Package | Item | Title | csv | doc |
datasets | AirPassengers | Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | BJsales | Sales Data with Leading Indicator | CSV | DOC |
datasets | BOD | Biochemical Oxygen Demand | CSV | DOC |
datasets | Formaldehyde | Determination of Formaldehyde | CSV | DOC |
datasets | HairEyeColor | Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students | CSV | DOC |
datasets | InsectSprays | Effectiveness of Insect Sprays | CSV | DOC |
datasets | JohnsonJohnson | Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson Share | CSV | DOC |
datasets | LakeHuron | Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | LifeCycleSavings | Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | Nile | Flow of the River Nile | CSV | DOC |
datasets | OrchardSprays | Potency of Orchard Sprays | CSV | DOC |
datasets | PlantGrowth | Results from an Experiment on Plant Growth | CSV | DOC |
datasets | Puromycin | Reaction Velocity of an Enzymatic Reaction | CSV | DOC |
datasets | Titanic | Survival of passengers on the Titanic | CSV | DOC |
datasets | ToothGrowth | The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs | CSV | DOC |
datasets | UCBAdmissions | Student Admissions at UC Berkeley | CSV | DOC |
datasets | UKDriverDeaths | Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | UKgas | UK Quarterly Gas Consumption | CSV | DOC |
datasets | USAccDeaths | Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | USArrests | Violent Crime Rates by US State | CSV | DOC |
datasets | USJudgeRatings | Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior Court | CSV | DOC |
datasets | USPersonalExpenditure | Personal Expenditure Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | VADeaths | Death Rates in Virginia (1940) | CSV | DOC |
datasets | WWWusage | Internet Usage per Minute | CSV | DOC |
datasets | WorldPhones | The World's Telephones | CSV | DOC |
datasets | airmiles | Passenger Miles on Commercial US Airlines, 1937-1960 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | airquality | New York Air Quality Measurements | CSV | DOC |
datasets | anscombe | Anscombe's Quartet of 'Identical' Simple Linear Regressions | CSV | DOC |
datasets | attenu | The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | attitude | The Chatterjee-Price Attitude Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | austres | Quarterly Time Series of the Number of Australian Residents | CSV | DOC |
datasets | cars | Speed and Stopping Distances of Cars | CSV | DOC |
datasets | chickwts | Chicken Weights by Feed Type | CSV | DOC |
datasets | co2 | Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration | CSV | DOC |
datasets | crimtab | Student's 3000 Criminals Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | discoveries | Yearly Numbers of Important Discoveries | CSV | DOC |
datasets | esoph | Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer | CSV | DOC |
datasets | euro | Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies | CSV | DOC |
datasets | faithful | Old Faithful Geyser Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | freeny | Freeny's Revenue Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | infert | Infertility after Spontaneous and Induced Abortion | CSV | DOC |
datasets | iris | Edgar Anderson's Iris Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | islands | Areas of the World's Major Landmasses | CSV | DOC |
datasets | lh | Luteinizing Hormone in Blood Samples | CSV | DOC |
datasets | longley | Longley's Economic Regression Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | lynx | Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | morley | Michelson Speed of Light Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | mtcars | Motor Trend Car Road Tests | CSV | DOC |
datasets | nhtemp | Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven | CSV | DOC |
datasets | nottem | Average Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham, 1920-1939 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | npk | Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment | CSV | DOC |
datasets | occupationalStatus | Occupational Status of Fathers and their Sons | CSV | DOC |
datasets | precip | Annual Precipitation in US Cities | CSV | DOC |
datasets | presidents | Quarterly Approval Ratings of US Presidents | CSV | DOC |
datasets | pressure | Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature | CSV | DOC |
datasets | quakes | Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji | CSV | DOC |
datasets | randu | Random Numbers from Congruential Generator RANDU | CSV | DOC |
datasets | rivers | Lengths of Major North American Rivers | CSV | DOC |
datasets | rock | Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samples | CSV | DOC |
datasets | sleep | Student's Sleep Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | stackloss | Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | sunspot.month | Monthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to "Present" | CSV | DOC |
datasets | sunspot.year | Yearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | sunspots | Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | swiss | Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data | CSV | DOC |
datasets | treering | Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979 | CSV | DOC |
datasets | trees | Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees | CSV | DOC |
datasets | uspop | Populations Recorded by the US Census | CSV | DOC |
datasets | volcano | Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano | CSV | DOC |
datasets | warpbreaks | The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving | CSV | DOC |
datasets | women | Average Heights and Weights for American Women | CSV | DOC |
boot | acme | Monthly Excess Returns | CSV | DOC |
boot | aids | Delay in AIDS Reporting in England and Wales | CSV | DOC |
boot | aircondit | Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment | CSV | DOC |
boot | aircondit7 | Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment | CSV | DOC |
boot | amis | Car Speeding and Warning Signs | CSV | DOC |
boot | aml | Remission Times for Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia | CSV | DOC |
boot | bigcity | Population of U.S. Cities | CSV | DOC |
boot | brambles | Spatial Location of Bramble Canes | CSV | DOC |
boot | breslow | Smoking Deaths Among Doctors | CSV | DOC |
boot | calcium | Calcium Uptake Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | cane | Sugar-cane Disease Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | capability | Simulated Manufacturing Process Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | catsM | Weight Data for Domestic Cats | CSV | DOC |
boot | cav | Position of Muscle Caveolae | CSV | DOC |
boot | cd4 | CD4 Counts for HIV-Positive Patients | CSV | DOC |
boot | channing | Channing House Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | city | Population of U.S. Cities | CSV | DOC |
boot | claridge | Genetic Links to Left-handedness | CSV | DOC |
boot | cloth | Number of Flaws in Cloth | CSV | DOC |
boot | co.transfer | Carbon Monoxide Transfer | CSV | DOC |
boot | coal | Dates of Coal Mining Disasters | CSV | DOC |
boot | darwin | Darwin's Plant Height Differences | CSV | DOC |
boot | dogs | Cardiac Data for Domestic Dogs | CSV | DOC |
boot | downs.bc | Incidence of Down's Syndrome in British Columbia | CSV | DOC |
boot | ducks | Behavioral and Plumage Characteristics of Hybrid Ducks | CSV | DOC |
boot | fir | Counts of Balsam-fir Seedlings | CSV | DOC |
boot | frets | Head Dimensions in Brothers | CSV | DOC |
