各行业的英语术语(绝对精华 2)


coffee pot 咖啡壶 coffee cup 咖啡杯 paper towel 纸巾 napkin 餐巾 table cloth 桌布 tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘 caddy 茶罐 dish 碟 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子 rice bowl 饭碗 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 汤匙 knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当 fruit plate 水果盘 toothpick 牙签 实用食品用语(西餐/料理) menu 菜单 French cuisine 法国菜 today's special 今日特餐 chef's special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires 炸薯条 baked potato 烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油 冷饮: beverages 饮料 soya-bean milk 豆浆 syrup of plum 酸梅汤 tomato juice 番茄汁 orange juice 橘子汁 coconut milk 椰子汁 asparagus juice 芦荟汁 grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 vegetable juice 蔬菜汁 ginger ale 姜汁 sarsaparilla 沙士 soft drink 汽水 coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐 tea leaves 茶叶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包 lemon tea 柠檬茶 white goup tea 冬瓜茶 honey 蜂蜜 chlorella 绿藻 soda water 苏打水 artificial color 人工色素 ice water 冰水 mineral water 矿泉水 distilled water 蒸馏水 long-life milk 保久奶 condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶 cocoa 可可 coffee mate 奶精 coffee 咖啡 iced coffee 冰咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 black coffee 纯咖啡 ovaltine 阿华田 chlorella yakult 养乐多 essence of chicken 鸡精 ice-cream cone 甜筒 sundae 圣代; 新地 ice-cream 雪糕 soft ice-cream 窗淇淋 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 ice candy 冰棒 milk-shake 奶昔 straw 吸管 水果: pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴梿 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香蕉 实用食品用语(牛排/酒) breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 brunch 早午餐 supper 晚餐 late snack 宵夜 dinner 正餐 ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司 French toast 法国土司 muffin松饼 cheese cake 酪饼 white bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包 French roll 小型法式面包 appetizer 开胃菜 green salad 蔬菜沙拉 onion soup 洋葱汤 potage 法国浓汤 corn soup 玉米浓汤 minestrone 蔬菜面条汤 ox tail soup 牛尾汤 fried chicken 炸鸡 roast chicken 烤鸡 steak 牛排 T-bone steak 丁骨牛排 filet steak 菲力牛排 sirloin steak 沙朗牛排 club steak 小牛排 well done 全熟 medium 五分熟 rare 三分熟 beer 啤酒 draft beer 生啤酒 stout beer 黑啤酒 canned beer 罐装啤酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 gin 琴酒 brandy 白兰地 whisky 威士忌 vodka 伏特加 on the rocks 酒加冰块 rum 兰酒 champagne 香槟 其他小吃: meat 肉 beef 牛肉 pork 猪肉 chicken 鸡肉 mutton 羊肉 bread 面包 steamed bread 馒头 rice noodles 米粉 fried rice noodles 河粉 steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉 macaroni 通心粉 bean thread 冬粉 bean curd with odor 臭豆腐 flour-rice noodle 面粉 noodles 面条 instinct noodles 速食面 vegetable 蔬菜 crust 面包皮 sandwich 三明治 toast 土司 hamburger 汉堡 cake 蛋糕 spring roll 春卷 pancake 煎饼 fried dumpling 煎贴 rice glue ball 元宵 glue pudding 汤圆 millet congee 小米粥 cereal 麦片粥 steamed dumpling 蒸饺 ravioli 馄饨 nbsp;cake 月饼 green bean cake 绿豆糕 popcorn 爆米花 chocolate 巧克力 marrons glaces 唐炒栗子 实用食品用语(菜肴) bear's paw 熊掌 breast of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参 sea sturgeon 海鳝 salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp, seaweed 海带 abalone 鲍鱼 shark fin 鱼翅 scallops 干贝 lobster 龙虾 bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考乳猪 pig's knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭 preserved meat 腊肉 barbecued pork 叉烧 sausage 香肠 fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉 meat diet 荤菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹 local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭 fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴 gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥 noodles with gravy 打卤面 plain noodle 阳春面 casserole 砂锅 chafing dish, fire pot 火锅 meat bun 肉包子 shao-mai 烧麦 preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐 fermented blank bean 豆豉 pickled cucumbers 酱瓜 preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 dried turnip 萝卜干 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot, beet 甜菜 agar-agar 紫菜 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 hair-like seaweed 发菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄 ternip 白萝卜 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 ficus tikaua 地瓜 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 beancurd sheets 百叶 champignon 香菇 button mushroom 草菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 agaricus 蘑菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 seasoning 调味品 caviar 鱼子酱 barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱 mustard 芥茉 salt 盐 sugar 糖 monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精 vinegar 醋 sweet 甜 sour 酸 bitter 苦 lard 猪油 peanut oil 花生油 soy sauce 酱油 green pepper 青椒 paprika 红椒 star anise 八角 cinnamon 肉挂 curry 咖喱 maltose 麦芽糖 常用分类词汇表-英美菜谱 [url=http://www.jctrans.com/][u][color=#22229c]www.jctrans.com[/color][/u][/url] 2005-3-29 9:33:07 1 烹调方式 Cooking Method fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 氽... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块 2 调味品 Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 3 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤 cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤 creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤 beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤 4 主食 Staple food * 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge 大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条 sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面 stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线 sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条 soybean milk 豆浆 muffin 松糕/饼 cruller 油饼 * 西餐主食Western Food bread 面包 toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼 pizza 比萨饼 meat-pie 肉馅饼 barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 French fries 炸薯条 pudding 布丁 macaroni 通心面 spaghetti 意大利面条 5 主菜 Entrees * 西餐主菜Western Entrees beef steak 牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排) curry beef 咖哩牛排 (medium) 适中的(牛排) real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done) 适中偏熟的(牛排) roast veal 烤小牛排 (well done) 熟透的(牛排) spiced beef 五香牛排 braised beef 焖牛排 roast mutton 烤羊肉 lamb chop 羊排 porp chop 猪排 sliced ham 火腿片 roast turkey 烤火鸡 roast chicken 烤油鸡 curried chicken 咖哩鸡 roast duck 烤鸭 smoked carp 熏鲤鱼 sardine 沙丁鱼 fried fish 炸鱼 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜 salad 色拉 salad dressing 色拉酱 chicken salad 鸡色拉 French 法式(色拉酱) vegebable salad 素菜色拉 Italian 意大利式(色拉酱) ham salad 火腿色拉 Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱) Russian 俄式(色拉酱) backed potato 烤土豆 mashed potato 土豆泥 * 中餐主菜Chinese Dishes bean curb 豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽 steamed chicken 清蒸鸡 braised chicken 焖鸡 Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭 preserved eggs 松花蛋 braised pork 红烧扣肉 red-cooked pork 红烧肉 sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉 broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片 chop suey 炒杂碎 stir-fried liver 炒猪肝 sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼 meat balls 肉丸子 fried prawns 炸大虾 steamed turtle 炖甲鱼 6 甜点 Dessert cake 蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅饼 strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼 ice sucker 冰棍 jello 冰糕 pastry 点心 yam 甜薯 sweet potato 番薯 raisin 葡萄干 7 酒水 DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee * 咖啡 black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶 cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice 鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤 * 开胃酒 aperitive/apertif wine 低度酒/葡萄酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒 sherry 雪利酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 non-alcoholic cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒 martini 马丁尼鸡尾酒 punch 潘趣酒 vermouth 味美思酒/苦艾酒 rose liquor 玫瑰酒 cider 苹果酒 烈性酒 liquor/spirit whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 scotch 苏格兰威士忌 vodka 伏特加 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(1) 冷盘类: hors d'oeuvers Jinjiang style 锦江拼盆 butterfly-shaped appetizer 蝴蝶冷盆 assorted appetizer 什锦冷盘 eight-diagram-shaped appetizer 太极八卦 spiced chicken liver and gizzard 卤鸡珍肝 shredded boiled pork meat 卤牛肉 spicy chicken giblets 卤鸡杂 salted duck gizzards 盐水鸭肫 duck wing tips 鸭翅膀 cold duck web 拌鸭掌 duck flippers with mustard sauce 芥末鸭掌 spiced peanuts 五香花生仁 sauté sword beans with dried shrimps 开洋炝刀豆 pickled hot vegetables 泡辣菜 cold vermicelli with mustard and meat shreds 冷拌粉皮 wine preserved crabs 醉蟹 boiled shrimps with salt 咸水虾 sliced pork tripe in hot chili oil 红油肚片 chicken pickled in fermented rice wine sauce 糟鸡 roast duck / goose 烧鸭(鹅) multi-flavor chicken 怪味鸡 spiced