






•  haarcascade_mcs_lefteye.xml(and haarcascade_mcs_righteye.xml)
•  haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml(and haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml)


•  haarcascade_eye.xml
•  haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml


        XML带有“left eye”的名字意味着人的实际的左眼,所以对于相机图像来说就是右边的眼睛。







#include "preprocFace.h"
#include "detectFace.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void detectBothEyes(const Mat &face, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2, Point &leftEye, Point &rightEye, Rect *searchedLeftEye, Rect *searchedRightEye)
    // Skip the borders of the face, since it is usually just hair and ears, that we don't care about.
    // For "2splits.xml": Finds both eyes in roughly 60% of detected faces, also detects closed eyes.
    const float EYE_SX = 0.12f;
    const float EYE_SY = 0.17f;
    const float EYE_SW = 0.37f;
    const float EYE_SH = 0.36f;
    // For mcs.xml: Finds both eyes in roughly 80% of detected faces, also detects closed eyes.
    const float EYE_SX = 0.10f;
    const float EYE_SY = 0.19f;
    const float EYE_SW = 0.40f;
    const float EYE_SH = 0.36f;

    // For default eye.xml or eyeglasses.xml: Finds both eyes in roughly 40% of detected faces, but does not detect closed eyes.
    const float EYE_SX = 0.16f;
    const float EYE_SY = 0.26f;
    const float EYE_SW = 0.30f;
    const float EYE_SH = 0.28f;

    int leftX = cvRound(face.cols * EYE_SX);
    int topY = cvRound(face.rows * EYE_SY);
    int widthX = cvRound(face.cols * EYE_SW);
    int heightY = cvRound(face.rows * EYE_SH);
    int rightX = cvRound(face.cols * (1.0-EYE_SX-EYE_SW) );  // Start of right-eye corner

    Mat topLeftOfFace = face(Rect(leftX, topY, widthX, heightY));
    Mat topRightOfFace = face(Rect(rightX, topY, widthX, heightY));
    Rect leftEyeRect, rightEyeRect;

    // Return the search windows to the caller, if desired.
    if (searchedLeftEye)
        *searchedLeftEye = Rect(leftX, topY, widthX, heightY);
    if (searchedRightEye)
        *searchedRightEye = Rect(rightX, topY, widthX, heightY);

    // Search the left region, then the right region using the 1st eye detector.
    detectLargestObject(topLeftOfFace, eyeCascade1, leftEyeRect, topLeftOfFace.cols);
    detectLargestObject(topRightOfFace, eyeCascade1, rightEyeRect, topRightOfFace.cols);

    // If the eye was not detected, try a different cascade classifier.
    if (leftEyeRect.width <= 0 && !eyeCascade2.empty()) {
        detectLargestObject(topLeftOfFace, eyeCascade2, leftEyeRect, topLeftOfFace.cols);
        //if (leftEyeRect.width > 0)
        //    cout << "2nd eye detector LEFT SUCCESS" << endl;
        //    cout << "2nd eye detector LEFT failed" << endl;
    //    cout << "1st eye detector LEFT SUCCESS" << endl;

    // If the eye was not detected, try a different cascade classifier.
    if (rightEyeRect.width <= 0 && !eyeCascade2.empty()) {
        detectLargestObject(topRightOfFace, eyeCascade2, rightEyeRect, topRightOfFace.cols);
        //if (rightEyeRect.width > 0)
        //    cout << "2nd eye detector RIGHT SUCCESS" << endl;
        //    cout << "2nd eye detector RIGHT failed" << endl;
    //    cout << "1st eye detector RIGHT SUCCESS" << endl;

    if (leftEyeRect.width > 0) {   // Check if the eye was detected.
        leftEyeRect.x += leftX;    // Adjust the left-eye rectangle because the face border was removed.
        leftEyeRect.y += topY;
        leftEye = Point(leftEyeRect.x + leftEyeRect.width/2, leftEyeRect.y + leftEyeRect.height/2);
    else {
        leftEye = Point(-1, -1);    // Return an invalid point

    if (rightEyeRect.width > 0) { // Check if the eye was detected.
        rightEyeRect.x += rightX; // Adjust the right-eye rectangle, since it starts on the right side of the image.
        rightEyeRect.y += topY;  // Adjust the right-eye rectangle because the face border was removed.
        rightEye = Point(rightEyeRect.x + rightEyeRect.width/2, rightEyeRect.y + rightEyeRect.height/2);
    else {
        rightEye = Point(-1, -1);    // Return an invalid point

