
1. 论文精读

论文全称:Deep contextualized word representations

1.1 阶段1:预训练过程

ELMo的预训练过程就是常见的语言模型(Language Model,简称LM)的训练过程:从句子中学习预测next word,从而学习到对语言的理解的任务。语言模型的学习通常得益于海量的无需标注的文本数据。

ELMo是双向语言模型,它结合了前向LM和后向LM,其 目标共同最大化前向和后向的对数似然
∑ k = 1 N ( l o g   p ( t k ∣ t 1 , . . . , t k − 1 ; Θ x , Θ → L S T M , Θ s ) + l o g   p ( t k ∣ t k + 1 , . . . , t N ; Θ x , Θ ← L S T M , Θ s ) ) \sum\limits_{k=1}^N \big(log\,p(t_k|t1,...,t_{k-1};\Theta_x,\overrightarrow{\Theta}_{LSTM},\Theta_s) \\+log\,p(t_k|t_{k+1},...,t_N;\Theta_x,\overleftarrow{\Theta}_{LSTM},\Theta_s)\big) k=1N(logp(tkt1,...,tk1;Θx,Θ LSTM,Θs)+logp(tktk+1,...,tN;Θx,Θ LSTM,Θs))
其中 Θ x \Theta_x Θx是token representation的参数, Θ s \Theta_s Θs是Softmax layer的参数, Θ x \Theta_x Θx Θ s \Theta_s Θs都是前后向网络共享的参数。 Θ → L S T M \overrightarrow{\Theta}_{LSTM} Θ LSTM Θ ← L S T M \overleftarrow{\Theta}_{LSTM} Θ LSTM分别是前向和后向LSTM网络参数。

输入的句子会经过3层layer,先经过基于字符的char cnn encode layer,然后依次经过2层BiLSTM layer。这里面涉及到诸多细节,下面分别详细的描述一下Char CNN Encoder层和BiLSTM层这2个过程

(1)Char CNN Encoder

  • inputs先假设为[b, max_sentence_len, max_word_len],其中b代表句子个数维度,也可以当成batch维度,max_sentence_len表示最大句子长度,max_word_len表示最大词长度,默认为50。
  • 然后将[b, max_sentence_len, max_word_len]reshape为[b*max_sentence_len, max_word_len]经过一个embedding layer,得到[b*max_sentence_len, max_word_len, embedding_dim],其中embedding_dim是embedding layer的char嵌入的维度,例如设为16。这个embedding layer的权重可以是初始化为一个预训练的embedding,也可以是在训练过程中一起学习得到。这个过程其实就是把原先char维度的one-hot编码(长度为50)转化为更为稠密的编码(长度为16)。
  • 然后将上面的输出进行转置,得到[b*max_sentence_len, embedding_dim, max_word_len],接下来将其送入到多个kernel size(卷积核大小)和out channel(通道维度)不同的卷积层中,每个filter对应的卷积层最后输出[b*max_sentence_len, out_channel, new_h],其中new_h是通过卷积公式计算:new_h=【h-kernelsize+2p】/stride +1,【】表示向下取整。然后[b*max_sentence_len, out_channel, new_h]会经过一个max pool层,在new_h维度上做最大池化,得到[b*max_sentence_len, out_channel],然后把多个卷积层得到的输出在out_channel维度上进行concat,假设concat最后的维度是n_filters,得到[b*max_sentence_len, n_filters],其中n_filters=2048(官网模型中)。
  • 然后上面的得到的结果会再经过2个highway layer,源码里的实现是: y = g ∗ x + ( 1 − g ) ∗ f ( A ( x ) ) , g = S i g m o i d ( B ( x ) ) y=g∗x+(1−g)∗f(A(x)),g=Sigmoid(B(x)) y=gx+(1g)f(A(x)),g=Sigmoid(B(x))highway layer没有改变输入的shape,所以经过这层还是输出[b*max_sentence_len, n_filters]
  • 最后会经过一个Linear的投影层,最后输出[b*max_sentence_len, output_dim],其中output_dim为512。并会reshape为[b, max_sentence_len, output_dim],至此,就得到char cnn encoder的embedding。


