Be a part of making the world’s first people powered tablet


Jolla Tablet’s Sailfish operating system will be unlike anything you’ve tried before. Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back. Independent and open source, change whatever you like, whenever you like.


At Jolla, we believe in your privacy and respecting our users. That’s why Sailfish OS is totally independent and has been built the way it has. It’s our company policy that we’ll never sell or share your data with anyone. There are no back doors or anything third parties could use for monitoring your activity. Together with the open source community, we’re continuing to strengthen our privacy capabilities at every opportunity.

在jolla,我们相信您的隐私和尊重我们的用户。这就是为什么旗 OS 是完全独立,并已形成了它的方式。这是我们公司的政策,我们决不会出售或与任何人共享您的数据。有没有后门或任何第三方可以用于监控您的活动。与开放源代码社区中,我们将继续加强我们隐私的能力,抓住每一个机会。

Multitasking on Sailfish OS shows all your running apps conveniently in one single view. At a glance, you’ll see everything that’s going on, as well as easily switch between apps. You can also control Sailfish OS apps directly from the multitasking view – for example, change your music or play and pause your video stream without opening the app in full.

旗鱼操作系统多任务处理显示您正在运行的应用程序方便地在一个单一的视图中。骤眼看来,就会看到一切的事情,以及应用程序之间轻松地切换。也可以直接从任务视图控制旗操作系统应用程序 — — 例如,改变你的音乐或玩并暂停您的视频,而不是直接在您的应用里。

Sailfish OS works with your natural hand movements via gestures, which makes using the tablet super-fast. You don’t have to push tiny buttons or search your way back home – everything is always under your thumb.

旗鱼 OS 配合你自然的手部的动作,通过手势,这使得使用这款平板电脑更快速。你不必推小按钮,或者搜索你回家的路上— — 一切都在你的拇指之下。

Besides running its own native apps, Sailfish OS has the capability to run Android apps. You can continue using your favourite apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as downloading all the latest ones via the Jolla Store and other Android app marketplaces. If an app doesn’t exist, you can always make it.

除了运行它自己的本机应用程序,旗鱼操作系统具有运行 Android 应用程序的能力。您可以继续使用您最喜爱的应用程序,如脸谱网、 推特和 Instagram,以及下载通过jolla商店和其他安卓应用程序市场的所有最新的。如果应用程序不存在,你总是可以轻松获得。

Through the Jolla Tablet, Sailfish OS evolves to its second generation with the biggest update so far. Sailfish OS 2.0 will power smartphones and tablets, and offer you several new ways to make it yours such as Ambiences and Events. Sailfish OS will keep continuously evolving and we want to take it further with you.

通过jolla平板电脑,旗鱼 OS 演变到目前为止最大的更新及其二代。旗鱼 OS 2.0将电源智能手机和平板电脑,并为您提供了几种新方法把它变成你的氛围和事件等。旗鱼 OS 将保持不断进化并且我们想要带着它进一步。

Ambiences make personalising your tablet a breeze.


Events shows all your messages, calendar events and other relevant info in one simple and easily accessible view.

事件显示您的邮件、 日历事件和其他相关的信息在一个简单和易于访问的视图中。

Crowdsourcing has been the foundation of so many amazing, inspiring and independent products, and what it stands for taps directly into Jolla’s ethos. We’re all about the power of people coming together to help build something meaningful. That’s why we’re looking to you, the community, to be part of creating the Jolla Tablet.

众包一直这么多令人惊叹的、 鼓舞人心的、 独立的产品的基础和它的优秀直接进入jolla的风气。我们所有人走到一起,以帮助建立有意义的事情的力量。这就是为什么我们都指望你,社区,成为创建jolla平板电脑的一分子。

We want you to tell us how you want your Jolla Tablet to be. It doesn’t matter who you are, you’ll get your voice heard in our community forum It’s here that users can suggest new features for Sailfish OS, as well as discuss ideas with the Jolla Sailors (our development team). Our community votes on whether they’d like to see proposed ideas developed further. Anything that has been voted on by the community is prioritised by the Jolla Sailors.

Our community is a vital part of the process and plays a huge role in making something that is people-made. We already have a solid track record after implementing four out of the eight most voted features to our first product, the Jolla smartphone, during 2014. 