beef 麻辣牛肉条 mixed meat in aspic 白切肉 sauté meat and vegetable 什锦肉冻 marinated chicken feet 五香凤爪 spiced marinated chicken 五香酱鸡 chicken skin with mustard sauce 芥末鸡皮 chicken slices with bean jelly sheets 鸡丝粉皮 chicken sings with chili sauce and sesame paste 辣味麻酱鸡翅 roast duck shred in sauce 拌烤鸭丝 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(2) duck cutlets with sesame paste 麻酱鸭块 stewed salt-preserved duck 桂花盐水鸭 shrimp chip 虾片 cucumber with jellyfish and dried shelled shrimp 瓜皮虾 raw fish in sauce 生拌鱼 汤类: consommé 清汤 chowder 羹 double-stewed soup 老火汤 pork and radish soup 连锅汤 three fresh delicacies soup 三鲜汤 five-flavored mutton soup 五滋汤 shark's fin soup 鱼翅汤 scallop soup 干贝汤 snake potage with eight delicacies 八珍蛇羹 stewed white gourd soup with eight ingredients 八宝冬瓜盅 ginseng and black hen soup 人参炖乌鸡 laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花汤 soup with bamboo shoots and fresh mush 竹笋鲜蘑汤 mushroom soup 清炖冬菇汤 Mt. Lushan stone fungus soup 庐山石耳汤 sliced roast 火鸭芥菜汤 mashed chicken and asparagus soup 芦笋鸡茸汤 consommé of snow egg with bean sprouts 豆苗鞭蓉蛋汤 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(3) 肉类: pork with preserved vegetable 梅菜扣肉 steamed minced pork with salt fish 咸鱼蒸肉饼 sauté diced pork fillet with brown sauce 酱炸里脊丁 ham with fresh bamboo shoots 鲜笋火腿 braised pork leg 红烧猪蹄 pig tripe with chili sauce 麻辣猪肚 sliced meat and liver with fried rice crust 双片锅巴 pork chops with bean sauce 豆豉排骨 pork chops with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋排骨 sauté pork cubelets with hot pepper 宫保肉丁 meat with cayenne pepper 麻辣白肉 braised pork tendons 红烧蹄筋 meat balls braised with brown sauce 红烧狮子头 fried crisp pork slices with sugar powder 糖粉酥肉 roasted suckling pig 烤乳猪 fried crisp pork 脆皮锅酥肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd 腐乳炖肉 braised pork slices in soy sauce 红烧扣肉 quick-fried pork and scallions 葱爆肉 sweet and sour pork 咕噜肉 steamed pork with rice flavor in lotus leaves 荷叶粉蒸肉 double cooked pork slices 回锅肉 beef with orange peel 陈皮牛肉 mutton shashlik 烤羊肉串 rinse-mutton / mutton slices rinsed in chafing dish 涮羊肉 mutton braised in brown sauce 红烧羊肉 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(4) 禽蛋类 bird' s nest in crystal sugar 冰糖燕窝 braised snipe in port wine 红酒烧竹鸡 grilled young pigeon 铁扒乳鸽 minced quail 鹌鹑松 eggs preserved in wine 糟蛋 pickled egg 酱蛋 egg in tea 茶叶蛋 spiced goose wing tps and webfeet 蒸腊鹅 spiced goose, Chaozhou style 潮州卤鹅 roast goose, Chaozhou style 潮州烧雁鹅 braised whole duck in soy sauce 红烧全鸭 spiced duck 五香鸭 steamed Nanjing salted duck 蒸南京板鸭 roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭 sliced chicken in wine sauce 香糟鸡片 deep fried spring chicken 炸童子鸡 steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets 荷叶粉蒸鸡 fried chicken in paper packets 炸纸包鸡 chicken in orange flavor 陈皮鸡 curry chicken 咖喱鸡 braised chicken in casserole 砂锅鸡 mud-baked chicken 叫化子鸡 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(5) 海鲜类如下: consommé of abalone 清汤鲍鱼 consommé of fish maw 清汤鱼肚 steamed sea conch 清蒸大响螺 griddle cooked shark' s fin 干烤鱼翅 fried oysters 炸牡蛎 stewed scallops with fresh mushrooms 鲜菇烧干贝 stewed sea cucumber in brown sauce 红烧海参 steamed grass carp in soy sauce 豉油蒸鲩鱼 fried silver carp's head with sheet jelly 粉皮鱼头 sauté cuttlefish rolls with scallion 葱爆目鱼卷 stewed yellow croaker fillets in rice wine sauce 糟溜鱼片 fish slices with egg white 芙蓉鱼片 fried yellow croaker in squirrel shape 松鼠黄鱼 shrimp with crisp fish Sichuan style 四川香酥鱼 whole fried fish with pinenuts 烧松子鱼 fresh cuttlefish in chili sauce with peanuts 宫保墨鱼 Lushan fried stone fish with egg white 庐山芙蓉石鱼 bream fish in chicken oil 鸡油武昌鱼 steamed Yellow River carp 清蒸黄河鲤 steamed bass 清蒸鲈鱼 shrimp with lobster sauce 虾龙糊 fried fresh crab wit ginger sauce 姜汁大肉蟹 fish maw with crab meat 蟹粉鱼肚 fried prawns 干烧大虾 pan sauté shrimps wit egg white 煎芙蓉虾 中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu(6) Chines中餐主食和点心 e-English Classified Dictionary For Interpreters stir-fried rice 炒饭 congee / porridge 粥;稀饭 rice crust 锅巴 hot candied apple 拔丝苹果 sweet tender beamcured 豆腐花 zongzi (sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves) 粽子 sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaves 糯米糕 steamed corn-bread 窝头 deep fried twisted dough stick 油条 jiaozi (dumpling with vegetable and meat stuffing) 饺子 fried jiaozi / soft