用户空间具体是如何处理dpif_upcall ?(2)构造datapath actions

     阶段一完成后会将upcall中的相应信息构造早flow_miss中,接下来批量处理,查找facet,如果没有找到的话就要根据 ofproto_dpif->rule和flow_miss->flow来创建facet,然后为其构建subfacet,继而 subfacet_make_actions会由subfacet->rule->ofpacts相关信息构造odp_actions,然后根据具体的openflow action header中的action type,进而进行具体的操作( do_xlate_actions )。这里的主函数式handle_flow_miss。流程图如下:

static void  handle_flow_miss(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, struct flow_miss *miss, struct flow_miss_op *ops, size_t *n_ops)
    struct facet *facet;
    long long int now;
    uint32_t hash;

    /* The caller must ensure that miss->hmap_node.hash contains flow_hash(miss->flow, 0). */
    hash = miss->hmap_node.hash;   //定位到miss->flow所在的这个桶;
     facet = facet_lookup_valid(ofproto, &miss->flow, hash);
    if (!facet) {
        struct rule_dpif *rule =  rule_dpif_lookup(ofproto, &miss->flow);

        if (!flow_miss_should_make_facet(ofproto, miss, hash)) {
             handle_flow_miss_without_facet(miss, rule, ops, n_ops);

         facet = facet_create(rule, &miss->flow, hash);   
        now = facet->used;
    } else {
        now = time_msec();
     handle_flow_miss_with_facet(miss, facet, now, ops, n_ops);

结构体ofproto中有个字段是 struct oftable *tables,这里就是要找到一个和flow完全相同的facet,必须hash= flow_hash(flow, 0) ??该函数比下面的facet_find多了一个revalidate的操作;
static struct facet *   facet_lookup_valid(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const struct flow *flow,  uint32_t hash)
    struct facet *facet;
     facet = facet_find(ofproto, flow, hash);
    if (facet   && (ofproto->need_revalidate    || tag_set_intersects(&ofproto->revalidate_set, facet->tags))) {
    return facet;

static struct facet *   facet_find(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto,  const struct flow *flow, uint32_t hash)
    struct facet *facet;
    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (facet, hmap_node, hash,  &ofproto->facets) {
        if (flow_equal(flow, &facet->flow)) {
            return facet;
    return NULL;

通过递归跟进,最终会返回ofproto_dpif 中的规则类型no_packet_in_rule或者 miss_rule。
static struct rule_dpif *   rule_dpif_lookup(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const struct flow *flow)
    struct rule_dpif *rule;
     rule = rule_dpif_lookup__(ofproto, flow, 0);
    if (rule) {
        return rule;
    return  rule_dpif_miss_rule(ofproto, flow);    //如果在流表中没有找到的话;

static struct rule_dpif *  rule_dpif_lookup__(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const struct flow *flow,  uint8_t table_id)
    struct cls_rule *cls_rule;
    struct classifier *cls;

    if (table_id >= N_TABLES) {
        return NULL;

    cls = &ofproto->up.tables[table_id].cls;
    if (flow->nw_frag & FLOW_NW_FRAG_ANY
        && ofproto->up.frag_handling == OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL) {
        /* For OFPC_NORMAL frag_handling, we must pretend that transport ports
         * are unavailable. */
        struct flow ofpc_normal_flow = *flow;
        ofpc_normal_flow.tp_src = htons(0);
        ofpc_normal_flow.tp_dst = htons(0);
        cls_rule = classifier_lookup(cls, &ofpc_normal_flow);
    } else {
        cls_rule = classifier_lookup(cls, flow);
    return rule_dpif_cast(rule_from_cls_rule(cls_rule));

     流分类器(Flow classifier)
/* A flow classifier. */
struct  classifier {
    int n_rules;                /* Total number of rules. */
    struct hmap tables;         /* Contains "struct cls_table"s.  */

/* A set of rules that all have the same fields wildcarded. */
struct  cls_table {
    struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* Within struct classifier 'tables' hmap. */
    struct hmap rules;          /* Contains "struct cls_rule"s. */
    struct minimask mask;       /* Wildcards for fields. */
    int n_table_rules;          /* Number of rules, including duplicates. */
/* A rule in a "struct classifier". */
struct  cls_rule {
    struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* Within struct cls_table 'rules'. */
    struct list list;           /* List of identical, lower-priority rules. */
     struct minimatch match;     /* Matching rule. */
    unsigned int priority;      /* Larger numbers are higher priorities. */

