Ogre 的文档系统


ArchiveManager 这个类开始的,

    ArchiveManager这个类是一个文件的容器管理者,他管理者所有的文件信息,(这些信息包含这个文件的名称,全路径,目录,大小等信息,这些东西是在FileInfo这个结构体中定义的)在ArchiveManager 中有ArchiveFactoryMap类型的变量他用来管理这着所有的创建容器的工厂.还有一个ArchiveMap类型的变量他用来装载成所有的文档容器,他的成员函数如下,我给出了所有的申明,并加了中文的注释

    /** This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins.
    class _OgreExport ArchiveManager : public Singleton<ArchiveManager>
  //!ArchiveFactoryMap 这个类型的容器的定义,第一用来指定这个工厂是用来生产什么类型的容器
        typedef std::map<String, ArchiveFactory*> ArchiveFactoryMap;
        /// Factories available to create archives, indexed by archive type (String identifier e.g. 'Zip')
        ArchiveFactoryMap mArchFactories;
        /// Currently loaded archives
        typedef std::map<String, Archive*> ArchiveMap;
        ArchiveMap mArchives;   //!同时这个管理者还要自己来管理生产出来的东西.

        /** Default constructor - should never get called by a client app.
        ArchiveManager() {}
        /** Default destructor.
        virtual ~ArchiveManager();

        /** Opens an archive for file reading.
                The archives are created using class factories within
                extension libraries.
            @param filename
                The filename that will be opened
            @param refLibrary
                The library that contains the data-handling code
                If the function succeeds, a valid pointer to an Archive
                object is returened.
                If the function fails, an exception is thrown.
        Archive* load( const String& filename, const String& archiveType);

  /** Unloads an archive.
   You must ensure that this archive is not being used before removing it.
  void unload(Archive* arch);
  /** Unloads an archive by name.
   You must ensure that this archive is not being used before removing it.
  void unload(const String& filename);

        /** Adds a new ArchiveFactory to the list of available factories.
                Plugin developers who add new archive codecs need to call
                this after defining their ArchiveFactory subclass and
                Archive subclasses for their archive type.
        void addArchiveFactory(ArchiveFactory* factory);
        /** Override standard Singleton retrieval.
        Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton
        implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled
        into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the
        Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it
        compiled into the implementation of the class based on the
        Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get
        link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from
        an outside dll.
        This method just delegates to the template version anyway,
        but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit,
        preventing link errors.
        static ArchiveManager& getSingleton(void);
        /** Override standard Singleton retrieval.
        Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton
        implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled
        into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the
        Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it
        compiled into the implementation of the class based on the
        Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get
        link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from
        an outside dll.
        This method just delegates to the template version anyway,
        but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit,
        preventing link errors.
        static ArchiveManager* getSingletonPtr(void);


他是一个纯虚的类,他继承FactoryObj< Archive >这个类,他里面没有什么的东西,FactoryObj是一个工厂的模板,可以根据自己的需要去生产出什么,但是首先需要去实现他的接口,.他就可以生产出一个特定类型的容器,

    /** Abstract factory class. Does nothing by itself, but derived classes can add
    template< typename T > class FactoryObj
        virtual ~FactoryObj() {};

        /** Returns the factory type.
                The factory type.
        virtual const String& getType() const = 0;

        /** Creates a new object.
        @param name Name of the object to create
            An object created by the factory. The type of the object depends on
            the factory.
        virtual T* createInstance( const String& name ) = 0;   
        /** Destroys an object which was created by this factory.
        @param ptr Pointer to the object to destroy
        virtual void destroyInstance( T* ) = 0;   



    class _OgreExport Archive 
        /// Archive name
        String mName;   //@这个容器的名称.
        /// Archive type code
        String mType;   //!这个容器存储什么类型的的文件

        /** Constructor - don't call direct, used by ArchiveFactory.
        Archive( const String& name, const String& archType )
            : mName(name), mType(archType) {}

        /** Default destructor.
        virtual ~Archive() {}

  /// Get the name of this archive
  const String& getName(void) const { return mName; }

        /// Returns whether this archive is case sensitive  it matches files
        virtual bool isCaseSensitive(void) const = 0;

        /** Loads the archive.
            This initializes all the internal data of the class.
            Do not call this function directly, it is ment to be used
            only by the ArchiveManager class.
        virtual void load() = 0;

        /** Unloads the archive.
            Do not call this function directly, it is ment to be used
            only by the ArchiveManager class.
        virtual void unload() = 0;

        /** Open a stream on a given file.
            There is no equivalent 'close' method; the returned stream
            controls the lifecycle of this file operation.
        @param filename The fully qualified name of the file
        @returns A shared pointer to a DataStream which can be used to
            read / write the file. If the file is not present, returns a null
   shared pointer.
        virtual DataStreamPtr open(const String& filename) const = 0;

        /** List all file names in the archive.
            This method only returns filenames, you can also retrieve other
            information using listFileInfo.
        @param recursive Whether all paths of the archive are searched (if the
            archive has a concept of that)
        @param dirs Set to true if you want the directories to be listed
            instead of files
        @returns A list of filenames matching the criteria, all are fully qualified
        virtual StringVectorPtr list(bool recursive = true, bool dirs = false/*是否包含目录信息*/) = 0;
        /** List all files in the archive with accompanying information.
        @param recursive Whether all paths of the archive are searched (if the
            archive has a concept of that)
        @param dirs Set to true if you want the directories to be listed
            instead of files
        @returns A list of structures detailing quite a lot of information about
            all the files in the archive.
        virtual FileInfoListPtr listFileInfo(bool recursive = true, bool dirs = false) = 0;

        /** Find all file or directory names matching a given pattern
            in this archive.
            This method only returns filenames, you can also retrieve other
            information using findFileInfo.
        @param pattern The pattern to search for; wildcards (*) are allowed
        @param recursive Whether all paths of the archive are searched (if the
            archive has a concept of that)
        @param dirs Set to true if you want the directories to be listed
            instead of files
        @returns A list of filenames matching the criteria, all are fully qualified
        virtual StringVectorPtr find(const String& pattern, bool recursive = true,
            bool dirs = false) = 0;

        /** Find out if the named file exists (note: fully qualified filename required) */
        virtual bool exists(const String& filename) = 0;

        /** Find all files or directories matching a given pattern in this
            archive and get some detailed information about them.
        @param pattern The pattern to search for; wildcards (*) are allowed
        @param recursive Whether all paths of the archive are searched (if the
        archive has a concept of that)
        @param dirs Set to true if you want the directories to be listed
            instead of files
        @returns A list of file information structures for all files matching
            the criteria.
        virtual FileInfoListPtr findFileInfo(const String& pattern,
            bool recursive = true, bool dirs = false) = 0;

        /// Return the type code of this Archive
        const String& getType(void) const { return mType; }





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