
最近不忙,于是写了个canvas 画板,网上的画板,大多功能单一,有时候无法满足我们的绘画欲望。这款画板集合了好多功能,比如滤镜功能,旋转功能,像素复制,多边形,多较形,编辑图片,自定义渐变颜色........功能比较多。核心绘图程序是基于canvas。由于程序功能较多,而且是基于浏览器的。所以画板对于高像素的图片处理能力较弱。打算过一阵子将底层绘图框架由原生的改为PIXI框架,毕竟pixi才是渲染之王,那样这个画板就能配得上是超级二字了。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta id="viewport" name="viewport" content="width=540,user-scalable=no,target-densitydpi=high-dpi">

    <style type="text/css">
        body, div, canvas, p {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            border: 0;
            overflow: hidden;


        button, input {
            border-radius: 10px;
            background-color: pink;
            border: 0.5px solid transparent;
            color: snow;
            font-size: 1em;
            font-family: sans-serif;


    <script type="text/javascript">
        var can;
        var canC;
        var paintC;
        var words;
        var pxdatas;
        var shapeArray = [];
        var selectArray = [];
        var wg = false;
        var wgwidth = 20;
        var n = 5;
       var rotatez=0;
        var du = 0;
        var pp=0;
        var kgs = false;
        var paintv;
        var canv;
        var pxdata;
        var tcx = 0;
        var tcy = 0;
        var colorS;
        var ddu = 0;
        var tm1 = new Date();
        var tm2;
        var tczkg = false;
        var i = 0;
        var nowColor='red';
        var nowfl = '反色';
        var fl;
        var flx = 160, fly = 430, flx1 = 160, fly1 = 430, flx2 = 0, fly2 = 480, flr = 50, flr1 = 100;
        var flxa = 0;
        var flya = 0;
        var flbfb = 0.5;
        var flkg = false;
        var flkg1 = false;
        var flxxkg = false;
        var flcol = 'red';
        var flarr = [new ca(0.1, 'red'), new ca(0.5, 'yellow'), new ca(0.8, 'orange')];
        (function () {
            var updatemovie = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame

            var paint;
            var scw = 800;
            var sch = 500;
            var k = 0;
            var r1 = 50;
            var r2 = 150;
            var ks = 0.6;

            function update() {

            function drawmain() {
                if (null != paint) {
                    paint.clearRect(0, 0, scw, sch);
                    paint.strokeStyle = "pink";
                    Draw.clear(canv, 0, 0, canv.width, canv.height);
                    Draw.clear(canC, 0, 270, 270, 180);


            function fllj() {
                var ks;
                if (flxxkg) {
                    ks = Draw.filterX(canC, flx, fly, flx2 + flxa, fly2 - flya, flarr);

                } else {
                    ks = Draw.filterR(canC, flx - flxa, fly - flya, flx1 - flxa, fly1 - flya, flr, flr1, flarr);


                Draw.rects(canC, ks, new point(10, 340), new point(240, 160));


            function sele() {
                if (pxdata) {

                    Draw.putImg(canv, pxdata, new point(10, 10), 0, 0, D.p1);

                if (kgs) {

                    if (pxdata) {

                        Draw.putImg(can, pxdata, D.p, 0, 0, D.p1);



            function dwg(paint) {
                if (wg) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < 850 / wgwidth; i++) {

                        for (var j = 0; j < 550 / wgwidth; j++) {
                            Draw.rect(can, new point(i * wgwidth, j * wgwidth), new point(wgwidth, wgwidth), 'transparent', 'pink', 1);



            function repaint(paint) {

                for (var i = 0; i < shapeArray.length; i++) {

                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '矩形') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];

                        Draw.rect(can, Da.p, Da.p1, Da.fill, Da.stroke, Da.linew, Da.du, 1, 1, Da.apl, Da.shadow);
                        paint.rect(Da.p.x, Da.p.y, Da.p1.x, Da.p1.y);
                        if (paint.isPointInPath(tcx, tcy)) {
                            if (tczkg) {

                                shapeArray[i].fill = D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke = D.stroke;
                                shapeArray[i].du = rotatez;
                                shapeArray[i].linew= D.linew;


                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '文字') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.word(can, true, Da.stroke, Da.text, Da.p.x, Da.p.y + Da.p1.y, Da.p1.y, Da.kind, Da.alg, Da.fill);


                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '图片') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        if (Da.img) {
                            Draw.pic(can, Da.img, Da.p, Da.p1.x, Da.p1.y, Da.du, Da.apl, Da.shadow);


                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '圆形') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.crl(can, Da.linew, Da.stroke, Da.fill, Da.p, Da.r, 0, 360, false, Da.apl, Da.shadow);
                        paint.arc(Da.p.x, Da.p.y, Da.r, 0, 360, false);
                        if (paint.isPointInPath(tcx, tcy)) {
                            if (tczkg) {

                                shapeArray[i].fill = D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke = D.stroke;
                                shapeArray[i].du = rotatez;
                                shapeArray[i].linew= D.linew;




                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '多边形') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.nGon(can, Da.p.x, Da.p.y, Da.n, Da.r, Da.du, Da.linew, Da.fill, Da.stroke, Da.apl, Da.shadow,tcx,tcy,function(){
                                shapeArray[i].fill = D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke = D.stroke;
                                shapeArray[i].du = rotatez;
                                shapeArray[i].linew= D.linew;




                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '多角形') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.nStar(can, Da.p.x, Da.p.y, Da.n, Da.r, Da.fill, Da.stroke, Da.linew, Da.du, Da.apl, Da.shadow,tcx,tcy,function(){
                                shapeArray[i].fill = D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke = D.stroke;
                                shapeArray[i].du = rotatez;
                                shapeArray[i].linew= D.linew;




                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '直线') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.line(can, Da.linew, Da.stroke, Da.p, Da.p1, Da.apl, Da.shadow,tcx,tcy,function(){
                                shapeArray[i].fill= D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke= D.stroke;



                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == 'shape') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];

                                shapeArray[i].fill = D.fill;
                                shapeArray[i].stroke = D.stroke;
                                shapeArray[i].du = rotatez;
                                shapeArray[i].linew= D.linew;


                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '铅笔') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];

                         Draw.shape(can, Da.arr, Da.stroke, Da.linew, Da.apl, Da.shadow);

                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '曲线') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        Draw.curve(can, Da.linew, Da.stroke, Da.p, Da.p1, Da.p2);