那么何为minimatch?压缩匹配(Compressed match),它是struct match的一种稀疏表示,它和struct match有着相同的不变量,即flow中的一位必须对应于掩码mask中的一位,对下面的miniflow,minimask 这种不变性也是保持的,意味着flow和mask可以有不同的映射,

 * The invariants for the underlying miniflow and minimask are also maintained,
* which means that 'flow' and 'mask' can have different 'map's.  In
* particular, if the match checks that a given 32-bit field has value 0, then
* 'map' will have a 1-bit in 'mask' but a 0-bit in 'flow' for that field. */
struct  minimatch {
    struct miniflow flow;
    struct minimask mask;
/* A flow classification match.
* Use one of the match_*() functions to initialize a "struct match".
* The match_*() functions below maintain the following important invariant.
* If a bit or a field is wildcarded in 'wc', then the corresponding bit or
* field in 'flow' is set to all-0-bits.  (The match_zero_wildcarded_fields()
* function can be used to restore this invariant after adding wildcards.) */
struct  match {
    struct flow flow;
    struct flow_wildcards wc;
这里暂时栈到这里,看没有找到rule的情况, rule_dpif_miss_rule!!!!

struct  ofproto_dpif {
    struct hmap_node all_ofproto_dpifs_node; /* In 'all_ofproto_dpifs'. */
     struct ofproto up;
    struct dpif *dpif;

    /* Special OpenFlow rules. */
    struct rule_dpif * miss_rule; /* Sends flow table misses to controller. */
    struct rule_dpif * no_packet_in_rule; /* Drops flow table misses. */   在哪个阶段被初始化的 ??

    /* Statistics. */
    uint64_t n_matches;

    /* Bridging. */
    struct netflow *netflow;
    struct dpif_sflow *sflow;
    struct hmap bundles;        /* Contains "struct ofbundle"s. */
    struct mac_learning *ml;
    struct ofmirror *mirrors[MAX_MIRRORS];
    bool has_mirrors;
    bool has_bonded_bundles;

    /* Expiration. */
    struct timer next_expiration;

    /* Facets. */
     struct hmap facets;
    struct hmap subfacets;
    struct  governor *governor;
     //代表的是在datapath中流建立速率限制器(Flow setup rate limiter),如同发动机中的调节器控制车辆的速度。
    /* Revalidation. */
    struct table_dpif tables[N_TABLES];
    enum revalidate_reason need_revalidate;
    struct tag_set revalidate_set;

    /* Support for debugging async flow mods. */
    struct list completions;

    bool has_bundle_action; /* True when the first bundle action appears. */
    struct netdev_stats stats; /* To account packets generated and consumed in  userspace. */

    /* Spanning tree. */
    struct stp *stp;
    long long int stp_last_tick;

    /* VLAN splinters. */
    struct hmap realdev_vid_map; /* (realdev,vid) -> vlandev. */
    struct hmap vlandev_map;     /* vlandev -> (realdev,vid). */

static struct rule_dpif *   rule_dpif_miss_rule(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const struct flow *flow)
    struct ofport_dpif *port;

     port = get_ofp_port(ofproto, flow->in_port);
    if (!port) {
        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "packet-in on unknown port %"PRIu16, flow->in_port);
        return ofproto->miss_rule;
     //这里直接返回ofproto_dpif 结构中no_packet_in_rule, miss_rule 它们在什么时候被初始化的呢??
    if (port->up.pp.config & OFPUTIL_PC_NO_PACKET_IN) {
        return ofproto->no_packet_in_rule;
    return ofproto->miss_rule; 

struct  ofport_dpif {
     struct ofport up;

    uint32_t odp_port;
    struct ofbundle *bundle;    /* Bundle that contains this port, if any. */
    struct list bundle_node;    /* In struct ofbundle's "ports" list. */
    struct cfm *cfm;            /* Connectivity Fault Management, if any. */
    tag_type tag;               /* Tag associated with this port. */
    uint32_t bond_stable_id;    /* stable_id to use as bond slave, or 0. */
    bool may_enable;            /* May be enabled in bonds. */
    long long int carrier_seq;  /* Carrier status changes. */

