
10 篇文章 3 订阅


ARM64 程序调用标准

1 RV64和ARM64栈结构差异示意图

1.1 RV64和ARM64寄存器介绍

1.1.1 RV64寄存器


1.1.2 ARM64寄存器


1.2 RV64和ARM64栈结构差异示意图

  • RV64的栈帧寄存器是s0,s0指向当前函数栈的栈底
  • ARM64的栈帧寄存器是x29,x29指向当前函数的栈顶
  • SP指向栈的栈顶

2 RV64和ARM64栈使用示例

2.1 测试的程序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void test_fun_b(long m, long n, long x, long y)
        long c = 3;
        long d = 4;
        printf("The current function is %s c:%ld d:%ld\r\n", __func__, c, d); 

        c = c + d + m;
        d = c + d + n;

void test_fun_a(long m, long n, long x, long y)
        long b = 2;
        long c = 3;

        printf("The current function is %s b:%ld c:%ld\r\n", __func__, b, c);

        test_fun_b(b, c, 0, 2); 

        b = b + c + m;
        c = b + c + n;

int main(void)
        long a = 1;
        long b = 2;

        printf("The current function is %s a:%ld b:%ld\r\n", __func__, a, b); 

        test_fun_a(a, b, 0, 1); 

        a = a + b;
        b = a + b;

        return 0;

2.2 RV64反汇编的汇编程序

  • RV64的编译命令:riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wl,--no-as-needed main.c -o rv_test
  • RV64的反汇编命令:riscv64-linux-gnu-objdump -S -d rv_test

rv_test:     file format elf64-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .plt:

0000000000000520 <.plt>:
 520:	00002397          	auipc	t2,0x2
 524:	41c30333          	sub	t1,t1,t3
 528:	ae83be03          	ld	t3,-1304(t2) # 2008 <__TMC_END__>
 52c:	fd430313          	addi	t1,t1,-44
 530:	ae838293          	addi	t0,t2,-1304
 534:	00135313          	srli	t1,t1,0x1
 538:	0082b283          	ld	t0,8(t0)
 53c:	000e0067          	jr	t3

0000000000000540 <__libc_start_main@plt>:
 540:	00002e17          	auipc	t3,0x2
 544:	ad8e3e03          	ld	t3,-1320(t3) # 2018 <__libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.27>
 548:	000e0367          	jalr	t1,t3
 54c:	00000013          	nop

0000000000000550 <printf@plt>:
 550:	00002e17          	auipc	t3,0x2
 554:	ad0e3e03          	ld	t3,-1328(t3) # 2020 <printf@GLIBC_2.27>
 558:	000e0367          	jalr	t1,t3
 55c:	00000013          	nop

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000560 <_start>:
 560:	02e000ef          	jal	ra,58e <load_gp>
 564:	87aa                	mv	a5,a0
 566:	00002517          	auipc	a0,0x2
 56a:	ad253503          	ld	a0,-1326(a0) # 2038 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x10>
 56e:	6582                	ld	a1,0(sp)
 570:	0030                	addi	a2,sp,8
 572:	ff017113          	andi	sp,sp,-16
 576:	00000697          	auipc	a3,0x0
 57a:	21068693          	addi	a3,a3,528 # 786 <__libc_csu_init>
 57e:	00000717          	auipc	a4,0x0
 582:	26070713          	addi	a4,a4,608 # 7de <__libc_csu_fini>
 586:	880a                	mv	a6,sp
 588:	fb9ff0ef          	jal	ra,540 <__libc_start_main@plt>
 58c:	9002                	ebreak

000000000000058e <load_gp>:
 58e:	00002197          	auipc	gp,0x2
 592:	27218193          	addi	gp,gp,626 # 2800 <__global_pointer$>
 596:	8082                	ret

000000000000059a <deregister_tm_clones>:
 59a:	00002517          	auipc	a0,0x2
 59e:	a6e50513          	addi	a0,a0,-1426 # 2008 <__TMC_END__>
 5a2:	00002797          	auipc	a5,0x2
 5a6:	a6678793          	addi	a5,a5,-1434 # 2008 <__TMC_END__>
 5aa:	00a78963          	beq	a5,a0,5bc <deregister_tm_clones+0x22>
 5ae:	00002317          	auipc	t1,0x2
 5b2:	a8233303          	ld	t1,-1406(t1) # 2030 <_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable>
 5b6:	00030363          	beqz	t1,5bc <deregister_tm_clones+0x22>
 5ba:	8302                	jr	t1
 5bc:	8082                	ret