fried dumpling 锅贴 tangyuan / stuffed dumpling ball 汤圆 hundun, dumpling, ravioli 馄饨 shaomai (a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered the top) 烧麦 moon cake 月饼 sesame seed cake 烧饼 steamed sponge cake 蜂糕 deep-fried dough cake 油饼 fried meat pie 馅饼 jujube paste cake 枣泥饼 scallion cake 葱油饼 fried spring roll 春卷 fancy roll 银丝卷 steamed roll 花卷 Goubuli stuffed bun 狗不理包子 steamed dumpling with pork 小笼包 steamed dumplings stuffed with red bean paste 豆沙包 mantou (steamed bun) 馒头 rice noodles过桥米线 dandan noodles, Sichuan style 担担面 New Year cake 年糕 eight-treasure rice pudding 八宝饭 西餐菜谱(1) 色拉: salad nicoise 尼斯式色拉 gelatin salad 胶状色拉 sunshine salad 胡萝卜色拉 waldorf salad 沃尔多夫色拉 vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大会色拉 mixed salad 什锦色拉 home-made vegetable salad 家常蔬菜色拉 fruit salad 水果色拉 vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉 chicken laesar salad 卤鸡色拉 tossed salad 油拌色拉 肉类如下: rump steak 牛腿排 T-bone steak T形骨牛排 roast sirloin beef 烤牛外俏 green fillet 青春里脊 fillet steak, country style 乡村里脊扒 beef steak curried 咖喱牛排 plain fried calf ribs 清煎小牛排 fried calf ribs 炸小牛排 roast veal 烤小牛肉 ham steak 火腿扒 sauté pork chop 嫩煎猪排 roast lamb 烤羔羊肉 lamb couscous 羊肉库司 charcoal grilled minced lamb 串烤羊肉饼 roast saddle of mutton 烤羊里脊 grilled mutton chop 铁扒羊排 salami 意大利香肠 bologna sausage 大红肠 game pie 野味排



abrasion耐磨试验机 accessory配件 ABSacrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin丙烯晴丁二烯苯乙烯树脂 action of sulphur vapor test耐硫化测试 activation活化 activator活化剂 adhesion test黏着测试 adhesive胶水 adjust调整 aerobic shoe有氧舞蹈鞋 after ski boot雪靴 age resister抗老化剂 aging tester老化试验机 air gun气枪 all man-made material全人造材料 alligator skin鳄鱼皮 aluminum last铝楦 alongation test延伸率试验 amboss压花; 压纹 ambossed leather压(印)花皮 ambossing machine压纹机 ambroidered刺绣 embroidery shoe绣花鞋 amary tape grinding machine砂带研磨机 amery wheel grinding machine砂轮研磨机 amery leather; patent leather漆皮 amalfi construction条状外帮式凉鞋结构 american size scale美制尺度 amphibious boot水陆两用靴 angle on insole中底发角 aniline finish leather苯染皮 ankle boot短靴, 足果靴 ankle足裸 anteiope leather羚羊皮 antique oil安第古油 appearance外观 applique装饰品 approve认可 apron鞋头盖 arch cookie月眉片; 脚掌弓形片 arch support足弓垫 arch足弓 arithmetic grading算朮级放 artificial leather人造皮 artisan; shoemaker鞋匠 assembly成型,装配 athleisure shoe休闲运动鞋 available size运动鞋 适用尺寸 B baby shoe婴儿鞋 back cone height后锥体高度 back cone top plane width后锥面宽度 back cone top plane后锥顶平面 back cone后锥体 back height后帮高度; 后跟高度 back part width后踵宽度 back part后踵 back seam height鞋后踵高度 back seam tack后踵高度位置 back seam鞋后踵缝合 bak stay后贴片 back stap too high后带太高 back stap鞋后片?还是鞋后带? back tab overlay后套接片 back lab后上片 backer补强衬里 backing补强衬里 bagging袋翻法 balance均衡 ball girth足掌围 ball足掌 ballerina无内里 平底女鞋 ballet shoe芭蕾舞鞋 balmoral banlnry橡胶用密闭式混合机 bar shoe条扣鞋 barring条状之补强车缝 base plane基础平面 baseball shoe棒球鞋 basketball shoe篮球鞋 beachcomber海滩鞋 beaded shoe串珠鞋面 beaded鞋面饰珠 beige灰棕色; 米色 belly皮革肚边部位 bending test弯曲试验 binding滚边 black黑色 blade针杆 blending agent混合剂 blended insole叠合中底 blind eyelet隐藏式鞋眼 blowing agent发炮剂 Bluches外耳式鞋 blue蓝色 boa长毛布 boat shoe船用鞋 boaded leather搓纹皮 bond接着 bone骨色 BONTEX中底板的一家厂商 boot vamp moulding machine靴面定型机 boot靴, 长统靴 bootee轻巧女靴 bottom鞋底台 bottom filler底部填充物 bottom patten底部纸样 bottom thread缝鞋底的线 bottom view底视图 bow蝴蝶结 bowling shoe保龄球鞋 box纸盒印刷 box printing纸盒印刷 boxing鞋面格状补强车缝 boxing shoe拳击鞋 boy's shoe男童鞋 brand name商标名称 breast line跟胸线 breat of heel鞋跟腹墙 breathable leather透气皮 bridging agent架桥剂 bright color明亮的颜色 brocade shoe浮花织棉鞋 brogue布洛克鞋 brown咖啡色 brush毛刷 buck skin公鹿皮 buckle子母扣, 饰扣 buff软牛皮 buffalo hide水牛皮 built heel叠式鞋跟 bull hide公牛皮 burgundy酒红色 burnished leather打蜡皮 burnishing皮边整烫 bursting strength tester破裂强度试验机 butt臀部皮革 butted seam平头接缝 buttress heel nail鞋跟固定钉 C cable stitching粗线车缝 cabretta skin绵羊皮 CAD(computer-aided design)计算机辅助设计 CAD gradamatic system计算机级放体系 calendar出片机, 压延机 calf hide; calf skin小牛皮 California slip-lasted construction加州入楦式成型法 CAM(computer- aided manufacture)计算机辅助制造 cabrelle衬里布 camel骆驼色 canvas帆布 cap鞋前套 cape skin小羊皮 cardboard filler纸板衬 cardboard纸板 carpincho hide河马皮 carton label纸箱标签 carton making machine纸箱成型机 carton number(C/NO)箱号 carton外箱, 纸箱 case箱 casting leater软皮 casual shoe便鞋 catalyst催化剂 cattle hide大牛皮 cement skinning胶水表层凝固现象 cement胶水 cemented construction贴合结构法 cemented lining贴合内里 cementing上胶 central grading中心级放 central seam后踵中央接缝 centreline中线 certificate of inspection检验证书 chain stitch连环车缝法 