


Okay, okay. Should you call it. 


Hello, hello. Hello. Hi. Okay. Ya like maybe Bryan, whether he is trying. 


Okay. Uh, never mind. Let's proceed first since that this morning we have a.u.a.d. stand up. I think we are quite, uh, pretty catch up. So, uh, right now we are all going cycle 1, uh, for the U 80 and, uh, based on. Uh, this morning is still occurring without checking on the result. 


Uh, customer. In scope, this by G C P. Uh. So, uh, just see any comments on the U A T? Is there any, uh, more issues? I think this morning we discussed four, uh, related issues to G C P and, uh. 


Uh, was it resolved already, the user able to test the person. Children resolve, but I haven't really published the way this time. 


I'm still doing some lunch. Oh, okay, okay. So, okay, thanks, uh, excel. So, uh, with regards to the issue. Uh, you have not released, uh, uh, the list, uh, the latest resolution, lah. 


Okay. Um so the track will be still ongoing. That's all. So we just have to, uh, push on to the U A T to complete the M I sign off by for some November lah. 


Okay. Uh, sorry, ah, for I T, ah. Ellie. Uh, uh, what the invisible must, uh. File this a few format you will provide this Friday, 30 September. 


For the mask. The post mask, when are you gonna provide. Sorry. Uh, which date. Or. Uh, for the last list, the. 


Uh, the cycle 2 should be one or 6 of October. I will. So I think the next day should, uh. This, uh, the next two days should be okay to like, okay, get the okay. I put in 7 October 1st. Ah okay, okay, okay. 


Uh. So that we keep track of this. But yeah. Okay. Ipad. Okay. Uh, okay, apart from this, uh, for users, ah, is there anymore, I was sending issue other than what we have discussed this morning for you 18. 


Um, hi, I think yeah, we have one question for us. So, uh, I felt so sorry for the, um, dashboard, right. You also would like to know if there's, uh, why the STC tagging right is the the fewer FCC tech fuel right is appear under the exclusion dashboard, but it's not appear under the in scope. 


Cause they have cca. Yes. Important if they're steer. So those esteem which is quite under investigation, then we are not supposed to masks also. So we actually put it under the exclusions. 


Because those under investigation will be in the exclusions. Yeah correct, unless you wanted to be in the inscript as well, but we're not sending it to. 


Mostly I don't need it. Ya I think P S team has requested. To have this field to be appeared under the in scope in scope dashboard as well. So that is easier for them to do the. 


Is it possible to act on. It's practical, but the thing is that. I said that the thing is that we need to rerun again because we need we need to instrument that medical. 


So which means that the competition we are seeing now, which is a set. I think it's 24. But the thing is that when it will not have the FCC because the data is already blue. 


So the thing that we can do is still standing. Green and entering generate the latest 1 for you. To be assessed yesterday. 


You know I can define that particular. I think should be okay. Be okay. Uh, okay. Can, uh, also they have another, uh. Question is the how about the, um amount in the suspense account that particular feel possible to include as well is for their easier, uh, tracking. 


Because right now they need to trade one by one, right, ya. No, but i'm not going to suspend. In the exclusions. 


So which means every. To see in our. Squishy cushion that means there's no suspect. I mean, I mean, the correct checking if you have to come back to the source system and check. 


Yeah, you cannot be relying on the gcp because the gcp is already doesn't mean that we. And we don't see any suspects. 


I don't know how. Whether it's true. We have to go back to the lifetime and check whether there's really indeed no suspensive for those brands. 


Actually, it should be seen with that. This is a game. If I put it there and you'll rely on the hcc packing, which the gcp extra. 


Maybe. It won't be any check in front of us, right. Because the G C P is already telling you that there's no SP for those in school for client. 


So now you'll have to go back to the left hand. Okay, rather than you have any concern for this one for this amount is the spam account. 


Actually it should be supposed to be the same as that. I think you have to go back to the source system and check whether it's product. We don't see any. 


For those in school class. Actually, I don't need to re-run. So we just go in and see lah. Uh, so right. I think we have to be very mindful. What are we displaying on G C P, we are not supposed to build another source system or G C P. 


If you start ask if all users. I asking a lot of I I go through the traceable metrics that will be. So i'm just asking how come the current noise. Yeah, right. 


Will we just add in. I mean, the FCC progress is right now. I know inside the musical in our user requirement is mentioned that accident. 


Uh, to be included in the scope. Attraction. For the FCC tech, ah. 


The two. Can you discipline. Oh, okay. Let me show. 


Sorry. Um, this one. Uh, this original user story, then we got mentioned this year. The FCC customer. 