00000000000005be <register_tm_clones>:
 5be:	00002517          	auipc	a0,0x2
 5c2:	a4a50513          	addi	a0,a0,-1462 # 2008 <__TMC_END__>
 5c6:	00002797          	auipc	a5,0x2
 5ca:	a4278793          	addi	a5,a5,-1470 # 2008 <__TMC_END__>
 5ce:	8f89                	sub	a5,a5,a0
 5d0:	4037d713          	srai	a4,a5,0x3
 5d4:	03f7d593          	srli	a1,a5,0x3f
 5d8:	95ba                	add	a1,a1,a4
 5da:	8585                	srai	a1,a1,0x1
 5dc:	c981                	beqz	a1,5ec <register_tm_clones+0x2e>
 5de:	00002317          	auipc	t1,0x2
 5e2:	a6a33303          	ld	t1,-1430(t1) # 2048 <_ITM_registerTMCloneTable>
 5e6:	00030363          	beqz	t1,5ec <register_tm_clones+0x2e>
 5ea:	8302                	jr	t1
 5ec:	8082                	ret

00000000000005ee <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
 5ee:	1141                	addi	sp,sp,-16
 5f0:	e022                	sd	s0,0(sp)
 5f2:	00002417          	auipc	s0,0x2
 5f6:	a6240413          	addi	s0,s0,-1438 # 2054 <completed.6761>
 5fa:	00044783          	lbu	a5,0(s0)
 5fe:	e406                	sd	ra,8(sp)
 600:	e385                	bnez	a5,620 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x32>
 602:	00002797          	auipc	a5,0x2
 606:	a3e7b783          	ld	a5,-1474(a5) # 2040 <__cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.27>
 60a:	c791                	beqz	a5,616 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x28>
 60c:	00002517          	auipc	a0,0x2
 610:	9f453503          	ld	a0,-1548(a0) # 2000 <__dso_handle>
 614:	9782                	jalr	a5
 616:	f85ff0ef          	jal	ra,59a <deregister_tm_clones>
 61a:	4785                	li	a5,1
 61c:	00f40023          	sb	a5,0(s0)
 620:	60a2                	ld	ra,8(sp)
 622:	6402                	ld	s0,0(sp)
 624:	0141                	addi	sp,sp,16
 626:	8082                	ret

0000000000000628 <frame_dummy>:
 628:	bf59                	j	5be <register_tm_clones>

000000000000062a <test_fun_b>:
 62a:	7139                	addi	sp,sp,-64
 62c:	fc06                	sd	ra,56(sp)
 62e:	f822                	sd	s0,48(sp)
 630:	0080                	addi	s0,sp,64
 632:	fca43c23          	sd	a0,-40(s0)
 636:	fcb43823          	sd	a1,-48(s0)
 63a:	fcc43423          	sd	a2,-56(s0)
 63e:	fcd43023          	sd	a3,-64(s0)
 642:	478d                	li	a5,3
 644:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 648:	4791                	li	a5,4
 64a:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 64e:	fe843683          	ld	a3,-24(s0)
 652:	fe043603          	ld	a2,-32(s0)
 656:	00000597          	auipc	a1,0x0
 65a:	21a58593          	addi	a1,a1,538 # 870 <__func__.2089>
 65e:	00000517          	auipc	a0,0x0
 662:	18250513          	addi	a0,a0,386 # 7e0 <__libc_csu_fini+0x2>
 666:	eebff0ef          	jal	ra,550 <printf@plt>
 66a:	fe043703          	ld	a4,-32(s0)
 66e:	fe843783          	ld	a5,-24(s0)
 672:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 674:	fd843703          	ld	a4,-40(s0)
 678:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 67a:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 67e:	fe043703          	ld	a4,-32(s0)
 682:	fe843783          	ld	a5,-24(s0)
 686:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 688:	fd043703          	ld	a4,-48(s0)
 68c:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 68e:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 692:	0001                	nop
 694:	70e2                	ld	ra,56(sp)
 696:	7442                	ld	s0,48(sp)
 698:	6121                	addi	sp,sp,64
 69a:	8082                	ret

