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原创 Codeforces-46D Parking Lot

D. Parking Lottime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesNowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult to park a car in cities successfully. Let's imagine a

2014-08-27 23:34:07 1079

原创 HDU-3308 LCIS

LCISTime Limit: 6000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 4163    Accepted Submission(s): 1895Problem DescriptionGiven n integers.You

2014-08-27 20:00:57 815

原创 HDU-1003 Max Sum

Max SumTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionGiven a sequence a[1],a[2],a[3]......a[n], your job is to calculate the max s

2014-08-27 16:42:16 737

原创 HDU-1008 FatMouse' Trade

FatMouse' TradeTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionFatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats

2014-08-27 16:33:03 801

原创 HDU-1198 Farm Irrigation

Farm IrrigationTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionBenny has a spacious farm land to irrigate. The farm land is a rectan

2014-08-27 16:24:10 773

原创 POJ-3667 Hotel

HotelTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 65536K   DescriptionThe cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation

2014-08-27 15:55:55 798

原创 Codeforces-461A Appleman and Toastman

A. Appleman and Toastmantime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesAppleman and Toastman play a game. Initially Appleman gives one group of n numbers to the

2014-08-27 12:39:24 1048

原创 POJ-1436 Horizontally Visible Segments

Horizontally Visible SegmentsTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536KDescriptionThere is a number of disjoint vertical line segments in the plane. We say that two segments are

2014-08-27 12:12:10 791

原创 POJ-3363 Annoying painting tool

Annoying painting toolTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KDescriptionMaybe you wonder what an annoying painting tool is? First of all, the painting tool we speak of supp

2014-08-26 19:41:57 908

原创 POJ-3225 Help with Intervals

Help with IntervalsTime Limit: 6000MS Memory Limit: 131072KCase Time Limit: 2000MSDescriptionLogLoader, Inc. is a company specialized in providing products for analyz

2014-08-26 17:34:59 1372

原创 ZOJ-1508 Intervals

IntervalsTime Limit: 10 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB You are given n closed, integer intervals [ai, bi] and n integers c1, ..., cn.Write a program that:> reads the number of i

2014-08-24 20:27:18 753

原创 POJ-2528 Mayor's posters

Mayor's postersTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 42736 Accepted: 12450DescriptionThe citizens of Bytetown, AB, could not stand that the cand

2014-08-24 20:05:02 662

原创 POJ-2886 Who Gets the Most Candies?

Who Gets the Most Candies?Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072KCase Time Limit: 2000MSDescriptionN children are sitting in a circle to play a game.The children a

2014-08-23 21:04:04 803

原创 HDU-2795 Billboard

BillboardTime Limit: 20000/8000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionAt the entrance to the university, there is a huge rectangular billboard of

2014-08-23 13:16:57 866

原创 Codeforces-258B Little Elephant and Elections

B. Little Elephant and Electionstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThere have recently been elections i

2014-08-22 23:28:10 959

原创 AOJ-517 序列(差分约束)

序列Time Limit: 1000 ms   Case Time Limit: 1000 ms   Memory Limit: 64 MBTotal Submission: 223   Submission Accepted: 53Judge By CaseDescription有一个整数序列,它的每个数各不相同,我们不知道它的长度是多少(即整数个数),但我们知道在某些区间中

2014-08-22 14:25:54 1369

原创 AOJ-169 找零钱(母函数)

找零钱Time Limit: 1000 ms   Case Time Limit: 1000 ms   Memory Limit: 64 MBDescription我们知道人民币有1、2、5、10、20、50、100这几种面值。 现在给你n(1≤n≤250)元,让你计算换成用上面这些面额表示且总数不超过100张,共有几种。 比如4元,能用4张1元、2张1元和1张2元、2

2014-08-22 09:40:32 1796

原创 HDU-4352 XHXJ's LIS

XHXJ's LISTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description..................Another hobby of xhxj is yy(speculation) some magical prob

2014-08-21 20:58:22 935

原创 HDU-3709 Balanced Number

Balanced NumberTime Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionA balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pi

2014-08-21 14:13:52 725

原创 SPOJ-BALNUM Balanced Numbers

10606. Balanced NumbersProblem code: BALNUMBalanced numbers have been used by mathematicians for centuries. A positive integer is considered a balanced number if:1)      Every even digit appea

2014-08-21 10:11:31 1244

原创 HDU-1028 Ignatius and the Princess III

Ignatius and the Princess IIITime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description"Well, it seems the first problem is too easy. I will l

2014-08-20 20:26:30 724

原创 AOJ-169 找零钱(记忆化搜索)

找零钱Time Limit: 1000 ms   Case Time Limit: 1000 ms   Memory Limit: 64 MBDescription我们知道人民币有1、2、5、10、20、50、100这几种面值。 现在给你n(1≤n≤250)元,让你计算换成用上面这些面额表示且总数不超过100张,共有几种。 比如4元,能用4张1元、2张1