boot | grav | Acceleration Due to Gravity | CSV | DOC |
boot | gravity | Acceleration Due to Gravity | CSV | DOC |
boot | hirose | Failure Time of PET Film | CSV | DOC |
boot | islay | Jura Quartzite Azimuths on Islay | CSV | DOC |
boot | manaus | Average Heights of the Rio Negro river at Manaus | CSV | DOC |
boot | melanoma | Survival from Malignant Melanoma | CSV | DOC |
boot | motor | Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident | CSV | DOC |
boot | neuro | Neurophysiological Point Process Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | nitrofen | Toxicity of Nitrofen in Aquatic Systems | CSV | DOC |
boot | nodal | Nodal Involvement in Prostate Cancer | CSV | DOC |
boot | nuclear | Nuclear Power Station Construction Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | paulsen | Neurotransmission in Guinea Pig Brains | CSV | DOC |
boot | poisons | Animal Survival Times | CSV | DOC |
boot | polar | Pole Positions of New Caledonian Laterites | CSV | DOC |
boot | remission | Cancer Remission and Cell Activity | CSV | DOC |
boot | salinity | Water Salinity and River Discharge | CSV | DOC |
boot | survival | Survival of Rats after Radiation Doses | CSV | DOC |
boot | tau | Tau Particle Decay Modes | CSV | DOC |
boot | tuna | Tuna Sighting Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | urine | Urine Analysis Data | CSV | DOC |
boot | wool | Australian Relative Wool Prices | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | aids | data from Section 1.19 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | alloauto | data from Section 1.9 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | allograft | data from Exercise 13.1, p418 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | azt | data from Exercise 4.7, p122 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | baboon | data from Exercise 5.8, p147 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | bcdeter | data from Section 1.18 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | bfeed | data from Section 1.14 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | bmt | data from Section 1.3 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | bnct | data from Exercise 7.7, p223 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | btrial | data from Section 1.5 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | burn | data from Section 1.6 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | channing | data from Section 1.16 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | drug6mp | data from Section 1.2 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | drughiv | data from Exercise 7.6, p222 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | hodg | data from Section 1.10 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | kidney | data from Section 1.4 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | kidrecurr | Data on 38 individuals using a kidney dialysis machine | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | kidtran | data from Section 1.7 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | larynx | data from Section 1.8 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | lung | data from Exercise 4.4, p120 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | pneumon | data from Section 1.13 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | psych | data from Section 1.15 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | rats | data from Exercise 7.13, p225 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | std | data from Section 1.12 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | stddiag | data from Exercise 5.6, p146 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | tongue | data from Section 1.11 | CSV | DOC |
KMsurv | twins | data from Exercise 7.14, p225 | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | Animals2 | Brain and Body Weights for 65 Species of Land Animals | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | CrohnD | Crohn's Disease Adverse Events Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | NOxEmissions | NOx Air Pollution Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | SiegelsEx | Siegel's Exact Fit Example Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | aircraft | Aircraft Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | airmay | Air Quality Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | alcohol | Alcohol Solubility in Water Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | ambientNOxCH | Daily Means of NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides) in air | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | bushfire | Campbell Bushfire Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | carrots | Insect Damages on Carrots | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | cloud | Cloud point of a Liquid | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | coleman | Coleman Data Set | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | condroz | Condroz Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | cushny | Cushny and Peebles Prolongation of Sleep Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | delivery | Delivery Time Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | education | Education Expenditure Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | epilepsy | Epilepsy Attacks Data Set | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | exAM | Example Data of Antille and May - for Simple Regression | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | foodstamp | Food Stamp Program Participation | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | hbk | Hawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | heart | Heart Catherization Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | kootenay | Waterflow Measurements of Kootenay River in Libby and Newgate | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | lactic | Lactic Acid Concentration Measurement Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | milk | Daudin's Milk Composition Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | pension | Pension Funds Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | phosphor | Phosphorus Content Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | pilot | Pilot-Plant Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | possumDiv | Possum Diversity Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | pulpfiber | Pulp Fiber and Paper Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | radarImage | Satellite Radar Image Data from near Munich | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | salinity | Salinity Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | starsCYG | Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Data of Star Cluster CYG OB1 | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | telef | Number of International Calls from Belgium | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | toxicity | Toxicity of Carboxylic Acids Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | vaso | Vaso Constriction Skin Data Set | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | wagnerGrowth | Wagner's Hannover Employment Growth Data | CSV | DOC |
robustbase | wood | Modified Data on Wood Specific Gravity | CSV | DOC |
car | AMSsurvey | American Math Society Survey Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Adler | Experimenter Expectations | CSV | DOC |
car | Angell | Moral Integration of American Cities | CSV | DOC |
car | Anscombe | U. S. State Public-School Expenditures | CSV | DOC |
car | Baumann | Methods of Teaching Reading Comprehension | CSV | DOC |
