next指针,也可以是其他任意形式的指针,初始化一个pbuf的时候,ref会被设置为1,因为该pbuf的地址一定会被返回一个指针变量,当有其他指针指向pbuf的时候,就必须调用相关函数将ref字段加1。
  • if_idx用于记录传入的数据包中输入netif的索引,也就是netif中num字段。


 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Enumeration of pbuf types
typedef enum
    /** pbuf data is stored in RAM, used for TX mostly, struct pbuf and its payload
        are allocated in one piece of contiguous memory (so the first payload byte
        can be calculated from struct pbuf).
        pbuf_alloc() allocates PBUF_RAM pbufs as unchained pbufs (although that might
        change in future versions).
        This should be used for all OUTGOING packets (TX).*/
    /** pbuf data is stored in ROM, i.e. struct pbuf and its payload are located in
        totally different memory areas. Since it points to ROM, payload does not
        have to be copied when queued for transmission. */
    /** pbuf comes from the pbuf pool. Much like PBUF_ROM but payload might change
        so it has to be duplicated when queued before transmitting, depending on
        who has a 'ref' to it. */
    /** pbuf payload refers to RAM. This one comes from a pool and should be used
        for RX. Payload can be chained (scatter-gather RX) but like PBUF_RAM, struct
        pbuf and its payload are allocated in one piece of contiguous memory (so
        the first payload byte can be calculated from struct pbuf).
        Don't use this for TX, if the pool becomes empty e.g. because of TCP queuing,
        you are unable to receive TCP acks! */
} pbuf_type;
  • PBUF_RAM类型的pbuf空间是通过内存堆分配而来的,这种类型的pbuf在协议栈中使用得最多,一般协议栈中要发送的数据都是采用这种形式,在申请这种pbuf内存块的时候,协议栈会在管理的内存堆中根据需要的大小进行分配对应的内存空间,这种pbuf内存块包含数据空间以及pbuf数据结构区域,在连续的RAM内存空间中。内核申请这类型的pbuf时,也算上了协议首部的空间,当然是根据协议栈不同层次需要的首部进行申请,LwIP也使用一个枚举类型对不同的协议栈分层需要的首部大小进行定义。
 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Enumeration of pbuf layers
typedef enum
    /** Includes spare room for transport layer header, e.g. UDP header.
     * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like udp_send().
    /** Includes spare room for IP header.
     * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like raw_send().
    /** Includes spare room for link layer header (ethernet header).
     * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like ethernet_output().
     * @see PBUF_LINK_HLEN
    /** Includes spare room for additional encapsulation header before ethernet
     * headers (e.g. 802.11).
     * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like netif->linkoutput().
    /** Use this for input packets in a netif driver when calling netif->input()
     * in the most common case - ethernet-layer netif driver. */
    PBUF_RAW = 0
} pbuf_layer;

layer(offset)就是各层协议的首部,如TCP报文首部、IP首部、以太网帧首部等,预留出来的这些空间是为了在各个协议层中灵活地处理这些数据,当然layer的大小也可以是 0,具体是多少就与数据包的申请方式有关。

  • PBUF_POOL类型的pbuf与PBUF_RAM类型的pbuf都是差不多的,其pbuf结构体与数据缓冲区也是存在于连续的内存块中,但它的空间是通过内存池分配的,这种类型的pbuf可以在极短的时间内分配得到,因为这是内存池分配策略的优势,在网卡接收数据的时候,LwIP一般就使用这种类型的pbuf来存储接收到的数据,申请PBUF_POOL类型时,协议栈会在内存池中分配适当的内存池个数以满足需要的数据区域大小。


  • PBUF_ROM和PBUF_REF类型pbuf:


  • 对于一个数据包,它可能会使用任意类型的pbuf进行描述,也可能使用多种不同的pbuf一起描述,就是采用多种pbuf描述一个数据包,但是无论怎么样描述,数据包的处理都是不变的,payload指向的始终是数据区域,采用链表的形式连接起来的数据包,其tot_len字段永远是记录当前及其后续pbuf的总大小。


  • pbuf_alloc()
struct pbuf *pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer layer, u16_t length, pbuf_type type)


p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, 1472, PBUF_RAM);


/* Initialize members of struct pbuf after allocation */
static void pbuf_init_alloced_pbuf(struct pbuf *p, void *payload, u16_t tot_len, u16_t len, pbuf_type type, u8_t flags)
    p->next = NULL;
    p->payload = payload;
    p->tot_len = tot_len;
    p->len = len;
    p->type_internal = (u8_t)type;
    p->flags = flags;
    p->ref = 1;
    p->if_idx = NETIF_NO_INDEX;