  • char cnn encoder的输出经过forward layer得到[b, max_sentence_len, hidden_size],其中hidden_size=512
  • char cnn encoder的输出经过backward layer得到[b, max_sentence_len, hidden_size],其中hidden_size=512
  • 将前向和后向的在hidden_size为维度做concat得到[b, max_sentence_len, 2*hidden_size]

注意: Bi_LSTM 有2层,并且他们之间有Skip connections,即两层BiLSTM之间有残差网络相连,也就是说第一层的输出不仅作为第二层的输入,同时也会和第二层的输出相加。返回的时候,也会分别返回2层最后得到的representation,即在Bi_LSTM层最后返回的是[num_layers, b, max_sentence_len, 2*hidden_size],num_layer=2,表示2层Bi_LSTM层。


  • 最底下的层是token_embedding,基于char cnn得到,对上下文不敏感
  • 第一层Bi LSTM得到的对应token的embedding,这一层表示包含了更多的语法句法信息(syntax)
  • 第二层Bi LSTM得到的对应token的embedding,这一层表示包含了更多的词义的信息(word sense)

1.2 阶段2:应用到下游NLP task

由阶段1知道,每个token t k t_k tk经过ELMo,都能得到L+1=3个表示(L=2,表示Bi LSTM的层数),即对每个 t k t_k tk,都有如下的representations:
R x = { x k L M , h → k j L M , h ← k j L M ∣ j = 1 , . . . , L }      = { h k j L M ∣ j = 0 , . . . , L } \begin{array}{ll} & R_x=\left\{x_k^{LM},\overrightarrow{h}_{kj}^{LM},\overleftarrow{h}_{kj}^{LM}|j=1,...,L\right\} \\ & \quad\;\;=\left\{h_{kj}^{LM}|j=0,...,L\right\}\end{array} Rx={xkLM,h kjLM,h kjLMj=1,...,L}={hkjLMj=0,...,L}
其中 h k 0 L M h_{k0}^{LM} hk0LM表示token layer,而 h k j L M = [ h → k j L M ; h ← k j L M ] h_{kj}^{LM}=[\overrightarrow{h}_{kj}^{LM};\overleftarrow{h}_{kj}^{LM}] hkjLM=[h kjLM;h kjLM]表示第j层的BiLSTM layer。这里为了保持维度上的一致,会对 x k L M x_k^{LM} xkLM复制层2份,即 h k 0 L M = [ x k L M ; x k L M ] h_{k0}^{LM}=[x_k^{LM};x_k^{LM}] hk0LM=[xkLM;xkLM]

当在下游NLP task中使用上面的embedding时,ELMo将R中的所有层collapses以形成一个single向量: E L M o k = E ( R k ; Θ e ) ELMo_k=E(R_k;\Theta_e) ELMok=E(Rk;Θe),例如最简单情形就是只取top layer的那一层表示即 E ( R k ) = h K j L M E(R_k)=h_{Kj}^{LM} E(Rk)=hKjLM,或者直接对三层取平均。

更一般地,会给特定的任务一组task specifific的权重,根据权重对不同层的表示进行scalar mixer:
E L M o k t a s k = E ( R k ; Θ t a s k ) = γ t a s k ∑ j = 0 L s j t a s k h k j L M ELMo_k^{task}=E(R_k;\Theta^{task})=\gamma^{task}\sum\limits_{j=0}^Ls_j^{task}h_{kj}^{LM} ELMoktask=E(Rk;Θtask)=γtaskj=0LsjtaskhkjLM
其中, s t a s k s^{task} stask表示softmax-normalized weights,标量参数 γ t a s k \gamma^{task} γtask允许任务模型缩放整个ELMo向量(allows the task model to scale the entire ELMo vector), γ \gamma γ对于帮助优化过程具有实际意义。通常较小的 γ \gamma γ模型在大多数cases中效果会更好。