                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '橡皮') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        if (Da.data) {
                            Draw.putImg(can, Da.data, Da.p, 0, 0, Da.p1, 0);

                    if (shapeArray[i].shape == '像素') {

                        var Da = shapeArray[i];
                        if (Da.data) {
                            Draw.putImg(can, Da.data, Da.p, 0, 0, Da.p1, 0);



            function main(paint) {

                if (D.rectKg) {
                    Draw.rect(can, D.p, D.p1, D.fill, D.stroke, D.linew, 0, 1, 1, D.apl, D.shadow);
                if (D.tuKg) {
                    if (D.img) {
                        Draw.pic(can, D.img, D.p, D.p1.x, D.p1.y, D.du, D.apl, D.shadow);
                if (D.crlKg) {
                    //  Draw.rect(can, D.p, D.p1, D.fill, D.stroke, D.linew, 0, 1, 1, D.apl, D.shadow);
                    Draw.crl(can, D.linew, D.stroke, D.fill, D.p, D.r, 0, 360, false, D.apl, D.shadow);
                if (D.dbxKg) {

                    Draw.nGon(can, D.p.x, D.p.y, D.n, D.r, D.du, D.linew, D.fill, D.stroke, D.apl, D.shadow);
                if (D.djxKg) {

                    Draw.nStar(can, D.p.x, D.p.y, D.n, D.r, D.fill, D.stroke, D.linew, D.du, D.apl, D.shadow);

                if (D.lineKg) {
                    Draw.line(can, D.linew, D.stroke, D.p, D.p1, D.apl, D.shadow);

                if (D.panKg) {
                    Draw.shape(can, D.arr, D.stroke, D.linew, D.apl, D.shadow);
                if (D.shapeKg) {
                    Draw.shape(can, D.arr, D.stroke, D.linew, D.apl, D.shadow);

                if (D.quKg) {
                    Draw.curve(can, D.linew, D.stroke, D.p, D.p1, D.p2);
                if (D.xpKg) {
                    Draw.rect(can, D.p, D.p1, 'transparent', 'pink', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1);


            function init() {
                can = document.getElementById("canvas");
                paint = can.getContext("2d");
                canv = document.getElementById("canvas1");
                paintv = canv.getContext("2d");
                cana = document.getElementById("canvas2");
                painta = canv.getContext("2d");
                words = document.getElementById("word");
                canC = document.getElementById("canvasColor");
                paintC = canC.getContext("2d");
                colorS = getColorA(625);

            onload = function () {


        function point(x, y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        function ca(pd, color) {
            this.pd = pd;
            this.color = color;

         * 数组功能拓展
         * 根据值删除数组元素
         * @param val
        Array.prototype.remove = function (val) {
            if (val != null && this.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                    if (this[i] == val) {
                        this.splice(i, 1);

         * 删除指定索引处元素
         * @param dx
         * @returns {Array}
        Array.prototype.del = function (dx) {
            if (isNaN(dx) || dx > this.length || dx < 0) {
                return this;
            } else {
                this.splice(dx, 1);

         * 向数组末尾追加一个元素
         * @param val
         * @returns {Number|number}
        Array.prototype.add = function (val) {

            if (val != null) {
                return this.push(val);


         * 清空数组
         * @returns {Array|T[]}
        Array.prototype.clear = function () {
            return this.splice(0, this.length);

         * 交换两个元素的值
         * @param index1
         * @param index2
         * @returns {*|T}
        Array.prototype.swap = function (index1, index2) {
            if (index1 < this.length && index2 < this.length && index1 >= 0 && index2 >= 0) {
                return this[index1] = this.splice(index2, 1, this[index1])[0];

         * 数组上移
         * @param index
        Array.prototype.up = function (index) {
            if (index != null && index >= 0 && index < this.length) {
                if (index == 0) {
                this.swap(index, index - 1);
        Array.prototype.fc = function (index) {

            if (index != null && index >= 0 && index < this.length) {

                for (var i = 0; i < this.length - index; i++) {
                    this.swap(index + i, index + i + 1);


         * 数组下移
         * @param index
        Array.prototype.down = function (index) {
            if (index != null && index >= 0 && index < this.length) {
                if (index == this.length - 1) {
                this.swap(index, index + 1);

         * 数组元素变为第一个元素
         * @param index
        Array.prototype.dips = function (index) {
            if (index != null && index >= 0 && index < this.length) {
                if (index == 0) {
                this.swap(index, 0);

         *  数组元素变为最后一个元素
         * @param index
        Array.prototype.floats = function (index) {
            if (index != null && index >= 0 && index < this.length) {
                if (index == this.length - 1) {
                this.swap(index, this.length - 1);

        Array.prototype.find = function (val) {

            if (this.length > 0) {

                for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                    if (this[i] == val) {

                        return i;


                return 'n';


        Array.prototype.have = function (val) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
                if (this[i] == val) {
                    return true;

            return false;


         *  自定义二维数组
         * @param a
         * @param b
         * @param m 默认值
         * @returns {Array}
         * @constructor
        function Array2(a, b, m) {
            var k = [];
            k.length = a;
            for (var i = 0; i < a; i++) {
                k[i] = new Array();
                k[i].length = b;
            if (null != m) {
                for (var k2 = 0; k2 < a; k2++) {
                    for (var p = 0; p < b; p++) {
                        k[k2][p] = m;
            return k;

         * 二维数组的遍历
         * @param map
         * @param action
        function bl(map, action) {
            if (map.length > 0 && map[0] != null) {
                for (var k = 0; k < map.length; k++) {
                    for (var p = 0; p < map[0].length; p++) {
                        action(map[k][p], k, p);
         * 随机整数
         * @param a
         * @returns {number}
        function rmInt(a) {
            return Math.floor(Math.random() * a);
         * 超级遍历
         * @param map
         * @param a
         * @param a1
         * @param b
         * @param b1
         * @param action
        function blc(map, a, a1, b, b1, action) {

            if (null != map && map.length > 0 && map[0] != null) {
                for (var k = a; k < a1; k++) {
                    for (var p = b; p < b1; p++) {
                        action(map[k][p], k, p);

        CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.nGon = function (x, y, n, r, linw, fill, stroke) {
            if (typeof stroke != "undefined") {
                this.strokeStyle = stroke
            } else {
                this.strokeStyle = 'transparent';
            if (typeof r === "undefined") {
                r = 5;
            if (typeof n === "undefined") {
                n = 4;
            if (typeof linw === "undefined") {
                this.lineWidth = 1;
            if (typeof fill != "undefined") {
                this.fillStyle = fill;
            } else {

                this.fillStyle = 'transparent';
            var i, ang;
            ang = Math.PI * 2 / n;
            this.lineWidth = linw;
            this.translate(x, y);
            this.moveTo(0, -r);
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                this.lineTo(0, -r);
//            this.closePath();
//            this.fill();
//            this.stroke();
//            this.restore();

        CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundrect =
                function (x, y, width, height, radius, fill, stroke) {
                    if (typeof stroke != "undefined") {
                        this.strokeStyle = stroke
                    } else {
                        this.strokeStyle = 'transparent';
                    if (typeof radius === "undefined") {
                        radius = 5;
                    if (typeof fill != "undefined") {
                        this.fillStyle = fill;
                    } else {

                        this.fillStyle = 'transparent';
                    this.moveTo(x + radius, y);
                    this.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
                    this.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
                    this.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
                    this.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height);
                    this.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
                    this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
                    this.lineTo(x, y + radius);
                    this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);

                    if (stroke) {
                    if (fill) {

        CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.xuline = function (fromX, fromY, toX, toY, pattern, xw, color) {
            // default interval distance -> 5px
            if (typeof pattern === "undefined") {
                pattern = 5;

            // calculate the delta x and delta y
            var dx = (toX - fromX);
            var dy = (toY - fromY);
            var distance = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
            var dashlineInteveral = (pattern <= 0) ? distance : (distance / pattern);
            var deltay = (dy / distance) * pattern;
            var deltax = (dx / distance) * pattern;

            // draw dash line
            this.lineWidth = xw;
            this.strokeStyle = color;
            for (var dl = 0; dl < dashlineInteveral; dl++) {
                if (dl % 2) {
                    this.lineTo(fromX + dl * deltax, fromY + dl * deltay);
                } else {
                    this.moveTo(fromX + dl * deltax, fromY + dl * deltay);

        var Draw = {

            trace: function (val) {
            print: function (val) {

            }, createImgDate: function (canv, p, p1) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    if (p1.x > 0 && p1.y > 0) {
                        var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                        var imgData = ctx.createImageData(p1.x, p1.y);
                        return imgData;

                } catch (e) {


             * 自定义形状图像的绘制带填充
             * @param canv
             * @param arr
             * @param val
             * @param linew
             * @param color
            fillShape: function (canv, arr, fill,stroke, linew,apl,shadow,tcx1,tcy1,ac) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                try {
                    if(arr!=null&&arr!=undefined&&arr.length>2) {
                        ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                        ctx.moveTo(arr[0].x, arr[0].y);
                        for (var k = 1; k < arr.length; k++) {
                            ctx.lineTo(arr[k].x, arr[k].y);

                        if (tcx1 != undefined && tcy1 != undefined && tcx1 != null && tcy1 != null) {
                            if (ctx.isPointInPath(tcx1, tcy1)) {

                        apl != null ? ctx.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                        if (shadow != null) {
                            ctx.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                            ctx.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                            ctx.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                            ctx.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;

                        ctx.strokeStyle = stroke;
                        ctx.fillStyle = fill;
                        ctx.lineWidth = linew;

                        ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
                        ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
                        ctx.shadowColor = null;
                        ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                        ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;


                } catch (e) {


             * 自定义图形绘制未填充
             * @param canv
             * @param arr
             * @param val
             * @param linew
            shape: function (canv, arr, stroke, linew, apl, shadow) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                try {
                    if(arr!=null&&arr!=undefined&&arr.length>2) {
                        ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                        ctx.moveTo(arr[0].x, arr[0].y);
                        for (var k = 1; k < arr.length; k++) {
                            ctx.lineTo(arr[k].x, arr[k].y);

                        apl != null ? ctx.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                        if (shadow != null) {
                            ctx.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                            ctx.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                            ctx.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                            ctx.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;

                        ctx.strokeStyle = stroke;
                        ctx.lineWidth = linew;

                        ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
                        ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
                        ctx.shadowColor = null;
                        ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                        ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;

                } catch (e) {



             * 清除方法
             * @param canv
             * @param x
             * @param y
             * @param w
             * @param h
            clear: function (canv, x, y, w, h) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                ctx.clearRect(x, y, w, h);


             * 空心矩形
            rect: function (canv, p1, p2, fill, color, linew, du, scalex, scaley, apl, shadow, spqx, czqx) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                jpan.translate(p1.x + p2.x / 2, p1.y + p2.y / 2);
                jpan.rotate(du * Math.PI / 180);
                jpan.transform(scalex, czqx, spqx, scaley, 0, 0);
                jpan.translate(-(p1.x + p2.x / 2), -(p1.y + p2.y / 2));
                apl != null ? jpan.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    jpan.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    jpan.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;
                jpan.lineWidth = linew;
                jpan.strokeStyle = color;
                jpan.fillStyle = fill;
                jpan.strokeRect(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
                jpan.fillRect(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y)
                jpan.globalAlpha = 1;
                jpan.shadowBlur = 0;
                jpan.shadowColor = null;
                jpan.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                jpan.shadowOffsetY = 0;
                jpan.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            rects: function (canv, color, p1, p2) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                jpan.fillStyle = color;
                jpan.fillRect(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);

             * 线
            line: function (canv, linew, color, p1, p2, apl, shadow,tcx1,tcy1,ac) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                apl != null ? jpan.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    jpan.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    jpan.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;
                jpan.lineWidth = linew;
                jpan.strokeStyle = color;
                jpan.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
                jpan.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
                if (tcx1 != undefined && tcy1 != undefined && tcx1 != null && tcy1 != null) {
                    if (jpan.isPointInPath(tcx1, tcy1)) {
                jpan.globalAlpha = 1;
                jpan.shadowBlur = 0;
                jpan.shadowColor = null;
                jpan.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                jpan.shadowOffsetY = 0;

             * 双控制点曲线
            curves: function (canv, linew, color, p1, p2, p3, p4) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                jpan.lineWidth = linew;
                jpan.strokeStyle = color;
                jpan.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
                jpan.bezierCurveTo(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, p4.x, p4.y);


            curve: function (canv, linew, color, p1, p2, p3) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                jpan.lineWidth = linew;
                jpan.strokeStyle = color;
                jpan.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
                jpan.quadraticCurveTo(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y);

             * 绘制圆弧 空心圆弧
             * 参数分别为x,y, 半径,起始角度,结尾角度,boolean(顺时针/逆时针)

            crl: function (canv, linew, color, fill, p1, r, a3, a4, bool, apl, shadow) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                apl != null ? jpan.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    jpan.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    jpan.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    jpan.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;
                jpan.lineWidth = linew;
                jpan.strokeStyle = color;
                jpan.fillStyle = fill;
                jpan.arc(p1.x, p1.y, r, (a3 * Math.PI) / 180, (a4 * Math.PI) / 180, bool);
                jpan.globalAlpha = 1;
                jpan.shadowBlur = 0;
                jpan.shadowColor = null;
                jpan.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                jpan.shadowOffsetY = 0;
                jpan.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            }, crls: function (canv, color, p1, r, a3, a4, bool) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                jpan.fillStyle = color;
                jpan.arc(p1.x, p1.y, r, (a3 * Math.PI) / 180, (a4 * Math.PI) / 180, bool);

