




__global__ void mathKernel1(int *arr, int nElem)
    int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < nElem)
        if (index % 2 == 0)
            for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                arr[index] = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                arr[index] = 1;

__global__ void mathKernel2(int *arr, int nElem)
    int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < nElem)
        if ((index / warpSize) % 2 == 0)
            for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                arr[index] = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                arr[index] = 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int *d_arr;
    int nElem = 1<<14;
    cudaMalloc((void **)&d_arr, nElem * sizeof(int));
    dim3 block(atoi(argv[1]));
    dim3 grid((nElem + block.x - 1)/block.x);
    mathKernel1<<<grid, block>>>(d_arr, nElem);
    mathKernel2<<<grid, block>>>(d_arr, nElem);
    return 0;


[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvcc -g -G -o test
[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof ./test 1024
==11640== NVPROF is profiling process 11640, command: ./test 1024
==11640== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==11640== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   66.70%  27.732ms         1  27.732ms  27.732ms  27.732ms  mathKernel1(int*, int)
                   33.30%  13.843ms         1  13.843ms  13.843ms  13.843ms  mathKernel2(int*, int)


int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (index % 2 == 0)					//- mathKernel1
if ((index / warpSize) % 2 == 0)	//- mathKernel2
  • 首先我们知道block中的thread划分成warp是根据threadIdx.x进行的,因此在本例子中,同一个warp的threadIdx.x是连续的,也即index是连续的。那么对于mathKernnel1来说,有一半的thread是满足if分支的,而另一半则满足else分支。但是由于指令执行的特点,所有线程都会执行所有的指令,因此warp执行效率为50%。
  • 对于mathKernel2来说,index首先除以warpSize,然后再利用整数商来进行奇偶数判断。这样同一个warp的所有thread都会同时满足if分支或者else分支。这种情况,warp就不会出现发散的情况。

可以通过nvprof的--metrics warp_execution_efficiency, inst_per_warp来输出核函数的分支效率。

mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics warp_execution_efficiency,inst_per_warp ./test 1024
==24533== NVPROF is profiling process 24533, command: ./test 1024
==24533== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==24533== Profiling result:
==24533== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (0)"
Kernel: mathKernel2(int*, int)
1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  4.3015e+05  4.3015e+05  4.3015e+05
Kernel: mathKernel1(int*, int)
1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      50.00%      50.00%      50.00%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  8.6011e+05  8.6011e+05  8.6011e+05




占有率 = 每个SM活动的warp 每个SM最大允许的warp \begin{equation} \text{占有率} = \frac{\text{每个SM活动的warp}}{\text{每个SM最大允许的warp}} \end{equation} 占有率=每个SM最大允许的warp每个SM活动的warp




[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvcc -g -G -Xptxas -dlcm=ca -arch=sm_35 -o test
[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 32 32
_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 32 16
nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 16 32
nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 16 16
==14181== NVPROF is profiling process 14181, command: ./test 32 32
matrix (16384, 16384) size is 268435456, memory size is 1024.00MB
gridDim:(512,512,1) blockDim:(32,32,1)
==14181== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 10 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)" (done)
result is correctl events
==14181== Profiling application: ./test 32 32
==14181== Profiling result:
==14181== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (10)"
    Kernel: sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    16777216    16777216    16777216
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions     8388608     8388608     8388608
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                        achieved_occupancy                        Achieved Occupancy    0.930404    0.930404    0.930404
[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 32 16
==14262== NVPROF is profiling process 14262, command: ./test 32 16
matrix (16384, 16384) size is 268435456, memory size is 1024.00MB
gridDim:(512,1024,1) blockDim:(32,16,1)
==14262== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 10 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)" (done)
result is correctl events
==14262== Profiling application: ./test 32 16
==14262== Profiling result:
==14262== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (10)"
    Kernel: sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    16777216    16777216    16777216
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions     8388608     8388608     8388608
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                        achieved_occupancy                        Achieved Occupancy    0.939280    0.939280    0.939280
[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 16 32
==14308== NVPROF is profiling process 14308, command: ./test 16 32
matrix (16384, 16384) size is 268435456, memory size is 1024.00MB
gridDim:(1024,512,1) blockDim:(16,32,1)
==14308== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 10 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)" (done)
result is correct
==14308== Profiling application: ./test 16 32
==14308== Profiling result:
==14308== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (10)"
    Kernel: sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    33554432    33554432    33554432
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions    16777216    16777216    16777216
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      50.00%      50.00%      50.00%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                        achieved_occupancy                        Achieved Occupancy    0.942908    0.942908    0.942908
[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,achieved_occupancy ./test 16 16
==14356== NVPROF is profiling process 14356, command: ./test 16 16
matrix (16384, 16384) size is 268435456, memory size is 1024.00MB
gridDim:(1024,1024,1) blockDim:(16,16,1)
==14356== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 10 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)" (done)
result is correct
==14356== Profiling application: ./test 16 16
==14356== Profiling result:
==14356== Metric result:nsaction
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (10)"
    Kernel: sumMat(int*, int*, int*, int, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    33554432    33554432    33554432
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions    16777216    16777216    16777216
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      50.00%      50.00%      50.00%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%
          1                        achieved_occupancy                        Achieved Occupancy    0.949228    0.949228    0.949228