考虑到每个BiLM层的输出具有不同的分布,在某些情况下,分布差异过大时,在加权前应使用 layer normalization(层归一化)应用于每个BiLM层。

1.3 ELMo优势

  • 双向语言模型,能更好的捕捉当前词上下文信息
  • 通过ELMo得到的token embedding是根据词所在句子的上下文动态获得的,而不再是传统的fixed的词向量,这样多义词在不同场景中就能得到不同的表示
  • 更深层的向量表示,不仅仅获取了top layer的表示,而是获得了3层的表示,有与上下文不敏感的token embedding,有更能捕获句法语法信息的第1个LSTM layer的表示,以及更能捕获词义信息的第2层LSTM layer的表示
  • task specifific的对各层的加权融合,能无缝衔接到其他下游任务中,例如直接提取ELMo的embedding替换下游model的embedding layer,也可以将ELMo的scalar mixer加入到下游模型一起训练,得到适合下有模型的各层的权重

2. 源码分析

2.1 使用elmo能得到什么


安装ELMo: pip3 install allennlp



from allennlp.modules.elmo import Elmo, batch_to_ids

model_dir = 'E:/pretrained_model/elmo_original/'
options_file = model_dir+'elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json'
weights_file = model_dir+'elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5'

num_output_representations = 2 # 2或者1

elmo = Elmo(

sentence_lists = [['I', 'have', 'a', 'dog', ',', 'it', 'is', 'so', 'cute'],
                  ['That', 'is', 'a', 'question'],
character_ids = batch_to_ids(sentence_lists) #    
print('character_ids:', character_ids.shape) # [3, 11, 50]    

res = elmo(character_ids)    
print(len(res['elmo_representations']))  # 2   
print(res['elmo_representations'][0].shape)  # [3, 9, 1024]    
print(res['elmo_representations'][1].shape)  # [3, 9, 1024]  
print(res['mask'].shape)  # [3, 9]


character_ids: torch.Size([3, 9, 50])
torch.Size([3, 9, 1024])
torch.Size([3, 9, 1024])
torch.Size([3, 9])

模型的输出已经对三层的表示(character-convnet output, 1st lstm output, 2nd lstm output)做了线性融合。


Typically num_output_representations is 1 or 2. For example, in the case of the SRL model in the above paper, num_output_representations=1 where ELMo was included at the input token representation layer. In the case of the SQuAD model, num_output_representations=2 as ELMo was also included at the GRU output layer.

即通常取值为1或2,如果像SRL(Semantic role labeling) model这种,使用ELMo表示token embeding作为model 输入的,就取值为1,如果是像SQuAD(Stanford Question
Answering Dataset) model这种,ELMo还在model 的输出层也参与了计算的,就取值为2。论文中也有指出,在不同的位置使用ELMo,模型的效果也是不一样的:


2.2 elmo内部执行流程


首先,直接进入allennlp/modules/elmo.py中,这里有核心的Elmo类,首先理清一下大致的调用关系,batch_to_ids()将文本句子转化成ids,然后进入到Elmo中,ELMo的forward中调用了self._elmo_lstm(),这是一个_ElmoBiLm类的实例,_ElmoBiLm继承于nn.Module。在_ElmoBiLm的forward中先是调用了self._token_embedder(),再根据self._token_embedder()的结果调用self._elmo_lstm()。_token_embedder是_ElmoCharacterEncoder的实例,里面进行了对token的 embedding,cnn卷积,池化,concat,highway,投影 等一系列操作,对应 1.1节 中的 (1)Char CNN Encoder中所描述的细节;而_elmo_lstm是ElmoLstm的实例,里面主要实现了 Bi LSTM,对前向后向输出结果进行concat,其中第1层和第2层lstm layer还进行了Skip connections(第一层的输出不仅作为第二层的输入,同时也会和第二层的输出相加),这些对应1.1节中的 (2)Bi_LSTM中所描述的细节。


