English study note12

Hello morning. Um, we have an ikea here and also David Harley Jackson. Okay. Hi, hello. Hello. Hi, i'll transfer. How about, um, is there anyone else from your team to join us for this walkthrough. 


Uh, Sarah, you are way of oxygen, John. Uh, our members David will present, so I think, uh, my seller is on top. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. 


Oh, i'm not sure the same year. All leh. I'm not sure if focusing your organization, ya lah. Okay. Uh, I I I think I received a reply from Jamie that she's on leave. So maybe let me try to connect with. 


Okay, one more month, ya. 


Okay, I think forcing is here. Hi forcing. Okay, ha, ha. Hello. Okay. So for the, uh, import team we we already have. 


David and Sarah, here is there anyone else that, um will be joining for this walkthrough session. Mm, for myself, okay. 


Okay, so okay. So good morning, everyone. So for today's session is actually for reported team to work through with us on the um solution work through for the distribution of water. Okay. So um David, Yeah, so you'll be sharing right ya. 


Oh, okay. Okay. Let me share miss good. Okay, let me share my screen. Okay, uh, for import, uh, data disposable, uh, the the customer data is from the first team, so, uh. For the impact policy. Uh, import important to need to filter out this mask record in the injection from those team to import and, uh, all the all the in school policies of which has been masked in, uh, source team should not be showing ipod. So, uh, this is a requirement, uh, this involved, um, uh, for for, uh, function or page in iphoto. Ah, first is overview overview this page. 


Should not be shown the policy in scope. And the next is customers, uh, customers type and. Uh, next is applications tab and the last is search customer, uh, in here. Okay, uh, this is a requirement of. 


Uh, for the IT solution based on the requirement, uh, first. Uh, we get the masking logic from the sales team, uh. For C L N P T F, uh. The, uh, this file and we just for focus on a seriously, uh, uh, give name surname and little name. 


Um, uh, this is. Uh, and the logic in ipod is. Uh, first we identify clients who need to be masculine card. Uh, based on the masking logic from the first team, uh. We can get all the records in the file C L N T P F because, uh, the C L N T P F is for all clients information, then we can guide the mask. The client number, uh, from this file, uh, from this step. We can identify which client, uh, are in the scope of mask. 


Uh, this is the first step and a signal we need to identify policy which should not be, uh. Should displayed, uh, in the portal when we know which claims information need to be masking. 


Okay, the claim number we can know which claims data should not be displayed them based on the Clinton number. 


Uh, we can identify all points information that, uh, this a client is related to the following for for for rose, uh, policy owner John John, policy owner and the life insurance and the life insurance, uh, because, uh. Based on the requirement we think that if the policy is in scope of masking. Uh, these four roles of the policy must be in scope. 


Okay. Uh, is second step and the third step. Um, uh, we need to delete policy data in scope of asking in II poto D B, uh, when we know the policy data. Uh, in scope of massage, uh, we can then we can delete the the all the information about this policy um, whether the data is de- deleted. It will be a recording in the this log table. Yeah, uh, uh, I T can check and verify in case if there any issue to check and and we can restore data according this record. 


Okay. Uh, this is a so solution. If there are any questions for this. Okay. If no, uh, issue for this part. I next is the U A T for the U A T first is we need to prepare profile for user. 


Test before U A T start, uh, okay, uh, first we need to, uh, test to provide the email address and phone number to I T, uh, this. Uh, we we don't need to, uh, the actually we do need as a real, Uh, email address, uh. We also can use the test email address, uh, uh, for for U A T and but we need the phone number is used to receive O T P during registration. 


Uh, sector is then it can create the profile in important then IT will provide the temporary password. 


Uh, to test the test can use the link, this link to registration and activation. Use them ah email and temporary password. 


Uh, then you can use this link to log in ipod. Uh, this the profile. Sector is for, uh, assign agent call to, uh, account of the test, um, currently in portal 1 account just can be tagged 1 agent code for our 401 agent code for G R, um, uh. Uh, but I check, uh, and found that, uh, has different agent code in the policy data from the source team so test can conduct use one account to check and verify all policy in the scope of masking at the same time. So I T to add the agent code for each policy before user can try. So uh we suggest that user can choose some policy to check and verify, not all check because, uh, uh, we have the, uh. The the the last, Um, uh, IT will IT, uh, also check and verify in D. 


Uh, uh, uh. We use the tracking page, uh, at the same time. Uh, uh, it also checks, uh, and verify the data. 


Deleted long table in database make sure all deleted data is in scope of masculine. Yeah, and, uh, for. Uh, for for for this this for this highlight, uh, example of. 