check检查 chelsea boot侧边装有松紧带的短靴 cherokee加洛基式凉鞋 chic style新潮款式 children's shoe童鞋 children's footwear童鞋类 chilling冷冻定型 chip碎屑 chromed tanned leather铬鞣皮 chukka boot恰克靴; 马球靴 ciao boot俏靴(有鞋带的短统平底靴) clarino可丽柔人造皮 classical shade传统色调 clicking裁断 clip打钉 clobber鞋匠 clog木屐 close shoe满帮鞋 close toe & close back满帮式 closing缝合 cobalt blue钴蓝 collar领口 collar foam领口泡棉 collar lining领口里; 反口里; 滚口里 collection一系列款式 color颜色 color code颜色的标识(代码) color fading test褪色试验 color not matching颜色不配合 color stability色彩稳定性 color variation色差 colored tape色带 coloring agent着色剂; 色胶 coloring match配色; 着色; 对色 comfort footwear舒适鞋 component组件 compound混合料 compression test耐压缩试验 cone heel圆锥形跟 cone top surface楦锥体顶面 cone top surface outline锥体顶面周线 confirm确认 confirm sample确认样品 construction结构 continental size欧洲尺寸 control panel控制板 conveyor输送带 cookie足弓垫 cooling system冷却系统 co-ordinated grading调和级放 cording滚边 corduroy绒布 cork软木 corrected grain leatrer磨面皮 cotton cloth棉布 cotton woven棉织物 cotton yarn棉纱 counter后段; 鞋后踵 counter lasting machine后帮机 counter lining后踵内里, 后套里 counter pocket reinfocer后套补强 counter pocket鞋后套 counter preforming machine后踵套预先定型机 counter sample对等样品 court shoe草场上用鞋(网球鞋, 足球鞋等) cover heel包皮跟 cow hide母牛皮 cowboy boots牛仔长统靴 cowhide leather牛皮 cracking test耐扰试验 crampons钉鞋(冰上行走) crepe生胶 crocodile skin鳄鱼皮 crooked屈曲不平 cross-country shoe越野赛跑鞋 cross linking agent架桥剂 crown楦底冠弧 Cuban heel古巴跟 cuboid骰型 cuff鞋领口 cushion垫(压垫, 软垫等) cushion collar有软垫之领口 custom shoe定制鞋 customs checking海关检查 cut cut out鞋面开洞 cutter 切割机; 裁断机 cutting裁断 cutting board切割板; 裁断板 cutting die裁刀 cutting direction裁断方向 cutting machine裁断机 cutting plank斩板 D dark blue深蓝色 dark color暗色 decoration装饰物 decoreative stitching装饰车缝 deep color深色 deer skin鹿皮 defects surface皮面瑕疵 denim牛仔布 design设计 design of style型式设计 designer设计师 die斩刀 digitizer数字板 diluent稀释剂 direct injection直接射出成型 direct vulcanized process直接硫化制程 dispersion kneader捏合机 distance between stitchings线距 dogtail quarter狗尾式后帮 double check复查, 双重检查 double loop terry双圈毛巾布 double sole双层底 double stitching车双针 draft草图 dress shoe盛装鞋 dressed leather熟皮 dressing涂鞋油 dressy盛装的, 考究的 drilling machine钻孔机 dry process PU leather干式PU皮 dry time干燥时间 drying干燥 drying tunnel干燥箱 duck细帆布 dull color暗色 duraplush长丝绒 dust collector集尘器 Dutch Boy toe荷兰式男鞋头 Dutchman填隙片 dyeing decoloring tester染色脱色试验 机 E edging饰边 egg crate蛋装法 elastic band松紧带 elegant幽雅的 alongation test延伸率试验 amboss压花; 压纹 ambossed leather压(印)花皮 ambossing machine压纹机 ambroidered刺绣 embroidery shoe绣花鞋 amary tape grinding machine砂带研磨机 amery wheel grinding machine砂轮研磨机 amery leather; patent leather漆皮 engineer boot工程靴 English size scale英制尺度 equipment设备 espadrille包痲底台布面鞋 ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) EVA sheetEVA塑料片 EVA soleEVA底 everyday general purpose日常穿著 exercise aandal健康鞋 exhibition last样品楦 eye针眼 eyelet鞋眼 eyelet fasting machine鸠目机 eyelets punching打鞋眼 eyelet puncher鞋眼打孔机 eyelet stay鞋眼片 eyestay鞋眼 syestay lining鞋眼内里 eyestay overlay鞋眼饰片 eyestay reinforcer鞋眼补强 F fabric布料; 纤维 fabric/textile footwear direct moulded construction face-to face packing facing鞋正面 fashion流行时尚; 流行款式 fashion boot流行长靴 fastening固定 feather edge底边缘 felt shoe毛毡鞋 ferule铁套管 filler填充物; 填腹 finish整饰 fishing wader钓鱼鞋 fitness shoe健身运动鞋 fitting试穿 fitting stool试穿凳 fixing整理 flake white片白 flange heel凸缘形跟 flared heel细腰形跟 flash trimming machine鞋底溢料削除机 flat bed sewing machine平台式针车 flat foot扁平足 flaty shoe平底便鞋 flesh side生皮内层 flesher绵羊榔皮 flexibility弯曲性 flexing tester曲折测试机 floater 轻便鞋 flocked leather舒美绒皮 foam pasting machine泡棉贴合机 floding machine滚边机 floding包边; 折边 foot脚 football shoe足球鞋 foot guage量脚器 foot measurement脚的测量 foot pad鞋垫 footwear鞋类 footwear of leather皮鞋 footwear of plastic塑料鞋 footwear of rubber橡胶鞋 footwear of textile fabric纺织鞋 fore & hind shank前后肢铁心 foreman领班 forepart前段; 鞋头前片 forepart centerline楦底面前段中心线 forepart featherline plane前段帮脚线切面 forme半面平版 forme cutting半面平版样剪裁 formula配方 foxing边条较常用的应该是指后套---FT所谓外后蹄 foxing underlay后套里层 foxing underlay logo后套下片商标 foxing like band类似边条 foxing logo后套商标 foxing reiforcer后套补强; 边条补强 freezing tester耐寒试验机 French size法国尺码 fringe鞋面之须坠 front cone heigth前锥体高度 front cone profile前锥体侧视图 front cone前锥体 frosting吐霜 frye boot马靴 full-breast heel卷跟 full-grain leather珠面皮 full-iron bottom全铁片楦底 full lining全内里 full size全套尺寸 full sock全片式鞋垫 function功能 fur长毛绒布 G gender性别 geometric grading几何级放 get mildew发霉 Gibson吉布生鞋 girth meaurement围度测量 glazed leather镜面皮 