

Fact About Who Invented Computer And How?


Charles Babbage, (born December 26, 1791, London, England—died October 18, 1871), English mathematician and inventor who is credited with having invented the world’s first automatic digital computer. Because of Babbage’s optimism, many believe he is the inventor of computing. His dream never materialized because to his efforts. His first attempt was to construct the Difference Engine, which he began building in 1822 on the principle of finite differences to do complicated mathematical computations using a straightforward series of additions and subtractions, avoiding multiplications and divisions. Now come let’s start the story of Fact About Who Invented Computer And How?
查尔斯·巴贝奇(Charles Babbage),(1791年12月26日出生于英格兰伦敦,1871年10月18日逝世),英国数学家和发明家,被誉为发明了世界上第一台自动数字计算机。由于巴贝奇的乐观态度,许多人相信他是计算机的发明者。然而,他的梦想并未实现,因为种种原因。他的首次尝试是建造“差分引擎”,他于1822年开始建造这一引擎,基于有限差分原理进行复杂的数学计算,使用一系列简单的加法和减法,避免了乘法和除法。现在让我们开始谈谈关于谁发明了计算机以及是如何发明的这个故事。

Who Invented Computer And How?

Babbage was a member of the Analytical Society, which was founded in 1812 to bring continental achievements into English mathematics. In 1816, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London. He was responsible for the creation of the Royal Astronomical (1820) and Statistical (1834) organizations.

In 1812 or 1813, Babbage first conceived of calculating mathematical tables automatically. He built a tiny calculator that could do limited arithmetic operations to eight decimals later. In 1823, he attracted government financing for his project to construct a Difference Engine with a 20-decimal capacity.
1812 或 1813 年,巴贝奇首次提出了自动计算数学表的想法。他后来建造了一台小型计算机,能进行有限的八位小数算术操作。1823 年,他吸引了政府资金资助,用于建设 Difference Engine 项目,该机器具有 20 位小数的计算能力。

The Difference Engine was a digital calculating machine: it utilized discrete digits rather than smooth quantities, and the digits were decimal (0–9), represented by positions on toothed wheels rather than binary digits (“bits”). When one of the toothed wheels changed from nine to zero, it caused the following wheel to move one position forward and carry the digit.
差分机是一种数字计算机:它使用离散的数字,而不是连续的数量,数字是十进制的(0-9),由齿轮的位置表示,而不是二进制数字(“bits”)。当齿轮从 9 变为 0 时,它将导致后一齿轮向前移动一位,并将数字传递。

The Difference Engine had storage, just as modern computers do; it was a space where data could be stored temporarily for later processing. To create it, Babbage needed to master mechanical engineering methods, which he did with zeal. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1824, and in the following year he succeeded Fredrick Taylor as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. The entire engine, designed to be room-sized, was never built, at least not by Babbage. The machine was shut down in 1833, when Joseph Clement, the machinist responsible for designing and constructing the device, refused to continue unless he was paid.
差分引擎具有存储功能,就像现代计算机一样;它是一个可以临时存储数据以供后续处理的空间。为了创造它,巴贝奇需要掌握机械工程方法,他也极其努力地做到了这一点。他于1824年当选为皇家学会会士,并在随后的一年接替弗雷德里克·泰勒(Fredrick Taylor)成为剑桥大学卢卡辛数学教授。整个设想中的引擎原本设计成了整个房间大小,但至少巴贝奇本人并未将其建造出来。这台机器在1833年被关闭,因为负责设计和建造该设备的机械师约瑟夫·克莱门特(Joseph Clement)拒绝继续工作,除非得到支付。

