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原创 leetcode - gas station

There are N gas stations along a circular route, where the amount of gas at station i is gas[i].You have a car with an unlimited gas tank and it costs cost[i] of gas to travel from station i to its...

2014-10-02 21:45:03 191

原创 51nod-1050 循环最大字段和

N个整数组成的循环序列a[1],a[2],a[3],…,a[n],求该序列如a[i]+a[i+1]+…+a[j]的连续的子段和的最大值(循环序列是指n个数围成一个圈,因此需要考虑a[n-1],a[n],a[1],a[2]这样的序列)。当所给的整数均为负数时和为0。例如:-2,11,-4,13,-5,-2,和最大的子段为:11,-4,13。和为20。 Input第1行:整数...

2014-04-12 23:42:40 116

原创 51nod-1101 换零钱

时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:65536 KB 分值: 20N元钱换为零钱,有多少不同的换法?币值包括1 2 5分,1 2 5角,1 2 5 10 20 50 100元。 例如:5分钱换为零钱,有以下4种换法:1、5个1分2、1个2分3个1分3、2个2分1个1分4、1个5分(由于结果可能会很大,输出Mod 10^9 + 7的结果)Input输入1个数N,...

2014-04-12 23:32:36 160

原创 boj 11

Description We are familiar with the game called “Counting 24”. Now it comes a problem that we want to know whether we can figure out the exact answer with given 4 numbers only using +,-,*,/ and ...

2013-05-07 16:27:20 85

原创 boj 342


2013-05-07 00:30:45 110

原创 boj 343


2013-05-06 13:19:38 93

原创 boj 347


2013-05-06 00:10:38 104

原创 boj 586

 [Description] Teoy最近迷上了阿里巴巴面向网商和中小企业主开发的BNS(Business Network Service)网站“来往”(www.laiwang.com),在那里他可以结交生意上的朋友,包括上游供应商以及下游的客户。随着业务的扩大,Teoy迫切想认识自己好友列表之外的更多的同行。他提出这样一个问题,给出任意的A和B,他想知道在“来往”上A能不能...

2013-05-06 00:08:45 143

原创 boj 437

Description校内赛马上开始了,选手们比赛时,需要打印代码,但是912的打印机被wangkun弄坏了,无法进行打印。wangkun的钱都上交给wmz了,他只有想办法让912的小盆友们手抄代码,然后送给选手们。这里共有n份代码 ,编号1,2,…,n。每份代码有pi页。全部分给m个小盆友。每人分到顺序连续的若干份,每份代码只分给一人。 为了和谐,wangkun需要你,求一种方案,使每人分到的...

2013-05-06 00:07:15 93

原创 boj 164


2013-05-06 00:03:56 94

原创 boj 158

Description为了准备期末考试了,laprovence正被讨厌的数字逻辑搞的头昏脑胀,尤其后面的一堆乱七八糟的概念,简直不知所云@#~!*&~这不有道简单的题就把他给难住了,题目大意是这样的:给出n个发光二极管,每个二极管都有两种状态,亮(on)与灭(off),然后给出一组每两个二极管之间的约束关系,约束关系有以下3 种1)a and b 表示第a个与第b个二极管必须同时亮2)a...

2013-04-28 00:07:33 81

原创 boj 268

DescriptionA brand new sapper robot is able to neutralize mines in a rectangular region having integer height and width (N and M respectively). Before the robot begins its work it is placed near the ...

2013-04-27 21:21:33 95

原创 boj 237

DescriptionGreetings, Libras.一个不透明的袋子里装有若干个重量是1的小球, 袋子的重量忽略不计. 只知道小球的数量至少是1, 至多是N.现在给你一架天平, 你可以自己设计一套砝码, 即砝码的个数与每个砝码的重量都可以自由定义(每个砝码的重量必须是正整数). 要求不管袋子里有多少个小球, 都可以用这套砝码称出小球的确切数量. 称的次数不限. 每次使用天平只能获...

2013-04-27 21:09:39 105

原创 boj 378

Description对于一个集合S={1,2,3,...N}的任一排列a1、a2、a3、... aN,我们定义ai的逆序数为∑(aj>ai | j<i),即排在ai前的所有比ai大的数的个数。我们把每个数的逆序数按下标排出就构成排列a1、a2、a3、... aN的一个逆序排列。比如排列 3 1 2的逆序排列为1 1 0(从左往右依次是1的逆序数、2的逆序数、3的逆序数)。现在我们给...

2013-04-27 00:39:06 106

原创 boj 447

DescriptionLet’s play a stone removing game.Initially, n stones are arranged on a circle and numbered 1, …, n clockwise (Figure 1). You are also given two numbers k and m. From this state, remove sto...

2013-04-24 21:31:46 149

原创 boj 12

DescriptionBig Johnsson Trucks Inc. is a company specialized in manufacturing big trucks. Their latest model, the Godzilla V12, is so big that the amount of cargo you can transport with it is never l...

2013-04-24 15:39:21 213

原创 蛋疼......