             *  * 参数依次是
             * 字符串,x,y,大小,类型,对齐方式
             * 常用类型有Arial,Verdana,Times New Roman,serif,sans-serif,
             * 对齐方式有 center, end left right, start textBaseline(竖直方向)
             * @param {Object} str
             * @param {Object} x
             * @param {Object} y
             * @param {Object} size
             * @param {Object} kind
             * @param {Object} alg
             * @param canv
            word: function (canv, kx, gradient, str, x, y, size, kind, alg, color) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var jpan = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                jpan.font = size + "px " + kind;
                jpan.textAlign = alg;

                jpan.fillStyle = color;
                jpan.fillText(str, x, y);

                jpan.strokeStyle = gradient;
                jpan.strokeText(str, x, y);

            }, roundRect: function (canv, x, y, width, height, radius, stroke, fill) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                paint.roundrect(x, y, width, height, radius, fill, stroke);

            }, filterX: function (canv, x, y, x1, y1, arr) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, x1, y1);

                for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    if (arr[i].pd >= 0 && arr[i].pd <= 1) {
                        grd.addColorStop(arr[i].pd, arr[i].color);



                return grd;

             * 放射状滤镜
             * @param canv
             * @param p1
             * @param p2
             * @param r1
             * @param r2
             * @param arr
             * @returns {CanvasGradient}
            filterR: function (canv, x, y, x1, y1, r1, r2, arr) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, r1, x1, y1, r2);
                for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    if (arr[i].pd >= 0 && arr[i].pd <= 1) {
                        grd.addColorStop(arr[i].pd, arr[i].color);


                return grd;
            }, nGon: function (canv, x, y, n, r, du, linw, fill, stroke, apl, shadow, tcx1, tcy1, ac) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                apl != null ? paint.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    paint.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    paint.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    paint.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    paint.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;
                paint.translate(x, y);

                paint.translate(-(x), -(y));
                paint.fillStyle = fill;
                paint.strokeStyle = stroke;
                paint.nGon(x, y, n, r, linw, fill, stroke);
                if (tcx1 != undefined && tcy1 != undefined && tcx1 != null && tcy1 != null) {
                    if (paint.isPointInPath(tcx1, tcy1)) {

                paint.globalAlpha = 1;
                paint.shadowBlur = 0;
                paint.shadowColor = null;
                paint.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                paint.shadowOffsetY = 0;
                paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            }, nStar: function (canv, x, y, n, r, fill, stroke, linw, du, apl, shadow,tcx1,tcy1,ac) {

                var cw;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    cw = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    cw = canv;
                try {
                    var ctx = cw.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                apl != null ? ctx.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    ctx.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    ctx.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    ctx.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    ctx.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;
                ctx.translate(x, y);
                ctx.strokeStyle = stroke;
                ctx.fillStyle = fill;
                ctx.translate(-(x), -(y));
                var deg = getDegree(n);
                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    var sintheta = Math.sin(deg * i);
                    var costheta = Math.cos(deg * i);
                    ctx.lineTo(x + r * sintheta, y + r * costheta);

                if (tcx1 != undefined && tcy1 != undefined && tcx1 != null && tcy1 != null) {
                    if (ctx.isPointInPath(tcx1, tcy1)) {
                ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
                ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
                ctx.shadowColor = null;
                ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
                ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

                function getDegree(n) {
                    for (var k = Math.ceil(n / 4); k < n; k++) {
                        var flag = [];
                        var current = 0;
                        initArr(flag, 1, n);
                        for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                            flag[current] = 0;
                            current = (current + k) % n;
                            if (sum(flag, n) === 0) {
                                return k * Math.PI * 2 / n;
                    return -1;

                function initArr(arr, value, count) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        arr[i] = value;

                function sum(arr, n) {
                    var sum = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        sum = sum + arr[i];
                    return sum;


            pic: function (canv, image, p, w, h, du, apl, shadow, scalex, scaley, spqx, czqx) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                paint.translate(p.x + w / 2, p.y + h / 2);
                paint.rotate(du * Math.PI / 180);
                if (czqx == null || czqx == "") {
                    czqx = 0;
                if (spqx == null || spqx == "") {
                    spqx = 0;
                paint.transform(scalex, czqx, spqx, scaley, 0, 0);
                apl != null ? paint.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    paint.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    paint.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    paint.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    paint.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;

                paint.translate(-(p.x + w / 2), -(p.y + h / 2));


                paint.drawImage(image, p.x, p.y, w, h);

                paint.globalAlpha = 1;
                paint.shadowBlur = 0;
                paint.shadowColor = null;
                paint.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                paint.shadowOffsetY = 0;

                paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            img: function (canv, image, xz, yz, du, scalex, scaley, apl, shadow, spqx, czqx) {
                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                paint.translate(xz + image.width / 2, yz + image.height / 2);
                paint.rotate(du * Math.PI / 180);
                if (czqx == null || czqx == "") {
                    czqx = 0;
                if (spqx == null || spqx == "") {
                    spqx = 0;
                paint.transform(scalex, czqx, spqx, scaley, 0, 0);
                apl != null ? paint.globalAlpha = apl : null;
                if (shadow != null) {
                    paint.shadowBlur = shadow.blur
                    paint.shadowColor = shadow.color;
                    paint.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offsetX;
                    paint.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offsetY;

                paint.translate(-(xz + image.width / 2), -(yz + image.height / 2));


                paint.drawImage(image, xz, yz, image.width, image.height);

                paint.globalAlpha = 1;
                paint.shadowBlur = 0;
                paint.shadowColor = null;
                paint.shadowOffsetX = 0;
                paint.shadowOffsetY = 0;

                paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            }, path: function (canv, x, y, w, h, du, jg, xw, color, scalex, scaley, spqx, czqx, hitx, hity) {

                var ctx;
                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {
                paint.translate(x + w / 2, y + h / 2);
                paint.rotate(du * Math.PI / 180);

                if (czqx == null || czqx == "") {
                    czqx = 0;
                if (spqx == null || spqx == "") {
                    spqx = 0;
                paint.transform(scalex, czqx, spqx, scaley, 0, 0);
                paint.translate(-(x + w / 2), -(y + h / 2));

                paint.rect(x, y, w, h);
                if (paint.isPointInPath(hitx, hity)) {
                    paint.lineWidth = 1;
                    paint.strokeStyle = "orange";
                    paint.xuline(x, y, x + w, y, jg, xw, color);
                    paint.xuline(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, jg, xw, color);
                    paint.xuline(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, jg, xw, color);
                    paint.xuline(x, y + h, x, y, jg, xw, color);
                    paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
                    return false;


