EDIT – Since I wrote this post, Twitter has updated how you get the next list of tweets for your result. Rather than using scroll_cursor, it uses max_position. I’ve written a bit more in detail here.

In fairly recent news, Twitter has started indexing it’s entire history of Tweets going all the way back to 2006. Hurrah for data scientists! However, even with this news (at time of writing), their search API is still restricted to the past seven days of Tweets. While I doubt this will be the case permanently, as a useful exercise this post presents how we can search for Tweets from Twitter without necessarily using their API. Besides the indexing, there is also the advantage that Twitter is a little more liberal with rate limits, and you don’t require any authentication keys.

The post will be split up into two parts, this first part looking at what we can extract from Twitter and how we might start to go about it, and the second a tutorial on how we can implement this in Java.


Right, to begin, lets say we want to search Twitter for all tweets related to the query “Babylon 5”. You can access Twitters adv