car | Bfox | Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation | CSV | DOC |
car | Blackmoor | Exercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control Subjects | CSV | DOC |
car | Burt | Fraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised Apart | CSV | DOC |
car | CanPop | Canadian Population Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Chile | Voting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite | CSV | DOC |
car | Chirot | The 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion | CSV | DOC |
car | Cowles | Cowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering | CSV | DOC |
car | Davis | Self-Reports of Height and Weight | CSV | DOC |
car | DavisThin | Davis's Data on Drive for Thinness | CSV | DOC |
car | Depredations | Minnesota Wolf Depredation Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Duncan | Duncan's Occupational Prestige Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Ericksen | The 1980 U.S. Census Undercount | CSV | DOC |
car | Florida | Florida County Voting | CSV | DOC |
car | Freedman | Crowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan Areas | CSV | DOC |
car | Friendly | Format Effects on Recall | CSV | DOC |
car | Ginzberg | Data on Depression | CSV | DOC |
car | Greene | Refugee Appeals | CSV | DOC |
car | Guyer | Anonymity and Cooperation | CSV | DOC |
car | Hartnagel | Canadian Crime-Rates Time Series | CSV | DOC |
car | Highway1 | Highway Accidents | CSV | DOC |
car | Leinhardt | Data on Infant-Mortality | CSV | DOC |
car | Mandel | Contrived Collinear Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Migration | Canadian Interprovincial Migration Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Moore | Status, Authoritarianism, and Conformity | CSV | DOC |
car | Mroz | U.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation | CSV | DOC |
car | OBrienKaiser | O'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Ornstein | Interlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian Firms | CSV | DOC |
car | Pottery | Chemical Composition of Pottery | CSV | DOC |
car | Prestige | Prestige of Canadian Occupations | CSV | DOC |
car | Quartet | Four Regression Datasets | CSV | DOC |
car | Robey | Fertility and Contraception | CSV | DOC |
car | SLID | Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics | CSV | DOC |
car | Sahlins | Agricultural Production in Mazulu Village | CSV | DOC |
car | Salaries | Salaries for Professors | CSV | DOC |
car | Soils | Soil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics | CSV | DOC |
car | States | Education and Related Statistics for the U.S. States | CSV | DOC |
car | Transact | Transaction data | CSV | DOC |
car | UN | GDP and Infant Mortality | CSV | DOC |
car | USPop | Population of the United States | CSV | DOC |
car | Vocab | Vocabulary and Education | CSV | DOC |
car | WeightLoss | Weight Loss Data | CSV | DOC |
car | Womenlf | Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation | CSV | DOC |
car | Wool | Wool data | CSV | DOC |
cluster | agriculture | European Union Agricultural Workforces | CSV | DOC |
cluster | animals | Attributes of Animals | CSV | DOC |
cluster | chorSub | Subset of C-horizon of Kola Data | CSV | DOC |
cluster | flower | Flower Characteristics | CSV | DOC |
cluster | plantTraits | Plant Species Traits Data | CSV | DOC |
cluster | pluton | Isotopic Composition Plutonium Batches | CSV | DOC |
cluster | ruspini | Ruspini Data | CSV | DOC |
cluster | votes.repub | Votes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections | CSV | DOC |
cluster | xclara | Bivariate Data Set with 3 Clusters | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | affairs | affairs | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | azdrg112 | azdrg112 | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | azpro | azpro | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | badhealth | badhealth | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | fasttrakg | fasttrakg | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | lbw | lbw | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | lbwgrp | lbwgrp | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | loomis | loomis | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | mdvis | mdvis | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | medpar | medpar | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | rwm | rwm | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | rwm5yr | rwm5yr | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | ships | ships | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | titanic | titanic | CSV | DOC |
COUNT | titgrp | titgrp | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Accident | Ship Accidents | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Airline | Cost for U.S. Airlines | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Airq | Air Quality for Californian Metropolitan Areas | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Benefits | Unemployement of Blue Collar Workers | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Bids | Bids Received By U.S. Firms | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | BudgetFood | Budget Share of Food for Spanish Households | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | BudgetItaly | Budget Shares for Italian Households | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | BudgetUK | Budget Shares of British Households | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Bwages | Wages in Belgium | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | CPSch3 | Earnings from the Current Population Survey | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Capm | Stock Market Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Car | Stated Preferences for Car Choice | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Caschool | The California Test Score Data Set | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Catsup | Choice of Brand for Catsup | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Cigar | Cigarette Consumption | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Cigarette | The Cigarette Consumption Panel Data Set | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Clothing | Sales Data of Men's Fashion Stores | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Computers | Prices of Personal Computers | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Cracker | Choice of Brand for Crakers | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Crime | Crime in North Carolina | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | DM | DM Dollar Exchange Rate | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Diamond | Pricing the C's of Diamond Stones | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Doctor | Number of Doctor Visits | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | DoctorAUS | Doctor Visits in Australia | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | DoctorContacts | Contacts With Medical Doctor | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Earnings | Earnings for Three Age Groups | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Electricity | Cost Function for Electricity Producers | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Fair | Extramarital Affairs Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Fatality | Drunk Driving Laws and Traffic Deaths | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Fishing | Choice of Fishing Mode | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Forward | Exchange Rates of US Dollar Against Other Currencies | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | FriendFoe | Data from the Television Game Show Friend Or Foe ? | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Garch | Daily Observations on Exchange Rates of the US Dollar Against Other Currencies | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Gasoline | Gasoline Consumption | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Griliches | Wage Datas | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Grunfeld | Grunfeld Investment Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | HC | Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | HI | Health Insurance and Hours Worked By Wives | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Hdma | The Boston HDMA Data Set | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Heating | Heating System Choice in California Houses | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Hedonic | Hedonic Prices of Cencus Tracts in Boston | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Housing | Sales Prices of Houses in the City of Windsor | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Icecream | Ice Cream Consumption | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Journals | Economic Journals Dat Set | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Kakadu | Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Kakadu National Park | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Ketchup | Choice of Brand for Ketchup | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Klein | Klein's Model I | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | LaborSupply | Wages and Hours Worked | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Labour | Belgian Firms | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | MCAS | The Massashusets Test Score Data Set | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Males | Wages and Education of Young Males | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Mathlevel | Level of Calculus Attained for Students Taking Advanced Micro-economics | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | MedExp | Structure of Demand for Medical Care | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Metal | Production for SIC 33 | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Mode | Mode Choice | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | ModeChoice | Data to Study Travel Mode Choice | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Mofa | International Expansion of U.S. Mofa's (majority-owned Foreign Affiliates in Fire (finance, Insurance and Real Estate) | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Mroz | Labor Supply Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | MunExp | Municipal Expenditure Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | NaturalPark | Willingness to Pay for the Preservation of the Alentejo Natural Park | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Nerlove | Cost Function for Electricity Producers, 1955 | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | OFP | Visits to Physician Office | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Oil | Oil Investment | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | PSID | Panel Survey of Income Dynamics | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Participation | Labor Force Participation | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | PatentsHGH | Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&D | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | PatentsRD | Patents, R&D and Technological Spillovers for a Panel of Firms | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Pound | Pound-dollar Exchange Rate | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Produc | Us States Production | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | RetSchool | Return to Schooling | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | SP500 | Returns on Standard & Poor's 500 Index | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Schooling | Wages and Schooling | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Somerville | Visits to Lake Somerville | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Star | Effects on Learning of Small Class Sizes | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Strike | Strike Duration Data | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | StrikeDur | Strikes Duration | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | StrikeNb | Number of Strikes in Us Manufacturing | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | SumHes | The Penn Table | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Tobacco | Households Tobacco Budget Share | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Train | Stated Preferences for Train Traveling | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | TranspEq | Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Treatment | Evaluating Treatment Effect of Training on Earnings | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Tuna | Choice of Brand for Tuna | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | USFinanceIndustry | US Finance Industry Profits | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | USstateAbbreviations | Standard abbreviations for states of the United States | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | UStaxWords | Number of Words in US Tax Law | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | UnempDur | Unemployment Duration | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Unemployment | Unemployment Duration | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | University | Provision of University Teaching and Research | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | VietNamH | Medical Expenses in Viet-nam (household Level) | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | VietNamI | Medical Expenses in Viet-nam (individual Level) | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Wages | Panel Datas of Individual Wages | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Wages1 | Wages, Experience and Schooling | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Workinghours | Wife Working Hours | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Yen | Yen-dollar Exchange Rate | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | Yogurt | Choice of Brand for Yogurts | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | bankingCrises | Countries in Banking Crises | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | incomeInequality | Income Inequality in the US | CSV | DOC |
Ecdat | nonEnglishNames | Names with Character Set Problems | CSV | DOC |
gap | PD | A study of Parkinson's disease and APOE, LRRK2, SNCA makers | CSV | DOC |
gap | aldh2 | ALDH2 markers and Alcoholism | CSV | DOC |
gap | apoeapoc | APOE/APOC1 markers and Alzheimer's | CSV | DOC |
gap | cf | Cystic fibrosis data | CSV | DOC |
gap | crohn | Crohn's disease data | CSV | DOC |
gap | fa | Friedreich Ataxia data | CSV | DOC |
gap | fsnps | A case-control data involving four SNPs with missing genotype | CSV | DOC |
gap | hla | The HLA data | CSV | DOC |
gap | hr1420 | An example data for Manhattan plot with annotation | CSV | DOC |
gap | l51 | An example pedigree data | CSV | DOC |
gap | lukas | An example pedigree | CSV | DOC |
gap | mao | A study of Parkinson's disease and MAO gene | CSV | DOC |
gap | mfblong | Example data for ACEnucfam | CSV | DOC |
gap | mhtdata | An example data for Manhattan plot | CSV | DOC |
