
If you take this course you’ll learn the most authentic and natural English expressions that you can use in everyday life,on your travels and in your work. You’ll also be able to perfect your English accent and learn a bit about European and American culture. So join me, and learn to speak better English now.

  1. Conversational English
  2. Travel English
  3. Business English


LESSON 1 How to start a conversation



How’s it going?

How are you doing?

Hey, what’s up?


How is/How’s...


How is everything?

How’s life?

How’s your family? 你的家庭

How’s your job?


How are...


How are your parents?

How are your family? 你的家人


I’m doing great.

They’re doing great.

Pretty good.



Wow I really love your...






Wow, that’s a really cool...





Excuse me, I just heard you speaking Chinese, you’re pretty good.

Excuse me, is this seat taken

Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?


This place is pretty cool. Do you come here often?


Do you need a hand?



Hi,nice to meet you, I’m Chris.

I’m Chris.

My name is Chris.



Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Chris.

This is my business card.



I’ve heard a lot of things about you.

Chris has told me all about you.



I’d like you to meet a friend of mine.

Let me introduce you to my friend Li Ning.

This is Li Ning, Li Ning, Chris.



Excuse me, but I don’t think I know your name.

I’m so sorry. Could you tell me your name again?

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I know your name.


It’s nice to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.


Nice to meet you 之后说什么

So,have you lived here long?

Have you worked here long?

Do you live around here?

Do you come here often?



So, what do you do, if you don’t mind me asking?

So what exactly is it that you do?

So what do you do for a living?

Can I ask what you do?



So, how did you end up in china? 为什么来中国

Are you used to the life in china?

What places have you visited in china?

What is your favorite city in china?

What do you think of China/Chinese food/Chinese girls/ Beijing?



I’m a software engineer.

I’m in... IT/Finance.行业

I work for a ... company.


State-owned company国企

Chinese company民企

Foreign company

Insurance company



LESSON 2 Daily conversation topics


Do you have any brothers and sisters?

I’ve got an elder/a younger brother.

I’m an only child

Do you have a big family? 你家人多吗

Where are your family from?

Are they all back in the US? 都在美国吗


Are you married?

Do you have kids yet?

Do you have a family yet? Family=配偶+子女


What do your parents do?



So, what do you like to do in your spare time/ outside work/to relax?

What are your hobbies?

What are you interested in? 读音时省掉are



I like dancing, travelling and taking photos.

I love cooking and reading.

I’m crazy/passionate about playing basketball.

I’m really interested in history.



Do you often play football?

Do you get to play football much? Get to 有机会

Do you have much opportunity to play football?


No, not very often

I play football (every week, once/twice/three times a week, from time to time, when I get the time)



So, what sports do you like to (play, watch)?



What team do you support?

Do you have a favorite team?连读


I support Liverpool.

I don’t really support a particular team.没有特别支持的某一个球队



So what do you do to keep fit?

Do you like going to the gym?

Do you work out?


I like to go for a run in the mornings.


赞美别人只会说you are beautiful

You look gorgeous in that dress.

You are looking great today.

You look very healthy/buff健壮(不用于女性)

Have you lost weight?



What kind of (movies, sports, music, TV shows, places) do you like?

I like watching (action movies, comedies, horror movies, science-fiction movies)


What kind of music do you like to listen to?

I like (pop, rock, classical, jazz) music.

Who is your favorite singer?

Are you a fan of Jay Chou?

Do you often go to concerts/gigs(演出)?

Do you play a musical instrument?


What’s on the TV tonight?

Is there anything good on TV?

Which channel do you want to watch?

Pass me the remote?

What TV series are you watching at the moment?

I’m binge-watching House of Cards.




Where are you going for your holidays this year?

Where did you go for your vacation? I went to the Maldives.马尔代夫


Did you have a good trip?

Yes, I really enjoyed myself.

Where did you go in America?

Where would you most like to visit?


Have you been to France before?

Have you ever been to China?

What places/cities have you been to in china?


LESSON 3 How to end a conversation skillfully




See you (later)

See you this weekend

See you around回头见,不知道在哪个地方下次又能见到


Have a good day(night evening)

Have a good one.祝你度过愉快的一天(美式)


Hope to see you again soon.



Excuse me for a minute, I’ll be right back.

Well, I’ve got to go/run.

Well, I should be going.


Hey, I should go, or I’ll be late for ...

Work/school/my meeting/my train/my flight


Well, I won’t bother you anymore.

Ok. I won’t take up any more of your time.

I should go say hi to my friend, see you later.在聚会上

I should get back to my work.

I should let you get back to your work. T不发音



I really enjoyed our chat.