000000000000069c <test_fun_a>:
 69c:	7139                	addi	sp,sp,-64
 69e:	fc06                	sd	ra,56(sp)
 6a0:	f822                	sd	s0,48(sp)
 6a2:	0080                	addi	s0,sp,64
 6a4:	fca43c23          	sd	a0,-40(s0)
 6a8:	fcb43823          	sd	a1,-48(s0)
 6ac:	fcc43423          	sd	a2,-56(s0)
 6b0:	fcd43023          	sd	a3,-64(s0)
 6b4:	4789                	li	a5,2
 6b6:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 6ba:	478d                	li	a5,3
 6bc:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 6c0:	fe843683          	ld	a3,-24(s0)
 6c4:	fe043603          	ld	a2,-32(s0)
 6c8:	00000597          	auipc	a1,0x0
 6cc:	1b858593          	addi	a1,a1,440 # 880 <__func__.2098>
 6d0:	00000517          	auipc	a0,0x0
 6d4:	14050513          	addi	a0,a0,320 # 810 <__libc_csu_fini+0x32>
 6d8:	e79ff0ef          	jal	ra,550 <printf@plt>
 6dc:	4689                	li	a3,2
 6de:	4601                	li	a2,0
 6e0:	fe843583          	ld	a1,-24(s0)
 6e4:	fe043503          	ld	a0,-32(s0)
 6e8:	f43ff0ef          	jal	ra,62a <test_fun_b>
 6ec:	fe043703          	ld	a4,-32(s0)
 6f0:	fe843783          	ld	a5,-24(s0)
 6f4:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 6f6:	fd843703          	ld	a4,-40(s0)
 6fa:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 6fc:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 700:	fe043703          	ld	a4,-32(s0)
 704:	fe843783          	ld	a5,-24(s0)
 708:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 70a:	fd043703          	ld	a4,-48(s0)
 70e:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 710:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 714:	0001                	nop
 716:	70e2                	ld	ra,56(sp)
 718:	7442                	ld	s0,48(sp)
 71a:	6121                	addi	sp,sp,64
 71c:	8082                	ret

000000000000071e <main>:
 71e:	1101                	addi	sp,sp,-32
 720:	ec06                	sd	ra,24(sp)
 722:	e822                	sd	s0,16(sp)
 724:	1000                	addi	s0,sp,32
 726:	4785                	li	a5,1
 728:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 72c:	4789                	li	a5,2
 72e:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 732:	fe843683          	ld	a3,-24(s0)
 736:	fe043603          	ld	a2,-32(s0)
 73a:	00000597          	auipc	a1,0x0
 73e:	15658593          	addi	a1,a1,342 # 890 <__func__.2104>
 742:	00000517          	auipc	a0,0x0
 746:	0fe50513          	addi	a0,a0,254 # 840 <__libc_csu_fini+0x62>
 74a:	e07ff0ef          	jal	ra,550 <printf@plt>
 74e:	4685                	li	a3,1
 750:	4601                	li	a2,0
 752:	fe843583          	ld	a1,-24(s0)
 756:	fe043503          	ld	a0,-32(s0)
 75a:	f43ff0ef          	jal	ra,69c <test_fun_a>
 75e:	fe043703          	ld	a4,-32(s0)
 762:	fe843783          	ld	a5,-24(s0)
 766:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 768:	fef43023          	sd	a5,-32(s0)
 76c:	fe843703          	ld	a4,-24(s0)
 770:	fe043783          	ld	a5,-32(s0)
 774:	97ba                	add	a5,a5,a4
 776:	fef43423          	sd	a5,-24(s0)
 77a:	4781                	li	a5,0
 77c:	853e                	mv	a0,a5
 77e:	60e2                	ld	ra,24(sp)
 780:	6442                	ld	s0,16(sp)
 782:	6105                	addi	sp,sp,32
 784:	8082                	ret