Technique it's very different. The FCC. Scary thing is already there, uh. Listen. Sorry for which one is previous. 


Risk creative. So let me show you guys. Okay, so so let me see that. Yeah, I know that I like it. I see. 


This one balance is suspended account. Everybody's also, I mean, I I can. It doesn't make sense to check it. 


Using the gcp extra as well because. They're not really validating it. But this one is the one time ray requirement. The one means that the one that. 


Before we do the mustang. You should appear at the divine can required. 


Yeah. But what i'm saying is that the because the balance in the suspects. Either zero or you have value, right. 


So annoying. The past value. Exclusions. Anything that is 0 will be like in scope. So I can earn it in the field, but I can guarantee that everything will be 0 in terms of the. 


Because, uh, this week is the one of the criteria to. Is in scope of exclusion. The FCC tag I agree because FCC tag can be anything. 


Can be as thick as any other value, so can. Not in as well as the suspect will be single group. Exclusion, right? That if we have the application, there also identify. 


Policies with the aggregation. So we can ensure that whether it's. Doing the correct education. No, no, i'm i'm going to get it will be 0, right. 


I mean, when when we aggregate the let's say the L P P S and then i'll be P. They need to be 0 because the in-scope will be on promising level as well. 


Some of the particular policy, you can see them. For what is called a suspense account will be. Ya. 


So I don't see a plan having the suspense account in the. Yeah. 


Um so for this one, the balance in suspend account, it also not. Appear in the exclusion rate of Jonathan. 


Correct. I mean, currently. But is there is there is there is there is there is a score amount. Okay, it's called the amount so that amount can be suspended because you have a condition that if the crash value is more than 0, so. 


Uh, it will be in the exclusion as one, but they're virtually exclusive. So we actually learn it just one film. 


So so can we can we agree that we will be adding a CC time but we will not include the the balance in your suspense. 


Because it will be similar and. Hmm, okay. 


Okay, so that's all after you add at a ten minute or I mean, they need to refresh the dashboard in order to get a new data, right? Uh, we will do that. 


So once I publish later, right after I have checked, I will be adding this one as well. Ya together with the ash 1, right ya. 


Okay, you you give us the update now. Okay. Thanks. 


Okay. Uh, so the U A T institute of Korea, uh, can I know what about the duplicate client record clean. 


How are we doing on that area. 


Oh. Policy services. Anyone doing it now. Or you want to do it under the second one. The duplicate climb. So, uh, I think we are born. 


Oh, okay. Alright, just keep us in the loop, lah. Okay, uh, because I think we have to do it before 90 December when the production right now. 


Once, uh, G C P run that for the production run, the first data masking. Uh, now the east work client, you have to do it before that lor, I have to complete everything. 


So okay, thank you very much. And another thing is just to let everybody know. So i've already sent out a communicated V W P P on our project plan as when we are going to go. 


12 s. Uh, master run. And, uh, battery 1, which is our first of every month we will run our G C P will run the in scope clients and our 15 would be a core system L And G 400 to run the masking based on the list. 


Okay, so if there is any more feedback from them, I will keep you all updated. Uh, okay, I I I I I I want to mention so, uh, upon, uh. Last time we we talk, uh, the masking job you want regularly on 1515 every month when I check, uh, l 400, uh. 


A statistic. Source schedule lah and. Uh, it will not one job on weekend and on holidays. So let me share the screen. 


Eh, wait a minute. And can you see my screen, uh. This this is the l 400, uh. Control M schedule app, uh. 


Saturday and Sunday and a public holiday. And, uh, we we better choose the day on, uh, 10 and 7 70 or twenty-third, uh, uh, actually. Uh, currently the job one on those day, maybe maybe maybe we can, uh, choose, uh, uh, 17, uh, everybody. 


Uh, you see, okay, for F. Uh. Okay, i'm trying to understand, uh. So if 17 of the month is, uh. It is, uh. Effect on weekend or holiday, then it will, uh, one on the previous working days. 


Okay, okay, okay then. Okay. The public holiday delivers to what public holiday ah. Uh, I M S and holiday party holiday. Oh, okay, Singapore, but we are. 


Okay. Uh. Can you email me on this, uh, okay, yeah, just just let me know. I I because I need Tracy and also Jessica to be in the call to to to agree on this. Ah okay. Okay, how how about Sunday. 


The working day before that means yourself Friday. So 17 is on Sunday means a 15 lor. At least on the Friday should not be an issue, right. 


Ya, but, uh, I I need to ask, uh. Piazza. So is this. Oh, J 400 or only the 400 or what. Driven Zhou can run the job, uh, each fix of. 