 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Allocates a pbuf of the given type (possibly a chain for PBUF_POOL type).
 * The actual memory allocated for the pbuf is determined by the
 * layer at which the pbuf is allocated and the requested size
 * (from the size parameter).
 * @param layer header size
 * @param length size of the pbuf's payload
 * @param type this parameter decides how and where the pbuf
 * should be allocated as follows:
 * - PBUF_RAM: buffer memory for pbuf is allocated as one large
 *             chunk. This includes protocol headers as well.
 * - PBUF_ROM: no buffer memory is allocated for the pbuf, even for
 *             protocol headers. Additional headers must be prepended
 *             by allocating another pbuf and chain in to the front of
 *             the ROM pbuf. It is assumed that the memory used is really
 *             similar to ROM in that it is immutable and will not be
 *             changed. Memory which is dynamic should generally not
 *             be attached to PBUF_ROM pbufs. Use PBUF_REF instead.
 * - PBUF_REF: no buffer memory is allocated for the pbuf, even for
 *             protocol headers. It is assumed that the pbuf is only
 *             being used in a single thread. If the pbuf gets queued,
 *             then pbuf_take should be called to copy the buffer.
 * - PBUF_POOL: the pbuf is allocated as a pbuf chain, with pbufs from
 *              the pbuf pool that is allocated during pbuf_init().
 * @return the allocated pbuf. If multiple pbufs where allocated, this
 * is the first pbuf of a pbuf chain.
struct pbuf *pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer layer, u16_t length, pbuf_type type)
    struct pbuf *p;
    u16_t offset = (u16_t)layer;
    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_alloc(length=%"U16_F")\n", length));

    switch (type)
        case PBUF_REF: /* fall through */
        case PBUF_ROM:
            p = pbuf_alloc_reference(NULL, length, type);

        case PBUF_POOL:
            struct pbuf *q, *last;
            u16_t rem_len; /* remaining length */
            p = NULL;
            last = NULL;
            rem_len = length;

                u16_t qlen;
                q = (struct pbuf *)memp_malloc(MEMP_PBUF_POOL);

                if (q == NULL)

                    /* free chain so far allocated */
                    if (p)

                    /* bail out unsuccessfully */
                    return NULL;

                qlen = LWIP_MIN(rem_len, (u16_t)(PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED - LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(offset)));
                pbuf_init_alloced_pbuf(q, LWIP_MEM_ALIGN((void *)((u8_t *)q + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + offset)), rem_len, qlen, type, 0);
                LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: pbuf q->payload properly aligned", ((mem_ptr_t)q->payload % MEM_ALIGNMENT) == 0);

                if (p == NULL)
                    /* allocated head of pbuf chain (into p) */
                    p = q;
                    /* make previous pbuf point to this pbuf */
                    last->next = q;

                last = q;
                rem_len = (u16_t)(rem_len - qlen);
                offset = 0;
            } while (rem_len > 0);


        case PBUF_RAM:
            u16_t payload_len = (u16_t)(LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(offset) + LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(length));
            mem_size_t alloc_len = (mem_size_t)(LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF) + payload_len);

            /* bug #50040: Check for integer overflow when calculating alloc_len */
            if ((payload_len < LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(length)) || (alloc_len < LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(length)))
                return NULL;

            /* If pbuf is to be allocated in RAM, allocate memory for it. */
            p = (struct pbuf *)mem_malloc(alloc_len);

            if (p == NULL)
                return NULL;

            pbuf_init_alloced_pbuf(p, LWIP_MEM_ALIGN((void *)((u8_t *)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + offset)), length, length, type, 0);
            LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: pbuf->payload properly aligned", ((mem_ptr_t)p->payload % MEM_ALIGNMENT) == 0);

            LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: erroneous type", 0);
            return NULL;