glue胶水 glue cleaning machine清胶机 goat skin山羊皮 golf shoe高尔夫球鞋 Goodyear welt construction固特异延条结构 Goodyear welt shoe固特异延条鞋 gore松紧带 grade级放 grade increment级放尺寸 grade radio级放率 grading级放 grading by hands手工级放 grading theory级放原理 grain leather珠面皮 green绿色 grey灰色 grind edge of shoe磨鞋边 grinding腰边 grip the foot包住脚 groove针车沟 gross weight毛重 guide导杆 gum boot长统橡胶靴 gusset boot侧边装有松紧带的短靴 gusset折档: 三角片 gym shoe健身鞋 H hairy起毛 half boot中统靴 half iron bottom半铁片楦底 half sock半截式鞋垫 hammer锤子 hand cutting手裁切 hand tag吊牌 hardness guage硬度计 hardness plank硬板 hardness tester硬度计 heat resistance耐热性 heat sealing热熔结合 heat setting热定型 heat shrinkage test热收缩试验 heated chamber加热器具 heating加热 heavy重 heavy duty wear耐用鞋类 heel appearance后跟外观 heel breast鞋跟腹墙 heel centerline后跟座中心线 heel covering包鞋跟 heel crown跟踵 heel cup鞋跟杯 heel curve后踵背弧度 heel curve angle后踵弧度角度 heel aelevation楦跟高度 heel feather line plane后跟帮脚线切面 heel fit on outsole后跟与底密接 heel flap卷跟皮 heel height后跟高度 heel impact test鞋跟冲击试验 heel lasting后帮 heel lift天皮 heel not straight跟不正 heel pad鞋跟踵垫 heel pitch鞋跟斜度 heel plate后跟铁片 heel point后跟端点 heel seat后跟 heel seat pounding & shaping machine后踵整形机 heel seat width后跟座宽度 heel steel tip鞋跟铁片 heifer skin小母牛皮 herring bone forme鱼骨法 hide大件皮 high cut高统 hinge钮键 hinge cut两截式楦 hinge last插销孔 hinge pin holes钮键插销 hinge slot键槽 hook魔术勾带 hydrolysis水解 I impression外观 in pair配双 industrial/safety footwear工作安全鞋 infant' shoe婴儿鞋 infants'婴儿 injection-moulded PU射出PU injection-moulded PVC射出PVC inner booty鞋舌内套 inner box label内盒标 inner box内盒 inner sole中底 indside forme内腰平面样 insole pattern中底纸样 inspector检查员 instep girth背围 instep point脚背点 J Japanese size日本尺码 jockey boot骑马用鞋 jogging shoe慢跑鞋 joined together接合 jute cloth麻布 K kangaroo skin袋鼠皮 kid skin小羊皮 kiln干燥室 kiltie鞋面之须坠 kip skin小牛皮 knee boot长统靴 knife刀子 kraft牛皮纸 kung fu shoe功夫鞋 L lab实验室 label标签 lace鞋带 lace hole鞋带孔 lacelock眼扣 lace loop系带鞋 laced shoe穿带孔 lacquer漆 ladies shoe淑女鞋 lamb skin羔羊皮 lapped seam叠合接缝 laser cutting激光刀剪裁 last楦头 last ball break楦底接地线 last bottom centerline楦底中心线 last bottom featherline帮胶线 last bottom width楦底宽度; 掌面宽度 last centerline last centerline plane楦头中心线切面 last putting machine入楦机 last slipping脱楦 lasting allowance钳帮宽容 lasting钳帮; 入楦术 latest design最新的款式 latex天然橡胶, 白胶 latexing machine上胶机 layer层, 层次 layout流程布置 leather皮革 leather board皮浆板 leather footwear皮革鞋类 leg of the boot靴统 leisure shoe休闲鞋 length长度 lift叠式鞋跟之每一层 light轻 light blue浅蓝色 line up产前问题分析 linen yarn亚麻纱 lining内里 lining stamp鞋里印刷 lining trimming machine修内里机 linking tape黏扣带 litterway construction李威特结构 lizard skin蜥蜴皮 loafer包子鞋 lock stitch锁缝 logo商标 long heel girth 跟口围度 long heel plate长跟铁片楦底 loop魔术毛带 loose松散 loose thread脱线 loss损耗 louis heel路易斯跟 low cut低统 low heel casual低跟休闲鞋 M machine sewn construction机器车底结构 mackay construction马凯结构 mackay stitcher内线机 magic strap魔术带 magic tape粘扣带 magnet hook磁扣 main mark正麦 manufacture制造 margin边距(针车) marking做记号 marking pen记号笔 mary jane背带式平底女鞋 mass production大量生产 mean forme中庸平面样 mean forme showing dimensional check points中庸平版样核对点 medallion鞋头上似奖牌的饰物 men's shoe男鞋 men's footwear男士鞋类 metal金属 metal detector金属探测器 metal ornament金属饰物 metallic PVC leather金葱胶皮 methyl ethyl keton(MEK) microprocessor control微处理控制 middle sole中插 midsole中底; 内底 mighty bond强力胶 migration移行 miner's boot矿工鞋 misses shoe少女鞋 mixing roller开放式混合机 moccasin马克森鞋 mock stitching假饰缝 mock welt假革条 model型体 modity修改 moisture tester湿度计 mold release脱模剂 mondopoints蒙多点制 monk shoe僧侣鞋 monofilament mesh透明细布 moon boot月球鞋 mould模具 mould wedge模造中插 monlding 定型 mountaineering shoe腰腹; 挡泥片 mule shoe前密后开之拖鞋 mulling 鞋面加热烘软 mutispandex佳积布 N nail钉子 nail detector铁钉探测器 nail puller拔钉器 nail sticks out (protrudes)钉子露出来 nailing maching 打钉机 nappa柔软皮 nature rubber latex天然橡胶液 navy海军蓝色 neck颈部皮革 needle车针 net patterns工作凈样(纯样品???) net weight凈重 neutral中性色调 non-slipping sole防滑底 non-woven fabric不织布 non-yellowing test耐黄变试验 not in pair不配双 notch记号圈;记号齿 nubuck磨绒面皮 nurse shoe护士鞋 nylon band尼龙带 nylon zipper尼龙拉链



oil resistant耐油性
oil-tanned leather油鞣皮
old fashion老式的, 过时的
one-piece bottom一片式大底
one-piece pump单片式女高跟鞋
open back鞋后开口式
open seam露边接缝
open toe鞋头/开口式
original equipment manufacture(OEM)原厂委托制造
original sample原样
orthopedic shoe矫正鞋
ostrich skin鸵鸟皮
other footwear其它鞋类
out last拔楦
out seam stitcher外线机
out stape拔钉
outer shoe外底
outside forme外腰平面样
outside welting stitching车缝外线
outsole not smooth大底不平
oval toe椭圆形鞋头
over shoe鞋套
packing list装箱单包装明细?