Each fifth year. 15. Oh, you you can fix it on 15 every month. Lah regardless is a subsidiary. Okay, I think I rather do it. 


Same schedule so that users are not confused. We are not so confused. Um. But it would be problem for J 422. 


Has some sort of automation right? Episode tech 17 is actually a public holiday or weekday or weekend that they run on the working bed, pay for that. 


So can you follow similar schedule like like like elbow and, uh, elbow. It means if. Ah 15 years old. 


Public holiday or weekends. In the working day before that before this film, actually 17. Okay. Okay, if you look at, uh, Elliot. Can you can you share screen your just now, what what's the the table. 


The retirement you share just lah. This this one. Ya ya. So. But if you look at this, right. We are trying to see whether we can go on 17 okay, so ally recommended. 


So but what he say, if you. The celebrity is a fall. I and I said weekday and i'm sorry weekend this Saturday or Sunday or a holiday he will run on the business. 


Meaning that if 17 is a Sunday. Then you don't drop over one of 15 because it's a Friday before 17. Don't understand what i'm saying. Yeah, I understand. Yeah, so instead of what you mentioned just now is 15. Can we make it synchronized between j 417. 


So if 17 is a weekday, but. Ah Fridays. No public holiday. On 17, but if it's a weekend. During the day we run at the working day. 


Is that possible. Over. Oh. I need to check and get back to you. Okay, okay. Let us know, lah. Hi, Jessica. Okay, good that you join. 


So there was some discussion about the production run, uh, monthly one, the regular run. Remember, uh, I think. 


In our previous discussion, we fix it on 15 every month. Regardless, it's a public holiday or Sunday or. 


Uh, we think right. Uh, we think right now, uh, Ellie is recommended on 70 because the job can only run on specific 1017, or 25. 


Uh, 23rd. Sorry ya. So it looks like there's no slot or can run on on any other day lah. So on 17, if the 17 is a. 


Weekend then it will run on the Bukit teh. Before it. Okay, you okay. Are you okay with it, meaning that you 17 is Saturday. 


15. Mm. Should be okay. Ya she you should give you back about 15 days, lah the the the. Uh, after G C P send out first of the. 


Uh, every part the east coast client. Alright. Uh, so looks like it's, uh, now we are just spending j 400 to confirm whether it be a. 


Uh, do the syndicate strategy lah, because we want to synchronize. Uh J 400 to run another schedule and then airport to run in another approach hor another schedule lah. 


Okay. Alright, sorry, sorry, what. Of the dashboard. Some of the time. Can we fix it under 7. Because we need a fixed name reference. 


Unless you want to delete yourself. There is an option as well. Okay. Can I show my. Ya, uh, early ya. 


We have this dashboard. Called masking resort. So this one will actually get refreshed. 


You can see the general very low data here. You can do it yourself as well. What Lisa. Oh, oh, okay. How does it refresh ah how this reload data means it will fresh again, the data fresh data, latest data from L to point that is it. 


Because once they complain that the the masking, they will send us that. And I remember that the gesture of the same way. 


Uhhuh, what's the friend. So you can download data. Then you can see the name of the song. You can see that the big soldier won't worry. 


It's for that time. Okay. So it's easier. We do it. Let me for you every 17 of the month. Oh, you do it yourself, but you have to designate someone to continue. 


Uh, do you hear me say the user, right. Can you study. Oh, this is a test. So you do have a look at. 


Professional changes. Then you should be able to see the makers. Very fine. The masking result. Okay. 


But as to when when will you send over to the to. Live. We're sending it first of the month. First, the so regardless whether we reload lah this, this is this is more like. 


See, I have to see the rest. Um asking yourself. Whether is there. Uh, you know, asking indicator yes or no. 


So, so that means, uh, on the first right. This thing I will some listing, but it's just that the masking hole. 


Uh, the, uh. This one is based on the return. So the one. Do you know we're sending them to school. This is generating a refresh in the manner. 


So you can see something. Ok. Is what we send on the first song. He's almost accepting for a second. 


And then the masking response is the one that we're receiving from the source. The one will tell you which for which record be much which record of the mask. 


Before after the masking after masking. Hey. So the the masking result is the one that we need to refresh. 


Or we can do it. We can do it for you every 17 of the months. But the thing is that if 17 of the month, like first of the week. 


They're doing it may say 15 or 16. But you can only see the refresh of the 17. So if you do it automatically, right excel from your side, lah. So if you still actually click on the reload data. 


Uh, just example, lah. Okay. So like what you mentioned, 70 is the weekend, right. Okay, phone cutter AD for call. Do the master. 