__global__ void reduceNeighbored1(int *arr, int *out, int nElem)
    int *local_arr = arr + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; //- 本block处理的数据首地址
    int index = threadIdx.x;
    if (index < blockDim.x)
        for (int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride = stride * 2)
            if (threadIdx.x % (2 * stride) == 0)
                local_arr[index] += local_arr[index + stride];
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        out[blockIdx.x] = local_arr[0];


  • 第一步:选择threadIdx.x为偶数的线程参与求和,基数的线程等待,warp发散发生。由于间隔为1,求和为相邻两个元素,即(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)等,并将求和结果存放在偶数编号的thread中。最后,间隔翻倍变成2.
  • 第二步:选择threadIdx.x为4的倍数的线程参与求和,其他thread闲置,间隔为2,因此求和为(0,2)、(4,6)、(8,10)等,结果存放在左值,间隔翻倍变成4.
  • 最后一步:此时间隔变成了32,要求threadIdx.x是64倍数的thread参与求和,其他thread闲置,求和只有一次即:(0,32),结果存放在0线程,间隔翻倍成64,超过blockDim.x,因此跳出循环。
  • 最后将本block的求和结果存放到out数组对应的block元素中。


[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,inst_per_warp,warp_execution_efficiency ./test 1024
==31073== NVPROF is profiling process 31073, command: ./test 1024
CPU result = 16384
==31073== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "reduceNeighbored1(int*, int*, int)" (done)
GPU result = 16384 events
==31073== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==31073== Profiling result:
==31073== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (0)"
Kernel: reduceNeighbored1(int*, int*, int)
1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        6128        6128        6128
1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions        3072        3072        3072
1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      25.01%      25.01%      25.01%
1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      25.00%      25.00%      25.00%
1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  974.218750  974.218750  974.218750
1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      71.95%      71.95%      71.95%




__global__ void reduceNeighbored2(int *arr, int *out, int nElem)
    int *local_arr = arr + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; //- 本block处理的数据首地址
    for (int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride = stride * 2)
        int index =  threadIdx.x * stride * 2;
        if (index < blockDim.x) //- 要求索引小于block处理的数据范围
            local_arr[index] += local_arr[index + stride];
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        out[blockIdx.x] = local_arr[0];



[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,inst_per_warp,warp_execution_efficiency ./test 1024
==30261== NVPROF is profiling process 30261, command: ./test 1024
CPU result = 16384
==30261== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "reduceNeighbored2(int*, int*, int)" (done)
GPU result = 16384 events
==30261== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==30261== Profiling result:
==30261== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (0)"
    Kernel: reduceNeighbored2(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        6128        6128        6128
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions        3072        3072        3072
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      25.01%      25.01%      25.01%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      25.00%      25.00%      25.00%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  366.812500  366.812500  366.812500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.14%      98.14%      98.14%