    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_alloc(length=%"U16_F") == %p\n", length, (void *)p));
    return p;
  • pbuf_free()
    pbuf的释放要小心,如果pbuf是串成链表的话,pbuf在释放的时候,就会把pbuf的ref值减1,然后函数会判断ref减完之后是不是变成0,如果是0就会根据pbuf的类型调用内存池或者内存堆回收函数进行回收。然后这里就有个很危险的事,对于这个pbuf_free()函数,用户传递的参数必须是链表头指针,假如不是链表头而是指向链表中间的某个pbuf的指针,那就很容易出现问题,因为这个pbuf_free() 函数可不会帮我们检查是不是链表头,这样子势必会导致一部分pbuf没被回收,意味着一部分内存就这样被泄漏了,以后没办法用了。同时,还可能将一些尚未处理的数据回收了,这样子整个系统就乱套了。
 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Dereference a pbuf chain or queue and deallocate any no-longer-used
 * pbufs at the head of this chain or queue.
 * Decrements the pbuf reference count. If it reaches zero, the pbuf is
 * deallocated.
 * For a pbuf chain, this is repeated for each pbuf in the chain,
 * up to the first pbuf which has a non-zero reference count after
 * decrementing. So, when all reference counts are one, the whole
 * chain is free'd.
 * @param p The pbuf (chain) to be dereferenced.
 * @return the number of pbufs that were de-allocated
 * from the head of the chain.
 * @note MUST NOT be called on a packet queue (Not verified to work yet).
 * @note the reference counter of a pbuf equals the number of pointers
 * that refer to the pbuf (or into the pbuf).
 * @internal examples:
 * Assuming existing chains a->b->c with the following reference
 * counts, calling pbuf_free(a) results in:
 * 1->2->3 becomes ...1->3
 * 3->3->3 becomes 2->3->3
 * 1->1->2 becomes ......1
 * 2->1->1 becomes 1->1->1
 * 1->1->1 becomes .......
u8_t pbuf_free(struct pbuf *p)
    u8_t alloc_src;
    struct pbuf *q;
    u8_t count;

    if (p == NULL)
        LWIP_ASSERT("p != NULL", p != NULL);
        /* if assertions are disabled, proceed with debug output */
        LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SERIOUS, ("pbuf_free(p == NULL) was called.\n"));
        return 0;

    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free(%p)\n", (void *)p));
    count = 0;

    /* de-allocate all consecutive pbufs from the head of the chain that
     * obtain a zero reference count after decrementing*/
    while (p != NULL)
        LWIP_PBUF_REF_T ref;
        /* Since decrementing ref cannot be guaranteed to be a single machine operation
         * we must protect it. We put the new ref into a local variable to prevent
         * further protection. */
        /* all pbufs in a chain are referenced at least once */
        LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_free: p->ref > 0", p->ref > 0);
        /* decrease reference count (number of pointers to pbuf) */
        ref = --(p->ref);

        /* this pbuf is no longer referenced to? */
        if (ref == 0)
            /* remember next pbuf in chain for next iteration */
            q = p->next;
            LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free: deallocating %p\n", (void *)p));
            alloc_src = pbuf_get_allocsrc(p);

            /* is this a custom pbuf? */
            if ((p->flags & PBUF_FLAG_IS_CUSTOM) != 0)
                struct pbuf_custom *pc = (struct pbuf_custom *)p;
                LWIP_ASSERT("pc->custom_free_function != NULL", pc->custom_free_function != NULL);
            #endif /* LWIP_SUPPORT_CUSTOM_PBUF */
                /* is this a pbuf from the pool? */
                if (alloc_src == PBUF_TYPE_ALLOC_SRC_MASK_STD_MEMP_PBUF_POOL)
                    memp_free(MEMP_PBUF_POOL, p);
                    /* is this a ROM or RAM referencing pbuf? */
                else if (alloc_src == PBUF_TYPE_ALLOC_SRC_MASK_STD_MEMP_PBUF)
                    memp_free(MEMP_PBUF, p);
                    /* type == PBUF_RAM */
                else if (alloc_src == PBUF_TYPE_ALLOC_SRC_MASK_STD_HEAP)
                    /* @todo: support freeing other types */
                    LWIP_ASSERT("invalid pbuf type", 0);

            /* proceed to next pbuf */
            p = q;
            /* p->ref > 0, this pbuf is still referenced to */
            /* (and so the remaining pbufs in chain as well) */
            LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free: %p has ref %"U16_F", ending here.\n", (void *)p, (u16_t)ref));
            /* stop walking through the chain */
            p = NULL;

