DeviceKey 是一种从信任密钥的根实现密钥派生的机制。DeviceKey 机制生成安全功能所需的对称密钥。您可以使用这些密钥进行加密,身份验证等。DeviceKey API 允许密钥派生而不暴露实际的信任根,以减少在设备外意外暴露信任根的可能性。
我们已经根据 NIST SP 800-108,“计数器模式下的 KDF” 部分实现了 DeviceKey,其中 AES-CMAC 作为伪随机函数。
DeviceKey 用于派生其他密钥的信任密钥的根是使用硬件随机生成器(如果存在)或使用在生产过程中注入设备的密钥生成的。
- 每个设备必须是唯一的。
- 一定很难猜到。
- 它必须至少为 128 位。
- 它必须保密。
DeviceKey 功能使用 NVStore 组件将信任密钥的根保留在内部存储中。内部存储可防止对设备的外部物理攻击。
如果设备中有真正的随机数生成器,则首次使用 DeviceKey 时会生成信任根。如果没有可用的真随机数生成器,则必须在调用密钥派生 API 之前将注入的信任密钥根传递给 DeviceKey。
密钥派生 API
generate_derived_key:此 API 根据数据数组生成一个新密钥(调用者提供的盐。单个 salt 值始终生成相同的密钥,因此如果需要新密钥,则必须使用新的 salt 值。盐可以是 有任何值 - 数组,字符串等。
生成的密钥长度可以是 128 位或 256 位。
信任注入 API 的根
device_inject_root_of_trust:如果设备不支持真正的随机数生成器(未定义 DEVICE_TRNG),则必须在设备的生命周期内调用此 API,然后才能调用密钥派生。
使用 DeviceKey
DeviceKey 是一个单例类,这意味着系统只能有一个实例。
要实例化 DeviceKey,您需要调用其 get_instance 成员函数,如下所示:
DeviceKey &deviceKey = DeviceKey::get_instance();
测试 DeviceKey
使用 mbed 命令运行 DeviceKey 功能测试,如下所示:
mbed test -n features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality
DeviceKey API 类参考
公共成员函数 | |
int | generate_derived_key (const unsigned char *isalt, size_t isalt_size, unsigned char *output, uint16_t ikey_type) |
int | device_inject_root_of_trust (uint32_t *value, size_t isize) |
静态公共成员函数 | |
static DeviceKey & | get_instance () |
作为单例,返回类的单个实例。此类为单例的原因如下:更多... |
DeviceKey 示例
* Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "DeviceKey.h"
//print a unsigned char buffer in hex format
void print_buffer(unsigned char *buf, size_t size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
printf("%02X", buf[i]);
//Injection of a dummy key when there is no TRNG
int inject_rot_key()
uint32_t key[DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
memset(key, 0, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
memcpy(key, "ABCDEF1234567890", DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
int size = DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE;
DeviceKey& devkey = DeviceKey::get_instance();
return devkey.device_inject_root_of_trust(key, size);
// Entry point for the example
int main()
unsigned char derive_key1 [DEVICE_KEY_32BYTE];
unsigned char derive_key2 [DEVICE_KEY_32BYTE];
unsigned char salt1[] = "SALT1 ----- SALT1 ------ SALT1";
unsigned char salt2[] = "SALT2 ----- SALT2 ------ SALT2";
printf("\n--- Mbed OS DeviceKey example ---\n");
//DeviceKey is a singleton
DeviceKey& devkey = DeviceKey::get_instance();
#if not defined(DEVICE_TRNG)
//If TRNG is not available it is a must to inject the ROT before the first call to derive key method.
printf("\n--- No TRNG support for this device. injecting ROT. ---\n");
ret = inject_rot_key();
printf("\n--- Error, injection of ROT key has failed with status %d ---\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("\n--- ROT Key already exists in the persistent memory. ---\n", ret);
} else {
printf("\n--- ROT Key injected and stored in persistent memory. ---\n", ret);
printf("\n--- Using the following salt for key derivation: %s ---\n", salt1);
//16 byte key derivation.
printf("--- First call to derive key, requesting derived key of 16 byte ---\n");
ret = devkey.generate_derived_key(salt1, sizeof(salt1), derive_key1, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
printf("\n--- Error, derive key failed with error code %d ---\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("--- Derived key1 is: \n");
print_buffer(derive_key1, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
//16 byte key derivation with the same salt should result with the same derived key.
printf("\n--- Second call to derive key with the same salt. ---\n");
ret = devkey.generate_derived_key(salt1, sizeof(salt1), derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
printf("\n--- Error, derive key failed with error code %d ---\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("--- Derived key2 should be equal to key1 from the first call. key2 is: \n");
print_buffer(derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
if (memcmp(derive_key1, derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE) != 0) {
printf("--- Error, first key and second key do not match ---\n");
return -1;
} else {
printf("--- Keys match ---\n");
printf("\n--- Using the following salt for key derivation %s ---\n", salt2);
//16 byte key derivation with the different salt should result with new derived key.
ret = devkey.generate_derived_key(salt2, sizeof(salt2), derive_key1, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
printf("\n--- Error, derive key failed with error code %d ---\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("--- Third call to derive key with the different salt should result with a new derived key1: \n");
print_buffer(derive_key1, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE);
if (memcmp(derive_key1, derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_16BYTE) == 0) {
printf("--- Error, first key and second key do not match ---\n");
return -1;
} else {
printf("--- Keys not match ---\n");
//32 byte key derivation.
printf("\n--- 32 byte key derivation example. ---\n");
ret = devkey.generate_derived_key(salt2, sizeof(salt2), derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_32BYTE);
printf("\n--- Error, derive key failed with error code %d ---\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("--- 32 byte derived key is: \n");
print_buffer(derive_key2, DEVICE_KEY_32BYTE);
printf("\n--- Mbed OS DeviceKey example done. ---\n");
return 0;