// unrolling warp
if (tid < 32)
    volatile int *vmem = idata;
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid + 32];
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid + 16];
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid +  8];
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid +  4];
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid +  2];
    vmem[tid] += vmem[tid +  1];


[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,inst_per_warp,warp_execution_efficiency ./test 1024
==48149== NVPROF is profiling process 48149, command: ./test 1024
CPU result = 16384
gridDim:(16,1,1) blockDim:(1024,1,1)
==48149== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "reduceNeighbored3(int*, int*, int)" (done)
GPU result = 16384 events
==48149== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==48149== Profiling result:
==48149== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (0)"
    Kernel: reduceNeighbored3(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        7200        7200        7200
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions        3600        3600        3600
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      22.49%      22.49%      22.49%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      22.48%      22.48%      22.48%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  545.750000  545.750000  545.750000
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency     100.00%     100.00%     100.00%



观察上述几个核函数的内存信息我们可以发现,GMEM的加载和存储效率都很低。仔细观察一个warp中线程处理的数据全局索引,可以发现,在上述这种相邻元素求和的方式下,同一个warp中的32个thread加载的GMEM数据是不连续的,以reduceNeighbored2为例,int index = threadIdx.x * stride * 2;

  • 当stride = 1时,32个线程索引的数据间隔为2,那么一个128字节的内存加载事务只能覆盖16个thread的请求,一次求和需要加载A和B两个数据,共需要加载 16384 2 × 2 \frac{16384}{2}\times2 216384×2组数据,各自需要 16384 2 × 16 = 512 \frac{16384}{2\times16}=512 2×1616384=512个事务,共计1024个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 2时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖8个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 4 × 2 \frac{16384}{4}\times2 416384×2个,各自需要 16384 4 × 8 = 512 \frac{16384}{4\times8}=512 4×816384=512因此在这一步需要1024个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 4时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖4个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 8 × 2 \frac{16384}{8}\times2 816384×2个,各自需要 16384 8 × 4 = 512 \frac{16384}{8\times4}=512 8×416384=512因此在这一步需要1024个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 8时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖2个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 16 × 2 \frac{16384}{16}\times2 1616384×2个,各自需要 16384 16 × 2 = 512 \frac{16384}{16\times2}=512 16×216384=512因此在这一步需要1024个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 16时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 32 × 2 \frac{16384}{32}\times2 3216384×2个,各自需要 16384 32 × 1 = 512 \frac{16384}{32\times1}=512 32×116384=512因此在这一步需要1024个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 32时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 64 × 2 \frac{16384}{64}\times2 6416384×2个,各自需要 16384 64 × 1 = 256 \frac{16384}{64\times1}=256 64×116384=256因此在这一步需要512个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 64时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 128 × 2 \frac{16384}{128}\times2 12816384×2个,各自需要 16384 128 × 1 = 128 \frac{16384}{128\times1}=128 128×116384=128因此在这一步需要256个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 128时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 256 × 2 \frac{16384}{256}\times2 25616384×2个,各自需要 16384 256 × 1 = 64 \frac{16384}{256\times1}=64 256×116384=64因此在这一步需要128个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 256时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 512 × 2 \frac{16384}{512}\times2 51216384×2个,各自需要 16384 512 × 1 = 32 \frac{16384}{512\times1}=32 512×116384=32因此在这一步需要64个加载事务。
  • 当stride = 512时,一个内存加载事务只能覆盖1个有效int请求,此时需要加载的int数据有 16384 1024 × 2 \frac{16384}{1024}\times2 102416384×2个,各自需要 16384 1024 × 1 = 16 \frac{16384}{1024\times1}=16 1024×116384=16因此在这一步需要32个加载事务。
  • 最后一步,threadIdx.x = 0的线程加载block求和结果到out数组中,显然一个block请求需要用一个单独的事务服务,总共16个block,因此需要16个事务。