    /* return number of de-allocated pbufs */
    return count;
  • pbuf_header()
 * Adjusts the payload pointer to hide headers in the payload.
 * Adjusts the ->payload pointer so that space for a header
 * disappears in the pbuf payload.
 * The ->payload, ->tot_len and ->len fields are adjusted.
 * @param p pbuf to change the header size.
 * @param header_size_decrement Number of bytes to decrement header size which
 *          decreases the size of the pbuf.
 *          If header_size_decrement is 0, this function does nothing and returns successful.
 * @return non-zero on failure, zero on success.
u8_t pbuf_remove_header(struct pbuf *p, size_t header_size_decrement)
    void *payload;
    u16_t increment_magnitude;
    LWIP_ASSERT("p != NULL", p != NULL);

    if ((p == NULL) || (header_size_decrement > 0xFFFF))
        return 1;

    if (header_size_decrement == 0)
        return 0;

    increment_magnitude = (u16_t)header_size_decrement;
    /* Check that we aren't going to move off the end of the pbuf */
    LWIP_ERROR("increment_magnitude <= p->len", (increment_magnitude <= p->len), return 1;);
    /* remember current payload pointer */
    payload = p->payload;
    LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(payload); /* only used in LWIP_DEBUGF below */
    /* increase payload pointer (guarded by length check above) */
    p->payload = (u8_t *)p->payload + header_size_decrement;
    /* modify pbuf length fields */
    p->len = (u16_t)(p->len - increment_magnitude);
    p->tot_len = (u16_t)(p->tot_len - increment_magnitude);
    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_remove_header: old %p new %p (%"U16_F")\n", (void *)payload, (void *)p->payload, increment_magnitude));
    return 0;

 * Adjusts the payload pointer to reveal headers in the payload.
 * @see pbuf_add_header.
 * @param p pbuf to change the header size.
 * @param header_size_increment Number of bytes to increment header size.
 * @param force Allow 'header_size_increment > 0' for PBUF_REF/PBUF_ROM types
 * @return non-zero on failure, zero on success.
static u8_t pbuf_add_header_impl(struct pbuf *p, size_t header_size_increment, u8_t force)
    u16_t type_internal;
    void *payload;
    u16_t increment_magnitude;
    LWIP_ASSERT("p != NULL", p != NULL);

    if ((p == NULL) || (header_size_increment > 0xFFFF))
        return 1;

    if (header_size_increment == 0)
        return 0;

    increment_magnitude = (u16_t)header_size_increment;

    /* Do not allow tot_len to wrap as a result. */
    if ((u16_t)(increment_magnitude + p->tot_len) < increment_magnitude)
        return 1;

    type_internal = p->type_internal;

    /* pbuf types containing payloads? */
        /* set new payload pointer */
        payload = (u8_t *)p->payload - header_size_increment;

        /* boundary check fails? */
        if ((u8_t *)payload < (u8_t *)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF)
            LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_add_header: failed as %p < %p (not enough space for new header size)\n", (void *)payload, (void *)((u8_t *)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF)));
            /* bail out unsuccessfully */
            return 1;

        /* pbuf types referring to external payloads? */
        /* hide a header in the payload? */
        if (force)
            payload = (u8_t *)p->payload - header_size_increment;
            /* cannot expand payload to front (yet!)
             * bail out unsuccessfully */
            return 1;

    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_add_header: old %p new %p (%"U16_F")\n", (void *)p->payload, (void *)payload, increment_magnitude));
    /* modify pbuf fields */
    p->payload = payload;
    p->len = (u16_t)(p->len + increment_magnitude);
    p->tot_len = (u16_t)(p->tot_len + increment_magnitude);
    return 0;

static u8_t pbuf_header_impl(struct pbuf *p, s16_t header_size_increment, u8_t force)
    if (header_size_increment < 0)
        return pbuf_remove_header(p, (size_t) - header_size_increment);
        return pbuf_add_header_impl(p, (size_t)header_size_increment, force);

 * Adjusts the payload pointer to hide or reveal headers in the payload.
 *  * Adjusts the ->payload pointer so that space for a header
 * (dis)appears in the pbuf payload.
 *  * The ->payload, ->tot_len and ->len fields are adjusted.
 *  * @param p pbuf to change the header size.
 * @param header_size_increment Number of bytes to increment header size which
 * increases the size of the pbuf. New space is on the front.
 * (Using a negative value decreases the header size.)
 * If header_size_increment is 0, this function does nothing and returns successful.
 *  * PBUF_ROM and PBUF_REF type buffers cannot have their sizes increased, so
 * the call will fail. A check is made that the increase in header size does
 * not move the payload pointer in front of the start of the buffer.
 * @return non-zero on failure, zero on success.
 *  */
u8_t pbuf_header(struct pbuf *p, s16_t header_size_increment)
    return pbuf_header_impl(p, header_size_increment, 0);
  • pbuf_chain()
 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Concatenate two pbufs (each may be a pbuf chain) and take over
 * the caller's reference of the tail pbuf.
 *  * @note The caller MAY NOT reference the tail pbuf afterwards.
 * Use pbuf_chain() for that purpose.
 *  * This function explicitly does not check for tot_len overflow to prevent
 * failing to queue too long pbufs. This can produce invalid pbufs, so
 * handle with care!
 *  * @see pbuf_chain()
void pbuf_cat(struct pbuf *h, struct pbuf *t)
    struct pbuf *p;
    LWIP_ERROR("(h != NULL) && (t != NULL) (programmer violates API)", ((h != NULL) && (t != NULL)), return;);

