$ cat / etc/ os- release
PRETTY_NAME= "Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
NAME= "Ubuntu"
VERSION_ID= "22.04"
VERSION= "22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"
ID= ubuntu
ID_LIKE= debian
HOME_URL= "https://www.ubuntu.com/"
SUPPORT_URL= "https://help.ubuntu.com/"
BUG_REPORT_URL= "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/"
PRIVACY_POLICY_URL= "https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy"
sudo - H python3 - m pip install beancount
sudo - H python3 - m pip install fava
double - entry- generator
1. 生成 一个名为 example. beancount 的 账本
bean- example > example. beancount
2. 以账本信息搭建web服务器
fava example. bean
3. 查看 账本信息
在web浏览器中输入 http:
beancount 包
bean- check
bean- doctor
bean- example
bean- format
fava 包
double - entry- generator 工具
1. 账本为文本格式
3. 无美化界面, 需要外挂fava
4. fava 采用bs架构 , 无 cs架构
$ sudo - H python3 - m pip install beancount
[ sudo] password for pop:
Collecting beancount
Downloading beancount- 3.0 .0 - cp310- cp310- manylinux_2_17_x86_64. manylinux2014_x86_64. whl ( 285 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 285.7 / 285.7 KB 21.4 kB/ s eta 0 : 00 : 00
Requirement already satisfied: python- dateutil>= 2.6 .0 in / usr/ lib/ python3/ dist- packages ( from beancount) ( 2.8 .1 )
Requirement already satisfied: click>= 7.0 in / usr/ lib/ python3/ dist- packages ( from beancount) ( 8.0 .3 )
Collecting regex>= 2022.9 .13
Downloading regex- 2024.7 .24 - cp310- cp310- manylinux_2_17_x86_64. manylinux2014_x86_64. whl ( 776 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 776.5 / 776.5 KB 16.5 kB/ s eta 0 : 00 : 00
Installing collected packages: regex, beancount
Successfully installed beancount- 3.0 .0 regex- 2024.7 .24
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https:
pop@ou: ~ / tmp/ tatarubook$ bean- check
Usage: bean- check [ OPTIONS] FILENAME
Try 'bean-check --help' for help.
Error: Missing argument 'FILENAME' .
$ pip3 show - f beancount
Name: beancount
Version: 3.0 .0
Summary: Command- line Double- Entry Accounting
Home- page: https:
Author- email: Martin Blais < blais@furius. ca>
License: GPL- 2.0 - only
Location: / usr/ local/ lib/ python3. 10 / dist- packages
Requires: click, python- dateutil, regex
Required- by:
. . / . . / . . / bin/ bean- check
. . / . . / . . / bin/ bean- doctor
. . / . . / . . / bin/ bean- example
. . / . . / . . / bin/ bean- format
. . / . . / . . / bin/ treeify
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ INSTALLER
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ METADATA
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ RECORD
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ REQUESTED
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ WHEEL
beancount- 3.0 .0 . dist- info/ entry_points. txt
beancount/ VERSION
beancount/ __init__. py
beancount/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ __pycache__/ api. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ __pycache__/ loader. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ api. py
beancount/ core/ __init__. py
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ account. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ account_types. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ amount. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ compare. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ convert. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ data. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ display_context. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ distribution. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ flags. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ getters. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ interpolate. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ inventory. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ number. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ position. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ prices. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ __pycache__/ realization. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ core/ account. py
beancount/ core/ account_types. py
beancount/ core/ amount. py
beancount/ core/ compare. py
beancount/ core/ convert. py
beancount/ core/ data. py
beancount/ core/ display_context. py
beancount/ core/ distribution. py
beancount/ core/ flags. py
beancount/ core/ getters. py
beancount/ core/ interpolate. py
beancount/ core/ inventory. py
beancount/ core/ number. py
beancount/ core/ position. py
beancount/ core/ prices. py
beancount/ core/ realization. py
beancount/ loader. py
beancount/ ops/ __init__. py
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ balance. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ basicops. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ compress. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ documents. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ find_prices. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ lifetimes. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ pad. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ summarize. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ __pycache__/ validation. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ ops/ balance. py
beancount/ ops/ basicops. py
beancount/ ops/ compress. py
beancount/ ops/ documents. py
beancount/ ops/ find_prices. py
beancount/ ops/ lifetimes. py
beancount/ ops/ pad. py
beancount/ ops/ summarize. py
beancount/ ops/ validation. py
beancount/ parser/ __init__. py