( 16384 + 8192 + 4096 + 2048 + 1024 + 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 ) × 4 b y t e = 131008 b y t e \begin{equation} (16384+8192+4096+2048+1024+512+256+128+64+32+16)\times 4byte = 131008byte \end{equation} (16384+8192+4096+2048+1024+512+256+128+64+32+16)×4byte=131008byte




  • 同样要实现线程索引和GMEM索引动态映射。
  • 但是同一个warp内的thread映射的GMEM地址需要尽可能连续。


__global__ void reduceInterleaved1(int *arr, int *out, int nElem)
    int *local_arr = arr + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    for (int stride = blockDim.x / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1)
        if (threadIdx.x < stride)
            local_arr[threadIdx.x] += local_arr[threadIdx.x + stride];
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        out[blockIdx.x] = local_arr[0];


[mmhe@k231 chapter3]$ nvprof --metrics gld_transactions,gst_transactions,gld_efficiency,gst_efficiency,inst_per_warp,warp_execution_efficiency ./test 1024
==17732== NVPROF is profiling process 17732, command: ./test 1024
CPU result = 16384
gridDim:(16,1,1) blockDim:(1024,1,1)
==17732== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "reduceInterleaved1(int*, int*, int)" (done)
GPU result = 16384 events
==17732== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==17732== Profiling result:
==17732== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (0)"
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved1(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        1168        1168        1168
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions         592         592         592
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      98.04%      98.04%      98.04%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      97.71%      97.71%      97.71%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  345.062500  345.062500  345.062500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.24%      98.24%      98.24%


  • 内存加载分析
    • stride = 1时,一个warp的线程需要加载A和B两组GMEM,用两个128字节的加载事务就能满足需求。因此一个block共需要32个内存事务,核函数共有16个block,因此这一步需要512个内存事务。
    • stride = 2时,共有8个warp需要加载2组,共计16个内存事务,核函数总共需要256个内存事务。
    • stride = 4时,128个
    • stride = 8时, 64个
    • stride = 16时,32个
    • 此时一个block内的所有数据之和全部集中到了首个warp中。后续的操作就在一个warp中完成,会引起warp发散。
    • 15行,需要 2 × 16 = 32 2\times16=32 2×16=32个加载内存
    • 16行,需要 2 × 16 = 32 2\times16=32 2×16=32个加载内存
    • 17行,需要 2 × 16 = 32 2\times16=32 2×16=32个加载内存
    • 18行,需要 2 × 16 = 32 2\times16=32 2×16=32个加载内存
    • 19行,需要 2 × 16 = 32 2\times16=32 2×16=32个加载内存
    • 最后移植block之和,共需要16个加载内存。
    • 总计: 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 32 × 5 + 16 = 1168 512+256+128+64+32+32\times5 + 16=1168 512+256+128+64+32+32×5+16=1168个。与nvprof结果一致。
  • 指令执行分析
    • 这个核函数在最后一个warp归并的时候也会出现发散,和之前的核函数情况一样。这里我没有去展开处理,原因也和前面的一样。
  • 需要注意的是,以上的程序鲁棒性都比较差,只是为了对基本理论进行分析。



一个block处理1 blockDim的数据


__global__ void reduceInterleaved1(int *arr, int *out, int nElem)
    int *local_arr = arr + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    for (int stride = blockDim.x / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1)
        if (threadIdx.x < stride)
            local_arr[threadIdx.x] += local_arr[threadIdx.x + stride];
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        out[blockIdx.x] = local_arr[0];

一个block处理2 blockDim的数据

__global__ void reduceInterleaved2(int *arr, int *out, int nElem)
    int *local_arr = arr + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 2;
    //- 主要特点,跨越blockDim加和数据,将两个block的数据合并到一个block中,在执行归并操作
    local_arr[threadIdx.x] += local_arr[threadIdx.x + blockDim.x];
    for (int stride = blockDim.x / 2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1)
        if (threadIdx.x < stride)
            local_arr[threadIdx.x] += local_arr[threadIdx.x + stride];
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        out[blockIdx.x] = local_arr[0];

