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原创 MFC简单计算器
最近开始学习MFC(vs2010),看了一段时间教程始终没有感觉,所以就想做一个实际的东西熟练一下。觉得初学MFC写个计算器吧,模拟一下微软的calc,其实很早就有这种想法啦,哈哈!言归正传吧!!这是最终的界面,也是一开始设计的界面;1.放置的控件有 Group Box----------1个EDIT----------------1个
2013-05-25 10:51:16 4309 2
原创 ov2640 svga 配置
2023-11-08 15:18:44 249
原创 wxwidgets简单实例
2023-07-18 16:11:01 634
原创 wxWidgets 常用控件介绍
2023-07-18 15:24:01 981
原创 wxWidgets 目录和文件操作
2023-07-18 15:01:06 586
原创 c++事件量封装,带等待超时功能
#pragma once#include <mutex>#include <condition_variable>#include <chrono>class CEvtVar { std::mutex m_mtex; bool m_flag; std::condition_variable m_condvar;public: CEvtVar(); ~CEvtVar(); int wait(int ms); ...
2022-01-25 16:39:40 593
原创 使用tinyxml2将gps经纬度转换为kml和gpx格式文件
一.gps数据存储在文本中,如下所示:每一行一个数据,数据使用逗号隔开,第一个为时间,第二个为经度,第三个维度,第四个为高度2.使用tinyxml2将文件转换为标准的gpx格式文件,转换之后的结果如下:代码如下:#include "../tinyxml2.h"#include <fstream>#include <string>;#include <vector>struct GPS_DATA { std::string.
2021-12-09 16:45:00 2132
原创 matlab 设计巴特沃茨滤波器,然后在c++中使用
一、用matlab设计巴特沃茨滤波器%1 低通fd = 10;%hz 截止频率fs = 167;%hz 采样频率wn = fd/(0.5*fs);%butter 第一个参数为阶数,下面使用的是一阶[a b]= butter(1,wn,'low')%2 高通fd = 10;%hz截止频率fs = 167;%hz采样频率wn = fd/(0.5*fs);[c d]= butter(1,wn,'high')%小测试t = 0:1/fs:1;x = cos(2*...
2021-07-23 10:32:39 634
原创 利用ceres solver对自定义函数 自动求导
#include <ceres/ceres.h>#include <ceres/jet.h>#include <Eigen/Eigen>struct costFunc { template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* const x, T* residuals) const { residuals[0] = T(3)* x[0]*x[0] + x[0]*T(5) ...
2021-05-10 11:12:33 771
原创 双目视觉误差与距离关系
clear;clc;B = 100;%mm,两个相机之间的距离,也叫基线fs = 6;%mm,相机的物理焦距ss = 4.8 ;%mm ,ccd芯片的块wid = 2048;%pix,相机的分辨率 宽pp = ss/widdd = 0.25;%pix,视差的精度,检测的精度f = fs/(pp);minZ = 1500;%离相机最近的距离maxZ = 2500;%theta = atan((wid/2)/f);fov = 2*theta *180/piminDepth = 0.5*
2021-03-30 17:09:04 2861 4
原创 Matlab2OpenCV
function Matlab2OpenCV( variable, fileName,varName, flag)% INPUTS:% variable: name of the current matrix% fileName: name of the output yaml file% flag: w for writing a new file, a for appending to the file% OUTPUTS:% ...
2021-03-30 14:41:33 178
转载 matlab umeyama
function [ R, t ] = umeyama( X, Y, plotResult )%UMEYAMA Corresponding point set registration with Umeyama method.%% [R, t] = umeyama(X, Y) returns the rotation matrix R and translation% vector t that approximate Y = R * X + t using least-squares esti.
2021-03-30 14:40:17 420
原创 如何使用图片的exif信息计算相机焦距
1.通过35mm等效焦距来计算:图像的exif信息可以从图像的属性中获取,例如下图中,可以看出35mm等效焦距为35mm, 根据35mm胶片的尺寸为36mmx24mm,那么相机的焦距为(像素单位焦距) F = 2832 * 35 / 36 =2753.33 pixel 2.根据ccd尺寸计算焦距,根据相机型号KODAK Z612 查询http://www.dpreview.com/得知,此款相机的ccd尺寸为5.75mm,那么根据 F = 2832 * 6/5.75可以计算...
2020-12-25 19:13:03 4237 3
原创 最短路径 floyd
//#include "sparselevmarq.h"#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (1) { auto printA = [](int a[4][4]) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++...
2020-06-28 10:00:29 192
原创 光斑亚像素处理
#pragma once#include <Eigen/Eigen>typedef unsigned char uchar;#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>class SubPixCenter{ int m_iN = -1; Eigen::VectorXf m_Vector_A; Eigen::MatrixXf m_matrix_B; bool InitData(cv::Mat& roi, const d...