            }, video: function (canv, xz, yz, width, height, du, src, id) {
                var ctx;

                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                if (document.getElementById(id) == null) {
                    var videos = document.createElement("video");
                    videos.innerHTML = '<video  id="' + id + '" autoplay="true" loop="true"  style="display: none"><source src=' + src + 'type="video/mp4"></video>';
                var video1 = document.getElementById(id);
                paint.translate(xz + width / 2, yz + height / 2);
                paint.rotate(du * Math.PI / 180);
                paint.translate(-(xz + width / 2), -(yz + height / 2));
                paint.drawImage(video1, xz, yz, width, height);
                paint.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

            }, getImg: function (canv, x, y, w, h) {

                var ctx;

                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                return paint.getImageData(x, y, w, h);

            }, putImg: function (canv, imgdata, p1, w, h, p2) {
                var ctx;

                if ((typeof canv) == "string") {
                    ctx = document.getElementById(canv);

                } else if ((typeof canv) == "object" && canv != null) {
                    ctx = canv;
                try {
                    var paint = ctx.getContext("2d");
                } catch (e) {

                if (p2.x > 0 && p2.y > 0) {
                    paint.putImageData(imgdata, p1.x, p1.y, w, h, p2.x, p2.y);



        var filter = {

             * invert color value of pixel, new pixel = RGB(255-r, 255-g, 255 - b)
             * @param binaryData - canvas's imagedata.data
             * @param l - length of data (width * height of image data)
            colorInvertProcess: function (binaryData, l) {
                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData[i];
                    var g = binaryData[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData[i + 2];

                    binaryData[i] = 255 - r;
                    binaryData[i + 1] = 255 - g;
                    binaryData[i + 2] = 255 - b;

            colrfz: function (binaryData, l) {
                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData.data[i];
                    var g = binaryData.data[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData.data[i + 2];

                    binaryData.data[i] = 255 - r;
                    binaryData.data[i + 1] = 255 - g;
                    binaryData.data[i + 2] = 255 - b;

            haibai: function (binaryData, l) {
                var vag = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData.data[i];
                    var g = binaryData.data[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData.data[i + 2];
                    vag = r + g + b;
                    if (vag >= 100) {
                        binaryData.data[i] = 255;
                        binaryData.data[i + 1] = 255;
                        binaryData.data[i + 2] = 255;
                    } else {
                        binaryData.data[i] = 0;
                        binaryData.data[i + 1] = 0;
                        binaryData.data[i + 2] = 0;



             * adjust color values and make it more darker and gray...
             * @param binaryData
             * @param l
            colorAdjustProcess: function (binaryData, l) {
                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData[i];
                    var g = binaryData[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData[i + 2];

                    binaryData[i] = (r * 0.272) + (g * 0.534) + (b * 0.131);
                    binaryData[i + 1] = (r * 0.349) + (g * 0.686) + (b * 0.168);
                    binaryData[i + 2] = (r * 0.393) + (g * 0.769) + (b * 0.189);

            huidu: function (binaryData, l) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - huidu");

                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData.data[i];
                    var g = binaryData.data[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData.data[i + 2];

                    binaryData.data[i] = (r * 0.272) + (g * 0.534) + (b * 0.131);
                    binaryData.data[i + 1] = (r * 0.349) + (g * 0.686) + (b * 0.168);
                    binaryData.data[i + 2] = (r * 0.393) + (g * 0.769) + (b * 0.189);
            }, huidu1: function (binaryData, l) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - huidu");
                var kp = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData.data[i];
                    var g = binaryData.data[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData.data[i + 2];
                    kp = (r + g + b) / 3
                    binaryData.data[i] = kp;
                    binaryData.data[i + 1] = kp;
                    binaryData.data[i + 2] = kp;
            huidu2: function (binaryData, l) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - huidu");

                for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
                    var r = binaryData.data[i];
                    var g = binaryData.data[i + 1];
                    var b = binaryData.data[i + 2];

                    binaryData.data[i] = 235;

             * deep clone image data of canvas
             * @param context
             * @param src
             * @returns
            copyImageData: function (context, src) {
                var dst = context.createImageData(src.width, src.height);
                return dst;

             * convolution - keneral size 5*5 - blur effect filter(模糊效果)
             * @param context
             * @param canvasData
            blurProcess: function (context, canvasData) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - blur process");
                var tempCanvasData = this.copyImageData(context, canvasData);
                var sumred = 0.0, sumgreen = 0.0, sumblue = 0.0;
                for (var x = 0; x < tempCanvasData.width; x++) {
                    for (var y = 0; y < tempCanvasData.height; y++) {

                        // Index of the pixel in the array
                        var idx = (x + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        for (var subCol = -2; subCol <= 2; subCol++) {
                            var colOff = subCol + x;
                            if (colOff < 0 || colOff >= tempCanvasData.width) {
                                colOff = 0;
                            for (var subRow = -2; subRow <= 2; subRow++) {
                                var rowOff = subRow + y;
                                if (rowOff < 0 || rowOff >= tempCanvasData.height) {
                                    rowOff = 0;
                                var idx2 = (colOff + rowOff * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                                var r = tempCanvasData.data[idx2 + 0];
                                var g = tempCanvasData.data[idx2 + 1];
                                var b = tempCanvasData.data[idx2 + 2];
                                sumred += r;
                                sumgreen += g;
                                sumblue += b;

                        // calculate new RGB value
                        var nr = (sumred / 25.0);
                        var ng = (sumgreen / 25.0);
                        var nb = (sumblue / 25.0);

                        // clear previous for next pixel point
                        sumred = 0.0;
                        sumgreen = 0.0;
                        sumblue = 0.0;

                        // assign new pixel value
                        canvasData.data[idx + 0] = nr; // Red channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 1] = ng; // Green channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 2] = nb; // Blue channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 3] = 255; // Alpha channel

             * after pixel value - before pixel value + 128
             * 浮雕效果
            reliefProcess: function (context, canvasData) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - relief process");
                var tempCanvasData = this.copyImageData(context, canvasData);
                for (var x = 1; x < tempCanvasData.width - 1; x++) {
                    for (var y = 1; y < tempCanvasData.height - 1; y++) {

                        // Index of the pixel in the array
                        var idx = (x + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        var bidx = ((x - 1) + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        var aidx = ((x + 1) + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;