一个block处理4、8 blockDim的数据



数组大小为 2 14 = 16384 2^{14}=16384 214=16384

==40306== Profiling application: ./test 1024
==40306== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   30.76%  65.664us         4  16.416us  16.352us  16.480us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
                   18.34%  39.135us         1  39.135us  39.135us  39.135us  reduceInterleaved8(int*, int*, int)
                   16.27%  34.720us         1  34.720us  34.720us  34.720us  reduceInterleaved4(int*, int*, int)
                   14.96%  31.936us         1  31.936us  31.936us  31.936us  reduceInterleaved1(int*, int*, int)
                   14.86%  31.711us         1  31.711us  31.711us  31.711us  reduceInterleaved2(int*, int*, int)
                    4.81%  10.272us         4  2.5680us  2.3680us  2.8480us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (11)"
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved1(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        1168        1168        1168
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions         592         592         592
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      98.04%      98.04%      98.04%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      97.71%      97.71%      97.71%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  345.062500  345.062500  345.062500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.24%      98.24%      98.24%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      75.65%      75.65%      75.65%
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved2(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions        1096        1096        1096
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions         552         552         552
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.01%      99.01%      99.01%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  394.062500  394.062500  394.062500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.46%      98.46%      98.46%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      49.11%      49.11%      49.11%
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved4(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions         804         804         804
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions         276         276         276
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.34%      99.34%      99.34%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  456.031250  456.031250  456.031250
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.67%      98.67%      98.67%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  49.032MB/s  49.032MB/s  49.032MB/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      24.74%      24.74%      24.74%
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved8(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions         658         658         658
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions         138         138         138
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.60%      99.60%      99.60%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  552.031250  552.031250  552.031250
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.90%      98.90%      98.90%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s  0.00000B/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      12.76%      12.76%      12.76%


  • 核函数计算时间:展开的内存操作越多,时间越长;
  • 内存加载事务:展开的内存操作越多,加载事务越少;
  • 内存存储事务:展开的内存操作为4和8时,存储事务将减少。


  • 内存加载事务:关于没有展开的内存加载事务的计算已经展示过了。现在计算一下展开4个操作的核函数加载事务。对于元素个数为16384的情况,block数量为4,首先会将四个blockDim的数据汇总到当前block中,加载了四次,覆盖了所有数据,warp一次加载消耗一次内存事务,因此这部分共计消耗 4 × 32 × 4 = 512 4\times32\times4=512 4×32×4=512个内存加载事务;随后进行规约操作,当stride = 512时,每个block只有一半warp执行加载操作,每次加载2个元素,可以合并加载,因此4个block共需要128个内存事务;当stride=256时,进一步缩小,需要64个加载;当stride=128时,需要32个加载;当stride=64时,需要16个;当stride=32时,需要8个;之后就会引发warp发散了,当stride=16、8、4、2、1时,依然各自需要8个;最终转存block求和数据,4个block需要4个加载事务。因此共计:804个内存加载事务,与nvprof的统计结果一样。加载事务的减少主要是由于(1)block数量减少,整体的规约操作变少,因此求和时自加操作减少,重复加载减少;(2)block减少,最后转存时加载减少。
  • 内存存储事务:同样以reduceInterleaved4为例,首先将数组集中到1/4区域时,需要消耗128个4段32字节存储事务;然后开始规约:当stride = 512时,每个block中只有一半的warp需要存储操作,每个thread只需要一次,一个warp需要1个4段32字节的存储事务,因此4个block总计需要64个4段32字节的存储事务;当stride=265时,需要32个4段32字节的存储事务;当stride=128时,需要16个4段32字节的存储事务;当stride = 64时,需要8个4段32字节的存储事务;当stride = 32是,需要4个4段32字节的存储事务;之后就会引发warp发散,但是内存存储事务除了4段之外,还有2段和1段两种选择,当stride= 16时,需要4个2段32字节的存储事务;当stride = 8时,需要4个1段32字节的存储事务;当stride = 4、2、1时,都需要4个1段32字节的存储事务;最后转存block求和,需要消耗4个1段32字节的存储事务。因此共计内存存储事务数量为:276.和nvprof统计结果一致。这里的变化规律也是一样的。
  • sm_efficiency:这个定义是采用的SM数量和总共的SM的比值。对于reduceInterleaved2来说,只有8个block,因此会用到8个SM,每个SM分配到一个block,共计32个warp,只有SM最大允许warp的一半,因此一旦warp被内存操作阻塞,就可能无法找到可用的warp,SM因此被闲置,因此可以看到,尽管2、4、8这几个核函数的sm_efficiency不同,但是eligible_warps_per_cycle都比较接近,并且都比较小。
  • 但是上述解释依然不能解释为什么随着展开程度的增加,核函数运行时间反而降低这个现象。