Oh, okay. For, uh, my agent call account and my agent code is 1 1 0 6 2, uh, so, uh, this profile. Uh, just can see all policy and this agent call, so we cannot see or so before a user to check, uh, uh, some policy in, uh, in scope. We need to, uh, we need to update the agent for this policy. 


Then user can check in a portal. So, I think, uh, they all have any. Question or concern. 


David, uh, she's here. So meaning to say that right one test account, right, can only tie to one agent code. So if let's say um. 


Like a traction site, they need to track. Different type of policy, then they need to have different account. 


Yeah, but you look at the. Yeah, I I think we we can before check we can assign the agency to. To the test, um, if if we also we can create a many account for this. 


Uh, but but, uh, you know, actually many, many agent agent call in, uh, D P in source team. So means right. Because we already have those, uh, test kits. 


Um. Some of the some of the case. Like from policies, are we saying, so we need to identify the agent code photos k that we need um Jackson's team to do the checking and then provide you the agent agent code, then you you assign it to the test profile instead. 


Yeah, yeah. Um, yes. Uh, i'm not sure we need to create. How many, uh. Profile for test because I I don't know. Uh, uh, how many the the checklist for policy or agent code. 


Oh, we need to base on the the the G C P A team provider list for a checklist of we are who based on the list. We can, uh, create the profile or update the agent 1 by one. 


Oppo. But, um. Oh. Another workaround maybe, uh, i'm not sure is a. Suitable, uh, um, uh, also we can update in data insert team. Also, we can update. 


All policy to a same agent call. I am not sure. Yeah. Uh, sorry, David. Just just to check. So but the thing is that even if we don't create. Let's say if we don't create two AAU AT account, right. I assume we create one for l 401 or 2 400 yeah for each tester lah, correct. 


So even if you don't do that. You use one account right, then you'll be troublesome to basically switch change the agent code for the policies also right for the for the tester to test it. 


You'll be the cinema mall work right in S S. Um. Oh, yes. Correct. So that might as well we create one for each tester 1 1 account for the testing of the l 401 account for the testing of g 400 uh sorry, we can assign everything beforehand, then there will speed up the testing. Yeah okay, okay, correct. 


I think so. Okay. So, uh, we create to account just for, uh, 403, 400, um, uh, to to account. Do you see any issue. 


Oh. So means right using the l 4 to the account then. Uh, you access to the portal right then you can see all the all the policy. 


Not no, not not limited to the agent began to tell. David mentioned that it's by agent code, right. Ya, I think Jackson's I mean, um. 


Uh we need to update the agent agent call or one before, uh, user to check to check this. Yeah. Be sorted by channels, right, is it. 


Mm. Uh, sold by a agent call lah. So we are not testing based on channel lah ya ya ya correct. Okay. 


Uh, okay, never mind that one later we saw it up. Yeah, i'll continue first. So it's 1 1 that means it's only one channel. 


So that means it's only you I can actually get one account, one tester to do lah Emma rather. Yes, correct. Uh, maybe we can create more. 


Professor every channel. Ya, it's also. Uh, okay, that one we work out in a test planner. Yeah, okay, okay. 


Uh, uh, uh, so. Uh, uh, to to our source system need to do some patching to, uh, use your method. Uh, no, no. 


Oh. So means that sorry, The Atrium code that you mentioned just now you will update in the quarter itself. It's not from. 


Okay, yes. Okay. 


And then, uh. They will just fall back to your solution part right for the under the application tab, right. 


Okay. Can, uh, can we, uh, have a look at that the application. So for this filtering. Right, it will, um I mean. 


Re, I mean, uh, refilter out those inactive policy. I mean, it will not, um, somewhat in to the total records, right. 


Because I see it the under the mind application, right? They have a total records. Based on the, uh. 


Future. Mm. You you you mean this filter will not cover a lot of applications that one just now. I think you. 


On the application tab, right, because we have filter like all records or by status 1. So that one for those inactive one, right. The total number will be will be. 


Affected also, right. If let's say you you remove those in school policy from masking. Uh. Yes, if you go to the portal, ya. 


Okay. Then other application tab, right, yeah okay application. Then from here, right, we we can see the filter one. So. 


The total records here also will be reflected right once once we um. Remove the bus, uh, records. I mean, the the records that already masked right will not follow into this bottom ah so the total records will be, uh. Reflected with the new numbers S L Y. 


Uh. Yes, yes, correct. Uh, if we delete. Uh, uh, the the policy in in school, uh, yeah, uh. Uh, there will be, um, should not be shown in this page. 


Ya and the above. Uh, 1 my application total records, this number also will be reduced track. I think. 