                        // calculate new RGB value
                        var nr = tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 0] - tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 0] + 128;
                        var ng = tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 1] - tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 1] + 128;
                        var nb = tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 2] - tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 2] + 128;
                        nr = (nr < 0) ? 0 : ((nr > 255) ? 255 : nr);
                        ng = (ng < 0) ? 0 : ((ng > 255) ? 255 : ng);
                        nb = (nb < 0) ? 0 : ((nb > 255) ? 255 : nb);

                        // assign new pixel value
                        canvasData.data[idx + 0] = nr; // Red channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 1] = ng; // Green channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 2] = nb; // Blue channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 3] = 255; // Alpha channel

             *    before pixel value - after pixel value + 128
             *  雕刻效果
             * @param canvasData
            diaokeProcess: function (context, canvasData) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - process");
                var tempCanvasData = this.copyImageData(context, canvasData);
                for (var x = 1; x < tempCanvasData.width - 1; x++) {
                    for (var y = 1; y < tempCanvasData.height - 1; y++) {

                        // Index of the pixel in the array
                        var idx = (x + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        var bidx = ((x - 1) + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        var aidx = ((x + 1) + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;

                        // calculate new RGB value
                        var nr = tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 0] - tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 0] + 128;
                        var ng = tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 1] - tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 1] + 128;
                        var nb = tempCanvasData.data[bidx + 2] - tempCanvasData.data[aidx + 2] + 128;
                        nr = (nr < 0) ? 0 : ((nr > 255) ? 255 : nr);
                        ng = (ng < 0) ? 0 : ((ng > 255) ? 255 : ng);
                        nb = (nb < 0) ? 0 : ((nb > 255) ? 255 : nb);

                        // assign new pixel value
                        canvasData.data[idx + 0] = nr; // Red channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 1] = ng; // Green channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 2] = nb; // Blue channel
                        canvasData.data[idx + 3] = 255; // Alpha channel

             * mirror reflect
             * @param context
             * @param canvasData
            mirrorProcess: function (context, canvasData) {
                console.log("Canvas Filter - process");
                var tempCanvasData = this.copyImageData(context, canvasData);
                for (var x = 0; x < tempCanvasData.width; x++) // column
                    for (var y = 0; y < tempCanvasData.height; y++) // row

                        // Index of the pixel in the array
                        var idx = (x + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;
                        var midx = (((tempCanvasData.width - 1) - x) + y * tempCanvasData.width) * 4;

                        // assign new pixel value
                        canvasData.data[midx + 0] = tempCanvasData.data[idx + 0]; // Red channel
                        canvasData.data[midx + 1] = tempCanvasData.data[idx + 1];
                        ; // Green channel
                        canvasData.data[midx + 2] = tempCanvasData.data[idx + 2];
                        ; // Blue channel
                        canvasData.data[midx + 3] = 255; // Alpha channel

        function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
            var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
            return {
                x: evt.clientX - rect.left * (canvas.width / rect.width),
                y: evt.clientY - rect.top * (canvas.height / rect.height)

        function DD() {
            this.shape = '';
            this.arr = [];
            this.p = new point(0, 0);
            this.p1 = new point(0, 0);
            this.p2 = new point(0, 0);
            this.linew = 1;
            this.fill = 'red';
            this.stroke = 'blue';
            this.shadow = new shadow(5, 'red', 0, 0);
            this.startKg = false;
            this.rectKg = false;
            this.lineKg = false;
            this.panKg = false;
            this.crlKg = false;
            this.xpKg = false;
            this.quKg = false;
            this.dbxKg = false;
            this.apl = 1;
            this.r = 0;
            this.n = 5;
            this.du = 0;
            this.data = null;
            this.img = new Image();
            this.alg = null;
            this.kind = null;
            this.wzKg = false;
            this.text = '';

        function shadow(blur, color, offsetx, offsety) {

            this.blur = blur;
            this.color = color;
            this.offsetX = offsetx;
            this.offsetY = offsety;
        var D = new DD();

        function getshape() {
            var k = document.getElementById('sel').value;
            D.shape = k;
            if (k != '选择' && k != '复制') {
                D.xzKg == true ? D.xzKg = false : D.xzKg = false;
                cana.width = 0;
                cana.height = 0;
                cana.style.top = '0px';
            if (k == '图片') {
                D.img = new Image();
                D.img.src = picpath;

            if (k == '文字') {
                document.getElementById('word').style.display = 'block';
            } else {
                document.getElementById('word').style.display = 'none';
            return k;
        function getStrcol() {
            D.stroke = document.getElementById("strCol").value;
            flkg1 = false;
            document.getElementById("bktm").style.background = 'pink'
        function getFillcol() {

            D.fill = document.getElementById("filCol").value;
            flkg = false;
            document.getElementById("tctm").style.background = 'pink';

        function getLinew() {
            D.linew = document.getElementById("linew").value;

        function getBlurw() {
            D.shadow.blur = document.getElementById("blurw").value;

        function getBlurcolor() {
            D.shadow.color = document.getElementById("blurColor").value;

        function getApl() {
            D.apl = (document.getElementById("apl").value) / 100;


        function getWgw() {

            wgwidth = (document.getElementById("wgw").value);

        function saveShape(ss) {
            if (ss == undefined || ss == null) {
                var d = new DD();
                for (var s in D) {
                    d[s] = D[s]
                d.shadow = new shadow(D.shadow.blur, D.shadow.color, D.shadow.offsetx, D.shadow.offsety);
                d.arr = new Array();
                d.arr.length = D.arr.length;
                for (var i in D.arr) {
                    d.arr[i] = D.arr[i];
                d.img = new Image();
                d.img.src = D.img.src;

            } else {


        function getPx(p, p1) {

            return Draw.getImg(can, p.x, p.y, p1.x, p1.y);
        function saveSelect(d) {
            if (d) {

        function quse(x, y) {

            var s = Math.floor(x / 10);
            var s1 = Math.floor(y / 10);
            var k = s1 * 25 + s;
            // alert(k-1);
            return colorS[k - 1];

        var dkg = 0;

        addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {

            if (inpanl(canC, e)) {
                var xc = getMousePos(canC, e).x;
                var yc = getMousePos(canC, e).y;
                nowColor = quse(xc - 10, yc);

                document.getElementById('filCol').value = nowColor;
            if (inpanl(can, e)) {
                pxdata = null;

                switch (D.shape) {

                    case '矩形':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)

                    case '文字':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1);
                        words.style.left = e.clientX + 'px';
                        words.style.top = e.clientY + 'px';
                    case '图片':