gap | nep499 | A study of Alzheimer's disease with eight SNPs and APOE | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | diamonds | Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | economics | US economic time series. | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | midwest | Midwest demographics. | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | movies | Movie information and user ratings from | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | mpg | Fuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for 38 popular models of car | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | msleep | An updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset. | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | presidential | Terms of 10 presidents from Eisenhower to Bush W. | CSV | DOC |
ggplot2 | seals | Vector field of seal movements. | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Arbuthnot | Arbuthnot's data on male and female birth ratios in London from 1629-1710. | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Bowley | Bowley's data on values of British and Irish trade, 1855-1899 | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Cavendish | Cavendish's Determinations of the Density of the Earth | CSV | DOC |
HistData | ChestSizes | Chest measurements of 5738 Scottish Militiamen | CSV | DOC |
HistData | CushnyPeebles | Cushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives | CSV | DOC |
HistData | CushnyPeeblesN | Cushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Dactyl | Edgeworth's counts of dactyls in Virgil's Aeneid | CSV | DOC |
HistData | DrinksWages | Elderton and Pearson's (1910) data on drinking and wages | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Fingerprints | Waite's data on Patterns in Fingerprints | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Galton | Galton's data on the heights of parents and their children | CSV | DOC |
HistData | GaltonFamilies | Galton's data on the heights of parents and their children, by child | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Guerry | Data from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France" | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Jevons | W. Stanley Jevons' data on numerical discrimination | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Langren.all | van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Langren1644 | van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Macdonell | Macdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908) | CSV | DOC |
HistData | MacdonellDF | Macdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908) | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Michelson | Michelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light | CSV | DOC |
HistData | MichelsonSets | Michelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Minard.cities | Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Minard.temp | Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Minard.troops | Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Nightingale | Florence Nightingale's data on deaths from various causes in the Crimean War | CSV | DOC |
HistData | OldMaps | Latitudes and Longitudes of 39 Points in 11 Old Maps | CSV | DOC |
HistData | PearsonLee | Pearson and Lee's data on the heights of parents and children classified by gender | CSV | DOC |
HistData | PolioTrials | Polio Field Trials Data | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Prostitutes | Parent-Duchatelet's time-series data on the number of prostitutes in Paris | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Pyx | Trial of the Pyx | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Quarrels | Statistics of Deadly Quarrels | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Snow.deaths | John Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreak | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Snow.polygons | John Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreak | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Snow.pumps | John Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreak | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Snow.streets | John Snow's map and data on the 1854 London Cholera outbreak | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Wheat | Playfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Wheat.monarchs | Playfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat | CSV | DOC |
HistData | Yeast | Student's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts | CSV | DOC |
HistData | YeastD.mat | Student's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts | CSV | DOC |
HistData | ZeaMays | Darwin's Heights of Cross- and Self-fertilized Zea May Pairs | CSV | DOC |
lattice | barley | Yield data from a Minnesota barley trial | CSV | DOC |
lattice | environmental | Atmospheric environmental conditions in New York City | CSV | DOC |
lattice | ethanol | Engine exhaust fumes from burning ethanol | CSV | DOC |
lattice | melanoma | Melanoma skin cancer incidence | CSV | DOC |
lattice | singer | Heights of New York Choral Society singers | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Aids2 | Australian AIDS Survival Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Animals | Brain and Body Weights for 28 Species | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Boston | Housing Values in Suburbs of Boston | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Cars93 | Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Cushings | Diagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's Syndrome | CSV | DOC |
MASS | DDT | DDT in Kale | CSV | DOC |
MASS | GAGurine | Level of GAG in Urine of Children | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Insurance | Numbers of Car Insurance claims | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Melanoma | Survival from Malignant Melanoma | CSV | DOC |
MASS | OME | Tests of Auditory Perception in Children with OME | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Pima.te | Diabetes in Pima Indian Women | CSV | DOC |
MASS | | Diabetes in Pima Indian Women | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Pima.tr2 | Diabetes in Pima Indian Women | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Rabbit | Blood Pressure in Rabbits | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Rubber | Accelerated Testing of Tyre Rubber | CSV | DOC |
MASS | SP500 | Returns of the Standard and Poors 500 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Sitka | Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Sitka89 | Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Skye | AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas | CSV | DOC |
MASS | Traffic | Effect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents | CSV | DOC |
MASS | UScereal | Nutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals | CSV | DOC |
MASS | UScrime | The Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime Rates | CSV | DOC |
MASS | VA | Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial | CSV | DOC |
MASS | abbey | Determinations of Nickel Content | CSV | DOC |
MASS | accdeaths | Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | anorexia | Anorexia Data on Weight Change | CSV | DOC |
MASS | bacteria | Presence of Bacteria after Drug Treatments | CSV | DOC |
MASS | beav1 | Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | beav2 | Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | biopsy | Biopsy Data on Breast Cancer Patients | CSV | DOC |
MASS | birthwt | Risk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight | CSV | DOC |
MASS | cabbages | Data from a cabbage field trial | CSV | DOC |
MASS | caith | Colours of Eyes and Hair of People in Caithness | CSV | DOC |