At this one. Yeah, also, yeah, yeah, correct, this this, uh, will be update. According to the filter, right ya ya yes, correct. Ok. 


Okay. Thanks. Oh. 


Anyone have any question. Uh, Jesse, so all the test cases will be created. All the tax cases. Uh, is it actually based on the, uh, production data? I mean we are using the existing case to to the test. 


So maybe I need to have a discussion with you or your team to identify. Uh, which are the case that you would like to do the verification from the bottle because just now David mentioned that we not going to. 


Uh, review all the result in the portal. I mean, we need to, uh, pick the cases. Or the checking. So that he can apply the agent code for the test profile. 


I think the thing is that we need to test all the different scenarios, right. All the different builder criteria, right? So I don't know. I mean, can just test I mean. Whatever that fits the criteria, I think we can put, I don't know how many credits are there actually. 


Can we like have one case for each criteria. For each channel. I mean, as long as one case get filtered and in the right will get future right. 


Ya but last time you mentioned that um for importers so far is only a one channel, right. Mm. This confirm to be okay then, I mean, if you don't need to speak by channel, that is fine lah. 


Ya, that's that's why I I last time I checked with him, ah, whether it is okay. If it's okay. Then i'll i'll try to find someone to do it, lah. 


We don't need the B D M, Sir. Mm. Okay, then we just do one set of all these cases. Then we just need to create 2 test account. 


Ya then, uh, we. We use the test account, uh, for each l four hundred and twelve hundred and two to the same test cases for the filtering criteria. 


And for all the taps. Okay. Videos. Yeah, okay. Uh, we'll just find one channel to. One channel to do lah and then the rest of it. 


Ah. That means you will take it there. It's it's all good lah. It's apply across the channels. Uh, Jackson. Ah, how about right. Um can you also write review those cases just from P S and then because they they they are just right, some have the special scenario. Those are cases, right, we also would like to test from end to end whether from the source system to this, uh, importer, whether, um the floor is. 


I mean, it's not showing in the quarter to sort of flow from end to end. I think we also need to verify it not just based on the cases that mainly created for the channel 1. 


Sorry, sorry, I don't get what you mean. What I mean, the test case, the test case from uh, P S size. PST demand, right, they have some special scenario like, uh, part of the exclusion criteria not supposed to show in those kind of. Uh, cases, right. Can we also have your keep to verify the end result in import. 


Just to make sure that the logic is correct. And then when it flow to, uh, eight quarter it also. Uh, will expect exper the expected result. 


They miss those cases that are currently not in the system lah. Uh, part of it, lah. Some is not in the sentence. 


Some is already in the second part is the. It's a special scenario one like, uh. Like those are in the part of the exclusive criteria one. 


We are not supposed to mask then if the if we not supposed to mask right means that these records are supposed to show in the portal. So we also want to have some verification in the portal in in for those special case, okay. 


Add in the test case, ah yeah. Okay, so okay. Then maybe I will arrange a session to go through with you on the importer cases. 


Plus those, uh, special kids together. Uh, foxing rebound. Okay, I basically I I my side. I will sign up for you guys long, I guess. 


Thank you very much. Okay. Okay. Alright. Any other thing. I I want to ask a question. Eh, I think of one scenario, eh. 


Uh, when the one time is not as a. In active in in first month and later user, uh, find out, uh, should discount. Should not be mask and and later, uh, uh, use update the convert call. 


Add back the kind. Uh, information, uh, then I want to. Uh, ask if, uh, i- poto can get. Uh, so so again, the kind information in ipod. 


Mm, uh, do you know, uh, my question. And. Uh, sorry. I I what's your question, uh, I I don't care what you mean. 


Uh. Uh, that does us. Uh, uh, purpose possibility that, uh, user found out the client was not marked, uh. Intervening. It should not be much. 


Then, uh, the the. Uh, user add back the card information to source it. Uh, I want to know if, uh, after that if, uh. E portal could so again, the kind information. 


Hmm, I think. Uh, I don't for I don't think we need to focus on. Uh, so the the exception because it is the details from the source team, I think is the final data. 


Uh, uh, uh, uh. Uh, if the, uh, the the if there is some question. Uh, uh, you need to, uh. G C P then the data, uh. Uh, whether the data, uh, need to be synchronized to a. 


Uh. My concern, my concern is that, uh. But maybe G C P pass a long. Number to source it. Uh, and we, uh, and our source system also masked the web welcome, but later you find out. 


Uh, numbers should not be marked and correct. It later in our sausage term. Uh, if it will impact e portal. 


Uh, my concern is that. Okay. Uh, okay, my question is, um. Uh, yeah, if if you you receive the the. 