In the mid-1830s, Babbage began developing plans for the Analytical Engine, which would eventually become the ancestor of today’s digital computer. He imagined a machine that could perform any arithmetical operation based on punched-card instructions, a memory unit in which to store numbers, sequential control, and the majority of the other basic elements of today’s computer. The Difference Engine was another extremely challenging endeavor. Unlike the earlier project, this one was more difficult than anything else done previously. The memory unit was to have a capacity of 1,000 50-digit numbers, which was greater than any computer’s storage capacity prior to 1960. The machine was to be steam-powered and operated by one person.
在19世纪30年代中期,巴贝奇开始制定分析引擎的计划,这最终成为当今数字计算机的祖先。他设想了一台能够根据穿孔卡片指令执行任何算术运算的机器,包括储存数字的存储单元、顺序控制和今天计算机的大多数其他基本要素。与之前的“差分引擎”项目不同,“分析引擎”是另一个极具挑战性的努力。与早期项目不同,这个项目比以往任何事情都更加困难。存储单元的容量预计为1,000个50位数,这比 1960 年之前任何计算机的存储容量都要大。这台机器原本是由蒸汽驱动,并由一人操作。

Facts About How Computer Was Invented



The span of human history has brought us from a colossal to a sleek lightweight machine, the progress of computer technology is remarkable. Here are some facts are drawn up for you to get an overview on how these devices have evolved and altered the modern world.

The first Basic Computing Technology


Would you believe that the technology for computer computing originated in 1801? That’s true. In 1801, Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard developed a power loom that punched cards to automatically weave designs. What’s the connection? The first computer used similar punch cards, as we previously mentioned.
您相信计算机技术起源于 1801 年吗?这是真的。1801 年,法国人 Joseph Marie Jacquard 发明了一种自动穿孔卡片的动力织布机,用于织造图案。这和计算机有什么关系呢?事实上,第一台计算机就使用了类似的穿孔卡片,正如我们之前提到的那样。

Analytical Engine – The First Computer

分析引擎 – 第一台计算机

Did you know that the first computer created by Charles Babbage was powered by steam rather than electricity? Babbage, who is credited with the invention of computing, developed a large computing device that was as big as a house and required six steam engines to operate.

World’s first computer programmer was a FEMALE!

世界上第一位计算机程序员是女性 !

In 1843, Ada Lovelace created an algorithm for the Analytical Engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers (Bernoulli numbers are a sequence of rational numbers that appears frequently in number theory in mathematics). When she wrote the first computer algorithm, it was programmed on a machine for the first time in history, and as a result, she became the world’s first computer programmer.

The first Personal Computer (PC)


Today, PCs and desktops are common electrical consumer goods that can be found in almost every home. Was it designed by IBM in 1981, as you may believe? The first IBM PC had 16K bytes of RAM, expandable to 256K bytes. In the next year, many other firms copied the IMBM PC model, which became known as “Clones.” As a result of this, in 1981, there was a trend toward portable PCs. A suitcase-sized computer Osborne I was created, which had 64K bytes of RAM and weighed over 20 pounds (9kg). It was a commercial success for this portable machine. However, The Osborne Computer Company filed bankruptcy within two years, but it helped to spawn laptops, notebooks, and other portable technology.
如今,个人电脑和台式电脑是几乎每家每户都能找到的常见电子消费品。它是在 1981 年由 IBM 设计的,第一台 IBM 个人电脑有 16K 字节的 RAM,可扩展到 256K 字节。在接下来的一年里,许多其他公司复制了 IBM PC 模型,这些克隆机被称为 “克隆机”。因此,1981 年出现了便携式个人电脑的趋势。出现了一个手提箱大小的 Osborne I 电脑,内存为 64K 字节,重量超过 20 磅(9 公斤),这款便携式设备取得了商业上的成功。然而,Osborne 计算机公司在两年内申请破产,但它促成了笔记本电脑、便携式电脑和其他便携式技术的发展。

The Computer Bug got its name from a real Bug?

计算机 Bug 的名字来源于一个真正的 Bug ?

It’s true! Harvard workers were unable to figure out why the Analytical engine would suddenly quit operating. They scanned the code, but found no problems. It was only after they discovered a moth inside the machine’s parts that they realized what was causing the problem. Surprisingly, as soon as they removed the ‘bug,’ the machine began to operate normally again.



Computers have had a huge influence on our lives. They have made our lives far less complicated. In this blog, we have shared the story behind how the computer was invented and by whom? We have tried to explain to you the whole facts about how the computer was invented?


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