MASS | cats | Anatomical Data from Domestic Cats | CSV | DOC |
MASS | cement | Heat Evolved by Setting Cements | CSV | DOC |
MASS | chem | Copper in Wholemeal Flour | CSV | DOC |
MASS | coop | Co-operative Trial in Analytical Chemistry | CSV | DOC |
MASS | cpus | Performance of Computer CPUs | CSV | DOC |
MASS | crabs | Morphological Measurements on Leptograpsus Crabs | CSV | DOC |
MASS | deaths | Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK | CSV | DOC |
MASS | drivers | Deaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | eagles | Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles | CSV | DOC |
MASS | epil | Seizure Counts for Epileptics | CSV | DOC |
MASS | farms | Ecological Factors in Farm Management | CSV | DOC |
MASS | fgl | Measurements of Forensic Glass Fragments | CSV | DOC |
MASS | forbes | Forbes' Data on Boiling Points in the Alps | CSV | DOC |
MASS | galaxies | Velocities for 82 Galaxies | CSV | DOC |
MASS | gehan | Remission Times of Leukaemia Patients | CSV | DOC |
MASS | genotype | Rat Genotype Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | geyser | Old Faithful Geyser Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | gilgais | Line Transect of Soil in Gilgai Territory | CSV | DOC |
MASS | hills | Record Times in Scottish Hill Races | CSV | DOC |
MASS | housing | Frequency Table from a Copenhagen Housing Conditions Survey | CSV | DOC |
MASS | immer | Yields from a Barley Field Trial | CSV | DOC |
MASS | leuk | Survival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients | CSV | DOC |
MASS | mammals | Brain and Body Weights for 62 Species of Land Mammals | CSV | DOC |
MASS | mcycle | Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident | CSV | DOC |
MASS | menarche | Age of Menarche in Warsaw | CSV | DOC |
MASS | michelson | Michelson's Speed of Light Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | minn38 | Minnesota High School Graduates of 1938 | CSV | DOC |
MASS | motors | Accelerated Life Testing of Motorettes | CSV | DOC |
MASS | muscle | Effect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat Hearts | CSV | DOC |
MASS | newcomb | Newcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of Light | CSV | DOC |
MASS | nlschools | Eighth-Grade Pupils in the Netherlands | CSV | DOC |
MASS | npk | Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment | CSV | DOC |
MASS | npr1 | US Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | oats | Data from an Oats Field Trial | CSV | DOC |
MASS | painters | The Painter's Data of de Piles | CSV | DOC |
MASS | petrol | N. L. Prater's Petrol Refinery Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | quine | Absenteeism from School in Rural New South Wales | CSV | DOC |
MASS | road | Road Accident Deaths in US States | CSV | DOC |
MASS | rotifer | Numbers of Rotifers by Fluid Density | CSV | DOC |
MASS | ships | Ships Damage Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | shrimp | Percentage of Shrimp in Shrimp Cocktail | CSV | DOC |
MASS | shuttle | Space Shuttle Autolander Problem | CSV | DOC |
MASS | snails | Snail Mortality Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | steam | The Saturated Steam Pressure Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | stormer | The Stormer Viscometer Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | survey | Student Survey Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | synth.te | Synthetic Classification Problem | CSV | DOC |
MASS | | Synthetic Classification Problem | CSV | DOC |
MASS | topo | Spatial Topographic Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | waders | Counts of Waders at 15 Sites in South Africa | CSV | DOC |
MASS | whiteside | House Insulation: Whiteside's Data | CSV | DOC |
MASS | wtloss | Weight Loss Data from an Obese Patient | CSV | DOC |
plm | Cigar | Cigarette Consumption | CSV | DOC |
plm | Crime | Crime in North Carolina | CSV | DOC |
plm | EmplUK | Employment and Wages in the United Kingdom | CSV | DOC |
plm | Gasoline | Gasoline Consumption | CSV | DOC |
plm | Grunfeld | Grunfeld's Investment Data | CSV | DOC |
plm | Hedonic | Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston Area | CSV | DOC |
plm | LaborSupply | Wages and Hours Worked | CSV | DOC |
plm | Males | Wages and Education of Young Males | CSV | DOC |
plm | Produc | US States Production | CSV | DOC |
plm | Snmesp | Employment and Wages in Spain | CSV | DOC |
plm | SumHes | The Penn World Table, v. 5 | CSV | DOC |
plm | Wages | Panel Data of Individual Wages | CSV | DOC |
plyr | baseball | Yearly batting records for all major league baseball players | CSV | DOC |
pscl | AustralianElectionPolling | Political opinion polls in Australia, 2004-07 | CSV | DOC |
pscl | AustralianElections | elections to Australian House of Representatives, 1949-2007 | CSV | DOC |
pscl | EfronMorris | Batting Averages for 18 major league baseball players, 1970 | CSV | DOC |
pscl | RockTheVote | Voter turnout experiment, using Rock The Vote ads | CSV | DOC |
pscl | UKHouseOfCommons | 1992 United Kingdom electoral returns | CSV | DOC |
pscl | absentee | Absentee and Machine Ballots in Pennsylvania State Senate Races | CSV | DOC |
pscl | admit | Applications to a Political Science PhD Program | CSV | DOC |
pscl | bioChemists | article production by graduate students in biochemistry Ph.D. programs | CSV | DOC |
pscl | ca2006 | California Congressional Districts in 2006 | CSV | DOC |
pscl | iraqVote | U.S. Senate vote on the use of force against Iraq, 2002. | CSV | DOC |
pscl | politicalInformation | Interviewer ratings of respondent levels of political information | CSV | DOC |
pscl | presidentialElections | elections for U.S. President, 1932-2008, by state | CSV | DOC |
pscl | prussian | Prussian army horse kick data | CSV | DOC |
pscl | unionDensity | cross national rates of trade union density | CSV | DOC |
pscl | vote92 | Reports of voting in the 1992 U.S. Presidential election. | CSV | DOC |
reshape2 | french_fries | Sensory data from a french fries experiment. | CSV | DOC |
reshape2 | smiths | Demo data describing the Smiths. | CSV | DOC |
reshape2 | tips | Tipping data | CSV | DOC |
rpart | car.test.frame | Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990 | CSV | DOC |
rpart | car90 | Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990 | CSV | DOC |
rpart | cu.summary | Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990 | CSV | DOC |
rpart | kyphosis | Data on Children who have had Corrective Spinal Surgery | CSV | DOC |
rpart | solder | Soldering of Components on Printed-Circuit Boards | CSV | DOC |
rpart | stagec | Stage C Prostate Cancer | CSV | DOC |
sandwich | PublicSchools | US Expenditures for Public Schools | CSV | DOC |
sem | Bollen | Bollen's Data on Industrialization and Political Democracy | CSV | DOC |
sem | CNES | Variables from the 1997 Canadian National Election Study | CSV | DOC |
sem | Klein | Klein's Data on the U. S. Economy | CSV | DOC |
sem | Kmenta | Partly Artificial Data on the U. S. Economy | CSV | DOC |
sem | Tests | Six Mental Tests | CSV | DOC |
survival | bladder | Bladder Cancer Recurrences | CSV | DOC |
survival | cancer | NCCTG Lung Cancer Data | CSV | DOC |
survival | cgd | Chronic Granulotomous Disease data | CSV | DOC |
survival | colon | Chemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer | CSV | DOC |
survival | flchain | Assay of serum free light chain for 7874 subjects. | CSV | DOC |
survival | heart | Stanford Heart Transplant data | CSV | DOC |
survival | kidney | Kidney catheter data | CSV | DOC |
survival | leukemia | Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data | CSV | DOC |