Mat getPreprocessedFace(Mat &srcImg, int desiredFaceWidth, CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2, bool doLeftAndRightSeparately, Rect *storeFaceRect, Point *storeLeftEye, Point *storeRightEye, Rect *searchedLeftEye, Rect *searchedRightEye)
    // Use square faces.
    int desiredFaceHeight = desiredFaceWidth;

    // Mark the detected face region and eye search regions as invalid, in case they aren't detected.
    if (storeFaceRect)
        storeFaceRect->width = -1;
    if (storeLeftEye)
        storeLeftEye->x = -1;
    if (storeRightEye)
        storeRightEye->x= -1;
    if (searchedLeftEye)
        searchedLeftEye->width = -1;
    if (searchedRightEye)
        searchedRightEye->width = -1;

    // Find the largest face.
    Rect faceRect;
    detectLargestObject(srcImg, faceCascade, faceRect,desiredFaceWidth);

    // Check if a face was detected.
    if (faceRect.width > 0) {
		cout<<"inner have a face"<<endl;
        // Give the face rect to the caller if desired.
        if (storeFaceRect)
            *storeFaceRect = faceRect;

        Mat faceImg = srcImg(faceRect);    // Get the detected face image.

        // If the input image is not grayscale, then convert the BGR or BGRA color image to grayscale.
        Mat gray;
        if (faceImg.channels() == 3) {
            cvtColor(faceImg, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        else if (faceImg.channels() == 4) {
            cvtColor(faceImg, gray, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
        else {
            // Access the input image directly, since it is already grayscale.
            gray = faceImg;

        // Search for the 2 eyes at the full resolution, since eye detection needs max resolution possible!
        Point leftEye, rightEye;
        detectBothEyes(gray, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2, leftEye, rightEye, searchedLeftEye, searchedRightEye);

        // Give the eye results to the caller if desired.
        if (storeLeftEye)
            *storeLeftEye = leftEye;
        if (storeRightEye)
            *storeRightEye = rightEye;

       return Mat();
        else {
            // Since no eyes were found, just do a generic image resize.
            resize(gray, tmpImg, Size(w,h));
    return Mat();

#include "detectFace.h"
#include "preprocFace.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

// Try to set the camera resolution. Note that this only works for some cameras on
// some computers and only for some drivers, so don't rely on it to work!
const int DESIRED_CAMERA_WIDTH = 640;
const int DESIRED_CAMERA_HEIGHT = 480;

// Set the desired face dimensions. Note that "getPreprocessedFace()" will return a square face.
const int faceWidth = 70;
const int faceHeight = faceWidth;

const bool preprocessLeftAndRightSeparately = true;   // Preprocess left & right sides of the face separately, in case there is stronger light on one side.

// Cascade Classifier file, used for Face Detection.
const char *faceCascadeFilename = "lbpcascade_frontalface.xml";     // LBP face detector.
//const char *faceCascadeFilename = "haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml";  // Haar face detector.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml";   // Best eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml";   // Best eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "haarcascade_mcs_lefteye.xml";       // Good eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "haarcascade_mcs_righteye.xml";       // Good eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "haarcascade_eye.xml";               // Basic eye detector for open eyes only.
const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml"; // Basic eye detector for open eyes if they might wear glasses.

// Load the face and 1 or 2 eye detection XML classifiers.
void initDetectors(CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2)
	// Load the Face Detection cascade classifier xml file.
	try {   // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
	} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
	if ( faceCascade.empty() ) {
		cerr << "ERROR: Could not load Face Detection cascade classifier [" << faceCascadeFilename << "]!" << endl;
		cerr << "Copy the file from your OpenCV data folder (eg: 'C:\\OpenCV\\data\\lbpcascades') into this WebcamFaceRec folder." << endl;
	cout << "Loaded the Face Detection cascade classifier [" << faceCascadeFilename << "]." << endl;