It was great to talk to you today.t不发音

It was really nice meeting you.

It was really nice to talk to you.


I had a great time talking with you, but I need to get going or I will be late.      



Let me give you my email address.

Feel free to call me if you want to hang out. Here, I’ll give you my number.


Do you have WeChat?

Can I add you on WeChat?

Shall I scan you, or do you want to scan me?

Can I get your phone number?

Stay in touch/keep in touch.



Let’s go for a coffee sometime.

I’d love to show you some cool places.

I’d love to hang out sometime. I’ll call you, ok?


Are you free anytime next week?

When are you free? 连读

Are you free on Saturday at 3pm?

Do you have time on Saturday?



Say hello to (your parents, wife, husband, John) for me.

Send my regards to your family.正式一点点表达

Give your family my love.用于好朋友,女孩子


Keep in touch.

Look after yourself.

Take care.


LESSON 4 Expressing thanks, sorry and opinions



Thank you

Thanks a lot

Thanks a bunch

Thanks a million

Thank you anyway/all the same


I just wanted to call you and say thank you again.

I definitely own you a favor

I own you one


Thank you for(your help, coming, the gift, hosting me接待我)



I really appreciate everything you’ve done.

I don’t know how to thank you

I don’t know what to say

I really can’t find the words to express my thanks



You’re (very)welcome

That’s quite alright 没事的

Don’t mention it

My pleasure

No need to thank me.




I’m sorry

Sorry I’m late

I’m sorry to trouble you

I’m sorry to (interrupt)

I’m really sorry for (interrupting you, the mistake, what I did, arriving late)

I want to apologize for (interrupting) you

I apologize



Can you forgive me?

Please forgive me.

I don’t mean it.

It wasn’t intentional

I didn’t do it on purpose.



Never mind

That’s ok. Don’t worry about it.

It’s not a big deal

That’s all right.

No worries

I accept your apology. It really wasn’t a very big deal.




Congratulations (on your 18th birthday, on the birth of your son/daughter, on your wedding)


I wish you (happiness and good health)

I wish you success

I wish you success in your exams/career!

I hope you are successful!


Have a good (trip, time, weekend, day)


Good luck

Best of luck

All the best

Have fun



Welcome to (China, our company)

Come back again soon 欢迎再来



What do you think of (this restaurant)

What’s your opinion of...?

How do you feel about...?

I like it

I don’t really like it.



What do you think?

Yes, I agree.

I completely agree

I couldn’t agree more.

You’re absolutely right.

That’s a good point.

Yes, of course.



I don’t agree

I don’t think that’s right

I have a different opinion.

I’m afraid I have to disagree.不敢苟同


LESSON 5 At the airport+changing money


Terminal 1

Check in

Check in desk


Boarding pass

Boarding gate





Excuse me, do you know where I can check in?

Where are you travelling to today?

Could I see your passport, please?

Here is my passport/visa?

Do you have any luggage to check in? 托运行李

Do you have any carry on baggage? 登机行李

Can I take this bag on board?

Luggage baggage 总称

Bag 软包 suitcase箱子



Do you have any widow seats?

Aisle seats

Can we sit together?

Do you have seats together?



What time do I need to board?

Which boarding gate do I need to go to?

Where is the security check?

Where is the customs? 安检

Where is the duty free shop?



Excuse me, where is my seat?

What time dose this flight arrive in New York?

How long before we arrive? 还要多长时间落地

Could you give me a blanket, please?  

A pillow

A pair of slippers

Some earphones

A cup of water



Where can I pick up my luggage?

Luggage claim area/baggage claim

Excuse me, my bag is missing?

Here is my luggage tag



Excuse me, can I change money here?

What is the exchange rate?

I would like to change (Chinese yuan) into (US dollars).



Yen 日元

Hong kong dollars 港币

Australian dollars

Singapore dollars 新加坡币

20bucks 20块美元

I would like to change 1000(yuan) into (dollars), please.

Is there a service charge/any commission?



Where can I get a VAT refund/tax refund?

Can I get a tax refund on these goods?

Here is the receipt/my passport

Could I get the refund in cash?



How long will you be staying in the US?

2 weeks

Where will you be staying?

Los Angeles and San Diego

What is the purpose of your trip?

It’s a business trip/vacation/holiday

I’m here to see my friends/study

Do you have anything to declare?



LESSON 6 At the hotel


Excuse me, I would like to reserve a room 电话上

Do you have any free rooms for tonight? 酒店前台


What is the rate per night? 多少钱

How much per night?


Is breakfast included?

Dose that include breakfast?


Do you have a single room? Double room standard room

Do you have a room with twin beds? A double bed/a king-sized bed



Excuse me, I would like to check in.