survival | logan | Data from the 1972-78 GSS data used by Logan | CSV | DOC |
survival | lung | NCCTG Lung Cancer Data | CSV | DOC |
survival | mgus | Monoclonal gammapothy data | CSV | DOC |
survival | nwtco | Data from the National Wilm's Tumor Study | CSV | DOC |
survival | ovarian | Ovarian Cancer Survival Data | CSV | DOC |
survival | pbc | Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data | CSV | DOC |
survival | rats | Rat treatment data from Mantel et al | CSV | DOC |
survival | stanford2 | More Stanford Heart Transplant data | CSV | DOC |
survival | tobin | Tobin's Tobit data | CSV | DOC |
survival | veteran | Veterans' Administration Lung Cancer study | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Arthritis | Arthritis Treatment Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Baseball | Baseball Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | BrokenMarriage | Broken Marriage Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Bundesliga | Ergebnisse der Fussball-Bundesliga | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Bundestag2005 | Votes in German Bundestag Election 2005 | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Butterfly | Butterfly Species in Malaya | CSV | DOC |
vcd | CoalMiners | Breathlessness and Wheeze in Coal Miners | CSV | DOC |
vcd | DanishWelfare | Danish Welfare Study Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Employment | Employment Status | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Federalist | 'May' in Federalist Papers | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Hitters | Hitters Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | HorseKicks | Death by Horse Kicks | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Hospital | Hospital data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | JobSatisfaction | Job Satisfaction Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | JointSports | Opinions About Joint Sports | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Lifeboats | Lifeboats on the Titanic | CSV | DOC |
vcd | NonResponse | Non-Response Survey Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | OvaryCancer | Ovary Cancer Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | PreSex | Pre-marital Sex and Divorce | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Punishment | Corporal Punishment Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | RepVict | Repeat Victimization Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Saxony | Families in Saxony | CSV | DOC |
vcd | SexualFun | Sex is Fun | CSV | DOC |
vcd | SpaceShuttle | Space Shuttle O-ring Failures | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Suicide | Suicide Rates in Germany | CSV | DOC |
vcd | Trucks | Truck Accidents Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | UKSoccer | UK Soccer Scores | CSV | DOC |
vcd | VisualAcuity | Visual Acuity in Left and Right Eyes | CSV | DOC |
vcd | VonBort | Von Bortkiewicz Horse Kicks Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | WeldonDice | Weldon's Dice Data | CSV | DOC |
vcd | WomenQueue | Women in Queues | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | MatchIt.url | Table of links for Zelig | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | PErisk | Political Economic Risk Data from 62 Countries in 1987 | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | SupremeCourt | U.S. Supreme Court Vote Matrix | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | Weimar | 1932 Weimar election data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | Zelig.url | Table of links for Zelig | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | approval | U.S. Presidential Approval Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | bivariate | Sample data for bivariate probit regression | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | coalition | Coalition Dissolution in Parliamentary Democracies | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | coalition2 | Coalition Dissolution in Parliamentary Democracies, Modified Version | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | eidat | Simulation Data for Ecological Inference | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | free1 | Freedom of Speech Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | free2 | Freedom of Speech Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | friendship | Simulated Example of Schoolchildren Friendship Network | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | grunfeld | Simulation Data for model Seemingly Unrelated Regression (sur) that corresponds to method SUR of systemfit | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | hoff | Social Security Expenditure Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | homerun | Sample Data on Home Runs Hit By Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa in 1998. | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immi1 | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immi2 | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immi3 | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immi4 | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immi5 | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | immigration | Individual Preferences Over Immigration Policy | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | klein | Simulation Data for model Two-Stage Least Square (twosls) that corresponds to method 2SLS of systemfit | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | kmenta | Simulation Data for model Three-Stage Least Square (threesls) that corresponds to method 3SLS of systemfit | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | macro | Macroeconomic Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | mexico | Voting Data from the 1988 Mexican Presidental Election | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | mid | Militarized Interstate Disputes | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | newpainters | The Discretized Painter's Data of de Piles | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | sanction | Multilateral Economic Sanctions | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | sna.ex | Simulated Example of Social Network Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | swiss | Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | tobin | Tobin's Tobit Data | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | turnout | Turnout Data Set from the National Election Survey | CSV | DOC |
