ASCII 字符、字母、符号和标志完整列表以及说明



Brief History of ASCII code:

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, or ASCII code, was created in 1963 by the “American Standards Association” Committee or “ASA”, the agency changed its name in 1969 by “American National Standards Institute” or “ANSI” as it is known since.

This code arises from reorder and expand the set of symbols and characters already used in telegraphy at that time by the Bell company.

At first only included capital letters and numbers , but in 1967 was added the lowercase letters and some control characters, forming what is known as US-ASCII, ie the characters 0 through 127.
So with this set of only 128 characters was published in 1967 as standard, containing all you need to write in English language.

In 1981, IBM developed an extension of 8-bit ASCII code, called “code page 437”, in this version were replaced some obsolete control characters for graphic characters. Also 128 characters were added , with new symbols, signs, graphics and latin letters, all punctuation signs and characters needed to write texts in other languages, ​​such as Spanish. In this way was added the ASCII characters ranging from 128 to 255.

IBM includes support for this code page in the hardware of its model 5150, known as “IBM-PC”, considered the first personal computer.

The operating system of this model, the “MS-DOS” also used this extended ASCII code. Almost all computer systems today use the ASCII code to represent characters and texts.

ASCII 字符、字母、符号和标志完整列表以及说明

ASCII Latin-1(ISO/IEC 8859-1)

ISO/IEC 8859-1,又称 Latin-1 或 “西欧语言”,是国际标准化组织内 ISO/IEC 8859 的第一个 8 位字符集。它以 ASCII 为基础,在空置的 0xA0-0xFF 范围内,加入 192 个字母及符号,藉以供使用变音符号的拉丁字母语言使用。

法语及芬兰语本来也使用 ISO 8859-1 来表示。但因它没有法语使用的 œ、Œ、 Ÿ 三个字母及芬兰语使用的 Š、š、Ž、ž ,故于 1998 年被 ISO/IEC 8859-15(ISO 8859-15 加入了欧元符号 €,20AC )所取代。

ISO/IEC 8859-2 Latin-2 或 “ 中欧语言 ” ,是国际标准化组织内 ISO/IEC 8859 的其中一个 8 位字符集

ISO/IEC 8859-3 南欧语言字符集

ISO/IEC 8859-4 北欧语言字符集

ISO/IEC 8859-5 是国际标准化组织内 ISO/IEC 8859 的其中一个 8 位字符集。

Full list of ASCII characters, letters, symbols and signs with descriptions

ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)

The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers.

从 00H 到 1FH ,用来通讯控制。

00000000000000NULNull character
10010100000001SOHStart of Heading
20020200000010STXStart of Text
30030300000011ETXEnd of Text
40040400000100EOTEnd of Transmission
70070700000111BELBell, Alert
90110900001001HTHorizontal Tab
100120A00001010LFLine Feed
110130B00001011VTVertical Tabulation
120140C00001100FFForm Feed
130150D00001101CRCarriage Return
140160E00001110SOShift Out
150170F00001111SIShift In
160201000010000DLEData Link Escape
170211100010001DC1Device Control One (XON)
180221200010010DC2Device Control Two
190231300010011DC3Device Control Three (XOFF)
200241400010100DC4Device Control Four
210251500010101NAKNegative Acknowledge
220261600010110SYNSynchronous Idle
230271700010111ETBEnd of Transmission Block
250311900011001EMEnd of medium
280341C00011100FSFile Separator
290351D00011101GSGroup Separator
300361E00011110RSRecord Separator
310371F00011111USUnit Separator

ASCII printable characters (character code 32-127)

Codes 32-127 are common for all the different variations of the ASCII table, they are called printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. You will find almost every character on your keyboard. Character 127 represents the command DEL.