    /* proceed to last pbuf of chain */
    for (p = h; p->next != NULL; p = p->next)
        /* add total length of second chain to all totals of first chain */
        p->tot_len = (u16_t)(p->tot_len + t->tot_len);

    /* { p is last pbuf of first h chain, p->next == NULL } */
    LWIP_ASSERT("p->tot_len == p->len (of last pbuf in chain)", p->tot_len == p->len);
    LWIP_ASSERT("p->next == NULL", p->next == NULL);
    /* add total length of second chain to last pbuf total of first chain */
    p->tot_len = (u16_t)(p->tot_len + t->tot_len);
    /* chain last pbuf of head (p) with first of tail (t) */
    p->next = t;
    /* p->next now references t, but the caller will drop its reference to t,
     * so netto there is no change to the reference count of t.
  • pbuf_ref()
 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Increment the reference count of the pbuf.
 * @param p pbuf to increase reference counter of
void pbuf_ref(struct pbuf *p)
    /* pbuf given? */
    if (p != NULL)
        SYS_ARCH_SET(p->ref, (LWIP_PBUF_REF_T)(p->ref + 1));
        LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf ref overflow", p->ref > 0);
  • pbuf_chain()
 * @ingroup pbuf
 * Chain two pbufs (or pbuf chains) together.
 *  * The caller MUST call pbuf_free(t) once it has stopped
 * using it. Use pbuf_cat() instead if you no longer use t.
 *  * @param h head pbuf (chain)
 * @param t tail pbuf (chain)
 * @note The pbufs MUST belong to the same packet.
 * @note MAY NOT be called on a packet queue.
 *  * The ->tot_len fields of all pbufs of the head chain are adjusted.
 * The ->next field of the last pbuf of the head chain is adjusted.
 * The ->ref field of the first pbuf of the tail chain is adjusted.
 *  */
void pbuf_chain(struct pbuf *h, struct pbuf *t)
    pbuf_cat(h, t);
    /* t is now referenced by h */
    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_chain: %p references %p\n", (void *)h, (void *)t));
  • pbuf_dechain()
 * Dechains the first pbuf from its succeeding pbufs in the chain.
 * Makes p->tot_len field equal to p->len.
 * @param p pbuf to dechain
 * @return remainder of the pbuf chain, or NULL if it was de-allocated.
 * @note May not be called on a packet queue.
struct pbuf *pbuf_dechain(struct pbuf *p)
    struct pbuf *q;
    u8_t tail_gone = 1;
    /* tail */
    q = p->next;

    /* pbuf has successor in chain? */
    if (q != NULL)
        /* assert tot_len invariant: (p->tot_len == p->len + (p->next? p->next->tot_len: 0) */
        LWIP_ASSERT("p->tot_len == p->len + q->tot_len", q->tot_len == p->tot_len - p->len);
        /* enforce invariant if assertion is disabled */
        q->tot_len = (u16_t)(p->tot_len - p->len);
        /* decouple pbuf from remainder */
        p->next = NULL;
        /* total length of pbuf p is its own length only */
        p->tot_len = p->len;
        /* q is no longer referenced by p, free it */
        LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_dechain: unreferencing %p\n", (void *)q));
        tail_gone = pbuf_free(q);

        if (tail_gone > 0)
            LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_dechain: deallocated %p (as it is no longer referenced)\n", (void *)q));

        /* return remaining tail or NULL if deallocated */

    /* assert tot_len invariant: (p->tot_len == p->len + (p->next? p->next->tot_len: 0) */
    LWIP_ASSERT("p->tot_len == p->len", p->tot_len == p->len);
    return ((tail_gone > 0) ? NULL : q);


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