mobile robot sim

The MRSim (Multi-Robot Simulator) is an extension of the Autonomous mobile robotics toolbox SIMROBOT (SIMulated ROBOTs) created for MatLab 5 in 2001. MRSim allows the user to simulate the behavior of multiple mobile robots in virtual environments. When compared to its predecessor SIMROBOT, MRSim presents two key contributions: 1) It is fitted to the new MatLab versions - Previously, users were unable to work with SIMROBOT functions since most of them were incompatible with the new MatLab versions. MatLab significantly evolved over the last 10 years, making SIMROBOT obsolete. In this extension, all features of SIMROBOT were updated and improved based on the new MatLab functions; 2)It is also fitted to suit multi-robot applications - although SIMROBOT was endowed with various interesting features for mobile robotics, it presented several limitations for multi-robot applications. Therefore, MRSim was created primarily to allow users to develop multi-robot applications, which would benefit working with some specific requirements such as multi-hop communication. Moreover, most of the functionalities in MRSim have an integrated help (which can be accessed just by typing help function) that allows to easily understand the dynamics of how to create and run simulations. In sum, just like SIMROBOT, each robot in MRSim can be equipped with several virtual sensors and can be driven by its own control algorithm. The toolbox includes two independent applications. The first one is the EDITOR (simedit), which allows the user to create and modify the virtual environment,to edit the control algorithms of robots, to load and save simulation, and others. The second application, SIMULATOR (simview), can be run directly from the EDITOR or separately from MatLab Command Window and serves as a simulation viewer. A MatLab help file is being currently created and will be add in the future.
RoKiSim是一个免费的多平台的教育软件工具,用于三维仿真的六轴机器人的开发控制与机器人实验室。用户可以慢跑虚拟机器人装置中任一其关节空间或笛卡尔空间 (相对于所述工具坐标,基坐标,或世界坐标),显示不同的参考帧(根据两个Denavit-Hartenberg和改性Denavit-Hartenberg约定),和可视化的所有可能的配置, 机器人的逆运动学端部执行器的一个给定的姿势。方向可以在任何几种常见的(如使用的FANUC机器人,库卡机器人,),以及在单位四元数(通过使用ABB机器人)来表示。 该RoKiSim软件包中有几种流行的工业机器人模型(ABB IRB 120,ABB IRB 140,ABB IRB 1600/1.45,ABB IRB 4400,ABB IRB 6640-130,CRS A465,FANUC , FANUC M- 710iC/50,FANUC M-710iC/50S 库卡KR 5希克斯R650,库卡KR 150 R3100,库卡KR 270 R2700,库卡KR 500,库卡KR 1000 TITAN, 莫托曼MH5F,莫托曼UP50N, PUMA 560,圣锓BLI TX40,和圣锓BLI TX200,),以及与7端部执行器的工具。这是比较容易添加新的机器人模型,而且相当容易加入(以ASCII STL格式)新的末端效应器 的工具。该软件包还配备了三种类型机器人奇异的(手腕,肘部和肩部)的一些机器人模型的模拟。仿真包含了*。卡扩展,包含六个关节变量的数值序列,并与* RKS扩展另 一个ASCI文件,指定机器人及其工具的ASCII文件。 机器人仿真软件还附带了导入对象的几何形状和放置在机器人环境的能力。一个对象必须以ASCII STL文件或SLP文件中定义(同为STL格式,但允许不同的颜色各方面)。 一组由一个机器人,一个末端执行器的工具,对象和它们的姿势相对于机器人的基本框架,仿真文件,以及语言和欧拉角公约的选择,可以保存为一个站。这种站的一个 例子是设置有包。 仿真软件操作应用: 1,选择你喜欢的机器人模型,可以选择菜单语言。机器人对象模拟路径,可以将它们保存为默认~~选择的选项在文件菜单中的“另存为默认站” 。 更改视图方向 旋转:按住鼠标左键的同时拖动鼠标。 拖动:按Ctrl +同时拖动鼠标鼠标左键。 缩放:按下Shift +鼠标左键的同时拖动鼠标或使用鼠标滚轮按钮。 玩模拟: 要加载模拟,按Ctrl + D 然后,使用模拟面板在RoKiSim窗口的底部(此面板的可见性可以通过按F4键切换)或以下快捷键: ↓:启动一个已经被加载了模拟。 ↑:停止模拟,并且让机器人到其家乡的配置。 →:停止模拟和前进了一步。 ←:停止模拟及垫款一步后退。 以屏幕捕获 RoKiSim不提供拍摄屏幕捕获工具。你可以最大限度地提高您的RoKiSim窗口,去掉不必要的面板(F2为机器人的控制面板,F3为对象面板,和F4的模拟面板), 按Alt + PrtScn您可以将图像粘贴在您最喜爱的图形程序(如GIMP),或直接到文字处理程序(例如,Microsoft Word或PowerPoint中)。在Windows 7中, 您也可以使用截图工具应用程序以一个窗口,一个矩形区域,或自由格式区域的截图。 改变背景颜色 要改变背景颜色从蓝色变成白色,反之亦然,按Shift + B。 改变基准帧的大小




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