    /* Spanning tree. */
    struct stp_port *stp_port;  /* Spanning Tree Protocol, if any. */
    enum stp_state stp_state;   /* Always STP_DISABLED if STP not in use. */
    long long int stp_state_entered;

    struct hmap priorities;     /* Map of attached 'priority_to_dscp's. */

    /* Linux VLAN device support (e.g. "eth0.10" for VLAN 10.)
     * This is deprecated.  It is only for compatibility with broken device
     * drivers in old versions of Linux that do not properly support VLANs when
     * VLAN devices are not used.  When broken device drivers are no longer in
     * widespread use, we will delete these interfaces. */
    uint16_t realdev_ofp_port;
    int vlandev_vid;

作为struct ofproto中的 openflow  port成员,我们不应该改变这些字段;
struct  ofport {
    struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* In struct ofproto's "ports" hmap. */
     struct ofproto *ofproto;    /* The ofproto that contains this port. */
    struct netdev *netdev;
     struct ofputil_phy_port pp;
    uint16_t ofp_port;          /* OpenFlow port number. */
    unsigned int change_seq;
    int mtu;

协议openflow 1.0/1.1定义的物理端口抽象数据类型(of spec P17);
struct  ofputil_phy_port {
    uint16_t port_no;
    uint8_t hw_addr[OFP_ETH_ALEN];
    char name[OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN];
     enum ofputil_port_config config;
    enum ofputil_port_state state;

    /* NETDEV_F_* feature bitmasks. */
    enum netdev_features curr;       /* Current features. */
    enum netdev_features advertised; /* Features advertised by the port. */
    enum netdev_features supported;  /* Features supported by the port. */
    enum netdev_features peer;       /* Features advertised by peer. */

    /* Speed. */
    uint32_t curr_speed;        /* Current speed, in kbps. */
    uint32_t max_speed;         /* Maximum supported speed, in kbps. */
这些端口配置位(port config bits)所要表明的是否这个端口 被管理型的关闭,处理802.1D生成树选项,如何处理进出的packets等。
enum  ofputil_port_config {
    /* OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.1 share these values for these port config bits. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_PORT_DOWN    = 1 << 0, /* Port is administratively down. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_RECV      = 1 << 2, /* Drop all packets received by port. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FWD       = 1 << 5, /* Drop packets forwarded to port. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_PACKET_IN = 1 << 6, /* No send packet-in msgs for port. */
     /* OpenFlow 1.0 only. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_STP       = 1 << 1, /* No 802.1D spanning tree for port. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_RECV_STP  = 1 << 3, /* Drop received 802.1D STP packets. */
    OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FLOOD     = 1 << 4, /* Do not include port when flooding. */
    /* There are no OpenFlow 1.1-only bits. */

static struct ofport_dpif *   get_ofp_port(const struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, uint16_t ofp_port)
    struct ofport *ofport = ofproto_get_port(&ofproto->up, ofp_port);
    return ofport ? ofport_dpif_cast(ofport) : NULL;
根据端口号找到对应的ofport结构体,struct ofport又是 struct ofport_dpif 的成员,所以通过container_of 得到外层容器的地址即可;
struct ofport *  ofproto_get_port(const struct ofproto *ofproto, uint16_t ofp_port)
    struct ofport *port;
    HMAP_FOR_EACH_IN_BUCKET (port, hmap_node, hash_int(ofp_port, 0), &ofproto->ports) {
        if (port->ofp_port == ofp_port) {
            return port;
    return NULL;

     来判断这个在ofproto_dpif 没有找到的流(细节在flow_miss 结构体中)是否值得在用户空间追踪细节并且安装一条datapath flow;问题的答案通常是yes,然而,对于那些short flows的记账代价往往超过利益,所以当datapath有很多这样的short flows的时候,我们就要考虑利用一些启发式的规则来决定那些流值得追踪。
static bool   flow_miss_should_make_facet(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, struct flow_miss *miss, uint32_t hash)
    if (!ofproto->governor) {
        size_t n_subfacets;

        n_subfacets = hmap_count(&ofproto->subfacets);
        if (n_subfacets * 2 <= ofproto->up.flow_eviction_threshold) {
            return true;     //在小于ofproto流表踢出门限的时候直接返回;意味着??

        ofproto->governor = governor_create(ofproto->up.name);

    return  governor_should_install_flow(ofproto->governor, hash,list_size(&miss->packets));