Zelig | voteincome | Sample Turnout and Demographic Data from the 2000 Current Population Survey | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | BCG | BCG Vaccine Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | BtheB | Beat the Blues Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | CYGOB1 | CYG OB1 Star Cluster Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | Forbes2000 | The Forbes 2000 Ranking of the World's Biggest Companies (Year 2004) | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | GHQ | General Health Questionnaire | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | Lanza | Prevention of Gastointestinal Damages | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | agefat | Total Body Composision Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | aspirin | Aspirin Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | birthdeathrates | Birth and Death Rates Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | bladdercancer | Bladder Cancer Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | clouds | Cloud Seeding Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | epilepsy | Epilepsy Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | foster | Foster Feeding Experiment | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | heptathlon | Olympic Heptathlon Seoul 1988 | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | mastectomy | Survival Times after Mastectomy of Breast Cancer Patients | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | meteo | Meteorological Measurements for 11 Years | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | orallesions | Oral Lesions in Rural India | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | phosphate | Phosphate Level Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | pistonrings | Piston Rings Failures | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | planets | Exoplanets Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | plasma | Blood Screening Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | polyps | Familial Andenomatous Polyposis | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | polyps3 | Familial Andenomatous Polyposis | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | pottery | Romano-British Pottery Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | rearrests | Rearrests of Juvenile Felons | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | respiratory | Respiratory Illness Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | roomwidth | Students Estimates of Lecture Room Width | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | schizophrenia | Age of Onset of Schizophrenia Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | schizophrenia2 | Schizophrenia Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | schooldays | Days not Spent at School | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | skulls | Egyptian Skulls | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | smoking | Nicotine Gum and Smoking Cessation | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | students | Student Risk Taking | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | suicides | Crowd Baiting Behaviour and Suicides | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | toothpaste | Toothpaste Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | voting | House of Representatives Voting Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | water | Mortality and Water Hardness | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | watervoles | Water Voles Data | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | waves | Electricity from Wave Power at Sea | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | weightgain | Gain in Weight of Rats | CSV | DOC |
HSAUR | womensrole | Womens Role in Society | CSV | DOC |
psych | Bechtoldt | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Bechtoldt.1 | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Bechtoldt.2 | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Dwyer | 8 cognitive variables used by Dwyer for an example. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Gleser | Example data from Gleser, Cronbach and Rajaratnam (1965) to show basic principles of generalizability theory. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Gorsuch | Example data set from Gorsuch (1997) for an example factor extension. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Harman.5 | 5 socio-economic variables from Harman (1967) | CSV | DOC |
psych | Harman.8 | Correlations of eight physical variables (from Harman, 1966) | CSV | DOC |
psych | Harman.political | Eight political variables used by Harman (1967) as example 8.17 | CSV | DOC |
psych | Holzinger | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Holzinger.9 | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Reise | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Schmid | 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation | CSV | DOC |
psych | Thurstone | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Thurstone.33 | Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. | CSV | DOC |
psych | Tucker | 9 Cognitive variables discussed by Tucker and Lewis (1973) | CSV | DOC |
psych | ability | 16 ability items scored as correct or incorrect. | CSV | DOC |
psych | affect | Two data sets of affect and arousal scores as a function of personality and movie conditions | CSV | DOC |
psych | bfi | 25 Personality items representing 5 factors | CSV | DOC |
psych | bfi.dictionary | 25 Personality items representing 5 factors | CSV | DOC |
psych | blot | Bond's Logical Operations Test - BLOT | CSV | DOC |
psych | burt | 11 emotional variables from Burt (1915) | CSV | DOC |
psych | cities | Distances between 11 US cities | CSV | DOC |
psych | cubits | Galton's example of the relationship between height and 'cubit' or forearm length | CSV | DOC |
psych | cushny | A data set from Cushny and Peebles (1905) on the effect of three drugs on hours of sleep, used by Student (1908) | CSV | DOC |
psych | epi | Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants | CSV | DOC |
psych | epi.bfi | 13 personality scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Big 5 inventory | CSV | DOC |
psych | epi.dictionary | Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants | CSV | DOC |
psych | galton | Galton's Mid parent child height data | CSV | DOC |
psych | heights | A data.frame of the Galton (1888) height and cubit data set. | CSV | DOC |
psych | income | US family income from US census 2008 | CSV | DOC |
psych | iqitems | 16 multiple choice IQ items | CSV | DOC |
psych | msq | 75 mood items from the Motivational State Questionnaire for 3896 participants | CSV | DOC |
psych | neo | NEO correlation matrix from the NEO_PI_R manual | CSV | DOC |
psych | peas | Galton's Peas | CSV | DOC |
psych | sat.act | 3 Measures of ability: SATV, SATQ, ACT | CSV | DOC |
psych | withinBetween | An example of the distinction between within group and between group correlations | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | Bosco | Boscovich Data | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | CobarOre | Cobar Ore data | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | Mammals | Garland(1983) Data on Running Speed of Mammals | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | barro | Barro Data | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | engel | Engel Data | CSV | DOC |
quantreg | uis | UIS Drug Treatment study data | CSV | DOC |
geepack | dietox | Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment | CSV | DOC |
geepack | koch | Ordinal Data from Koch | CSV | DOC |
geepack | ohio | Ohio Children Wheeze Status | CSV | DOC |
geepack | respdis | Clustered Ordinal Respiratory Disorder | CSV | DOC |
geepack | respiratory | Data from a clinical trial comparing two treatments for a respiratory illness | CSV | DOC |
geepack | seizure | Epiliptic Seizures | CSV | DOC |
geepack | sitka89 | Growth of Sitka Spruce Trees | CSV | DOC |
geepack | spruce | Log-size of 79 Sitka spruce trees | CSV | DOC |
texmex | liver | Liver related laboratory data | CSV | DOC |
texmex | portpirie | Rain, wavesurge and portpirie datasets. | CSV | DOC |
texmex | rain | Rain, wavesurge and portpirie datasets. | CSV | DOC |
texmex | summer | Air pollution data, separately for summer and winter months | CSV | DOC |
texmex | wavesurge | Rain, wavesurge and portpirie datasets. | CSV | DOC |
texmex | winter | Air pollution data, separately for summer and winter months | CSV | DOC |
multgee | arthritis | Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial | CSV | DOC |
multgee | housing | Homeless Data | CSV | DOC |
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