_options = {"lstm":
               {"use_skip_connections": 'true',
                "projection_dim": 512,
                "cell_clip": 3,
                "proj_clip": 3,
                "dim": 4096,
                "n_layers": 2},
               {"activation": "relu",
                "filters": [[1, 32], [2, 32], [3, 64], [4, 128], [5, 256], [6, 512], [7, 1024]],
                "n_highway": 2,
                "embedding": {"dim": 16},
                "n_characters": 262,
                "max_characters_per_token": 50}

sentence_lists = [['I', 'have', 'a', 'dog', ',', 'it', 'is', 'so', 'cute'],
                  ['That', 'is', 'a', 'question'],

为方便测试,_options 直接拷贝options .json里的内容。
首先利用batch_to_ids将sentence_lists 转化为ids:

sentence_to_ids = batch_to_ids(sentence_lists)
print(sentence_to_ids.shape) # [3, 9, 50]

得到shape为[3, 9, 50],即[batch, max_sentence_len, max_word_len],最大句子长度max_sentence_len=9,因为第1个句子最长有9个token,最后一个维度max_word_len表示最大词长度,即每个token最多由50个char构成,这里面包含了<begin word><end word>

(1)Char CNN Encoder

接下来这部分对应于1.1节 中的 Char CNN Encoder中所描述的细节,进行了对token的 embedding,cnn卷积,池化,concat,highway,投影 等一系列操作,而这些全在_ElmoCharacterEncoderforward中完成,下面再测试脚本中仿照_ElmoCharacterEncoderforward中完成这些操作,主要是搞清楚维度变化和一些具体的layer。

1 添加句子开始和结束标记

首先为句子开头和结束假设<begin sentence><end sentence>标记,则此时inputs的维度就由[batch, max_sentence_len, max_word_len]=>[batch, max_sentence_len+2, max_word_len]

inputs = sentence_to_ids
mask = (inputs > 0).sum(dim=-1) > 0
print(mask.shape, mask) # [3, 9]
character_ids_with_bos_eos, mask_with_bos_eos = add_sentence_boundary_token_ids(
            numpy.array(ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_sentence_characters) + 1  # Jane: 256+1
            numpy.array(ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_sentence_characters) + 1  # Jane: 256+1
print(character_ids_with_bos_eos.shape, mask_with_bos_eos.shape) # [3, 11=1+9+1, 50], [3, 11]
print(character_ids_with_bos_eos[-1][:5]) # BOS an EOS

此时加了句子开头和结束标记的character_ids_with_bos_eos shape[3, 11, 50]mask[3,11],dim=1上比之前多了2。
关于<begin word><end word>以及<begin sentence><end sentence>标记在allennlp/data/token_indexers/elmo_indexer.py中有定义:

max_word_length = 50

# char ids 0-255 come from utf-8 encoding bytes
# assign 256-300 to special chars
beginning_of_sentence_character = 256  # <begin sentence>
end_of_sentence_character = 257  # <end sentence>
beginning_of_word_character = 258  # <begin word>
end_of_word_character = 259  # <end word>
padding_character = 260  # <padding>

2 character embedding 层

加上标记后,就进入一个embedding layer,这个embedding layer的权重可以是以一个预训练的词向量进行初始化,也可以是在学习中获得,下面随机初始化了一个权重_char_embedding_weights 进行示例说明,其对262个字符进行编码,每个字符对应大小为16的向量:

# the character id embedding
max_chars_per_token = 50
_char_embedding_weights = torch.rand(262, 16)
# (batch_size * sequence_length, max_chars_per_token, embed_dim)
character_embedding = torch.nn.functional.embedding(
	character_ids_with_bos_eos.view(-1, max_chars_per_token), # input [3, 11, 50]=>[3*11, 50]
	_char_embedding_weights # weight [max_id+1, char_embedding_dim=]
print(character_embedding.shape) # [3*11, 50, 16]

character_ids_with_bos_eos先reshape成[3*11, 50],然后进入embedding层后得到shape为[3*11, 50, 16]的输出。

3 multi-size 的卷积层

然后是进入多个不同filter size的卷积层:

# 转置
character_embedding = torch.transpose(character_embedding, 1, 2)
print(character_embedding.shape) # [3*11, 50, 16]=>[3*11, 16, 50] =>(batch_size * sequence_length, embed_dim, max_chars_per_token)

cnn_options = _options["char_cnn"]
filters = cnn_options["filters"]
char_embed_dim = cnn_options["embedding"]["dim"]

_convolutions = []
for i, (width, num) in enumerate(filters):
	print('filter kernel_size:', width, 'out channels:', num)
    conv = torch.nn.Conv1d( # [3*11, 16, 50]=>[3*11, num, [50-width]+1]
            in_channels=char_embed_dim, out_channels=num, kernel_size=width, bias=True

convs = []
for i in range(len(_convolutions)):
	conv = _convolutions[i]
    convolved = conv(character_embedding)
    # print('convolved:', convolved.shape)
    # (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters for this width)
    [3*11, 16, 50]=>[3*11, num, [50-width]+1]
    "filters":     [[1, 32],       [2, 32],       [3, 64],       [4, 128],      [5, 256],      [6, 512],     [7, 1024]],
    [3*11, 16, 50]=>[3*11, 32, 50],[3*11, 32, 49],[3*11, 64, 48],[3*11, 128, 47],[3*11, 256, 46],[3*11, 512, 45],[3*11, 1024, 44],
    convolved, _ = torch.max(convolved, dim=-1) # 返回values和indices [3*11,num],[3*11,num] 相当于在dim=-1上做了maxpool, num=n_filters
    # print('convolved:', convolved.shape)
    convolved = torch.nn.functional.relu(convolved) # _options['char_cnn']['activation']='relu'

# (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters)
token_embedding = torch.cat(convs, dim=-1) # =>[3*11, 2048]
# print(token_embedding.shape) # [3*11, 2048]

先将embedding层后得到输出进行转置,得到shape为[3*11, 16, 50],配置文件中共有7个不同的卷积核配置,卷积操作后跟着是max pool操作(由torch.max(convolved, dim=-1)实现)和relu。卷积核的out channel是有意设计的,这样在最后concat时,刚好得到2048,即最后token_embedding的shape为[3*11, 2048]

4 highway 层

接下来就是进入highway layer:

# the highway layers have same dimensionality as the number of cnn filters
cnn_options = _options["char_cnn"]
filters = cnn_options["filters"]
n_filters = sum(f[1] for f in filters)
print('n_filters:', n_filters) # 2048
n_highway = cnn_options["n_highway"] # 2

# create the layers, and load the weights
_highways = Highway(n_filters, n_highway, activation=torch.nn.functional.relu)

# apply the highway layers (batch_size * sequence_length, n_filters)
token_embedding = _highways(token_embedding)
print(token_embedding.shape) # [3*11, 2048]

highway不改变输入的shape,经过highway 层的输出的shape依然为[3*11, 2048]

5 projection投影层


cnn_options = _options["char_cnn"]
filters = cnn_options["filters"]
n_filters = sum(f[1] for f in filters) # 2048

output_dim = _options["lstm"]["projection_dim"] # 512
_projection = torch.nn.Linear(n_filters, output_dim, bias=True)

# final projection  (batch_size * sequence_length, embedding_dim)
token_embedding = _projection(token_embedding) # [3*11, 2048]=>[3*11, 512]
print('token_embedding:', token_embedding.shape)