如果确定了在ofproto中没有存在完全一样的flow并且flow是rule在ofproto的分类表(流表?)中的最佳匹配,那么这里就是由rule 和 flow 创建并返回一个新的facet,其中hash=flow_hash(flow, 0),初始时facet没有subfacet,下面会创建。这里要注意的是具体的action细节是在相应的规则rule里面。
static struct facet *  facet_create(struct rule_dpif *rule, const struct flow *flow, uint32_t hash)
    struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto = ofproto_dpif_cast(rule->up.ofproto);
    struct facet *facet;

    facet = xzalloc(sizeof *facet);
    facet->used = time_msec();
    hmap_insert(&ofproto->facets, &facet->hmap_node, hash);
    list_push_back(&rule->facets, &facet->list_node);
    facet->rule = rule;
    facet->flow = *flow;
    netflow_flow_update_time(ofproto->netflow, &facet->nf_flow, facet->used);   

    return facet;

     这时候与flow_miss 匹配的facet也有了,可能会增加需要的datapath操作到flow_miss_op中同时更新计数;在miss中的packets被认为到达的时间是now,这只对新的facets很重要:

/* All of the packets in 'miss' are considered to have arrived at time 'now'.
* This is really important only for new facets: if we just called time_msec()
* here, then the new subfacet or its packets could look (occasionally) as
* though it was used some time after the facet was used.  That can make a
* one-packet flow look like it has a nonzero duration, which looks odd in
* e.g. NetFlow statistics. */
static void  handle_flow_miss_with_facet(struct flow_miss *miss, struct facet *facet, long long int now, struct flow_miss_op *ops, size_t *n_ops)
    struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto = ofproto_dpif_cast(facet->rule->up.ofproto);
    enum subfacet_path want_path;
    struct subfacet *subfacet;
    struct ofpbuf *packet;

    subfacet =  subfacet_create(facet, miss->key_fitness, miss->key, miss->key_len,miss->initial_tci, now);

    LIST_FOR_EACH (packet, list_node, &miss->packets) {  //利用packet来遍历miss中所有的包,依次处理;
        struct flow_miss_op *op = &ops[*n_ops];
        struct dpif_flow_stats stats;
        struct ofpbuf odp_actions;

        handle_flow_miss_common(facet->rule, packet, &miss->flow);      //fail-open模式 ??

        ofpbuf_use_stub(&odp_actions, op->stub, sizeof op->stub);
        if (!subfacet->actions || subfacet->slow) {
             subfacet_make_actions(subfacet, packet, &odp_actions);  

        dpif_flow_stats_extract(&facet->flow, packet, now, &stats);
        subfacet_update_stats(subfacet, &stats);

        if (subfacet->actions_len) {
            struct dpif_execute *execute = &op->dpif_op.u.execute;

            init_flow_miss_execute_op(miss, packet, op);
            op->subfacet = subfacet;
            if (!subfacet->slow) {     //slow-path-reason。
                execute->actions = subfacet->actions;
                execute->actions_len = subfacet->actions_len;
            } else {    //上面构造的odp-actions用在这里;
                execute->actions = odp_actions.data;
                execute->actions_len = odp_actions.size;
                op->garbage = ofpbuf_get_uninit_pointer(&odp_actions);

        } else {
     //这个LIST_FOR_EACH循环完成后,所有的op->dpif_op.u.execute中的actions,actions_len 等都得到了填充;

    want_path = subfacet_want_path(subfacet->slow);  //返回SF_SLOW_PATH 或者 SF_FAST_PATH
    if (miss->upcall_type == DPIF_UC_MISS || subfacet->path != want_path) {
        struct flow_miss_op *op = &ops[(*n_ops)++];
        struct dpif_flow_put *put = &op->dpif_op.u.flow_put;

        op->subfacet = subfacet;
        op->garbage = NULL;
        op->dpif_op.type = DPIF_OP_FLOW_PUT;
        put->flags = DPIF_FP_CREATE | DPIF_FP_MODIFY;
        put->key = miss->key;
        put->key_len = miss->key_len;
        if (want_path == SF_FAST_PATH) {
            put->actions = subfacet->actions;
            put->actions_len = subfacet->actions_len;
        } else { //暂时没看;
            compose_slow_path(ofproto, &facet->flow, subfacet->slow, op->stub, sizeof op->stub,
                              &put->actions, &put->actions_len);
        put->stats = NULL;