                                D.startKg = true;
                                D.img.src = picpath;
                                var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                                var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                                D.p = new point(x1, y1)

                    case '选择':

                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                        cana.style.left = e.clientX + 'px';
                        cana.style.top = e.clientY + 'px';

                    case '复制':

                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                        cana.style.left = e.clientX + 'px';
                        cana.style.top = e.clientY + 'px';

                    case '橡皮':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)


                    case '圆形':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)

                    case '多边形':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                    case '多角形':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)

                    case '直线':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                    case '铅笔':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                    case 'shape':
                        D.startKg = true;
                        var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                        var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                        D.p = new point(x1, y1)
                    case '填充':
                        tczkg = true;

                    case '曲线':

                        if (dkg == 0) {
                            D.startKg = true;
                            var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                            var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                            D.p = new point(x1, y1);
                            dkg += 1;
                        } else {
                            var x2 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                            var y2 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                            D.p1 = new point(x2, y2);
                            dkg = 0;
                            D.quKg = false;



        addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) {
            D.startKg = false;
            tczkg = false;
            if (D.rectKg) {

                D.rectKg = false;

            if (D.wzKg) {

            if (D.tuKg) {

                D.tuKg = false;


            if (D.crlKg) {

                D.crlKg = false;

            if (D.dbxKg) {

                D.dbxKg = false;

            if (D.djxKg) {

                D.djxKg = false;


            if (D.lineKg) {

                D.lineKg = false;

            if (D.panKg) {

                D.panKg = false;
                D.arr = [];

            if (D.shapeKg) {

                D.shapeKg = false;
                D.arr = [];

            if (D.xzKg) {
                pxdata = getPx(D.p, D.p1);
                kgs = true;

                var sss = new DD();
                sss.data = Draw.createImgDate(can, D.p, D.p1);
                sss.p = new point(D.p.x, D.p.y);
                sss.p1 = new point(D.p1.x, D.p1.y);
                sss.shape = '橡皮';

            if (D.cpKg) {
                pxdata = getPx(D.p, D.p1);
                kgs = true;

//                var sss = new DD();
//                sss.data = Draw.createImgDate(can, D.p, D.p1);
//                sss.p = new point(D.p.x, D.p.y);
//                sss.p1 = new point(D.p1.x, D.p1.y);
//                sss.shape = '橡皮';


            if (D.xpKg) {

                D.xpKg = false;
                var s = Draw.createImgDate(can, D.p, D.p1);
                D.data = s;



        addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) {

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '矩形') {
                D.rectKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);

                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1)

            if (D.shape == '填充') {
                D.tcKg = true;
                tcx = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x);
                tcy = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y);

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '文字') {
                D.wzKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);
                words.style.width = x1 + 'px';
                words.style.height = y1 + 'px';
                words.style.fontSize = y1 + 'px';

                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1)


            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '图片') {
                D.tuKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);
                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1)


            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '选择') {
                D.xzKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);
                cana.width = x1;
                cana.height = y1;
                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1)

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '复制') {
                D.cpKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);
                cana.width = x1;
                cana.height = y1;
                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1)

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '橡皮') {
                D.xpKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);

                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1);


            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '圆形') {
                D.crlKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);

                D.r = Math.sqrt(x1 + y1);

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '多边形') {
                D.dbxKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);

                D.r = Math.sqrt(x1 + y1);
                D.du = getDu(e, D);

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '多角形') {
                D.djxKg = true;
                var x1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);
                var y1 = Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y) * Math.abs(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y);

                D.r = Math.sqrt(x1 + y1);
                D.du = getDu(e, D);


            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '直线') {
                D.lineKg = true;
                var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;

                D.p1 = new point(x1, y1);

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '铅笔') {
                D.panKg = true;
                var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                      if(pp%10==0){    D.arr.push(new point(x1, y1));}

            if (D.startKg && D.shape == 'shape') {
                D.shapeKg = true;
                var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;

                D.arr.push(new point(x1, y1));


            if (D.startKg && D.shape == '曲线') {
                D.quKg = true;
                var x1 = getMousePos(can, e).x;
                var y1 = getMousePos(can, e).y;
                D.p2 = new point(x1, y1);


            if (flkg) {
                if (flxxkg) {
                    D.fill = Draw.filterX(can, D.p.x, D.p.y, D.p1.x + flxa, D.p1.y + flya, flarr);
                } else {
                    D.fill = Draw.filterR(can, D.p.x - flxa, D.p.y - flya, D.p.x - flxa, D.p.y - flya, flr, flr1, flarr);


            if (flkg1) {
                if (flxxkg) {

                    D.stroke = Draw.filterR(can, D.p.x, D.p.y, D.p1.x + flxa, D.p1.y + flya, flarr);
                } else {
                    D.stroke = Draw.filterR(can, D.p.x - flxa, D.p.y - flya, D.p.x - flxa, D.p.y - flya, flr, flr1, flarr);



        function getDu(e, D) {
            return Math.atan2(getMousePos(can, e).y - D.p.y, getMousePos(can, e).x - D.p.x);


        function inpanl(can, e) {

            if (getMousePos(can, e).x > 0 && getMousePos(can, e).x < can.width + 20 && getMousePos(can, e).y > 0 && getMousePos(can, e).y < can.height + 30) {
                return true;
            } else {

                return false;


        function savePx() {

            var sss = new DD();
            sss.data = pxdata;
            sss.p = new point(D.p.x, D.p.y);
            sss.p1 = new point(D.p1.x, D.p1.y);
            sss.shape = '像素';

        addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {

            if (e.keyCode == 13) {
                D.wzkg = false;
                words.style.width = 0;
                words.style.height = 0;
                words.style.top = 0;


            if (e.keyCode == 39) {
                kgs = true;
                D.p.x += 5;
                add(5, 0);

            if (e.keyCode == 96) {
                D.xzKg = false;
                cana.width = 0;
                cana.height = 0;
                cana.style.top = 0;


            if (e.keyCode == 37) {

                D.p.x += -5;
                add(-5, 0);

            if (e.keyCode == 38) {

                D.p.y += -5;
                add(0, -5);

            if (e.keyCode == 40) {

                D.p.y += 5;
                add(0, 5);
            if (e.keyCode == 32) {

                if (D.shape == '选择') {

                    if (nowfl == '灰度') {

                        filter.huidu(pxdata, pxdata.width * pxdata.height * 4);

                    if (nowfl == '灰度1') {

                        filter.huidu1(pxdata, pxdata.width * pxdata.height * 4);


                    if (nowfl == '黑白') {

                        filter.haibai(pxdata, pxdata.width * pxdata.height * 4);

                    if (nowfl == '反色') {

                        filter.colrfz(pxdata, pxdata.width * pxdata.height * 4);

                    else if (nowfl == '镜像') {

                        filter.mirrorProcess(paintv, pxdata);
                    } else if (nowfl == '模糊') {