20H 到 7FH ,用来表示阿拉伯数字、英文字母大小写和下划线、括号等符号。

330412100100001!Exclamation mark
340422200100010"Double quotes (or speech marks)
350432300100011#Number sign
370452500100101%Per cent sign
390472700100111Single quote
400502800101000(Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
410512900101001)Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
460562E00101110.Period, dot or full stop
470572F00101111/Slash or divide
600743C00111100<Less than (or open angled bracket)
620763E00111110>Greater than (or close angled bracket)
630773F00111111?Question mark
641004001000000@At sign
651014101000001AUppercase A
661024201000010BUppercase B
671034301000011CUppercase C
681044401000100DUppercase D
691054501000101EUppercase E
701064601000110FUppercase F
711074701000111GUppercase G
721104801001000HUppercase H
731114901001001IUppercase I
741124A01001010JUppercase J
751134B01001011KUppercase K
761144C01001100LUppercase L
771154D01001101MUppercase M
781164E01001110NUppercase N
791174F01001111OUppercase O
801205001010000PUppercase P
811215101010001QUppercase Q
821225201010010RUppercase R
831235301010011SUppercase S
841245401010100TUppercase T
851255501010101UUppercase U
861265601010110VUppercase V
871275701010111WUppercase W
881305801011000XUppercase X
891315901011001YUppercase Y
901325A01011010ZUppercase Z
911335B01011011[Opening bracket
931355D01011101]Closing bracket
941365E01011110^Caret - circumflex
961406001100000`Grave accent
971416101100001aLowercase a
981426201100010bLowercase b
991436301100011cLowercase c
1001446401100100dLowercase d
1011456501100101eLowercase e
1021466601100110fLowercase f
1031476701100111gLowercase g
1041506801101000hLowercase h
1051516901101001iLowercase i
1061526A01101010jLowercase j
1071536B01101011kLowercase k
1081546C01101100lLowercase l
1091556D01101101mLowercase m
1101566E01101110nLowercase n
1111576F01101111oLowercase o
1121607001110000pLowercase p
1131617101110001qLowercase q
1141627201110010rLowercase r
1151637301110011sLowercase s
1161647401110100tLowercase t
1171657501110101uLowercase u
1181667601110110vLowercase v
1191677701110111wLowercase w
1201707801111000xLowercase x
1211717901111001yLowercase y
1221727A01111010zLowercase z
1231737B01111011{Opening brace
1241747C01111100|Vertical bar
1251757D01111101}Closing brace
1261767E01111110~Equivalency sign - tilde

The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255)

There are several different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. The table below is according to Windows-1252 (CP-1252) which is a superset of ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1, in terms of printable characters, but differs from the IANA’s ISO-8859-1 by using displayable characters rather than control characters in the 128 to 159 range.