从facet中找到合适的subfacet,如果没有的话就创建一个新的,初始化其中的一些字段,如果这个subfacet是新创的那么 subfacet->actions=NULL,在接下来的 subfacet_make_actions()函数中会得到构造。   key_fitness也没看懂意味着什么??
static struct subfacet *  subfacet_create(struct facet *facet, enum odp_key_fitness key_fitness,
                const struct nlattr *key, size_t key_len,
                ovs_be16 initial_tci, long long int now)
    struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto = ofproto_dpif_cast(facet->rule->up.ofproto);
    uint32_t key_hash = odp_flow_key_hash(key, key_len);   //得到nla的哈希值;
    struct subfacet *subfacet;

    if (list_is_empty(&facet->subfacets)) { //如果facet中字段subfacets为空;
        subfacet = &facet->one_subfacet;
    } else {
        subfacet = subfacet_find__(ofproto, key, key_len, key_hash, &facet->flow);
        if (subfacet) {
            if (subfacet->facet == facet) {
                return subfacet;          //如果这个subfacet存在的话,就直接返回,否则下面会构造;
              /* This shouldn't happen. */
            VLOG_ERR_RL(&rl, "subfacet with wrong facet");

        subfacet = xmalloc(sizeof *subfacet);

    hmap_insert(&ofproto->subfacets, &subfacet->hmap_node, key_hash);
    list_push_back(&facet->subfacets, &subfacet->list_node);
    subfacet->facet = facet;
    subfacet->key_fitness = key_fitness;
    if (key_fitness != ODP_FIT_PERFECT) {      //判断属于何种 fitness不是很明白??
        subfacet->key = xmemdup(key, key_len);
        subfacet->key_len = key_len;
    } else {   //如果key_fitness = ODP_FIT_PERFECT完美匹配的话就不需要记录其他的信息;
        subfacet->key = NULL;
        subfacet->key_len = 0;
    subfacet->used = now;
    subfacet->dp_packet_count = 0;
    subfacet->dp_byte_count = 0;
    subfacet->actions_len = 0;
    subfacet->actions = NULL;
    subfacet->slow = (subfacet->key_fitness == ODP_FIT_TOO_LITTLE ? SLOW_MATCH : 0);
    subfacet->path = SF_NOT_INSTALLED;    //
    subfacet->initial_tci = initial_tci;

    return subfacet;

     基于subfacet(里面会指向rule相关的字段)构造datapath actions,然后转换到ofpbuf结构体中,调用者要负责申请和释放这个缓存。
static void   subfacet_make_actions(struct subfacet *subfacet, const struct ofpbuf *packet, struct ofpbuf *odp_actions)
    struct facet *facet = subfacet->facet;
    struct rule_dpif *rule = facet->rule;
    struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto = ofproto_dpif_cast(rule->up.ofproto);

    struct action_xlate_ctx ctx;

    action_xlate_ctx_init(&ctx, ofproto, &facet->flow, subfacet->initial_tci, rule, 0, packet);
     //用ofproto-fpif,flow,rule,packet来初始化这个action translate context;

    xlate_actions(&ctx, rule->up.ofpacts, rule->up.ofpacts_len, odp_actions);
    facet->tags = ctx.tags;
    facet->has_learn = ctx.has_learn;
    facet->has_normal = ctx.has_normal;
    facet->has_fin_timeout = ctx.has_fin_timeout;
    facet->nf_flow.output_iface = ctx.nf_output_iface;
    facet->mirrors = ctx.mirrors;

    subfacet->slow = (subfacet->slow & SLOW_MATCH) | ctx.slow;
    if (subfacet->actions_len != odp_actions->size   || memcmp(subfacet->actions, odp_actions->data, odp_actions->size)) {
        subfacet->actions_len = odp_actions->size;
        subfacet->actions = xmemdup(odp_actions->data, odp_actions->size);

struct  action_xlate_ctx {
/* action_xlate_ctx_init() initializes these members. */
    /* The ofproto. */
     struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto;

    /* Flow to which the OpenFlow actions apply.  xlate_actions() will modify
     * this flow when actions change header fields. */
     struct flow flow;

    /* The packet corresponding to 'flow', or a null pointer if we are
     * revalidating without a packet to refer to. */
     const struct ofpbuf *packet;

    /* Should OFPP_NORMAL update the MAC learning table?  Should "learn"
     * actions update the flow table?
     * We want to update these tables if we are actually processing a packet,
     * or if we are accounting for packets that the datapath has processed, but
     * not if we are just revalidating. */
    bool may_learn;      //当在处理一个真正的数据包时应该置为真;