packing machine打包机
padded collar有软垫的领口
paper filler纸团
paper pattern纸版
paper slipper纸拖鞋
paratroop boot伞兵靴
pairs blue巴蓝
pasting machine上胶糊机
patent leather漆皮
pattern cutting纸版
pattern designer(pattern cutter)纸样剪裁师; 样版师
pattern engineering样版工程
pattern grading machine样版级放机
pattern wheel shaft stand橡胶片压纹机
patterns cutting & design纸样剪裁及设计
peacock blue孔雀蓝
peccary skin野猪皮
peeling test剥离试验
peeptoe shoe露趾尖式凉鞋
penny loafer(coin shoe)有硬币袋式包子鞋
permanent compression test压缩永久变形试验
permanent tnesion test永久伸长率试验
permanent white纯白
pig skin猪皮
pigment finish leather涂料皮
pincer钳子, 前帮机的夹头
pinch in缩进去
pinned top-piece天皮钉
piped seam(piping)滚边接缝
plain pump素面女高跟鞋
plane cutting press平面式裁断机
plastic chipping machine塑料切碎机
plastic last塑料楦
platform cover底台包皮
pneumatic heel tacking machine气压钉跟机
pneumatic last slipping machine气压拔楦机
point toe尖形鞋头
polyvinyl chloride(PVC)
polybutadiene rubber(BR)正丁胶
polyisoprene rubber(IR)异戊胶
polyurethene leather (PU) leatherPU皮
pot life可使用时间
power consumption耗电量
press重压, 冲床
press cutting斩刀裁断
pressure vessel加硫罐; 压力容器
price ticket价格标签
prick mark针孔记号
priest shoe; monk shoe僧侣鞋
production control生产管制
production trial生产试作
PU-coated split leatherPU榔皮
pull-out last拔楦
pure rubber天然橡胶
put-on last入楦
PVC sheetPVC塑料布
PVC shoePVC塑料底
python skin蟒蛇皮
quality control; QC品质管制
quarter insertion插腰
quarter iron bottom鞋身中段铁片楦底
quarter lining鞋身内里; 鞋腰内里
quarter overlay鞋身饰片
rain boot雨靴
raw eyelet没有包金属眼套的鞋眼
raw hide生皮
rayon yarn嫘萦纱
reel heel圆轴材料
reflection material反光材料
remove solvent去除溶剂
remove tacks去钉
repair cementing补胶
relain the shape保持形状
returning collar lining翻反口里
ribbed insole肋条中底
rich color浓色
riding boot骑马用靴
rigid backer硬质后踵片
rink system圆形小组式生产系统
riveting machine铆合机
roller skate溜冰鞋
rope sole麻绳编底
rotary vacuum vulcanizing machine回转式真空加硫定型机
rough(upper, bottom)打粗(面底)
round aquare toe方圆形鞋头
tound toe圆形鞋头
royal blue宝蓝
rubber band橡皮筋
rubber chopper橡胶切碎机
rubber cement stirrer橡胶糊搅拌机
rubber footwear橡胶鞋类
rubber mixing mill橡胶混合机
rubber slicing machine橡胶切片机
rubber smoked sheet烟胶片
rubber sole橡胶底
rubber sponge sole橡胶海绵鞋底
running shoe跑步鞋
rust test 耐腐蚀试验
saddle shoe鞍形鞋
safety shoe安全鞋
sales sample推销样品
sample maker样品制作师
sample working pattern样品生产纸样
satin shoe缎面鞋
scoop wedge heel杓形跟
scoop wedge杓形中插
screw driver起子
scribing machine划线机
sea blue 海蓝
seal skin海豹皮
seat back heel后座式跟
seat lasting后帮
seat sock跟座垫
section grading部分级放
sectional pattern各部位样版
separate last楦盖分离式鞋楦
shade色度; 色调
shaft鞋统; 鞋胴
shank铁芯; 楦腰
shank board(中底后插纸板)于铁芯的中底版
shank not straight铁芯不正
shank plug铁芯栓
shank riveting machine铁芯铆钉机
shank too loose铁芯太松
shape distortion变形
shape of heel鞋跟的形式
sharkskin 鲨鱼皮
sharp锐利; 锋利
shell forme脱壳法
shipping designer装船标识
shipping sample装船样品
shoe cream鞋面乳膏
shoe designer鞋样设计师
shoe factory鞋厂
shoe finish鞋子表面处理
shoe horn鞋拔
shoe machinery鞋机
shoe material鞋材
shoe tree鞋撑
shoes tagged附标签
shoes tied for packing鞋子绑合包装
short heel girth跟背围度
shrink leather皱纹皮
side by side packing边对边包装
side gore boot侧面有松紧带的靴子
side lasting腰帮
side leather半开皮
side vamp两侧帮鞋
side view侧视图
side wall鞋边墙
silhouettes cement process车内线延条法
silica jel干燥剂
silver white银白
size notch尺寸记号
size ranges尺码的分段
size scale尺度
size stick尺码量尺
skeleton lining鞋里垫皮
sking boot滑雪靴
skiving machine削皮机
slant toe斜形鞋头
slate conveyor板条式输送带
slender toe细长形鞋头
sling back后带挑空式凉鞋
slinhback court后吊带式盛装鞋
slip lasted construction入楦成型结构
slip resistance test耐滑试验
slipper sock鞋袜
slope cutting machine斜度切削机(EVA用)
slotted construction鞋面由中底边缘之切口插入
slotted fabric forme平面样切割法
slotting 中底打洞
snap fastener按扣
snow boot雪靴
snow mabile boot滑雪靴
soccer shoe足球鞋
sock laying入鞋垫
sock lining鞋垫
sock stamp中底烫金
soft color柔和色
sole底部; 鞋底
sole attaching贴底
sole comes off底脱胶
sole edge底边缘
sole edge inking machine大底边上墨机
sole edge varnishing maching大底边喷漆机
sole laying not proper贴底不正确
sole laying贴底
sole press压底
sole pressing压底
sole thread stitching车大底线
solid forme实心法
solid last全楦