                        filter.blurProcess(paintv, pxdata)
                    } else if (nowfl == '浮雕') {

                        filter.reliefProcess(paintv, pxdata)
                    } else if (nowfl == '雕刻') {
                        filter.diaokeProcess(paintv, pxdata)

                    D.xzKg = false;
                    cana.width = 0;
                    cana.height = 0;
                    cana.style.top = 0;


        function DrawColor() {

            // console.log(c);
            var k = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {

                for (var j = 0; j < 25; j++) {
                    Draw.rects(canC, colorS[k], {"x": 10 + j * 10, "y": i * 10}, {"x": 9, "y": 9});



        function ColorsA() {
            var c = '#';
            var cArray = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];

            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                var cIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * 15);
                c += cArray[cIndex];

            return c;
        function getColorA(Count) {
            var Col = [];

            for (var j = 0; j < Count; j++) {
                var c = ColorsA();
                if (Col.length == 0) {
                } else {
                    if (!Col.have(c)) {
                    } else {
            return Col;


        function getWordType() {
            D.kind = document.getElementById('wordtype').value;

        function getWordDq() {
            D.alg = document.getElementById('wordDq').value;


        function getText() {
            D.text = document.getElementById('word').value;


        function getpic() {

            var file_img = document.getElementById("img"), picupload = document.getElementById('tu');
            getPath(file_img, picupload, file_img);
            D.img = new Image();
            D.img.src = picpath;


        function add(a, b) {
            var s = cana.style.top + "";
            var sa = cana.style.left + "";
            var d = sa.substr(0, sa.length - 2);
            var da = s.substr(0, sa.length - 2);
            var k = parseInt(d);
            var k1 = parseInt(da);

            k += a;
            k1 += b;

            cana.style.top = k1 + 'px';
            cana.style.left = k + 'px';

        var picpath = null;
        function getPath(obj, fileQuery, transImg) {
            var imgSrc = '', imgArr = [], strSrc = '';
            if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 1) { // IE浏览器判断
                if (obj.select) {
                    var path = document.selection.createRange().text;
                    imgSrc = fileQuery.value;
                    imgArr = imgSrc.split('.');
                    strSrc = imgArr[imgArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
                    if (strSrc.localeCompare('jpg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('jpeg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('gif') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('png') === 0) {
                        obj.setAttribute("src", transImg);
                        obj.style.filter =
                                "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + path + "', sizingMethod='scale');"; // IE通过滤镜的方式实现图片显示
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('File type Error! please image file upload..');
                } else {
                    imgSrc = fileQuery.value;
                    imgArr = imgSrc.split('.');
                    strSrc = imgArr[imgArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
                    if (strSrc.localeCompare('jpg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('jpeg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('gif') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('png') === 0) {
                        obj.src = fileQuery.value;
                        picpath = fileQuery.value
                        obj.style.width = '100px';
                        obj.style.height = '100px';
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('File type Error! please image file upload..');
            } else {
                var file = fileQuery.files[0];
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function (e) {
                    imgSrc = fileQuery.value;
                    imgArr = imgSrc.split('.');
                    strSrc = imgArr[imgArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
                    if (strSrc.localeCompare('jpg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('jpeg') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('gif') === 0 || strSrc.localeCompare('png') === 0) {
                        obj.setAttribute("src", e.target.result);
                        picpath = e.target.result;
                        obj.style.width = '100px';
                        obj.style.height = '100px'
                    } else {
                        throw new Error('File type Error! please image file upload..');

        function getNowFl() {

            nowfl = document.getElementById('nowfl').value;


        function addfl() {
            var ca1 = new ca(flbfb, nowColor);
        function passfl() {
            if (flarr.length >= 1) {
                flarr.del(flarr.length - 1);

<body style="background:url('tool.jpg');text-align: center;overflow-y: hidden">

<select id="sel" οnchange="getshape();" style="width: 60px;height: 30px;">
<select id="nowfl" οnchange="getNowFl();" style="width: 60px;height: 30px;">
边框<input id="strCol" value="#0000aa" οnchange="getStrcol()" type="color">
<button id="bktm" οnclick="javascript:D.stroke='transparent';this.style.background='red';flkg1=false; ">透明</button>
填充<input id="filCol" value="#ff0000" οnchange="getFillcol()" type="color">
<button id="tctm" οnclick="javascript:D.fill='transparent' ;this.style.background='red';flkg=false; ">透明</button>
角度<input id="rotatez"  style="width: 50px;"    type="text"  οnblur="javascript: rotatez=parseInt(document.getElementById('rotatez').value);">

线宽<input id="linew" min="0.1" max="15" style="width: 80px;" οnchange="getLinew()" type="range">
发光色<input id="blurColor" value="#ffffff" οnchange="getBlurcolor()" type="color">
发光半径<input id="blurw" min="0" style="width: 80px;" max="100" οnchange="getBlurw()" type="range"><br>

<select id="wordtype" οnchange="getWordType();" style="width: 60px;height: 30px;">
    <option>New Roman</option>

<select id="wordDq" οnchange="getWordDq();" style="width: 60px;height: 30px;">
    <option> right</option>


APL<input id="apl" min="0" max="100" style="width: 80px;" οnchange="getApl()" type="range">
多边形边数<input id="dbx" min="3" max="18" style="width: 80px;"
            οnchange="javascript:D.n=document.getElementById('dbx').value;" type="range">
<button id="clear" οnclick="javascript:shapeArray=[];">清空</button>
<button id="back" οnclick="javascript:shapeArray.del([shapeArray.length-1]);">后退</button>
<button id="wg" οnclick="javascript:wg=(wg==true? false:true);">网格</button>
网格宽<input id="wgw" min="10" step="10" max="60" style="width: 60px;" οnchange="getWgw()" type="range">
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           οnchange="javascript:flr=document.getElementById('flr').value" type="range">
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           οnchange="flbfb=document.getElementById('flbfb').value" type="range">
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    <button id="jbtc" style="position:absolute;left:1130px;width:30px;top:70px;" οnclick="javascript:flkg=true;">充
    <button id="jbbk" style="position:absolute;left:1090px;width:30px;top:70px;" οnclick="javascript:flkg1=true;">渐
    <button id="flxxjb" style="position:absolute;left:1100px;width:80px;height:20px;top:430px;"
            οnclick="javascript:flxxkg=(flxxkg==false? true:false)">切换渐变







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