2013-04-23 21:49:09 129

原创 boj 510

DescriptionEmployees of Baidu like to play a game called Making Numbers. It goes like this: there are two players in the game, one is called little A, the other little B. There are some cards with a ...

2013-04-23 20:18:50 99

原创 boj 590


2013-04-22 22:08:31 209

原创 boj 81

DescriptionCreating the stars is a boring job, the God also felt boring to do that. To make the creating more interesting, when created a star which had a mass value, the God put it at a position o...

2013-04-22 22:00:42 64

原创 boj 67

Description虽然没看过,但是ACMaryland知道这部电影,因为燕姿那首《我也很想他》。但今天我们不是要探讨这部电影,也不是这首歌,我们要来寻找自己的世界中心:-) 古人曾告诉我们,世界是平的。其实,每个人心中都有自己对世界的定义。经常看到一句话,我和你的世界,就像两条平行线,永远没有交集。于是,ACMaryland决定,定义这个虚拟世界为一条直线。 在这个世界里,ACMaryla...

2013-04-21 22:58:43 98

原创 boj 62

Description    champ最近发现了一种奇怪的数,这种数是由m个连续的x后面跟上n个连续的y组成的十进制数,形如xxx...xxxyyy...yyy并且满足条件(0 < x <= 9, 0 <= y <= 9, x!=y)。    由于这种数的特性,champ把这种数叫做二部数。    现在champ有一个正整数K,他希望找到一个最小的(x,y)二部数使...

2013-04-21 13:24:40 82

原创 boj 77

Problem DescriptionYou are given a number 1 ≤ N ≤ 50. Every ticket has its 2N-digit number. We call a ticket lucky, if the sum of its first N digits is equal to the sum of its last N digits. You ar...

2013-04-19 23:36:07 82

原创 boj 86


2013-04-18 16:09:05 427

原创 boj 85

Description Once upon a time,there's a boy whose name is lili.He likes to create many wonderful things.One day, he happens to come to a beautiful garden.There he picks many pretty little stones.A...

2013-04-18 14:21:43 63

原创 boj 75

Problem DescriptionLich Sandro investigates the magic of fire. He is standing in the center of a huge square hall with floor space one million square kilometers. The floor of the hall is paved wi...

2013-04-17 11:22:12 118

原创 boj 320

 DescriptionRecently, Teoy bought some matches of different length. He knew that he could use these matches to form a triangle. But soon he got tired of it. Now he wanted to reckon the number ...

2013-04-15 22:11:24 66

原创 一些心得


2013-04-12 15:59:44 58

原创 boj 316

Descriptionykwd's password is a number sequence. Every number in this sequence is no less than 0 and no larger than 255, and without leading zeros. ykwd wrote his password down ,but he didn't add s...

2013-03-21 13:00:26 82

原创 boj 10

Description There are n cells in a sequence. You can use three kinds of colors, red , pink , green to paint these cells , one cell with only one kind of color . Promising that any two adjacent ce...

2013-03-18 19:58:36 132

原创 boj 672

DescriptionAs the title suggest, this problem is yet another boring stone game.There are N piles of stones, Alice and Bob take turns to take away stones from the game, Alice plays first. Each ti...

2013-03-04 23:38:39 121

原创 boj 302


2013-03-01 18:16:36 73

原创 boj 321

Description   There is a positive integer N, and please give us the smallest root x of equation sqrt(N)=sqrt(x)-sqrt(y) when x and y are both positive integer.Input   There are several test cases ...

2013-02-28 19:11:11 96

原创 boj 7

DescriptionFarmer John wants to repair a small length of the fence around the pasture. He measures the fence and finds that he needs N  (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000)) planks of wood, each having some integer le...

2013-02-28 19:02:16 77

原创 boj 462


2013-02-21 19:48:49 126

原创 boj 196

DescriptionCC lives on the  tree which has N nodes.On every leaf of the tree there is an apple(leaf means there is only one branch connect this node ) .Now CC wants to get two apple ,CC can choose ...

2013-02-21 19:44:18 67

原创 boj 36

Fax machines use a form of compression based on run-length encoding. Run-length encoding (RLE)is a very simple form of data compression in which runs of data (that is, sequences in which the same dat...

2013-02-21 19:37:43 105

原创 boj 376

Descriptioncloudiris是个爱学习的好孩子,每天她都会记单词,可她一翻开单词书看到如此之多的单词就感到头疼,于是她想出了一个和别人不相同的记单词的方法。她把单词归类分成几组,每一组单词的开头几个字母都是相同的,现在她需要根据给出的这组单词找出每个单词的最短前缀来唯一的标识这个单词。例如: carburetor 和carbohydrate 的最短前缀分别是carbu和carbo ...

2013-02-21 18:29:43 96

原创 boj 377


2013-02-21 00:02:49 118

原创 boj 288

DescriptionAs is told by the olds, there is a wonderful land of girls and magic, which has a fantasy name —— Gensokyo.Today's Gensokyo is still peaceful. And a silly ice fairy Cirno wants to pla...

2013-02-19 00:47:37 74



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