solid rotating conveyor立体回转式输送带
solid content固成份
solvent based cement溶剂型接着剂
special purpose特定目的
specfic gravity比重
spectro heel仿叠式跟
spike heel锥形跟
split leather二榔皮
splitting machine片皮机
sponge leather乳胶皮
sport footwear运动鞋类
sport shoe运动鞋
sporting shade运动色调
square toe方形鞋头
stain污染; 斑点
stamping machine烫金机
standard forme标准平版样
standard making标准样的裁版
steam heating pressing machine蒸汽式热风烫平机
steel tip鞋头铁片
steel toe钢头
steer hide阉牛皮
stick length楦头程度
stitch down process shoes外翻帮鞋
stitch guage针目计(量针距用)
stitch length针距
stitch marking车缝记号
stitch down construction鞋面外翻以鞋垫缝合的结构
stitching function缝线功能
stitching machine针车
stitching not even车缝不均匀
stitching not on the mark未照记号车缝
stock no.库存编号
strap cutting machine剪带机
string lasted construction拉帮结构
strip cutting machine切条机
stripy sandal多带式凉鞋
strong shade强烈的色调
stuck on construction黏贴结构
style式样; 款式
styrene butadiene ribber(SBR)苯乙烯丁二烯橡胶
surface measuring & calculating machine量皮机
surface scoured表面研磨
swing beam cutting press摇臂式裁断机
synthetic leather合成皮
synthetic resin合成树脂
synthetic rubber合成橡胶
tack hole打钉子(楦底孔供打中底用)
tack holes打钉孔
tack range粘性维持时间
take-out last拔楦头
tanning agent鞣制剂
taping forme贴胶带法
tearing test撕裂试验
tennis shoe网球鞋
tensile force test拉应力试验
tensile strength tester拉力试验机
terms of last楦头朮语
terry cloth毛巾布
test piece试片
Texon中底板之 惯称; 厂牌之一
the gathering sttching车缝鞋面两部分合而为一
thermoplastic rubber(TPR)热可塑性橡胶
thermoplastic toe puff applying machine热熔胶套头印置机
thickness gauge厚度计
thigh boot统高至大腿之靴子
thimble hole centerline嵌环恐中心线
thimble location嵌环孔位置
thin shade浅色调
thong sandal夹趾凉鞋
throat opening鞋口长度
throat reinforcer前衬补强
tip前套; 鞋跟尖
tip reinforcer前套补强
tissue paper包装纸
toe bottom shape楦头尖端底面图
toe box套头; 前套
toe broken down鞋头下陷
toe cap鞋头
toe lasting前帮
toe part鞋头部分
toe plate头尖铁片
toe point楦头尖端点
toe profile楦头侧视图
toe puff鞋头衬
toe spring鞋尖高度; 鞋点翘度
toe to heel packing鞋头对鞋跟包装
tongue binding鞋舌滚边
tongue bottom鞋舌下片
tongue foam鞋舌泡棉
tongue hid鞋舌中片
tongue label stitching车鞋舌标
tongue label鞋舌标
tongue lining舌内里
tongue sleeves舌系带
tongue stitching接鞋舌
tongue top鞋舌上片
tongue top foam鞋舌上片泡棉
too hard太硬
too soft太软
top bumper鞋头套垫
top collar外反口
top eyestay眼上片
top piece鞋跟接地部位
top thread上线
top view上视图
total quality control(TQC)全员品管
tower drier立式烘干机
trainer shoe训练鞋
tread point 着地点
treeing & packing整理&包装
tread department成品鞋整理部门
turn shoe construction回翻结构
turn yellow变黄
uneven shade色调不均匀
uniformity of color染色均匀度
unique别致的, 奇特的
unit sole整片式大底
universal materials tester万能材料试验机
universal sole sttaching machine自调式压底机
upper conditioner鞋面蒸软机
upper edge trimmer鞋面修边机
upper ruffler鞋面褶景机
urethane leatherPU皮
UV system紫外线照射
vacuum forming真空成型法
vacuum tank vnlcanizing machine真空箱式加硫定型机
vamp heating humidifier鞋面蒸湿加热机
vamp length鞋头长度
vamp lining鞋头内里
vamp open up鞋面掀开
vamp point鞋口点
vamp split off鞋面裂开
vamp tack套前位置点
vamp wing鞋面前片两翼位置
various kinds of last楦头的类型
vegetable fibers shoe植物纤维制鞋类
vegetable tanned leather植物鞣皮
veldtchoen construction外翻帮结构
velour leather绒皮
vinyl/plastic footwear塑料鞋类
viscosity meter黏度计
volleyball shoe排球鞋
vulcanizing accelerator硫化促进剂
vulcanzing agent硫化剂
vulcanzing tester硫化试验机
waist girth腰围; 楦头腰围
walking shoe走路鞋(散步鞋)
walled shoe attaching machine墙式压底机
walrus skin海象皮
water-base cement水性胶
water jet cutting 水刀裁断
water resistence耐水性
water treament test浸水试验
water vapor absorption test吸水量试验
waterproof/wellington boots防水靴
waterproof shoes防水鞋
waxing machine打蜡机
weak color淡的颜色
wear test试穿
wedge angle后跟面角度
wedge heel楔形跟
weight loss by aging老化减量试验
welt 延条
welt attaching machine贴延条机
welted construction延条结构
welted seam加延条接缝
welting rolling轮边
wet blue蓝湿皮
wet process PU leather湿式PU皮
wet salting盐淹皮
white lead铅白
whole vamp全帮
wing tip翼形前片式
winter boot冬靴
wire tacker打钢丝机
women's footwear女士鞋类
wood bottom木底
wood last木楦
work shoe工作鞋
work ticket工作单
working pattern生产纸样
work-in progress(WIP)在制品
wrestling shoe摔角鞋
wrong pattern样版错误
zinc white锌白

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