Do you have a reservation?

I have a reservation under the name of Zhang.

Could I have your credit card for (pre)authorization? 做预授权(刷卡输密码)



Hello, I’m calling from room 216

Is there a hair dryer in the room?


Could you bring me (a kettle), please?

Some slippers

Some toothpaste

Some toilet paper

Some towels

A blanket


Do you have a plug adapter for a Chinese plug? 插头转换器



The air-conditioner isn’t working/is borken.

The heating

The toilet

The shower

Could you send somebody to fix (the air-conditioner)?


The room is too cold/ hot/ noisy/ dirty

Do you have a warmer room? Quieter


There is no hot water in my room.

The window in the room won’t open/is broken.


Could you send somebody to clean my room?

Could you change the sheets/towels in my room, please?

Could I order a wake-up call for 7am tomorrow morning?

Coule I have some more toiletries? 洗漱用品



The room smells of smoke, can I change to a different room?

Do you have a room with a window?

Do you have a room with a sea view?

Can I upgrade my room?

How much would it cost to upgrade my room?



Excuse me, I’ve lost my key/key card?

I’m locked out of the room.

This key card doesn’t work.

Could you give me another key?



What time do I need to check out (tomorrow)?

Can I check out, please?

My room number is 216

Can I pay by credit card? Union pay card 银联卡

Could I store my luggage at reception for a few hours?


LESSON 7 Taking public transport and asking for directions


Excuse me, can I get a single ticket to Seattle please?

I’d like a single ticket to Seattle, please.

One adult single ticket please.

Are there any tickets left to London?

How much is it, please?


How much is a ticket?

How much is the fare?

$4 for a one way ticket,$6 for a two way ticket.

Return ticket

An adult single/child return/day pass, please.



Can you tell me how long it takes to get to Seattle?

The 11:23 train arrives at about 3:30pm.

How long does it take to get from A to B by express train?

When does the train to B leave?

What time does the train to B arrive?

What time does the next train leave?



Excuse me, can we swap seats please, so I can sit with my friend?

I think you are in my seat.

Excuse me, I think you are in the wrong seat.

Excuse me, can I get out?




Train station

Railway station

Subway station

Tube station

Bus stop

Bus station



Could you tell where the subway station is?

Which is the closest subway/bus station?

Excuse me, where is the bus stop for the national library?



Excuse me, which bus should I take to get to the zoo?

How many stops to Central Park?

Where should I get off for 5th Avenue?

Which stop should I get off at for 5th Avenue?



Excuse .me, where is the post office?

Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

Excuse me, is this the right way to Central Park?



Is it near here?

Is it far from here?

How long would it take to walk there?

Is it within walking distance? 能走路到吗

Can I walk there or do I have to take the bus?



Cross the road/river/bridge

Turn left/right

Take the next/1st/2nd/3rd left/right 第几个路口左转/右转

Go straight ahead/on

For 2 blocks 过2个街区


Next to

To the left of XXX的左边

To the right of XXX

In front of XXX

Behind XXX





Men’s room/ladies’ room



Excuse me, where is the toilet?

Excuse me, do you have a toilet?

I need to use the toilet?

Where is the nearest toilet?


LESSON 8 Sightseeing and taking photos


Excuse me, do you have a map of the city?

What sights would you recommend we see in the city?

Are there any interesting places to visit nearby?



Excuse me, is there a tourist information center in the city? 游客信息中心

Could you recommend a tour operator in the city? 当地旅行社

Could you help me to arrange a tour?

Do you have a Chinese-speaking guides?

Dose the tour include lunch?



What time dose the museum/shop open/close? 英式用store

Is the museum open on Saturdays?

At the weekend英式

On the weekend 美式

Three adult tickets and one child ticket, please?

Can I take photos inside the museum?

Is there a student discount?

Where is the gift shop?

Let’s go check out the gift shop?



Do you know where I can buy souvenirs?

Are there any souvenir stores nere here?

Do you have any fridge magnets?

What are the local specialties?



Where can I buy postcards?

Could you give me some stamps for China?

How much does it cost to send a postcard to China?


Could you help me to post/mail(美式)these postcards? 对酒店前台

How long will it take to arrive?



Excuse me, could you help me to take a photo?

Could you please take a photo of me and my friends?

Just press here.



Can I help you to take a photo?

Look at the camera-3,2 1 cheese!




Could you get the top of the tower in the photo too?

Could you take another one?

Could you take a close-up of me? 人像大一些的



Do you know where I can charge my phone?

Do you have an iPhone charger?

Do you have this kind of battery?

Do you have a memory card?


LESSON 9 Shopping


Where is the shopping area in this city?












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