bug of VS2010

--------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- Insufficient available memory to meet the expected demands of an operation at this time, possibly due to virtual address space fragmentation. Please try again later. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------



Scottie B 在 2010/6/30 10:12 发送
I installed the hotfix and I have not encountered the copy / paste issue since. It seems to be working like a champ. Thank you very much for releasing this hotfix.
Microsoft 在 2010/6/25 17:06 发送
Hi everyone - I'm writing to let you know we just released a hotfix to address the "insufficient memory" error on small cut or copy operations in VS 2010 RTM. If you try the patch, please post here to let us know (either way) whether it solves the problem. If there are still issues after hotfix installation, we're definitely interested in investigating.

Hotfix download: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=29729

Hotfix information: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/06/25/patch-available-for-cut-or-copy-displaying-insufficient-memory-error-in-vs-2010.aspx

Microsoft 在 2010/6/21 11:46 发送
@John: Yes, this is related to memory usage and size of the working set. In a nutshell, VS is checking to make sure there's enough memory available for the cut or copy operation. The bug is that this check is too conservative - VS is checking to make sure there is significantly *more* contiguous memory available than the operation really requires. When the working set is small, the check still succeeds and the cut or copy proceeds as expected. When the working set becomes larger, the conservative check fails and you see this dialog.

On a related note, both before and after hotfix installation, there are cases where Visual Studio accurately reports that not enough memory is available to complete a given operation. Even after the hotfix, you may still see insufficient memory dialogs when attempting to make a very large (preliminary tests suggest 60-70MB or so) cut or copy. However, the fix should ensure that Visual Studio is legitimately unable to find enough memory to execute such a large operation before displaying this dialog. The frequency of such a dialog should be dramatically decreased after installing the hotfix, and you shouldn't see insufficient memory errors constantly or on copying just a few characters, words, or lines. Does that make sense?

- Brittany
John Leidegren 在 2010/6/21 4:39 发送
That hotfix couldn't come any sooner, appricate the hard work to fix this, it's really annoying and somewhat surprising that copying text would cause an out of memory error. I've noticed that the working set grows quite large at times, and this problem typically appears when the wokring set reaches 700 MB (on my 32-bit 4GB Win 7 machine). Is this problem somehow related to that?
Microsoft 在 2010/6/16 17:39 发送
Hi everyone - I'm writing to let you know that we just started the process of releasing a hotfix for this issue. There is no exact ETA yet, but I'll keep this thread updated with any new developments and post a link as soon as a patch becomes available.

@BRdejong: Thanks for your reply. I definitely understand the frustration around this issue, and hopefully a hotfix will help alleviate the problem soon.

- Brittany
BRdejong 在 2010/6/10 6:50 发送
You are right, my frustration that I am feeling right now with the development team continuing to come to me with complaints about this bug came through in my post. I did step over the line in my comment and I do appologize for that.

I sure do hope that a service pack is going to be release soon, we are holding off deployment of VS2010 to the rest of the team until this and the crashing that results from a locked workstation are fixed. The move to VS2010 was done on my recomendation so I am of course the recipient of all the frustrated developers. I hope it is released since the rest of VS2010 is working great.
Microsoft 在 2010/6/9 11:53 发送
@BRdejong: As I just replied to an identical comment you made on another bug, you understood correctly.
- Regarding #3, I can now say this fix will be included in any future VS 2010 service pack, though there is still no timeline available for that.
- It's standard practice to resolve bugs, including Connect bugs, as Fixed when they're fixed internally. This site is intended for product feedback, not for servicing, product support tickets, or hotfix requests, and Connect bugs that are fixed typically cannot be validated externally until the next public release, service pack, etc. As I said above, I'll post again here ASAP if anything hotfix-related changes.
- We appreciate your feedback, but just so you know, posting the same response on multiple Connect bugs is unlikely to have much of an effect beyond posting it once. You're of course free to post whatever you like wherever you like, but duplicate comments typically don't change the action that Microsoft teams take.
- The decision to release a hotfix for any issue requires approval from quite a few people and is unfortunately out of my control. Both Microsoft and the individual employees posting here try to maintain a professional tone in Connect bug conversations and would appreciate the same courtesy; personal attacks (e.g. comments on how I sleep at night) are a bit unwarranted.

- Brittany
BRdejong 在 2010/6/7 11:14 发送
Also, there is no way this can be logged as fixed since all of us out in the real world have not received either a hotfix or patch to correct this issue. So it is not fixed yet.
BRdejong 在 2010/6/7 4:51 发送
I want to make sure that I understand the comment from Brittany Behrens.

1. The issue has been resolved and they are testing it internally.
2. The NEXT version of Visual Studio will not have this issue.
3. The fix may or may not make it into the next service pack.
4. The correction for all of us PAYING customers and developers is to restart visual studio.

This just will not do, telling us that we will have to continue to restart visual studio until we open up our wallets and pay for the next version of Visual Studio is no way to treat your customers. How on earth am I supposed to word this to MY management? We just upgraded to VS2010 on my recomendation. All of our developers are seeing this issue close to every day and for some it is several times in a day. It is brought up every week at our staff meeting and I continue to re-assure them that it will be fixed.