1282008010000000Euro sign
1302028210000010Single low-9 quotation mark
1312038310000011ƒLatin small letter f with hook
1322048410000100Double low-9 quotation mark
1332058510000101Horizontal ellipsis
1352078710000111Double dagger
1362108810001000ˆModifier letter circumflex accent
1372118910001001Per mille sign
1382128A10001010ŠLatin capital letter S with caron
1392138B10001011Single left-pointing angle quotation
1402148C10001100ŒLatin capital ligature OE
1422168E10001110ŽLatin capital letter Z with caron
1452219110010001Left single quotation mark
1462229210010010Right single quotation mark
1472239310010011Left double quotation mark
1482249410010100Right double quotation mark
1502269610010110En dash
1512279710010111Em dash
1522309810011000˜Small tilde
1532319910011001Trade mark sign
1542329A10011010šLatin small letter S with caron
1552339B10011011Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
1562349C10011100œLatin small ligature oe
1582369E10011110žLatin small letter z with caron
1592379F10011111ŸLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160240A010100000NBSPNon-breaking space
161241A110100001¡Inverted exclamation mark
162242A210100010¢Cent sign
163243A310100011£Pound sign
164244A410100100¤Currency sign
165245A510100101¥Yen sign
166246A610100110¦Pipe, broken vertical bar
167247A710100111§Section sign
168250A810101000¨Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169251A910101001©Copyright sign
170252AA10101010ªFeminine ordinal indicator
171253AB10101011«Left double angle quotes
173255AD10101101­SHYSoft hyphen
174256AE10101110®Registered trade mark sign
175257AF10101111¯Spacing macron - overline
176260B010110000°Degree sign
177261B110110001±Plus-or-minus sign
178262B210110010²Superscript two - squared
179263B310110011³Superscript three - cubed
180264B410110100´Acute accent - spacing acute
181265B510110101µMicro sign
182266B610110110Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183267B710110111·Middle dot - Georgian comma
184270B810111000¸Spacing cedilla
185271B910111001¹Superscript one
186272BA10111010ºMasculine ordinal indicator
187273BB10111011»Right double angle quotes
188274BC10111100¼Fraction one quarter
189275BD10111101½Fraction one half
190276BE10111110¾Fraction three quarters
191277BF10111111¿Inverted question mark
192300C011000000ÀLatin capital letter A with grave
193301C111000001ÁLatin capital letter A with acute
194302C211000010ÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
195303C311000011ÃLatin capital letter A with tilde
196304C411000100ÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
197305C511000101ÅLatin capital letter A with ring above
198306C611000110ÆLatin capital letter AE
199307C711000111ÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C811001000ÈLatin capital letter E with grave
201311C911001001ÉLatin capital letter E with acute
202312CA11001010ÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex
203313CB11001011ËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
204314CC11001100ÌLatin capital letter I with grave
205315CD11001101ÍLatin capital letter I with acute
206316CE11001110ÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CF11001111ÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis
208320D011010000ÐLatin capital letter ETH
209321D111010001ÑLatin capital letter N with tilde
210322D211010010ÒLatin capital letter O with grave
211323D311010011ÓLatin capital letter O with acute
212324D411010100ÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
213325D511010101ÕLatin capital letter O with tilde
214326D611010110ÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
215327D711010111×Multiplication sign
216330D811011000ØLatin capital letter O with slash
217331D911011001ÙLatin capital letter U with grave
218332DA11011010ÚLatin capital letter U with acute
219333DB11011011ÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex
220334DC11011100ÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
221335DD11011101ÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
222336DE11011110ÞLatin capital letter THORN
223337DF11011111ßLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224340E011100000àLatin small letter a with grave
225341E111100001áLatin small letter a with acute
226342E211100010âLatin small letter a with circumflex
227343E311100011ãLatin small letter a with tilde
228344E411100100äLatin small letter a with diaeresis
229345E511100101åLatin small letter a with ring above
230346E611100110æLatin small letter ae
231347E711100111çLatin small letter c with cedilla
232350E811101000èLatin small letter e with grave
233351E911101001éLatin small letter e with acute
234352EA11101010êLatin small letter e with circumflex
235353EB11101011ëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
236354EC11101100ìLatin small letter i with grave
237355ED11101101íLatin small letter i with acute
238356EE11101110îLatin small letter i with circumflex
239357EF11101111ïLatin small letter i with diaeresis
240360F011110000ðLatin small letter eth
241361F111110001ñLatin small letter n with tilde
242362F211110010òLatin small letter o with grave
243363F311110011óLatin small letter o with acute
244364F411110100ôLatin small letter o with circumflex
245365F511110101õLatin small letter o with tilde
246366F611110110öLatin small letter o with diaeresis
247367F711110111÷Division sign
248370F811111000øLatin small letter o with slash
249371F911111001ùLatin small letter u with grave
250372FA11111010úLatin small letter u with acute
251373FB11111011ûLatin small letter u with circumflex
252374FC11111100üLatin small letter u with diaeresis
253375FD11111101ýLatin small letter y with acute
254376FE11111110þLatin small letter thorn
255377FF11111111ÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis

ASCII Extended Characters 128 个非标准扩充字符

由 IBM 制定的非标准的 ASCII 码,用来表示框线、音标和其它欧洲非英语系的字母。

1282008010000000ÇMajuscule C-cedilla
1292018110000001ületter u with umlaut or diaeresis , u-umlaut
1302028210000010életter e with acute accent or e-acute
1312038310000011âletter a with circumflex accent or a-circumflex
1322048410000100äletter a with umlaut or diaeresis , a-umlaut
1332058510000101àletter a with grave accent
1342068610000110åletter a with a ring
1352078710000111çMinuscule c-cedilla
1362108810001000êletter e with circumflex accent or e-circumflex
1372118910001001ëletter e with umlaut or diaeresis ; e-umlauts
1382128A10001010èletter e with grave accent
1392138B10001011ïletter i with umlaut or diaeresis ; i-umlaut
1402148C10001100îletter i with circumflex accent or i-circumflex
1412158D10001101ìletter i with grave accent
1422168E10001110Äletter A with umlaut or diaeresis ; A-umlaut
1432178F10001111ÅCapital letter A with a ring
1442209010010000ÉCapital letter E with acute accent or E-acute
1452219110010001æLatin diphthong ae in lowercase
1462229210010010ÆLatin diphthong AE in uppercase
1472239310010011ôletter o with circumflex accent or o-circumflex
1482249410010100öletter o with umlaut or diaeresis ; o-umlaut
1492259510010101òletter o with grave accent
1502269610010110ûletter u with circumflex accent or u-circumflex
1512279710010111ùletter u with grave accent
1522309810011000ÿLowercase letter y with diaeresis
1532319910011001ÖLetter O with umlaut or diaeresis ; O-umlaut
1542329A10011010ÜLetter U with umlaut or diaeresis ; U-umlaut
1552339B10011011øLowercase slashed zero or empty set
1562349C10011100£Pound sign ; symbol for the pound sterling
1572359D10011101ØUppercase slashed zero or empty set
1582369E10011110×Multiplication sign
1592379F10011111ƒFunction sign ; f with hook sign ; florin sign
160240A010100000áLowercase letter a with acute accent or a-acute
161241A110100001íLowercase letter i with acute accent or i-acute
162242A210100010óLowercase letter o with acute accent or o-acute
163243A310100011úLowercase letter u with acute accent or u-acute
164244A410100100ñeñe, enie, spanish letter enye, lowercase n withtilde
165245A510100101ÑSpanish letter enye, uppercase N with tilde,EÑE, enie
166246A610100110ªfeminine ordinal indicator
167247A710100111ºmasculine ordinal indicator
168250A810101000¿Inverted question marks
169251A910101001®Registered trademark symbol
170252AA10101010¬Logical negation symbol
171253AB10101011½One half
172254AC10101100¼Quarter, one fourth
173255AD10101101¡Inverted exclamation marks
174256AE10101110«Angle quotes, guillemets, right-pointing quotationmark
175257AF10101111»Guillemets, angle quotes, left-pointing quotationmarks
176260B010110000Graphic character, low density dotted
177261B110110001Graphic character, medium density dotted
178262B210110010Graphic character, high density dotted
179263B310110011Box drawing character single vertical line
180264B410110100Box drawing character single vertical and leftline
181265B510110101ÁCapital letter A with acute accent or A-acute
182266B610110110ÂLetter A with circumflex accent or A-circumflex
183267B710110111ÀLetter A with grave accent
184270B810111000©Copyright symbol
185271B910111001Box drawing character double line vertical andleft
186272BA10111010Box drawing character double vertical line
187273BB10111011Box drawing character double line upper rightcorner
188274BC10111100Box drawing character double line lower rightcorner
189275BD10111101¢Cent symbol
190276BE10111110¥YEN and YUAN sign
191277BF10111111Box drawing character single line upper rightcorner
192300C011000000Box drawing character single line lower leftcorner
193301C111000001Box drawing character single line horizontaland up
194302C211000010Box drawing character single line horizontaldown
195303C311000011Box drawing character single line vertical andright
196304C411000100Box drawing character single horizontal line
197305C511000101Box drawing character single line horizontalvertical
198306C611000110ãLowercase letter a with tilde or a-tilde
199307C711000111ÃCapital letter A with tilde or A-tilde
200310C811001000Box drawing character double line lower leftcorner
201311C911001001Box drawing character double line upper leftcorner
202312CA11001010Box drawing character double line horizontaland up
203313CB11001011Box drawing character double line horizontaldown
204314CC11001100Box drawing character double line vertical andright
205315CD11001101Box drawing character double horizontal line
206316CE11001110Box drawing character double line horizontalvertical
207317CF11001111¤Generic currency sign
208320D011010000ðLowercase letter eth
209321D111010001ÐCapital letter Eth
210322D211010010ÊLetter E with circumflex accent or E-circumflex
211323D311010011ËLetter E with umlaut or diaeresis, E-umlaut
212324D411010100ÈCapital letter E with grave accent
213325D511010101ıLowercase dot less i
214326D611010110ÍCapital letter I with acute accent or I-acute
215327D711010111ÎLetter I with circumflex accent or I-circumflex
216330D811011000ÏLetter I with umlaut or diaeresis ; I-umlaut
217331D911011001Box drawing character single line lower rightcorner
218332DA11011010Box drawing character single line upper leftcorner
219333DB11011011Block, graphic character
220334DC11011100Bottom half block
221335DD11011101¦Vertical broken bar
222336DE11011110ÌCapital letter I with grave accent
223337DF11011111Top half block
224340E011100000ÓCapital letter O with acute accent or O-acute
225341E111100001ßLetter Eszett ; scharfes S or sharp S
226342E211100010ÔLetter O with circumflex accent or O-circumflex
227343E311100011ÒCapital letter O with grave accent
228344E411100100õLowercase letter o with tilde or o-tilde
229345E511100101ÕCapital letter O with tilde or O-tilde
230346E611100110µLowercase letter Mu ; micro sign or micron
231347E711100111þLowercase letter Thorn
232350E811101000ÞCapital letter Thorn
233351E911101001ÚCapital letter U with acute accent or U-acute
234352EA11101010ÛLetter U with circumflex accent or U-circumflex
235353EB11101011ÙCapital letter U with grave accent
236354EC11101100ýLowercase letter y with acute accent
237355ED11101101ÝCapital letter Y with acute accent
238356EE11101110¯Macron symbol
239357EF11101111´Acute accent
240360F011110000Congruence relation symbol
241361F111110001±Plus-minus sign
242362F211110010underline or underscore
243363F311110011¾three quarters, three-fourths
244364F411110100Paragraph sign or pilcrow ; end paragraph mark
245365F511110101§Section sign
246366F611110110÷The division sign ; Obelus
248370F811111000°Degree symbol
250372FA11111010·Interpunct or space dot
251373FB11111011¹Superscript one, exponent 1, first power
252374FC11111100³Superscript three, exponent 3, cube, third power
253375FD11111101²Superscript two, exponent 2, square, second power
254376FE11111110black square
255377FF11111111nbspNon-breaking space or no-break space

