152.271 – Sport Entertainment Management One: Sport Entertainment AnalysisSQL

Java Python 152.271 - Sport Entertainment Management

Assignment One: Sport Entertainment Analysis

(submit via stream)

Length: 2000-2500 words (excluding references) Value: 30%

TASK: Select one of the four course topics (listed below). Then,

through two different sporting examples, analyse and discuss the following in relation to your selected course topic:

‘For any contemporary sport to remain relevant, it must be entertaining’.

Topics (select one only):

1: Local and Global Sport Markets

2. Sport as Media, Technology and Innovation

3. Sport Stars as Entertainers

4. Sport as Sustainable Entertainment

Task Summary - You are being asked to demonstrate knowledge of one  key course topic and theme from weeks 2-5. Specifically, by analysing the statement ‘For any contemporary sport to remain relevant, it must be entertaining’ you should probe how your selected course topic has significantly shaped, influenced, impacted upon or underpinned the contemporary innovations and developments that have taken place across two different sporting examples. You need to evidence and demonstrate the links between your course topic, sport entertainment and your two sports through appropriate academic concepts and sources, as well as relevant sporting examples. Please ensure that four peer-reviewed (academic) scholarly works are used, cited and referenced.

Further Task Details

Your answer should demonstrate a familiarity with relevant theories, concepts and sources for your chosen course topic, as well as provide appropriate sporting examples from at least two different sports (eg different codes, leagues, events etc). As part of your answer, you should also define, unpack and explain what sport entertainment means and looks like in contemporary times, as well as clearly showcase how and/or why your selected course topic is fundamental to the creation, circulation and consumption of sport entertainment via your two different sporting examples.

Course Topics (select One only)

For each of the four options, you might consider some of the following aspects for further examination and analysis:

1: Local and Global Sport Markets

Commercial issues and implications (economics, revenue, sponsorship, merchandise, commodification, costs, Uber Sport, ‘Disneyfication’) as well as the impacts of the local/global (globalisation, nationalism and the nation, travel and/or tourism, locations,markets, access, revenue, global and local competitions) . See Week 2

2. Sport as Media, Technology and Innovation

The role and impact of the media and technologies (media representations, the spectacle, social media access, digital technologies and innovations, TV vs streaming; broadcasting/media rights and forms of revenue; Twitch and Gaming, new media technologies, emerging innovations and futuristic developments). See Week 3

3. Sport Stars as Entertainers

The role and impact of media fame, stardom and celebrity (conditions for sport stardom, significance of local/global celebrity, star power, star performances and as performers, as influencers via social and digital media platforms, significance of fame and crossovers with other entertainment industries, celebrity endorsements and sponsorship). See Week 4

4. Sport as Sustainable Entertainment

Issues of sustainability (environmental impacts, ecological protections and planning, sustainable futures, economic transparency and feasibility, social consciousness and being socially responsible, contemporary issues and concerns – such as greenwashing and/or sportswashing). See Week 5

Note: Your response needs to be driven by a focus on how the course topic (eg the role of local and global markets OR the role of the media, OR the role of celebrity, OR the role of sustainability) has influenced aspects of contemporary sport entertainment in relation to the two different sports rather than produce an account solely focused on the sports themselves.

*Please clearly identify both your selected course topic and the two specific sporting examples that are being analysed

Two different sporting examples:

Please ensure two different sports are drawn upon to further illuminate how  entertainment is often not generic but, rather, operates in different ways and different contexts to ideally embellish and enhance the experiences and entertainment values of the selected sports. Of course, conversely, you might argue that these approaches to entertainment are, in fact, too generic and need to be more original and more carefully tailored to the specific sport as they can become repetitive, cliched and stale. While you might have a number of poignant examples for one sport (eg football or cricket) and should trace these, do ensure a second different sporting example is also provided to offer elements of compare and contrast.

*Please also look at assessment two to consider what case study and sport(s) you might analysis there, particularly to avoid repetition across both assignments. That is, assignment one and assignment two should avoid repeating the same content and focus (eg two essays on the NBA, EPL etc)*

Key Points:

- Your answer should take the format of a 2000-2500 word essay (See essay structure guidelines below).