15 bar so is a user, uh, checks. It. This is this CCP dashboard. By Friday, we talk quickly this reload data. They will be seeing the old uh before masking lah. Correct. 


So they have to click on the reload data. You see the latest 1, lah. I think they are set on the 17 hours. 


If it's a weekday or weekend or coming on weekday, no one will work, right. The the the reload is more like, uh, troubleshooting, let's say, on the 7th. 


The shower. Wo jue de. Taking us to rerun the job. You can do it multiple frames that I know they say we we do it automatically for you on the 7th. 


Then you prefer the ranking and you click it accidentally exactly okay. It will happen. Lah, it's just the date of fresh will get a fresh data. 


Data will be accepted the last. Let's. 


Uh, I think I know what you mean. Uh, so this is. Yeah, like it. Actually, if I look at it, something is not right, I just click lor reload data as well. If I see it's okay, then i'm quite confident that maybe I see this one. 


This this is the one that shows the positive results. Negative also. We will see that masking exception code. 




Okay, so Jessica. You you find it because we automatically are not common yet. Uh, G C, P. 70 17. Refresh it. 


Anyhow, if yours, uh, if your team will ever come back before 17 for for whatever reason, you can still click the button up. Okay. 


Okay. Uh, that's all I have for this week unless anyone has anything to highlight. Okay, if not. I have I have a question for USD cycle too. So so so what I heard is that there is, uh. For example, to there are some testing cases creating in the source system right at this. 


For sample to you. Okay, yes, correct. Yeah. So so may I know when these are creative. Uh, target being completed because, uh, for G C P we need to inject data from source system. 


Uh, Juicy after all the test cases have been created, so. English and. Uh, maybe 4. To to interest. So we just want to know all the time. 


Okay. Uh, for this one, right, because, uh. So happen that our our. Uh, user user. They will create a case, a friend. So once they completed, right should be before the cycle 2 start date, then I will inform you. 


I mean, they will create the case earlier than the expected. Uh, okay, because because if, uh, because because if, uh, the interest in time will be. 


The September a couple of hours given though there is no special issue. Okay, so means right. Um. Maybe I share. 


Okay, so because now we are expecting 4th of October. Your your side need to do the injection, right, I mean. Before this you need to do the injection. We need to be we need to do the injection by this week because because yeah next Monday Tuesday resident will be public holiday in a trial. 


Okay, so means that it's better for the case to be created by this week. Yes, I will inform the user and then, um actually it's better to buy like first thing. 


Then we can have a. Half day or maybe or at least driving money. Okay, let me check and then I get back to you on this. So yeah. 


I mean, you still try to complete the case by this week so that you all can run the. Suggestion before the. 


But the holiday next week. And ya and then after that, um, I sell side to. To granted expression as per normal process right as per the cycle 2 activity. 


Yes, yes. Okay. And also for for Elva and Ali manual, uh, did did you guys will take. On 6 or 7 minutes ah October. 


Yes, I I packed in, uh, next, uh, 6, uh, this. So at first Saturday, everybody. Uh, no, I I will be here. 


Okay. So, okay, uh, sorry anyway, so if you are taking. Uh, leave right. So anyone can back up to run the job. 


Uh, my teammate car will want the job. Actually, he is doing the development for for the distance. Ya ya ya for the interface, uh. 


Uh, exclusion. Okay. Okay. So means that if there is any issue or anything, then we can refer to. Yes, okay, thanks. 


Uh, Jesse, you have his contact. I think. In the email. Some of the email I I see his name before. 


And make sure you have the. I will have to check a bit earlier if I don't have. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't easy. 


Let me add him to the crowd horn, right, yeah. Okay. 


Any more questions from anyone. Uh, and also, uh. Uh, uh, a question to S O S B because. Last time I heard so you you would, uh, fix a lot of training on. 


On Thursday, Friday step. Yeah developments are safe. Thursday and 5, two days. Uh, so so so. So so ah if you are. 


Uh, looking at them. The training is anyone who would want the exception list. We we don't find the schedule. 


But we do have to stay. Refreshing the return files. Which I think I don't. Ah Jesse, that they can click. Let me know. 


He shared the step to us ready. So we'll get user to to click on the refresh. If not right. Is there any issue then I can. 


I see. Maybe. 


And stories. We have a. They'll need to go away from this picture. Let's go. Uh, yeah, the production of. 


Oh, oh, and just coloured. 2 business. So you need to change your. In to 17 everyone. This, uh, front. 


Weekend or public holiday you will run on. Working day previously or earlier. It. Alright, uh, thank you very much, everyone. Thank you for your time. Bye. 


Bye bye. 

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