nuttx enter_critical_section

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When we call a function like nxsig_timeout, it will first call the funtion enter_critical_section, then call
up_unblock_task, but up_unblock_task will triger a ecall irq, After finish it’s handlation, will call
leave_critical_section leave the function nxsig_timeout.

When I first see the function enter_critical_section, I start to suspious the indication of this function,
because it will disable all cpus irq, but up_unblock_task will really trigger a ecall irq to CPU, Why
will lead to this situation.

1, We should first to check the function enter_critical_section, enter_critical_section will call up_irq_save.

 * Name: enter_critical_section
 * Description:
 *   Take the CPU IRQ lock and disable interrupts on all CPUs.  A thread-
 *   specific counter is increment to indicate that the thread has IRQs
 *   disabled and to support nested calls to enter_critical_section().

irqstate_t enter_critical_section(void)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb;
  irqstate_t ret;
  int cpu;

  /* Disable interrupts.
   * NOTE 1: Ideally this should disable interrupts on all CPUs, but most
   * architectures only support disabling interrupts on the local CPU.
   * NOTE 2: Interrupts may already be disabled, but we call up_irq_save()
   * unconditionally because we need to return valid interrupt status in any
   * event.
   * NOTE 3: We disable local interrupts BEFORE taking the spinlock in order
   * to prevent possible waits on the spinlock from interrupt handling on
   * the local CPU.


  ret = up_irq_save();

  /* Verify that the system has sufficiently initialized so that the task
   * lists are valid.

  if (g_nx_initstate >= OSINIT_TASKLISTS)
      /* If called from an interrupt handler, then just take the spinlock.
       * If we are already in a critical section, this will lock the CPU
       * in the interrupt handler.  Sounds worse than it is.

      if (up_interrupt_context())
          /* We are in an interrupt handler.  How can this happen?
           *   1. We were not in a critical section when the interrupt
           *      occurred.  In this case, the interrupt was entered with:
           *      g_cpu_irqlock = SP_UNLOCKED.
           *      g_cpu_nestcount = 0
           *      All CPU bits in g_cpu_irqset should be zero
           *   2. We were in a critical section and interrupts on this
           *      this CPU were disabled -- this is an impossible case.
           *   3. We were in critical section, but up_irq_save() only
           *      disabled local interrupts on a different CPU;
           *      Interrupts could still be enabled on this CPU.
           *      g_cpu_irqlock = SP_LOCKED.
           *      g_cpu_nestcount = 0
           *      The bit in g_cpu_irqset for this CPU should be zero
           *   4. An extension of 3 is that we may be re-entered numerous
           *      times from the same interrupt handler.  In that case:
           *      g_cpu_irqlock = SP_LOCKED.
           *      g_cpu_nestcount > 0
           *      The bit in g_cpu_irqset for this CPU should be zero
           * NOTE: However, the interrupt entry conditions can change due
           * to previous processing by the interrupt handler that may
           * instantiate a new thread that has irqcount > 0 and may then
           * set the bit in g_cpu_irqset and g_cpu_irqlock = SP_LOCKED

          /* Handle nested calls to enter_critical_section() from the same
           * interrupt.

          cpu = this_cpu();
          if (g_cpu_nestcount[cpu] > 0)
              DEBUGASSERT(spin_islocked(&g_cpu_irqlock) &&
                          g_cpu_nestcount[cpu] < UINT8_MAX);

          /* This is the first call to enter_critical_section from the
           * interrupt handler.

              /* Make sure that the g_cpu_irqlock() was not already set
               * by previous logic on this CPU that was executed by the
               * interrupt handler.  We know that the bit in g_cpu_irqset
               * for this CPU was zero on entry into the interrupt handler,
               * so if it is non-zero now then we know that was the case.

              if ((g_cpu_irqset & (1 << cpu)) == 0)
                  /* Wait until we can get the spinlock (meaning that we are
                   * no longer blocked by the critical section).

                  if (!irq_waitlock(cpu))
                      /* We are in a deadlock condition due to a pending
                       * pause request interrupt request.  Break the
                       * deadlock by handling the pause interrupt now.


              /* In any event, the nesting count is now one */

              g_cpu_nestcount[cpu] = 1;

              /* Also set the CPU bit so that other CPUs will be aware that this
               * CPU holds the critical section.

              spin_setbit(&g_cpu_irqset, cpu, &g_cpu_irqsetlock,
          /* Normal tasking environment. */
          /* Get the TCB of the currently executing task on this CPU (avoid
           * using this_task() which can recurse.

          cpu  = this_cpu();
          rtcb = current_task(cpu);
          DEBUGASSERT(rtcb != NULL);

          /* Do we already have interrupts disabled? */

          if (rtcb->irqcount > 0)
              /* Yes... make sure that the spinlock is set and increment the
               * IRQ lock count.
               * NOTE: If irqcount > 0 then (1) we are in a critical section, and
               * (2) this CPU should hold the lock.

              DEBUGASSERT(spin_islocked(&g_cpu_irqlock) &&
                          (g_cpu_irqset & (1 << this_cpu())) != 0 &&
                          rtcb->irqcount < INT16_MAX);
              /* If we get here with irqcount == 0, then we know that the
               * current task running on this CPU is not in a critical
               * section.  However other tasks on other CPUs may be in a
               * critical section.  If so, we must wait until they release
               * the spinlock.

              DEBUGASSERT((g_cpu_irqset & (1 << cpu)) == 0);

              if (!irq_waitlock(cpu))
                  /* We are in a deadlock condition due to a pending pause
                   * request interrupt.  Re-enable interrupts on this CPU
                   * and try again.  Briefly re-enabling interrupts should
                   * be sufficient to permit processing the pending pause
                   * request.
                   * NOTE: This should never happen on architectures like
                   * the Cortex-A; the inter-CPU interrupt (SGI) is not
                   * maskable.

                  goto try_again;

              /* The set the lock count to 1.
               * Interrupts disables must follow a stacked order.  We
               * cannot other context switches to re-order the enabling
               * disabling of interrupts.
               * The scheduler accomplishes this by treating the irqcount
               * like lockcount:  Both will disable pre-emption.

              spin_setbit(&g_cpu_irqset, cpu, &g_cpu_irqsetlock,
              rtcb->irqcount = 1;

              /* Note that we have entered the critical section */

              sched_critmon_csection(rtcb, true);
              sched_note_csection(rtcb, true);

  /* Return interrupt status */

  return ret;


irqstate_t enter_critical_section(void)
  irqstate_t ret;

  /* Disable interrupts */

  ret = up_irq_save();

  /* Check if we were called from an interrupt handler and that the task
   * lists have been initialized.

  if (!up_interrupt_context() && g_nx_initstate >= OSINIT_TASKLISTS)
      FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task();
      DEBUGASSERT(rtcb != NULL);

      /* Have we just entered the critical section?  Or is this a nested
       * call to enter_critical_section.

      DEBUGASSERT(rtcb->irqcount >= 0 && rtcb->irqcount < UINT16_MAX);
      if (++rtcb->irqcount == 1)
          /* Note that we have entered the critical section */

          sched_critmon_csection(rtcb, true);
          sched_note_csection(rtcb, true);

  /* Return interrupt status */

  return ret;
irqstate_t weak_function up_irq_save(void)                                                                                                                                  
  irqstate_t flags;

  __asm__ volatile("csrrci %0, mstatus, %1" : "=r"(flags) : "i"(0x8));
  return flags & 0x8;

As the register shows, when we call up_irq_save cpu can only disable Machine external interrupts, other type of interrupt will still enable to be triggered.





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