0000000000000786 <__libc_csu_init>:
 786:	7139                	addi	sp,sp,-64
 788:	f822                	sd	s0,48(sp)
 78a:	f04a                	sd	s2,32(sp)
 78c:	00001417          	auipc	s0,0x1
 790:	67440413          	addi	s0,s0,1652 # 1e00 <__frame_dummy_init_array_entry>
 794:	00001917          	auipc	s2,0x1
 798:	67490913          	addi	s2,s2,1652 # 1e08 <__do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry>
 79c:	40890933          	sub	s2,s2,s0
 7a0:	fc06                	sd	ra,56(sp)
 7a2:	f426                	sd	s1,40(sp)
 7a4:	ec4e                	sd	s3,24(sp)
 7a6:	e852                	sd	s4,16(sp)
 7a8:	e456                	sd	s5,8(sp)
 7aa:	40395913          	srai	s2,s2,0x3
 7ae:	00090f63          	beqz	s2,7cc <__libc_csu_init+0x46>
 7b2:	89aa                	mv	s3,a0
 7b4:	8a2e                	mv	s4,a1
 7b6:	8ab2                	mv	s5,a2
 7b8:	4481                	li	s1,0
 7ba:	601c                	ld	a5,0(s0)
 7bc:	8656                	mv	a2,s5
 7be:	85d2                	mv	a1,s4
 7c0:	854e                	mv	a0,s3
 7c2:	0485                	addi	s1,s1,1
 7c4:	9782                	jalr	a5
 7c6:	0421                	addi	s0,s0,8
 7c8:	fe9919e3          	bne	s2,s1,7ba <__libc_csu_init+0x34>
 7cc:	70e2                	ld	ra,56(sp)
 7ce:	7442                	ld	s0,48(sp)
 7d0:	74a2                	ld	s1,40(sp)
 7d2:	7902                	ld	s2,32(sp)
 7d4:	69e2                	ld	s3,24(sp)
 7d6:	6a42                	ld	s4,16(sp)
 7d8:	6aa2                	ld	s5,8(sp)
 7da:	6121                	addi	sp,sp,64
 7dc:	8082                	ret

00000000000007de <__libc_csu_fini>:
 7de:	8082                	ret

2.3 ARM64反汇编的汇编程序

  • RV64的编译命令:aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wl,--no-as-needed main.c -o a64_test
  • RV64的反汇编命令:aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -S -d a64_test

a64_test:     file format elf64-littleaarch64

Disassembly of section .init:

00000000000005d0 <_init>:
 5d0:	a9bf7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
 5d4:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 5d8:	94000030 	bl	698 <call_weak_fn>
 5dc:	a8c17bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #16
 5e0:	d65f03c0 	ret

Disassembly of section .plt:

00000000000005f0 <.plt>:
 5f0:	a9bf7bf0 	stp	x16, x30, [sp, #-16]!
 5f4:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 5f8:	f947ca11 	ldr	x17, [x16, #3984]
 5fc:	913e4210 	add	x16, x16, #0xf90
 600:	d61f0220 	br	x17
 604:	d503201f 	nop
 608:	d503201f 	nop
 60c:	d503201f 	nop

0000000000000610 <__cxa_finalize@plt>:
 610:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 614:	f947ce11 	ldr	x17, [x16, #3992]
 618:	913e6210 	add	x16, x16, #0xf98
 61c:	d61f0220 	br	x17

0000000000000620 <__libc_start_main@plt>:
 620:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 624:	f947d211 	ldr	x17, [x16, #4000]
 628:	913e8210 	add	x16, x16, #0xfa0
 62c:	d61f0220 	br	x17

0000000000000630 <__gmon_start__@plt>:
 630:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 634:	f947d611 	ldr	x17, [x16, #4008]
 638:	913ea210 	add	x16, x16, #0xfa8
 63c:	d61f0220 	br	x17

0000000000000640 <abort@plt>:
 640:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 644:	f947da11 	ldr	x17, [x16, #4016]
 648:	913ec210 	add	x16, x16, #0xfb0
 64c:	d61f0220 	br	x17