	// Load the Eye Detection cascade classifier xml file.
	try {   // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
	} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
	if ( eyeCascade1.empty() ) {
		cerr << "ERROR: Could not load 1st Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename1 << "]!" << endl;
		cerr << "Copy the file from your OpenCV data folder (eg: 'C:\\OpenCV\\data\\haarcascades') into this WebcamFaceRec folder." << endl;
	cout << "Loaded the 1st Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename1 << "]." << endl;

	// Load the Eye Detection cascade classifier xml file.
	try {   // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
	} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
	if ( eyeCascade2.empty() ) {
		cerr << "Could not load 2nd Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename2 << "]." << endl;
		// Dont exit if the 2nd eye detector did not load, because we have the 1st eye detector at least.
		cout << "Loaded the 2nd Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename2 << "]." << endl;

// Get access to the webcam.
void initWebcam(VideoCapture &videoCapture, int cameraNumber)
	// Get access to the default camera.
	try {   // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
	} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
	if ( !videoCapture.isOpened() ) {
		cerr << "ERROR: Could not access the camera!" << endl;
	cout << "Loaded camera " << cameraNumber << "." << endl;

void recognizeAndTrainUsingWebcam(VideoCapture &videoCapture, CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2){
	// Run forever, until the user hits Escape to "break" out of this loop.
	while (true) {

		// Grab the next camera frame. Note that you can't modify camera frames.
		Mat cameraFrame;
		videoCapture >> cameraFrame;
		if( cameraFrame.empty() ) {
			cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't grab the next camera frame." << endl;

		// Get a copy of the camera frame that we can draw onto.
		Mat displayedFrame;

		// Run the face recognition system on the camera image. It will draw some things onto the given image, so make sure it is not read-only memory!
		int identity = -1;

		// Find a face and preprocess it to have a standard size and contrast & brightness.
		Rect faceRect;  // Position of detected face.
		Rect searchedLeftEye, searchedRightEye; // top-left and top-right regions of the face, where eyes were searched.
		Point leftEye, rightEye;    // Position of the detected eyes.
		Mat preprocessedFace = getPreprocessedFace(displayedFrame, faceWidth, faceCascade, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2, preprocessLeftAndRightSeparately, &faceRect, &leftEye, &rightEye, &searchedLeftEye, &searchedRightEye);

		bool gotFaceAndEyes = false;
		if (preprocessedFace.data)
			gotFaceAndEyes = true;

		// Draw an anti-aliased rectangle around the detected face.
		if (faceRect.width > 0) {
			cout<<"outer face"<<endl;
			rectangle(displayedFrame, faceRect, CV_RGB(255, 255, 0), 2, CV_AA);

			// Draw light-blue anti-aliased circles for the 2 eyes.
			Scalar eyeColor = CV_RGB(0,255,255);
			if (leftEye.x >= 0) {   // Check if the eye was detected
				circle(displayedFrame, Point(faceRect.x + leftEye.x, faceRect.y + leftEye.y), 6, eyeColor, 1, CV_AA);
			if (rightEye.x >= 0) {   // Check if the eye was detected
				circle(displayedFrame, Point(faceRect.x + rightEye.x, faceRect.y + rightEye.y), 6, eyeColor, 1, CV_AA);
		char keypress = waitKey(20);  // This is needed if you want to see anything!

		if (keypress == 27) 
int main(){
	CascadeClassifier faceCascade;
	CascadeClassifier eyeCascade1;
	CascadeClassifier eyeCascade2;
	VideoCapture videoCapture;

	cout << "WebcamFaceRec, by Shervin Emami (www.shervinemami.info), June 2012." << endl;
	cout << "Realtime face detection + face recognition from a webcam using LBP and Eigenfaces or Fisherfaces." << endl;

	// Load the face and 1 or 2 eye detection XML classifiers.
	initDetectors(faceCascade, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2);

	cout << endl;
	cout << "Hit 'Escape' in the GUI window to quit." << endl;

	// Allow the user to specify a camera number, since not all computers will be the same camera number.
	int cameraNumber = 0;   // Change this if you want to use a different camera device.
	// Get access to the webcam.
	initWebcam(videoCapture, cameraNumber);

	// Try to set the camera resolution. Note that this only works for some cameras on
	// some computers and only for some drivers, so don't rely on it to work!

	recognizeAndTrainUsingWebcam(videoCapture, faceCascade, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2);
	return 0;













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