With our second product, the Jolla Tablet, we want to involve the community even earlier in the development to make the product you want.

我们想要你告诉我们你想要的jolla平板电脑的样子。不管你是谁,你会得到你的声音,在我们的社区论坛。正是在这里用户可以为旗鱼os建议新功能,以及讨论与jolla水手 (我们的开发团队) 的想法。我们社区投票决定是否他们想要看到进一步发展所提出的想法。任何社区表决都会被jolla水手优先考虑。

我们的社区是进程的重要组成部分,在制造一些人工的产品发挥了巨大的作用。在 2014 年,采用多数投票功能对我们的第一个产品增加功能,jolla的智能手机之后,我们已经有了很好的记录。


Jolla’s core value is freedom of choice for our community. That’s why we’ve picked Intel’s innovation platform, backed by open source, to power the Jolla Tablet.

At 32GB, the Jolla tablet will have the space and hardware potential to be customised, and if you happen run out, there’s always the option to expand with a micro-SD memory card.

Sailfish OS deserves a great display to accompany it – and it will. At 330ppi, Jolla Tablet’s display will match the resolution of iPad Mini 3.

Side by side, Jolla Tablet is up there with the market's top offering. What's more, by contributing now you are entitled to a special discount. Should Jolla Tablet be sold after this campaign, the expected retail price is 249 USD.

The Jolla Tablet is currently available in the following countries and regions in this campaign: EU, Norway, Switzerland, United States, India, China, Hong Kong, and Russia. If you want your own country to be added, please check further info from the FAQ and head to!



旗鱼OS值得陪它 — — 一个伟大的显示,它会。拥有330ppi,jolla平板显示器将匹配iPad Mini 3的解决方案。

同时,jolla平板就是市场可以提供的顶级产品。更重要的是,现在你可以享有特别折扣。大概会在这次活动后出售jolla平板电脑,预计的零售价格为 249 美元。


Jolla design is all about functionality, minimalism and style. The front of your tablet will be dedicated to viewing what’s on screen, without any design distractions. Sailfish OS is all about logic, consistency and understanding intuitive movement. 

With your Jolla Tablet, you’ll experience a completely different way of interacting with your device.



Sailfish OS is mobile-optimized with the flexibility, ubiquity and stability of the Linux core and a cutting edge user experience built with the renowned Qt™ platform.


You’ll be part of an open, world-first innovation that brings people all over the world something different from the usual players. We want to challenge the big corporates and show them that independence, community and innovation can play a lead role in the world market. 

Basically, we want to shake up the technology world.



Our goal is to bring Sailfish OS into the hands of even more users. Every single cent from this campaign will go into producing the tablet, with nothing to spare. If there’s enough demand for the first batch of 2,000 units, it’s enough for us to kick-off the project. More importantly, it’ll show us that this is a product you really want bring to life.

我们的目标是将旗OS带入更多的用户手中。从这项运动的每一分钱将用来生产平板电脑,一点也不吝惜。如果有足够的需求,第一批 2000 多台,是足以让我们启动该项目。更重要的是,它会告诉我们,这是你真的想要给生活带来的产品。

If you haven’t heard of Jolla before, we’re an independent company that believes in innovation through collaboration. We’ve already launched a successfulsmartphone and have created our own open mobile operating system called Sailfish OS, grown from few to 120+ sailors (Jolla means small boat in Finnish), and built an amazing community 150,000 Jolla fans strong and counting. 

We are completely different to any other company you’ll ever support. All of our customers can have their say on the direction of our products through Jolla and other open source communities that we work closely with. Help us make the Jolla Tablet, then be a part of making it yours.

So, are you with us?

如果你没听说过jolla之前,我们相信通过协作创新的独立公司。我们已经启动成功的智能手机,已经创造了我们自己开放的手机操作系统被称为旗鱼OS,从小很少到 120 + 水手 (jolla意味着芬兰语的小船),和建立一个令人惊异的社区 150,000 jolla迷。



Antti Saarnio
Chairman of the Board, Co-founder
12 years' experience from entrepreneurship and investment projects. D.Sc. in Strategic Investments.