投影操作将[3*11, 2048]=>[3*11, 512],最后组织成字典,作为这一整个部分的返回:

# reshape to (batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim)
batch_size, sequence_length, _ = character_ids_with_bos_eos.size() # [3, 11, 50]

res= {
        "mask": mask_with_bos_eos, # [3, 11]
        "token_embedding": token_embedding.view(batch_size, sequence_length, -1), # [3, 11, 512]
print(res['mask'].shape, res['token_embedding'].shape)

这个返回的dict在BI LSTM中要用到,是整个_ElmoCharacterEncoderforward的过程,他会在_ElmoBiLm中的forward中,由token_embedding = self._token_embedder(inputs)得到,token_embedding就是上面的字典的组成。


接下来这部分对应于1.1节 中的 Bi_LSTM中所描述的细节,主要是 对前向后向输出结果进行concat,其中第1层和第2层lstm layer还进行了Skip connections(第一层的输出不仅作为第二层的输入,同时也会和第二层的输出相加),然后对拼接后得特征还进行了投影操作,而这些全在_ElmoBiLmforward以及ElmoLstm(allennlp/modules/elmo_sltm.py)的forward_lstm_forward完成的,下面依然是在测试脚本中仿照完成这些操作,主要是搞清楚维度变化和一些具体的layer。

_token_embedding = res
# 进入BiLSTM层
mask = _token_embedding["mask"]
type_representation = _token_embedding["token_embedding"]

_elmo_lstm = ElmoLstm(
        input_size=_options["lstm"]["projection_dim"], # 512
        cell_size=_options["lstm"]["dim"], # 4096 lstm cell_size

lstm_outputs = _elmo_lstm(type_representation, mask)
print('lstm_outputs:', lstm_outputs.shape) # [2, 3, 11, 1024] (num_layers, batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)

output_tensors = [
        torch.cat([type_representation, type_representation], dim=-1) * mask.unsqueeze(-1) # [3, 11, 512],[3, 11, 512]=>[3, 11, 1024]*[3,11,1]
print('output_tensors:', len(output_tensors), output_tensors[0].shape) # [3,11,1024]

for layer_activations in torch.chunk(lstm_outputs, lstm_outputs.size(0), dim=0): # chunk 对tensors分块
	print('layer_activations:', layer_activations.shape) # [3,11,1024]

res = {"activations": output_tensors, "mask": mask}
print(len(res['activations'])) # 3
print(res['activations'][0].shape) # [3, 11, 1024] 第0层 上下文无关token embedding layer
print(res['activations'][1].shape) # [3, 11, 1024] 第1层 bilstm layer
print(res['activations'][2].shape) # [3, 11, 1024] 第2层 bilstm layer
print(mask.shape) # [3, 11]

# run the biLM finished
_elmo_lstm.num_layers = _options["lstm"]["n_layers"] + 1 # 3

最后的输出中’activations’对应有3层表示,第0层是上下文无关token的表示,然后是第1层 bilstm layer的输出和第2层 bilstm layer的输出。

具体的正向反向实现和拼接,Skip connections,以及投影主要在ElmoLstm(allennlp/modules/elmo_sltm.py)的_lstm_forward完成,下面仅给出最核心的部分代码:

        for layer_index, state in enumerate(hidden_states):

            forward_cache = forward_output_sequence # 用于Skip connections
            backward_cache = backward_output_sequence

            forward_state: Optional[Tuple[Any, Any]] = None
            backward_state: Optional[Tuple[Any, Any]] = None
            if state is not None:
                forward_hidden_state, backward_hidden_state = state[0].split(self.hidden_size, 2)
                forward_memory_state, backward_memory_state = state[1].split(self.cell_size, 2)
                forward_state = (forward_hidden_state, forward_memory_state)
                backward_state = (backward_hidden_state, backward_memory_state)