0000000000000650 <printf@plt>:
 650:	90000090 	adrp	x16, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 654:	f947de11 	ldr	x17, [x16, #4024]
 658:	913ee210 	add	x16, x16, #0xfb8
 65c:	d61f0220 	br	x17

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000660 <_start>:
 660:	d280001d 	mov	x29, #0x0                   	// #0
 664:	d280001e 	mov	x30, #0x0                   	// #0
 668:	aa0003e5 	mov	x5, x0
 66c:	f94003e1 	ldr	x1, [sp]
 670:	910023e2 	add	x2, sp, #0x8
 674:	910003e6 	mov	x6, sp
 678:	90000080 	adrp	x0, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 67c:	f947f800 	ldr	x0, [x0, #4080]
 680:	90000083 	adrp	x3, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 684:	f947f463 	ldr	x3, [x3, #4072]
 688:	90000084 	adrp	x4, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 68c:	f947e484 	ldr	x4, [x4, #4040]
 690:	97ffffe4 	bl	620 <__libc_start_main@plt>
 694:	97ffffeb 	bl	640 <abort@plt>

0000000000000698 <call_weak_fn>:
 698:	90000080 	adrp	x0, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 69c:	f947f000 	ldr	x0, [x0, #4064]
 6a0:	b4000040 	cbz	x0, 6a8 <call_weak_fn+0x10>
 6a4:	17ffffe3 	b	630 <__gmon_start__@plt>
 6a8:	d65f03c0 	ret
 6ac:	d503201f 	nop

00000000000006b0 <deregister_tm_clones>:
 6b0:	b0000080 	adrp	x0, 11000 <__data_start>
 6b4:	91004000 	add	x0, x0, #0x10
 6b8:	b0000081 	adrp	x1, 11000 <__data_start>
 6bc:	91004021 	add	x1, x1, #0x10
 6c0:	eb00003f 	cmp	x1, x0
 6c4:	540000c0 	b.eq	6dc <deregister_tm_clones+0x2c>  // b.none
 6c8:	90000081 	adrp	x1, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 6cc:	f947e821 	ldr	x1, [x1, #4048]
 6d0:	b4000061 	cbz	x1, 6dc <deregister_tm_clones+0x2c>
 6d4:	aa0103f0 	mov	x16, x1
 6d8:	d61f0200 	br	x16
 6dc:	d65f03c0 	ret

00000000000006e0 <register_tm_clones>:
 6e0:	b0000080 	adrp	x0, 11000 <__data_start>
 6e4:	91004000 	add	x0, x0, #0x10
 6e8:	b0000081 	adrp	x1, 11000 <__data_start>
 6ec:	91004021 	add	x1, x1, #0x10
 6f0:	cb000021 	sub	x1, x1, x0
 6f4:	d37ffc22 	lsr	x2, x1, #63
 6f8:	8b810c41 	add	x1, x2, x1, asr #3
 6fc:	eb8107ff 	cmp	xzr, x1, asr #1
 700:	9341fc21 	asr	x1, x1, #1
 704:	540000c0 	b.eq	71c <register_tm_clones+0x3c>  // b.none
 708:	90000082 	adrp	x2, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 70c:	f947fc42 	ldr	x2, [x2, #4088]
 710:	b4000062 	cbz	x2, 71c <register_tm_clones+0x3c>
 714:	aa0203f0 	mov	x16, x2
 718:	d61f0200 	br	x16
 71c:	d65f03c0 	ret

0000000000000720 <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
 720:	a9be7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!
 724:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 728:	f9000bf3 	str	x19, [sp, #16]
 72c:	b0000093 	adrp	x19, 11000 <__data_start>
 730:	39404260 	ldrb	w0, [x19, #16]
 734:	35000140 	cbnz	w0, 75c <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x3c>
 738:	90000080 	adrp	x0, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 73c:	f947ec00 	ldr	x0, [x0, #4056]
 740:	b4000080 	cbz	x0, 750 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x30>
 744:	b0000080 	adrp	x0, 11000 <__data_start>
 748:	f9400400 	ldr	x0, [x0, #8]
 74c:	97ffffb1 	bl	610 <__cxa_finalize@plt>
 750:	97ffffd8 	bl	6b0 <deregister_tm_clones>
 754:	52800020 	mov	w0, #0x1                   	// #1
 758:	39004260 	strb	w0, [x19, #16]
 75c:	f9400bf3 	ldr	x19, [sp, #16]
 760:	a8c27bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #32
 764:	d65f03c0 	ret