2020-05-28 18:49:19 298
原创 点云学习1
2020-04-21 15:29:19 1661 5
原创 opencv解码yolov2
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include <iostream>float anchor[] = { 0.469385, 0.710431,0.920628, 1.367715,1.274924, 1.906141,1.845246, 2.771376,2.994701, 4.442390 };int N_anchors =...
2020-04-20 14:28:37 315
原创 eskf imu arhs
clear;clc;%rng(100);addpath(genpath(pwd));load_param;global params;dt = params.dt;[imudata,visdata] = vio_data_gen();l_imu = length(imudata);eskf.q = [1;0;0;0];eskf.bg=[0;0;0];eskf.g=[0;0;9...
2020-01-08 19:29:03 393
原创 allan 方差
clear;clc;rawdata = load('imulog_0.txt');t0 =6047*0.001*0.001;%rawdata = load('D:\\project\\cpp\\course2_hw_new\\vio_data_simulation\\build/imudata.txt');t0 = 1.0/200;N_sample = size(rawdata,1);...
2019-12-14 09:59:42 1387
原创 多线程 c++ 环形队列
#ifndef RING_BUFFER_H#define RING_BUFFER_H#include <mutex>template<typename T, int N>class RingBuf{public: RingBuf(); ~RingBuf(); bool get(T& a); bool put(T a...
2019-12-09 17:37:34 651
原创 WiringPi on ROS
2019-11-29 12:13:51 545
原创 python web开发
##!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from bottle import get,post,run,request,template,routeimport bottleimport osimport timeimport sys#### 定义Car类class Car(object): def __in...
2019-11-14 13:55:15 297
原创 计算点坐标
clear;clc;x1 = [100,0,0];x2 = [45, 75,0];x3 = [45,-75,0];x4 = [0,0,50];th = 5;data=[];Ns=1000;for i=1:Ns l23 = norm(x3-x2)+th*(2*rand-1); l12 = norm(x1-x2)+th*(2*rand-1); l13 = no...
2019-10-23 14:12:53 342
原创 g2o helper
#pragma once#include <g2o/core/sparse_optimizer.h>#include <g2o/types/slam3d/types_slam3d.h>#include <Eigen/eigen>#include "KeyFrame.h";#include "MapPoint.h"#include "Measureme...
2019-09-26 19:01:31 275
原创 循环缓冲区c++
template<typename T,int N>class RingBuf{public: RingBuf() : capSize(N){ first = last = 0; size = 0; } ~RingBuf() { } bool get(T& a) { if (is...
2019-08-30 13:45:51 347
原创 getTime()
string getTime() { system_clock::time_point tp = system_clock::now(); time_t raw_time = system_clock::to_time_t(tp); struct tm *timeinfo = std::localtime(&raw_time); std::string...
2019-08-22 17:44:28 938
原创 基于boost的最短路径和最小生成树
#pragma once#include <iostream>#include <utility>#include <vector>typedef struct { int v1,v2; int w;}EdgeEx;int shortest_path(const std::vector< EdgeEx>& ed...
2019-08-21 16:06:05 591
原创 matlab 串口读写
%读取clear;clc;Ports = instrhwinfo('serial');lenP = length(Ports.SerialPorts);Ports.SerialPortsif(lenP<=1) fprintf('error: no serialPort found'); return;endif(lenP<3) fprintf('...
2019-08-15 14:08:25 883
原创 协程
#ifndef STDEX_COROUTINE_H_#define STDEX_COROUTINE_H_#ifndef STACK_LIMIT#define STACK_LIMIT (1024*1024)#endif#include <cstdint>#include <cstring>#include <cstdio>#include &l...
2019-08-08 10:29:48 146
原创 dtw_EXAMPLE
#include "dtw.h"// this just generates some random arrayvector<double> getrandomwalk(uint size) { vector<double> data(size); data[0] = 0.0; for (uint k = 1; k < size; ++...
2019-08-01 16:57:37 167
原创 dtw
/*** (c) Daniel Lemire, 2008*This C++ library implements fast nearest-neighbor retrieval under the dynamic time warping (DTW).* This library includes the dynamic programming solution, a fast imple...
2019-08-01 16:56:49 225
原创 linux中使用g++ 编译 使用 opencv
g++ 编译调用opencv函数的c++程序时, 可以使用如下 makefilemainapp: main.o g++ -o mainapp main.o -lopencv_core -lopencv_highguimain.o: main.cpp g++ -c main.cppclean: rm -rf main main.o...
2019-06-01 23:34:39 903
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