Should VBO be unbound before calling glDeleteBuffers?
The only time you would want to manually unbind a resource in GL prior to deletion is if you have it bound in a separate context. That is because one the criteria for actually freeing the memory associated with a GL resource is that it have a reference count of 0. glDelete* (…) only unbinds an object from the current context prior to putting it on a queue of objects to free.
If you delete it while a VAO that is not currently bound holds a pointer to this buffer, or if it is bound in a completely different OpenGL context from the one you call glDelete* (…) in, then the reference count does not reach 0 before glDelete* (…) finishes. As a result, the memory will not be freeduntil you actually unbind it from or destroy all VAO / render contexts that are holding references. You will effectively leak memory until you take care of all the dangling references.
In short, glDelete* (…) will always unbind resources from the current context and reclaim any names for immediate reuse, but it will only free the associated memory if after unbinding it the reference count is 0.
In this case, unbinding is completely unnecessary because you are doing so in the same context you call glDeleteBuffers (…) from. This call implicitly unbinds the object you are deleting, so you are doing something redundant. What is more, you already deleted your VAO prior to calling glDeleteBuffers (…) – when that VAO was deleted, it relinquished all of its pointers and thus decremented the reference count to your buffer.

The only time you would want to manually unbind a resource in GL prior to deletion is if you have it bound in a separate context. That is because one the criteria for actually freeing the memory associated with a GL resource is that it have a reference count of 0. glDelete* (…) only unbinds an object from the current context prior to putting it on a queue of objects to free.
If you delete it while a VAO that is not currently bound holds a pointer to this buffer, or if it is bound in a completely different OpenGL context from the one you call glDelete* (…) in, then the reference count does not reach 0 before glDelete* (…) finishes. As a result, the memory will not be freeduntil you actually unbind it from or destroy all VAO / render contexts that are holding references. You will effectively leak memory until you take care of all the dangling references.
In short, glDelete* (…) will always unbind resources from the current context and reclaim any names for immediate reuse, but it will only free the associated memory if after unbinding it the reference count is 0.
In this case, unbinding is completely unnecessary because you are doing so in the same context you call glDeleteBuffers (…) from. This call implicitly unbinds the object you are deleting, so you are doing something redundant. What is more, you already deleted your VAO prior to calling glDeleteBuffers (…) – when that VAO was deleted, it relinquished all of its pointers and thus decremented the reference count to your buffer.

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Qt OpenGL提供了一种实现高效渲染的机制,它使用了VAO(Vertex Array Object)和VBO(Vertex Buffer Object)技术。 VAO是一种对象,用于存储顶点数据、顶点属性以及它们之间的关联关系。它可以理解为一个顶点属性的容器。通过使用VAO,我们可以将顶点数据存储在显存中,而不是每次渲染时都从CPU传输顶点数据到显存,从而提高渲染的效率。 VBO是一个存储顶点数据的缓冲区对象。通过将顶点数据存储在VBO中,我们可以将数据一次性地传输到显存中,并且可以高效地管理和使用这些数据。同时,VBO还可以提供顶点缓存和索引缓存功能,用于顶点的重用和图元的索引。 Qt OpenGL提供了许多方便的API来操作VAO和VBO。我们可以使用QOpenGLVertexArrayObject类来创建和管理VAO,通过调用QOpenGLBuffer类的相关方法来创建和管理VBO。例如,我们可以使用QOpenGLVertexArrayObject::bind()和QOpenGLVertexArrayObject::release()方法来绑定和释放VAO,使用QOpenGLBuffer::bind()和QOpenGLBuffer::release()方法来绑定和释放VBO。 使用VAO和VBO可以大大简化OpenGL代码的编写,并且能够有效提高渲染效率。我们可以将需要渲染的数据一次性地传输到显存中,并且设置好相应的渲染状态,然后每次渲染时只需要绑定VAO进行渲染即可,不需要重复的数据传输和状态设置操作。 综上所述,Qt OpenGL的VAO和VBO技术可以帮助我们实现高效渲染,提高应用程序的性能。


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