A 5-Card Hand

Problem 4: A 5-Card Hand
Write a C++ program to generate a random hand of FIVE poker cards from a deck of 52 poker
cards, and determine the type of poker hand it is. The input and output of your program as
are follows:
• An integer x that you would use as input parameter to srand() for initializing the
random number generator (RNG).
• the first line displays the five cards in the hand. (Note that there is a space at the
end of the first output line.)
• the second line tells the type of the 5-card hand, in the following categories:
four of a kind (e.g., A A A A 2 )
full house (e.g., 8 8 8 4 4 )
flush (e.g., K 10 Q 5 3 )
three of a kind (e.g., 10 10 10 5 J )
two pair (e.g., 9 9 2 2 3 )
one pair (e.g., 7 7 A Q 6 )
(Check the wiki page " list of poker hands " for the detailed definition of each type.)
Requirement :
• You are provided with a template program 4.cpp . Read the code in the template
carefully to see what have been provided for you.
• Represent each card of the deck by an integer from 0 to 51 in the following ways:
A , 2 , 3 , ..., 10 , J , Q , K are represented by 0, 1, 2, ..., 12,
A , 2 , 3 , ..., 10 , J , Q , K are represented by 13, 14, 15, ..., 25,
A , 2 , 3 , ..., 10 , J , Q , K are represented by 26, 27, 28, ..., 38,
A , 2 , 3 , ..., 10 , J , Q , K are represented by 39, 40, 41, ..., 51,
• The array cards of 5 integers defined in the main function is used for storing a
5-card hand.
• Use the rand() function in <cstdlib> to generate random numbers. However,
the RNG ONLY guarantees to generate the same sequence of random numbers
given the same seed on the same OS & platform only. The sample test cases are
generated on the CS academy* servers, so you have to run the program there
in order to generate the same results .
• You may assume that the first 5 random numbers generated by rand() are all
• You can ONLY use the simple data types char , bool , int , double , string
and arrays. In other words, you are not allowed to use other data types or data
structures such as STL containers (e.g., vectors), etc.
You program MUST contain the following 8 functions:
void DealHand ( int cards[])
• The function DealHand() should read from user input an integer x and use it as
seed to the RNG for generating five random numbers, each representing a card in
a 52-card deck. The first five numbers generated by the RNG should be stored in
the array cards[] in order. void PrintHand ( int cards[])
• The function PrintHand() should print a hand stored in cards[] . For example,
if cards[0] == 0 , cards[1] == 25 , cards[2] == 14 , cards[3] == 50 ,
cards[4] == 36 , the line A♠ K♥ 2♥ Q♦ J♣ should be output to the screen.
• You may refer to the following program on how to display the suit symbols in
UTF-8 encoding (on Linux/MacOS):
# include <iostream>
// include the following 4 lines in your program
// these define the UTF-8 encoding of the suit symbols
# define SPADE
# define CLUB
# define HEART
# define DIAMOND "\xE2\x99\xA6"
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << SPADE << CLUB << HEART << DIAMOND << endl;
return 0 ;
The other 6 functions that you must have in your program are:
bool IsFourOfAKind ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a four of a kind
bool IsFullHouse ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a full house
bool IsFlush ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a flush
bool IsThreeOfAKind ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a three of a kind
bool IsTwoPair ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a two pair
bool IsOnePair ( int cards[])
// return if the hand is a one pair
These 6 functions should take a 5-card hand as input and return whether the hand is of a
certain type. Note that these functions do not take the array size as an input parameter as we
assume a hand always contain 5 cards in this problem (and a constant is defined in the code
template). Sample Test Cases
User inputs are shown in blue .
A♦ 10♥ Q♣ 5♦ 2♠
7♠ 9♥ 10♦ 4♥ 7♦
one pair
10♣ 6♠ 10♥ 3♠ 10♦
three of a kind
8♦ 8♣ 9♦ J♥ J♣
two pair
  • 0
  • 0
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