从创业和投资项目的 12 年经验。博士在战略性投资。

Sami Pienimäki
CMO, Co-founder
Several positions in Nokia during 2001-2011, key experience in product management and smartphones development. M.Sc. in Engineering.


几个位置在诺基亚在 2001 年-2011 年关键产品管理和智能手机发展经验。在工程硕士学位。

Marc Dillon 
COO, Co-founder
23 years of experience in the industry. Worked at Nokia in several positions, latest as Principal Engineer of MeeGo.


23 年的行业经验。曾在诺基亚在几个职位,最新的 MeeGo 的首席工程师。

Stefano Mosconi 
CTO, Co-founder
Several positions in Nokia during 2005-2012, latest as MeeGo IT Manager. M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering.

首席技术官、 联合创始人

几个位置在诺基亚在 2005年-2012 年期间新作为 MeeGo IT 经理。在通信工程专业的硕士学位。

In addition to our core team, we have 120 passionate sailors onboard in our offices in Finland and Hong Kong, building a more open future.

除了我们的核心团队,我们还有 120 热情的水手船上我们在芬兰和香港办事处建设一个更加开放的未来。





1. Contributions & Payment 

Will you keep me updated with the progress if I contribute? 

Yes! When you contribute to the Jolla Tablet campaign we will ensure that you receive all the latest information about the tablet project as it progresses.

Are shipping costs included in the Perk price?

No, the price is excluding delivery. Please add 20 USD for shipping after you have selected your Perk. For example, if you have selected the tablet Perk for 189 USD, increase the sum to 209 USD.

Does the Perk price include VAT or other taxes?

No, contributors must pay any taxes and duties related to the selected destination country. Tax, customs fees and other applicable customs charges are not included in the price of the tablet. Once we get close to the delivery date, we will ask you to confirm your shipping address and we will provide further instructions on handling VAT or any other applicable taxes.

I had problems making a contribution, please help?  

If you faced problems when making a contribution, please check common contribution errors.

I made a contribution, but now I've changed my mind. Can I have my money back?

Contributions on Indiegogo are nonrefundable according to the Indiegogo Terms of Use.  A contribution is a transaction that takes place purely between the contributor, campaign owner and payment processor. Jolla does not refund any contributions made. However, if you are not happy with the product we deliver, you may return the tablet within 14 days of receiving it. Read more from the Indiegogo Help Center.

I am not happy with the Tablet, can I return it?

You may return the tablet delivered to you within 14 days of receiving it. Please note that return shipping, including any customs or other charges as appliccable, will be borne by the sender.  Keep in mind that we only accept returns from ship-to countries supported by the Jolla tablet Indiegogo campaign.

To request a return please submit a ticket here. Please indicate clearly in the subject and body of the message “RETURN”, providing any relevant information including contribution number, contribution date and payment method utilized.

2. Availability & delivery 

When will you ship the tablet?      

Assuming the Indiegogo campaign reaches its goal, we aim to ship the first tablets in May 2015. Please note that the delivery date is subject to change. In any event, we will keep you updated on the schedule in our update emails.  

Will the Jolla Tablet be available in my country?

The regions and  countries where the campaign is applicable are: EU, Norway, Switzerland, United States, India, China, Hong Kong and Russia. If you want your own country to be added, please go to and get as many votes as possible behind your country! We'll look into the most voted countries and see if we can add those countries to the applicable countries list.

If I take part in the Indiegogo campaign, will I get the Jolla Tablet before others? 

You will be among the first ones to get the Jolla Tablet. We'll ship the tablets in the order of contributions made through Indiegogo.

Will the tablet be available also for general sale or only through Indiegogo?  

If there is demand, we'll consider all options. In any case, the Indiegogo contributors will get the tablet first and with the lowest price at the time of delivery.

After contributing to the campaign, what happens next? Do you just deliver the tablet to me?

We will keep you updated frequently on the progress of the tablet project by email. Once we get close to the delivery date, we will ask you to confirm your shipping address and we will provide further instructions on handling VAT or any other applicable taxes. In the meantime you can take part in our development project through

3. Product & Software

Will the tablet get monthly updates like Jolla phone?

The Jolla Tablet uses Sailfish OS similar to the Jolla smartphone, and Sailfish OS receives continuous updates.