- Avoid merely listing and describing the topic

- Rather - ensure you use appropriate terms, concepts, theories and sources applicable to your specific sport entertainment analysis – these need to be defined, explained,discussed, applied and referenced through appropriate sources and sport examples (e.g., use course themes to underpin, support and develop your own ideas and to illuminate your analysis)

- Analyse, interpret and discuss your sport entertainment analysis through a critically informed and coherent argument that addresses the set question and draws upon ap 152.271 – Sport Entertainment Management Assignment One: Sport Entertainment AnalysisSQL propriate evidence and examples-

- Please ensure that four peer-reviewed (academic) scholarly works are used, cited and referenced. Journal articles, books, chapters and textbooks are acceptable; Wikipedia and other non-refereed websites are not counted but maybe used. You can (and should) draw upon the weekly readings provided on Stream but are encouraged to also demonstrate independent research. You can find out more information about peer reviewed sources here

- You must reference all your sources of information as per APA 7th style referencing style (see http://owll.massey.ac.nz/referencing/apa-style.php).

- Ensure that your essay has an introduction, conclusion and reference list

- Your essay must be typed using Microsoft Word, or similar

- Please ensure that all papers are numbered and your name and student ID are on each page of the file.

Structuring Your Essay

1. Introduction (250 words approx.) In this section you should:

-     Provide a concise introduction to the purpose and objectives of the essay

-     Clearly identify and briefly introduce your case study

-    Signpost your essay: briefly outline you what you will discuss, highlighting your main topics/points of discussion.

2. Sport Entertainment Analysis (1500-2000 words approx.)

Critically evaluate and address the set question by responding to the following statement: ‘for any contemporary sport to remain relevant, it must be entertaining’. As noted earlier,your response needs to be driven by a focus on how the course topic (eg the role of local and global markets OR the role of the media, OR the role of celebrity, OR the role of sustainability) has influenced aspects of contemporary sport  entertainment in relation to two different sporting examples.

This section should clearly identify and establish the relationship between your course topic, sport entertainment and your two different sport examples. As part of  your answer, you should also define, unpack and explain what sport entertainment means and looks like in contemporary times in relation to your specific analysis.

Structurally, you might choose to provide separate sections for each sport, or to merge both in your account shaped around particular themes, concepts and/or developments. Regardless, your sport entertainment analysis should highlight and probe elements that compare and contrast the two different sporting examples in relation to your course topic and contemporary sport entertainment.

Your discussion may consider some of the following:

-    In what ways do your sport examples attempt to ‘entertain’ you?

-    How is entertainment a feature of the live experience – at the event, at the venue, around pre/post event activities, promotions and/or activations?

-    How do both local and global audiences experience and engage with its entertainment features – eg via media, commerce, celebrity, etc?

-    Are other entertainment industries incorporated, featured, replicated or drawn upon? In what ways do they influence the forms of entertainment that are provided?

-   Are themes pertaining to the environment, sustainability or social issues part of the entertainment package on offer?

-    How have your sporting examples evolved, developed or innovated via your specific course topic to be more entertaining?

NOTE: Please ensure you have clearly defined and unpacked what contemporary sport entertainment means while showcasing how this applies to your course topic and two different sporting examples. You should also be relating your analysis back to appropriate course themes and ideas, as well as key concepts, research and approaches encountered in the academic literature (readings/scholarly sources) .

3. Conclusion (approx. 250 words): In this section you should:

-    Summarise the main points from your essay, ensuring that the major ideas are covered clearly and succinctly.

-     Relate the conclusion back to your introduction and, more importantly, the essay theme/topic.

- Do not introduce any new ideas or arguments.

4: References

- Provide a separate reference list of the academic sources you have consulted.

- Ensure you have consulted and referenced four academic references in APA format

(Note: Your reference list does not count toward the overall word-count)

- Please ensure that all papers are numbered and your name and student ID are on each page of the file.

- Use Headings and Subheadings as appropriate


• This essay should be 2000- 2500 words in length.

• Use theory and research to support your ideas wherever possible. You MUST reference four (4) peer-reviewed sources - academic journal

articles, books or book chapters.

• Your essay should follow APA formatting and should be typed (Times New Roman font) and double-spaced.

• Make sure that you proofread thoroughly (and run a spellcheck) before submitting your assignment.

• All late assignments will incur a 5% deduction for each day that they are late         





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