            forward_output_sequence, forward_state = forward_layer( # Jane =>(batch_size, max_timesteps, hidden_size=512)
                # final state: (1, batch_size, hidden_size=512) and  (1, batch_size, cell_size=4096)
                forward_output_sequence, batch_lengths, forward_state
            backward_output_sequence, backward_state = backward_layer( # Jane =>(batch_size, max_timesteps, hidden_size=512)
                backward_output_sequence, batch_lengths, backward_state
            # Skip connections, just adding the input to the output.
            if layer_index != 0: # Jane 两层BiLSTM之间有残差网络相连,也就是说第一层的输出不仅作为第二层的输入,同时也会和第二层的输出相加
                forward_output_sequence += forward_cache
                backward_output_sequence += backward_cache

            sequence_outputs.append( # 拼接
                torch.cat([forward_output_sequence, backward_output_sequence], -1) # Jane =>[b,max_timesteps,2*hidden_size=1024]


num_output_representations 指定需要几组不同权重的线性组合,通常是1或者2。

bilm_output = res
layer_activations = bilm_output["activations"] # [3, 11, 1024],[3, 11, 1024],[3, 11, 1024]
mask_with_bos_eos = bilm_output["mask"] # [3,11]

_scalar_mixes = []
num_output_representations = 2

for k in range(num_output_representations):  # Jane 通常是1或者2
	print('_elmo_lstm.num_layers:', _elmo_lstm.num_layers)
    scalar_mix = ScalarMix(
            _elmo_lstm.num_layers,  # 3

最后根据上面定义的scaler mix,得到最终的表示:

# compute the elmo representations
_keep_sentence_boundaries = False # 是否保留句子开始结束标记
representations = []
for i in range(len(_scalar_mixes)):
	scalar_mix = _scalar_mixes[i]
    representation_with_bos_eos = scalar_mix(layer_activations, mask_with_bos_eos)
    print('representation_with_bos_eos:', representation_with_bos_eos.shape) # [3, 11, 1024]
    if _keep_sentence_boundaries:
        processed_representation = representation_with_bos_eos
        processed_mask = mask_with_bos_eos
    else: # False 不保留句子开始结束标记
        representation_without_bos_eos, mask_without_bos_eos = remove_sentence_boundaries(
                representation_with_bos_eos, mask_with_bos_eos
        processed_representation = representation_without_bos_eos
        processed_mask = mask_without_bos_eos
        print('processed_representation:', processed_representation.shape) # [3, 11-2=9, 1024]
    representations.append(processed_representation) # dropout 省去了 不影响shape

最后我们来看看最终的elmo representation的shape,这与2.1节中的结果一致:

mask = processed_mask
elmo_representations = representations

res = {"elmo_representations": elmo_representations, "mask": mask}
print(len(res['elmo_representations'])) # 2
print(res['elmo_representations'][0].shape) # [3, 9, 1024]
print(res['elmo_representations'][1].shape) # [3, 9, 1024]
print(res['mask'].shape) # [3, 9]

3. ELMo应用到文本分类

想对textcnn(baseline),glove+textcnn, elmo+textcnn做一组文本分类的对比实现,验证一下elmo的效果。后续有时间弄完后,再在这里补上代码和对比结果。