2014-08-20 20:15:35 1067

原创 HDU-3555 Bomb

BombTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/65536 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionThe counter-terrorists found a time bomb in the dust. But this time the terrorist

2014-08-20 12:54:13 876

原创 ZOJ-2770 Burn the Linked Camp

Burn the Linked CampTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBIt is well known that, in the period of The Three Empires, Liu Bei, the emperor of the Shu Empire, was defeated by Lu Xun,

2014-08-19 19:05:23 1361 2

原创 Round #55 D. Beautiful numbers

D. Beautiful numberstime limit per test4 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputVolodya is an odd boy and his taste is

2014-08-19 15:42:53 880

原创 POJ-3252 Round Numbers

Round NumbersTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K   DescriptionThe cows, as you know, have no fingers or thumbs and thus are unable to play Scissors, Paper, St

2014-08-18 23:11:50 846

原创 HDU-3652 B-number

B-numberTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2469    Accepted Submission(s): 1349Problem DescriptionA wqb-number, or

2014-08-18 20:47:25 774

原创 HDU-2089 不要62

不要62Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description杭州人称那些傻乎乎粘嗒嗒的人为62(音:laoer)。杭州交通管理局经常会扩充一些的士车牌照,新近出来一个好消息,以后上牌照,不再含有不吉利的数字了,这样一

2014-08-18 17:15:38 686

原创 HDU-2152 Fruit

FruitTime Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description转眼到了收获的季节,由于有TT的专业指导,Lele获得了大丰收。特别是水果,Lele一共种了N种水果,有苹果,梨子,香蕉,西瓜……不但味道好吃,样子更是好看。

2014-08-17 22:34:00 783

原创 HDU-2110 Crisis of HDU

Crisis of HDUTime Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description话说上回讲到HDU大战东洋小苟,结果自然是中方大胜,这一战也使得海东集团在全球同行业中的地位更加巩固。随着集团的发展,很多创业时期的元老逐

2014-08-17 21:02:02 849

原创 HDU-2082 找单词

找单词Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description假设有x1个字母A, x2个字母B,..... x26个字母Z,同时假设字母A的价值为1,字母B的价值为2,..... 字母Z的价值为26。那么,对于给定的字

2014-08-17 20:18:12 780

原创 HDU-2079 选课时间(题目已修改,注意读题)

选课时间(题目已修改,注意读题)Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem Description又到了选课的时间了,xhd看着选课表发呆,为了想让下一学期好过点,他想知道学n个学分共有多少组合。你来帮帮他吧。(xhd认为一样学分

2014-08-17 18:13:59 803

原创 HDU-1398 Square Coins

Square CoinsTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionPeople in Silverland use square coins. Not only they have square shape

2014-08-17 17:10:03 711

原创 HDU-1171 Big Event in HDU

Big Event in HDUTime Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionNowadays, we all know that Computer College is the biggest depart

2014-08-17 15:53:01 882

原创 hosts mirrors.ustc.edu.cn#Google Services START#Googleapis¡ý61.19.1.54 mt0.googleapis.com61.19.1.54 mt1.googleapis.com61.19.1.54 mt2.googleapis.com61.19.1.54 mt3.googleapis.com61

2014-08-17 14:49:32 2869

原创 Linux mint 17 安装fcitx

aptitude install fcitx fcitx-config-gtk fcitx-frontend-all fcitx-frontend-fbterm fcitx-ui-classic fcitx-ui-light fcitx-module-dbus fcitx-module-x11 fcitx-config-common fcitx-sunpinyin fcitx-googlepiny

2014-08-17 13:21:07 899

原创 HDU-1085 Holding Bin-Laden Captive!

Holding Bin-Laden Captive!Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Problem DescriptionWe all know that Bin-Laden is a notorious terrorist, and

2014-08-17 09:57:39 937

转载 母函数(Generating function)详解

母函数(Generating function)详解前段时间写了一篇《背包之01背包、完全背包、多重背包详解》,看到支持的人很多,我不是大牛,只是一个和大家一样学习的人,写这些文章的目的只是为了一是希望让大家学的轻松,二是让自己复习起来更方便。(PS:大家觉得我的文章还过的去就帮我支持下我的个人独立博客---Tanky Woo的程序人生:http://www.wutianqi.co

2014-08-16 20:14:20 955

转载 母函数详解和史上最通用最高效的母函数模板


2014-08-16 18:18:59 886

原创 Dijkstra + Heap优化模板

const int N = 105;bool done[N];struct Edge { int to, w; int next;}edge[N];struct Heap { int d, u; bool operator < (const Heap &tmp) const { return d > tmp.d; }//重载'<',维护最小堆};void Dijkstr

2014-08-16 16:49:11 1045 1

wxPython in Action 活学活用wxPython

活学活用wxPython pdf版,有1-18章 有图









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Code::Blocks13.12 汉化+多方案主题(代码高亮)+智能缩进

原来自百贴吧 天魔666 在此分享。利用Cblauncher.exe而非codeblocks打开代码方有上述效果。



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