由于block数量太少,导致测试的结果有点不太正常,这次我们将求和数组的大小设置为 2 30 = 1073741824 2^{30}=1073741824 230=1073741824,再进行测试:

==22483== Profiling result:
==22483== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                        Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "Tesla K80 (11)"
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved1(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    76546048    76546048    76546048
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions    38797312    38797312    38797312
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      98.04%      98.04%      98.04%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      97.71%      97.71%      97.71%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  345.062500  345.062500  345.062500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      97.95%      97.95%      97.95%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  4.1380GB/s  4.1380GB/s  4.1380GB/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      99.49%      99.49%      99.49%
          1                  eligible_warps_per_cycle           Eligible Warps Per Active Cycle    1.847439    1.847439    1.847439
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved2(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    71827456    71827456    71827456
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions    36175872    36175872    36175872
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.01%      99.01%      99.01%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  394.062500  394.062500  394.062500
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.20%      98.20%      98.20%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  7.7045GB/s  7.7045GB/s  7.7045GB/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      99.39%      99.39%      99.39%
          1                  eligible_warps_per_cycle           Eligible Warps Per Active Cycle    1.971404    1.971404    1.971404
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved4(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    52690944    52690944    52690944
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions    18087936    18087936    18087936
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.34%      99.34%      99.34%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  456.031250  456.031250  456.031250
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.45%      98.45%      98.45%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  13.887GB/s  13.887GB/s  13.887GB/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      99.41%      99.41%      99.41%
          1                  eligible_warps_per_cycle           Eligible Warps Per Active Cycle    2.019229    2.019229    2.019229
    Kernel: reduceInterleaved8(int*, int*, int)
          1                          gld_transactions                  Global Load Transactions    43122688    43122688    43122688
          1                          gst_transactions                 Global Store Transactions     9043968     9043968     9043968
          1                            gld_efficiency             Global Memory Load Efficiency      99.60%      99.60%      99.60%
          1                            gst_efficiency            Global Memory Store Efficiency      98.84%      98.84%      98.84%
          1                             inst_per_warp                     Instructions per warp  552.031250  552.031250  552.031250
          1                 warp_execution_efficiency                 Warp Execution Efficiency      98.72%      98.72%      98.72%
          1                      dram_read_throughput             Device Memory Read Throughput  24.007GB/s  24.007GB/s  24.007GB/s
          1                             sm_efficiency                   Multiprocessor Activity      99.44%      99.44%      99.44%
          1                  eligible_warps_per_cycle           Eligible Warps Per Active Cycle    2.132739    2.132739    2.132739






__global__ void nestedHelloWorld(int current_depth, int max_depth)
    if (current_depth == max_depth) return;
    if (threadIdx.x == 0)
        dim3 block(3);
        dim3 grid(2);
        nestedHelloWorld<<<grid, block>>>(current_depth+1, max_depth);
        printf("current_depth=%d blockIdx.x=%d threadIdx.x=%d\n", current_depth, blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    dim3 block(3);
    dim3 grid(2);
    nestedHelloWorld<<<grid, block>>>(0, 3);
    return 0;

编译的时候需要添加编译选项:-rdc=ture,它强制生成可重定位的设备代码, 这是动态并行的一个要求

current_depth=0 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=0 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=1 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=1 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=1 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=1 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=0 threadIdx.x=0
current_depth=2 blockIdx.x=1 threadIdx.x=0







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