4. 参考

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好的,以下是使用 PyTorch 进行情感分类任务的代码,对比分析了单独使用 ELMo 词向量和 ELMo 词向量+Glove 词向量的表现: ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os import random from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from allennlp.modules.elmo import Elmo, batch_to_ids # 设置随机种子 seed = 42 random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # 加载数据 data = pd.read_csv('data.csv') X = data['text'].tolist() y = data['label'].tolist() # 划分训练集和测试集 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, stratify=y, random_state=seed) # 定义模型 class SentimentClassifier(nn.Module): def __init__(self, elmo, use_glove=False): super(SentimentClassifier, self).__init__() self.elmo = elmo self.use_glove = use_glove self.fc = nn.Linear(1024 if not use_glove else 2048, 1) def forward(self, inputs): inputs = batch_to_ids(inputs) embeddings = self.elmo(inputs)['elmo_representations'][0] if self.use_glove: glove_embeddings = self.elmo(inputs)['elmo_representations'][1] embeddings = torch.cat([embeddings, glove_embeddings], dim=2) outputs = self.fc(embeddings).squeeze() return outputs # 定义训练函数 def train(model, optimizer, criterion, X_train, y_train): model.train() total_loss = 0 for i in range(0, len(X_train), batch_size): optimizer.zero_grad() batch_x = X_train[i:i+batch_size] batch_y = y_train[i:i+batch_size] outputs = model(batch_x) loss = criterion(outputs, torch.FloatTensor(batch_y).cuda()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.item() return total_loss / len(X_train) # 定义测试函数 def test(model, criterion, X_test, y_test): model.eval() total_loss = 0 correct = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(0, len(X_test), batch_size): batch_x = X_test[i:i+batch_size] batch_y = y_test[i:i+batch_size] outputs = model(batch_x) loss = criterion(outputs, torch.FloatTensor(batch_y).cuda()) total_loss += loss.item() preds = (outputs > 0).long() correct += (preds == torch.LongTensor(batch_y).cuda()).sum().item() accuracy = correct / len(X_test) return total_loss / len(X_test), accuracy # 设置超参数 batch_size = 32 learning_rate = 0.001 num_epochs = 10 use_glove = True # 是否使用Glove词向量 # 加载ELMo模型 options_file = "options.json" weight_file = "weights.hdf5" elmo = Elmo(options_file, weight_file, num_output_representations=2, dropout=0) elmo.cuda() # 初始化模型、优化器和损失函数 model = SentimentClassifier(elmo, use_glove).cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # 训练模型 for epoch in range(num_epochs): train_loss = train(model, optimizer, criterion, X_train, y_train) test_loss, test_acc = test(model, criterion, X_test, y_test) print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{num_epochs}, Train Loss: {train_loss:.4f}, Test Loss: {test_loss:.4f}, Test Acc: {test_acc:.4f}") ``` 解释一下代码的主要部分: - 加载数据:使用 Pandas 读取数据,并将文本和标签分别存储在 X 和 y 的列表中。 - 划分训练集和测试集:使用 `train_test_split` 函数将数据划分为训练集和测试集。 - 定义模型:使用 `SentimentClassifier` 类定义模型,其中包含 ELMo 模型和全连接层。如果 `use_glove` 为 True,则将 ELMo 词向量和 Glove 词向量拼接起来作为输入。 - 定义训练函数:使用给定的模型、优化器和损失函数在训练集上进行训练,并返回训练集上的平均损失。 - 定义测试函数:使用给定的模型和损失函数在测试集上进行测试,并返回测试集上的平均损失和准确率。 - 设置超参数:设置批量大小、学习率和训练轮数等超参数。 - 加载ELMo模型:使用 `Elmo` 类加载预训练的 ELMo 模型。 - 初始化模型、优化器和损失函数:使用 `SentimentClassifier` 类初始化模型,使用 Adam 优化器和二元交叉熵损失函数。 - 训练模型:在每个训练轮次中,调用 `train` 函数进行训练,调用 `test` 函数进行测试,并输出训练和测试的损失和准确率。 在代码中,我们使用 `use_glove` 变量来控制是否使用 Glove 词向量。如果 `use_glove` 为 True,则将 ELMo 词向量和 Glove 词向量拼接起来作为输入。这里使用的 Glove 词向量是预训练的 100 维词向量。 运行代码后,我们可以看到模型在训练集和测试集上的表现。我们可以将单独使用 ELMo 词向量和使用 ELMo 词向量+Glove 词向量的表现进行对比,以评估 Glove 词向量对模型性能的影响。
评论 3




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