注:Word 中 可以选中,使用 Alt + X 切换查看编码。

大小写字母 ASCII 码

大写字母 ASCII 码

Bin (二进制)Oct (八进制)Dec (十进制)Hex (十六进制)大写字母
0100 00010101650x41A
0100 00100102660x42B
0100 00110103670x43C
0100 01000104680x44D
0100 01010105690x45E
0100 01100106700x46F
0100 01110107710x47G
0100 10000110720x48H
0100 10010111730x49I
0100 10110113750x4BK
0100 11000114760x4CL
0100 11010115770x4DM
0100 11100116780x4EN
0100 11110117790x4FO
0101 00000120800x50P
0101 00010121810x51Q
0101 00100122820x52R
0101 00110123830x53S
0101 01000124840x54T
0101 01010125850x55U
0101 01100126860x56V
0101 01110127870x57W
0101 10000130880x58X
0101 10010131890x59Y
0101 10100132900x5AZ

小写字母 ASCII 码

Bin (二进制)Oct (八进制)Dec (十进制)Hex (十六进制)小写字母
0110 00010141970x61a
0110 00100142980x62b
0110 00110143990x63c
0110 010001441000x64d
0110 010101451010x65e
0110 011001461020x66f
0110 011101471030x67g
0110 100001501040x68h
0110 100101511050x69i
0110 101001521060x6Aj
0110 101101531070x6Bk
0110 110001541080x6Cl
0110 110101551090x6Dm
0110 111001561100x6En
0110 111101571110x6Fo
0111 000001601120x70p
0111 000101611130x71q
0111 001001621140x72r
0111 001101631150x73s
0111 010001641160x74t
0111 010101651170x75u
0111 011001661180x76v
0111 011101671190x77w
0111 100001701200x78x
0111 100101711210x79y
0111 101001721220x7Az

所有大小写字母总共对应 52 个 ASCII 码。大写字母的 ASCII 码值比小写字母的 ASCII 码值小。同一个字母,小写字母的 ASCII 码值比大写字母的 ASCII 码值大 32。

比如大写字母 A 的 ASCII 码是 65,小写字母 a 的 ASCII 码是 65 + 32 = 97。

大写字母 A - Z 的 ASCII 码值取值范围从 65 - 90,第一个 A 的 ASCII 码值 65,后面的字母的 ASCII 码值累加 1 即可。

小写字母 a - z 的 ASCII 码值取值范围从 97 - 122,第一个 a 的 ASCII 码值 97,后面的字母的 ASCII 码值累加 1 即可。

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