0000000000000768 <frame_dummy>:
 768:	17ffffde 	b	6e0 <register_tm_clones>

000000000000076c <test_fun_b>:
 76c:	a9bc7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!
 770:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 774:	f90017e0 	str	x0, [sp, #40]
 778:	f90013e1 	str	x1, [sp, #32]
 77c:	f9000fe2 	str	x2, [sp, #24]
 780:	f9000be3 	str	x3, [sp, #16]
 784:	d2800060 	mov	x0, #0x3                   	// #3
 788:	f9001be0 	str	x0, [sp, #48]
 78c:	d2800080 	mov	x0, #0x4                   	// #4
 790:	f9001fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #56]
 794:	f9401fe3 	ldr	x3, [sp, #56]
 798:	f9401be2 	ldr	x2, [sp, #48]
 79c:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 7a0:	9128a001 	add	x1, x0, #0xa28
 7a4:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 7a8:	91266000 	add	x0, x0, #0x998
 7ac:	97ffffa9 	bl	650 <printf@plt>
 7b0:	f9401be1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #48]
 7b4:	f9401fe0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #56]
 7b8:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 7bc:	f94017e1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #40]
 7c0:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 7c4:	f9001be0 	str	x0, [sp, #48]
 7c8:	f9401be1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #48]
 7cc:	f9401fe0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #56]
 7d0:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 7d4:	f94013e1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #32]
 7d8:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 7dc:	f9001fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #56]
 7e0:	d503201f 	nop
 7e4:	a8c47bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #64
 7e8:	d65f03c0 	ret

00000000000007ec <test_fun_a>:
 7ec:	a9bc7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!
 7f0:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 7f4:	f90017e0 	str	x0, [sp, #40]
 7f8:	f90013e1 	str	x1, [sp, #32]
 7fc:	f9000fe2 	str	x2, [sp, #24]
 800:	f9000be3 	str	x3, [sp, #16]
 804:	d2800040 	mov	x0, #0x2                   	// #2
 808:	f9001be0 	str	x0, [sp, #48]
 80c:	d2800060 	mov	x0, #0x3                   	// #3
 810:	f9001fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #56]
 814:	f9401fe3 	ldr	x3, [sp, #56]
 818:	f9401be2 	ldr	x2, [sp, #48]
 81c:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 820:	9128e001 	add	x1, x0, #0xa38
 824:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 828:	91272000 	add	x0, x0, #0x9c8
 82c:	97ffff89 	bl	650 <printf@plt>
 830:	d2800043 	mov	x3, #0x2                   	// #2
 834:	d2800002 	mov	x2, #0x0                   	// #0
 838:	f9401fe1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #56]
 83c:	f9401be0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #48]
 840:	97ffffcb 	bl	76c <test_fun_b>
 844:	f9401be1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #48]
 848:	f9401fe0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #56]
 84c:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 850:	f94017e1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #40]
 854:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 858:	f9001be0 	str	x0, [sp, #48]
 85c:	f9401be1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #48]
 860:	f9401fe0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #56]
 864:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 868:	f94013e1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #32]
 86c:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 870:	f9001fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #56]
 874:	d503201f 	nop
 878:	a8c47bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #64
 87c:	d65f03c0 	ret