I need to remark some policy from the gcps and you like. Uh, I want to confirm if you do some action in your. 


Thank you. Yes. Uh, user users will manually update that. Add back the kind information. To sausage. 


So, you means, uh. Uh, this part data have been synchronized. Uh, yes, yes. Okay, I think if the the data have been, uh, signalled to important, ah, we will do. 


We will do some delicious. On the first decision, uh. Ah because we later. Uh, uh. Uh, if the user or want to. Uh, don't want to, uh, uh, remove this. 


Uh, record, uh, on. I don't I don't think we can, um. We can restore this rack in our side. Uh, David, can I check, so the filtering. 


Is done one time or is every time it gets synchronized, it will be. Uh, um. It. I think so. So sorry, which one. 


I mean, his his question is I think if let's say there's some. Wrong information that has been updated to the client that he gets marked, right, so they corrected it so he should not be masked. 


So the next level and the data gap refresh to e portal. Will he will the clients still be mask or a mask. 


Yeah, I think, uh, is the normal data, uh, uh, uh. Uh, example this record, uh, um, uh, first, uh, first time, uh. This record, uh. In scope, uh, this record should be, uh, delete in our DB and next, uh. Uh, create a new record for this and I think is a normal data will be imply for. 


For for. This. Sorry, I don't really understand. Oh, okay. Your question is, um, if if we are. Uh, if if if first time if we, uh, delete one policy, right, uh, and second, uh, we we. 


We create a the same policy. Mm. Mm. Should, uh, uh, if if there is any impact for this policy in ipod, right. 


Um basically to put it this way. This policy is supposed okay, maybe maybe put in wrong dates, lah, for example. 


Alright, so when it goes through the Vietnam and it gets refreshed uploaded to e portal, it is mask is filtered away because it's a mask that. 


Alright, so after that we we do we discover the mistake and we we we change the information such as is supposed to be a mask, so it's not supposed to be filtered. 


So the next time well, after we update the records, right. Will the record get refreshed to importer and display. 


Or there is some central register that filter all this thing away. No. You you understand my question. 


No, I don't understand what was it. I'm looking at it. Maybe I I everybody here can understand Chinese right hack. 


Uh, Taiwan wo jiao Xi tong, but now you can go to Toronto tongbo gathering. Hmm, bu Hui Zhu. To to to recover, to go. 


Data. Oh. And. Uh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Zhongchao, uh, uh, congressman wu jiao. 


Bu jiao yuan ta shi fu. Wo men shi fu zi. Ya, I live in. Jiu shuo tanny Beijing jiao Zhang. And I can show you Jim bu. Jiang, Zheng chang, you bei tong. 


Mm. Hmm, you went to. Qin shu ju ta jiu Zheng chang by Christina Fuji. Okay, me me my way is much is a. 


Nearby nearby 2000 master data booing guide ah oh Ali. Is that your question ya. From the beginning here. Uh, so that's so that's the user to. 


Uh, there's a much further yeah, so to input that, uh. Uh, information jiu shi huan Zhong Zhong tan. 


Uh, uh, jigging English and then you see you, um, just update the fujifilm, okay. Okay. This is a user comment hui zai. Yue shi Jiang zi de test case jiu shi shuo na ge err records na ta men hui jiu shi shuo gong de qu. 


Suo yi ke neng zai testing de shi hou wo men ke yi jiu shi kan kan ta de ta de na ge result hai shi zhe yang. 


Mm. Okay. Just you can add it in a test case. So in this case, uh, yeah, actually we already have one. 


One of it at the press case for this one, the manual update mode, okay. So any other question for David. 


No. Okay. Uh, so they will right because of our UA k right will start on next Monday. So, uh, after I am. 


Woke up with Jason right then I will let you know the, uh, agent code and also the, uh, I mean, I will test, uh, details, ah. So that you can start to prepare the U A T tax account for a quarter tip. 


Okay, okay. So, um. Yes. Uh, anyone can provide them. The email address ended to create that is mainly for, uh, phone number. 


Uh, who will test and think need to register register the cover. The the email need not be real, right. 


Yeah, yes, correct. Uh, the the test. Uh, e email address is okay. Uh, you that way you just create whatever random. 


Oh, okay. Okay. I can start yeah, okay, and just let us know. Yeah, okay, I can create, uh, to. Uh, account for G And L and then I can share you the profile at the password. 


Ya ya one of them put j 401, put 1, then put end of 400 lah at the at the end of so that we know which one is which one, oh, okay, understand. 


Eh, if there's no other question, then we will end the call. Okay, okay, thank you. Thank you. Bye bye bye. 







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