Now I see that it may or may not make it in the SP, and that we can always just wait for the next release and then pay for it. I for one know that if my car was stalling out on the highway everyday and the automobile company told me I could either just live with it or buy the next model I would sell the car and move to another manufacturer. Sadly we are stuck with this product since it is not all that easy to change development environments but this kind of response to a BREAKING bug is very sad. I know that I for one would not be able to sleep well at night knowing that I released a correction that basically stated to jsut live with it or buy our next product.

I surely hope this is taken under consideration and that the fix is released to us as a hotfix as soon as possible. that is the RIGHT thing to do.

Microsoft 在 2010/5/26 17:11 发送
Scottie B - There is not currently a hotfix in progress or planned for this bug, but I'll post here to let everyone know right away if that changes. The timeline for SP1 has also not been announced.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news; unfortunately there's nothing more I can say at this point.

- Brittany
Scottie B 在 2010/5/26 14:38 发送
Can we get a hotfix prior to SP1? This bug is driving me crazy and happens to me about once an hour now. It is really starting to hinder my development efforts. When is SP1 scheduled to be released? This is why no one uses microsoft products until the first service pack is released. Please help us out microsoft.
Microsoft 在 2010/5/20 12:58 发送
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for reporting and commenting on this bug. This is a known issue on VS 2010 RTM that we just fixed last week, so I'm resolving it as Fixed. As a couple of you noted, we did previously believe we had fixed this for RTM already, but fixing that part of the issue unfortunately uncovered another bug that could cause the same symptoms. Extensions or third-party products like ReSharper may exacerbate the issue, but they aren't the root cause.

We know this is a very impactful bug and we have confirmed and checked in a fix. The next version of Visual Studio should not have this problem, and we will very strongly consider this fix for VS 2010 SP1. For now, restarting VS should cause the error to stop displaying and allow cut/copy/paste to work again, though the problem will unfortunately reappear after using VS again for some time and require another restart.

Thanks for using Visual Studio 2010 and sending your feedback,

Brittany Behrens
Program Manager, VS Platform - Editor
MarkNoblitt 在 2010/5/13 11:51 发送
Daily bug - have to close and restart the dev environment at least twice a day

2010 Ultimate -

Big project - Foundation Server - Two Web services with Entity Frameworks. Can keep typing and building. Just can't get to copy and paste - which is kind of must.
Deputy Van Halen 在 2010/5/13 11:49 发送
Same issue here... Can't Ctrl-C. VS2010 Ultimate RTM Win XP x86 SP3. I do NOT have resharper. I see the issue every hour or two and must restart the app.
alaa9jo 在 2010/5/12 4:38 发送
I face the same issue of michac except I have Win XP SP3 32bit.

I am also running Resharper 5.
James Dartnell 在 2010/5/8 10:24 发送
HAs anyone got / tested this on a 64bit OS, it might not make any difference since the majority of VS is still 32bit, but its just a guess since all the comments point @ 32bit, I have not yet had this error, is there anything such as code or similar that could help in testing this with steps to reproduce so the conditions are mostly the same?
spodeousrex 在 2010/5/6 20:58 发送
Same issue , windows XP 32 bits VS 2010 Ultimate, no resharper installed. I am a big fan of VS 2010, but it seems like during the last week a lot of bugs are appearing like this one. It crashes now more than VS 2008 did doing WPF dev. I am really hope some updates come out soon.
Paus 在 2010/5/6 0:53 发送
Same issue, windows XP 32 bits, no resharper installed
BRdejong 在 2010/5/3 11:56 发送
I get this as well using Premium on Windows XP. However, we do not have Resharper installed. A restart of the IDE corrects the issue but since we are in a re-factoring push right now its a real pain since it happens about ever two hours or so.
michac 在 2010/4/26 14:12 发送
I saw this same issue in VS2010, running Windows 7 32-bit. I noticed it after I resumed from hibernate, having left Visual Studio running when I entered put the machine in hibernation. A machine restart has fixed the problem for now.

I am also running Resharper 5.
jeffq 在 2010/4/26 13:29 发送
I am also experiencing this issue. cbreen's comments are similar to mine. I am using the premium edition. Note the copy works outside the VS 2010 environment but a ctrl-c in vs 2010 fails consistently once the problem begins. I did note that drag and drop copying does still work if that is any help, but the problem is still very frustrating.
nlynge 在 2010/4/25 2:15 发送
Same problem here but it only started after i installed resharper 5 final release anyone else having this problem running jetbrains resharper 5?
EDS Bert 在 2010/4/22 3:21 发送
I have this same behavior on vs 2010 ultimate release (running windows xp sp3 as my operating system)
psoucy 在 2010/4/20 9:38 发送
I experience the same issue using VS2010 Premium release version.
cbreen 在 2010/4/19 13:13 发送
I too have experienced this - I am using VS 2010 Professional Edition. I have both RC and final release versions - (RC on my desktop PC running Vista 32-bit and the release version on my development laptop running windows 7 32-bit , and this happens in both. Devenv.exe is noticably hogging resources in task manager when this happens. Both are good spec machines, and no other applications are open when this happens. I do, however, suspect it may be related to poor garbage collection in my code as it takes a few attempts at debugging an application before this error will occur, and devenv.exe seems to hog more memory with each attempt. But it didn't happen with VS2005/2008!




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