0000000000000880 <main>:
 880:	a9be7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!
 884:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 888:	d2800020 	mov	x0, #0x1                   	// #1
 88c:	f9000be0 	str	x0, [sp, #16]
 890:	d2800040 	mov	x0, #0x2                   	// #2
 894:	f9000fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #24]
 898:	f9400fe3 	ldr	x3, [sp, #24]
 89c:	f9400be2 	ldr	x2, [sp, #16]
 8a0:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 8a4:	91292001 	add	x1, x0, #0xa48
 8a8:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <_init-0x5d0>
 8ac:	9127e000 	add	x0, x0, #0x9f8
 8b0:	97ffff68 	bl	650 <printf@plt>
 8b4:	d2800023 	mov	x3, #0x1                   	// #1
 8b8:	d2800002 	mov	x2, #0x0                   	// #0
 8bc:	f9400fe1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #24]
 8c0:	f9400be0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #16]
 8c4:	97ffffca 	bl	7ec <test_fun_a>
 8c8:	f9400be1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #16]
 8cc:	f9400fe0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #24]
 8d0:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 8d4:	f9000be0 	str	x0, [sp, #16]
 8d8:	f9400fe1 	ldr	x1, [sp, #24]
 8dc:	f9400be0 	ldr	x0, [sp, #16]
 8e0:	8b000020 	add	x0, x1, x0
 8e4:	f9000fe0 	str	x0, [sp, #24]
 8e8:	52800000 	mov	w0, #0x0                   	// #0
 8ec:	a8c27bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #32
 8f0:	d65f03c0 	ret
 8f4:	d503201f 	nop

00000000000008f8 <__libc_csu_init>:
 8f8:	a9bc7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-64]!
 8fc:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 900:	a90153f3 	stp	x19, x20, [sp, #16]
 904:	90000094 	adrp	x20, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 908:	91362294 	add	x20, x20, #0xd88
 90c:	a9025bf5 	stp	x21, x22, [sp, #32]
 910:	90000095 	adrp	x21, 10000 <__FRAME_END__+0xf438>
 914:	913602b5 	add	x21, x21, #0xd80
 918:	cb150294 	sub	x20, x20, x21
 91c:	2a0003f6 	mov	w22, w0
 920:	a90363f7 	stp	x23, x24, [sp, #48]
 924:	aa0103f7 	mov	x23, x1
 928:	aa0203f8 	mov	x24, x2
 92c:	97ffff29 	bl	5d0 <_init>
 930:	eb940fff 	cmp	xzr, x20, asr #3
 934:	54000160 	b.eq	960 <__libc_csu_init+0x68>  // b.none
 938:	9343fe94 	asr	x20, x20, #3
 93c:	d2800013 	mov	x19, #0x0                   	// #0
 940:	f8737aa3 	ldr	x3, [x21, x19, lsl #3]
 944:	aa1803e2 	mov	x2, x24
 948:	91000673 	add	x19, x19, #0x1
 94c:	aa1703e1 	mov	x1, x23
 950:	2a1603e0 	mov	w0, w22
 954:	d63f0060 	blr	x3
 958:	eb13029f 	cmp	x20, x19
 95c:	54ffff21 	b.ne	940 <__libc_csu_init+0x48>  // b.any
 960:	a94153f3 	ldp	x19, x20, [sp, #16]
 964:	a9425bf5 	ldp	x21, x22, [sp, #32]
 968:	a94363f7 	ldp	x23, x24, [sp, #48]
 96c:	a8c47bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #64
 970:	d65f03c0 	ret
 974:	d503201f 	nop

0000000000000978 <__libc_csu_fini>:
 978:	d65f03c0 	ret

Disassembly of section .fini:

000000000000097c <_fini>:
 97c:	a9bf7bfd 	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
 980:	910003fd 	mov	x29, sp
 984:	a8c17bfd 	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], #16
 988:	d65f03c0 	ret

2.4 RV64和ARM64测试程序的栈结构图

2.4.1 RV64测试程序的栈结构图


2.4.2 ARM64测试程序的栈结构图


3 异常时依据栈和当前寄存器推导调用栈的处理流程

  • 首先要查看当前栈帧寄存器( FP )以及栈指针寄存器( SP )以及ra寄存器。对于arm64,其FP是x29寄存器,ra是x30寄存器;对于rv64来说,x8(s0)为其FP寄存器,x1为其ra寄存器。
  • 确认FP和SP就可以去依次去找到各个调用函数的调用过程,找到ra就可以确认当前函数的上一级调用者。

3.1 以RV64为例来介绍


3.1.2 调用栈

|- func_e
	|- func_d
		|- func_c
			|- func_b
				|- func_a

3.2 以ARM64为例来介绍



3.2.2 调用栈

|- func_d
	|- func_c
		|- func_b
			|- func_a
  • 36
  • 36
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  • 66


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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
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