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ booking. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ booking_full. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ booking_method. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ cmptest. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ context. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ grammar. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ hashsrc. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ lexer. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ options. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ parser. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ printer. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ __pycache__/ version. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ parser/ _parser. cpython- 310 - x86_64- linux- gnu. so
beancount/ parser/ booking. py
beancount/ parser/ booking_full. py
beancount/ parser/ booking_method. py
beancount/ parser/ cmptest. py
beancount/ parser/ context. py
beancount/ parser/ decimal. c
beancount/ parser/ decimal. h
beancount/ parser/ grammar. py
beancount/ parser/ grammar. y
beancount/ parser/ hashsrc. py
beancount/ parser/ lexer. l
beancount/ parser/ lexer. py
beancount/ parser/ macros. h
beancount/ parser/ options. py
beancount/ parser/ parser. c
beancount/ parser/ parser. h
beancount/ parser/ parser. py
beancount/ parser/ printer. py
beancount/ parser/ tokens. h
beancount/ parser/ version. py
beancount/ plugins/ __init__. py
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ auto . cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ auto_accounts. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ check_average_cost. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ check_closing. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ check_commodity. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ check_drained. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ close_tree. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ coherent_cost. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ commodity_attr. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ currency_accounts. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ implicit_prices. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ leafonly. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ noduplicates. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ nounused. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ onecommodity. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ pedantic. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ sellgains. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ __pycache__/ unique_prices. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ plugins/ auto . py
beancount/ plugins/ auto_accounts. py
beancount/ plugins/ check_average_cost. py
beancount/ plugins/ check_closing. py
beancount/ plugins/ check_commodity. py
beancount/ plugins/ check_drained. py
beancount/ plugins/ close_tree. py
beancount/ plugins/ coherent_cost. py
beancount/ plugins/ commodity_attr. py
beancount/ plugins/ currency_accounts. py
beancount/ plugins/ implicit_prices. py
beancount/ plugins/ leafonly. py
beancount/ plugins/ noduplicates. py
beancount/ plugins/ nounused. py
beancount/ plugins/ onecommodity. py
beancount/ plugins/ pedantic. py
beancount/ plugins/ sellgains. py
beancount/ plugins/ unique_prices. py
beancount/ projects/ __init__. py
beancount/ projects/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ projects/ __pycache__/ export. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ projects/ export. py
beancount/ scripts/ __init__. py
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ check. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ deps. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ directories. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ doctor. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ example. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ __pycache__/ format. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ scripts/ check. py
beancount/ scripts/ deps. py
beancount/ scripts/ directories. py
beancount/ scripts/ doctor. py
beancount/ scripts/ example. py
beancount/ scripts/ format. py
beancount/ tools/ __init__. py
beancount/ tools/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ tools/ __pycache__/ treeify. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ tools/ treeify. py
beancount/ utils/ __init__. py
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ __init__. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ bisect_key. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ date_utils. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ defdict. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ encryption. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ file_utils. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ import_utils. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ invariants. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ memo. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ misc_utils. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ pager. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ snoop. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ table. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ __pycache__/ test_utils. cpython- 310. pyc
beancount/ utils/ bisect_key. py
beancount/ utils/ date_utils. py
beancount/ utils/ defdict. py
beancount/ utils/ encryption. py
beancount/ utils/ file_utils. py
beancount/ utils/ import_utils. py
beancount/ utils/ invariants. py
beancount/ utils/ memo. py
beancount/ utils/ misc_utils. py
beancount/ utils/ pager. py
beancount/ utils/ snoop. py
beancount/ utils/ table. py
beancount/ utils/ test_utils. py