Can the tablet features or specifications change before delivery?

As in any crowdfunding campaign, changes are possible. We reserve the right to make changes in described features, specifications, and delivery date estimations, and to introduce software features and functionality at a later date.

How do I know that my idea for the Jolla Tablet has been considered? 

We aim to take all ideas into consideration, and we’re thankful for all input you give us! We also aim to notify and respond to all request or idea threads tagged "jolla-tablet" and "feature-request". Naturally we can't guarantee real-time updates to all posts, so please bear with us! More information will be available soon as we will keep the community updated.

Does it run Android apps as the Jolla smartphone?

Similar to the Jolla Smartphone, Jolla Tablet will be Android compatible, meaning that you can use Android applications in addition to the native Sailfish OS apps.

4. Other

What is the Jolla The First Ones webpage?

The First Ones webpage is a tribute to our fans, listing the names of people who have believed in us the most and purchased one of the first 500 Jolla smartphones or contributed to this Indiegogo campaign by getting any of the Perks.

Before we publish the webpage, we'll ask you by email if you don't want your name to be included. We'll send you more information after the campaign.

My question wasn't answered in this campaign page, what to do?

If you have more questions or simply just want to know Jolla better, please visit ourextended FAQ or our website

1.捐款 & 付款




没有,价格不包括交货。请为航运选择你振作后添加 20 美元。例如,如果您选择了这款平板电脑特技 189 美元,增加至 209 美元的总和。






Indiegogo 会费不予退还根据 Indiegogo 使用条款。贡献是纯粹在部队派遣国、运动所有者和付款处理器之间发生的交易。jolla不退还任何捐款。然而,如果你不满意我们提供的产品,您可能会收到它的 14 天内返回这款平板电脑。阅读更多从 Indiegogo 帮助中心。


您可能会返回收到它的 14 天内送到你的这款平板电脑。请注意,返回航运,包括任何海关或其它费用为 appliccable,将由发件人承担。请记住,我们只接受返回从船到国家支持的霍亚平板 Indiegogo 运动。


2.可用性 & 交货


假设 Indiegogo 运动达到它的目标,我们的目标是以船舶在 2015 年 5 月的第一片。请注意交货日期是可能会发生变动。在任何情况下,我们会让你在我们更新的电子邮件中所列时间表上更新。


适用这项运动的国家与地区是: 欧盟、 挪威、 瑞士、 美国、 印度、 中国、香港和俄罗斯。如果您想要添加你自己的国家,请转到 并获得尽可能多的票数尽可能背后你的国家 !我们会看着最投票的国家,看看是否我们可以添加适用的国家名单的那些国家。

如果我参加 Indiegogo 运动,会不会在别人前获得jolla平板吗?

你将会成为最先得到jolla平板。我们将船片顺序通过 Indiegogo 作出贡献。

这款平板电脑将提供也一般出售或只有通过 Indiegogo 吗?

如果有需求,我们会考虑所有的选项。在任何情况下,Indiegogo 参与者将获得这款平板电脑第一次和用最低的价格在交货时间。

为推动这项运动后, 接下来怎样?你只是向我提供这款平板电脑吗?

我们将让你的平板电脑项目进展情况频繁地更新,通过电子邮件。一旦我们就丧失了交货日期,我们会要求您确认您的送货地址,我们将提供进一步的说明处理增值税或任何其他适用的税种。在此期间你可以参加我们通过 的发展项目。

3.产品 & 软件






我们的目标是要考虑所有的想法,我们感谢你给我们的所有输入!我们亦会通知,并对所有请求作出回应或上 的想法线程标记"jolla-平板电脑"和"功能请求"。当然我们不能保证对所有员额的实时更新,所以请熊与我们 !我们会保持更新的社会,更多的信息会很快就可用。

它是否作为jolla智能手机可以运行 Android 应用程序吗?

类似于jolla智能手机,jolla平板将安卓系统兼容,这意味着你可以另外使用 Android 应用程序



第一个网页是人的我们的粉丝,名单有相信我们最和购买首次 500 jolla智能手机之一或得到任何的好处这一 Indiegogo 运动作出贡献致敬。




                                                                  ----------------------------------------        Jolla Ltd    






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