    /* The rule that we are currently translating, or NULL. */
     struct rule_dpif *rule;

    /* Union of the set of TCP flags seen so far in this flow.  (Used only by
     * NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT.  Set to zero to avoid updating updating rules'
     * timeouts.) */
    uint8_t tcp_flags;

    /* If nonnull, flow translation calls this function just before executing a
     * resubmit or OFPP_TABLE action.  In addition, disables logging of traces
     * when the recursion depth is exceeded.
     * 'rule' is the rule being submitted into.  It will be null if the
     * resubmit or OFPP_TABLE action didn't find a matching rule.
     * This is normally null so the client has to set it manually after
     * calling action_xlate_ctx_init(). */
    void (*resubmit_hook)(struct action_xlate_ctx *, struct rule_dpif *rule);

    /* If nonnull, flow translation calls this function to report some
     * significant decision, e.g. to explain why OFPP_NORMAL translation
     * dropped a packet. */
    void (*report_hook)(struct action_xlate_ctx *, const char *s);

    /* If nonnull, flow translation credits the specified statistics to each
     * rule reached through a resubmit or OFPP_TABLE action.
     * This is normally null so the client has to set it manually after
     * calling action_xlate_ctx_init(). */
    const struct dpif_flow_stats *resubmit_stats;

/* xlate_actions() initializes and uses these members.  The client might want
* to look at them after it returns. */

     struct ofpbuf *odp_actions; /* Datapath actions. */
    tag_type tags;              /* Tags associated with actions. */
    enum slow_path_reason slow; /* 0 if fast path may be used. */
    bool has_learn;             /* Actions include NXAST_LEARN? */
    bool has_normal;            /* Actions output to OFPP_NORMAL? */
    bool has_fin_timeout;       /* Actions include NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT? */
    uint16_t nf_output_iface;   /* Output interface index for NetFlow. */
    mirror_mask_t mirrors;      /* Bitmap of associated mirrors. */

/* xlate_actions() initializes and uses these members, but the client has no
* reason to look at them. */

    int recurse;                /* Recursion level, via xlate_table_action. */
    bool max_resubmit_trigger;  /* Recursed too deeply during translation. */
     struct flow base_flow;      /* Flow at the last commit. */
    uint32_t orig_skb_priority; /* Priority when packet arrived. */
    uint8_t table_id;           /* OpenFlow table ID where flow was found. */
    uint32_t sflow_n_outputs;   /* Number of output ports. */
    uint16_t sflow_odp_port;    /* Output port for composing sFlow action. */
    uint16_t user_cookie_offset;/* Used for user_action_cookie fixup. */
    bool exit;                  /* No further actions should be processed. */
    struct flow orig_flow;      /* Copy of original flow. */

将这些openflow actions转换为genlmsg格式。
static void   xlate_actions(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx, const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t ofpacts_len, struct ofpbuf *odp_actions)
    /*  Normally false.  Set to true if we ever hit MAX_RESUBMIT_RECURSION, so that in the future we always keep a copy of the original flow for  tracing purposes. */
    static bool hit_resubmit_limit;

    enum slow_path_reason special;


    ofpbuf_reserve(odp_actions, NL_A_U32_SIZE);

     ctx->odp_actions = odp_actions;
    ctx->tags = 0;
    ctx->slow = 0;
     ctx->has_learn = false;     //??
    ctx->has_normal = false;
    ctx->has_fin_timeout = false;
    ctx->nf_output_iface = NF_OUT_DROP;
    ctx->mirrors = 0;
    ctx->recurse = 0;
    ctx->max_resubmit_trigger = false;
    ctx->orig_skb_priority = ctx->flow.skb_priority;
    ctx->table_id = 0;
    ctx->exit = false;

    if (ctx->ofproto->has_mirrors || hit_resubmit_limit) {
        /* Do this conditionally because the copy is expensive enough that it  shows up in profiles.
         * We keep orig_flow in 'ctx' only because I couldn't make GCC 4.4  believe that I wasn't using it without initializing it if I kept it  in a local variable. */
        ctx->orig_flow = ctx->flow;

    if (ctx->flow.nw_frag & FLOW_NW_FRAG_ANY) {   //每个IP分片都会设置这个标志;
        switch (ctx->ofproto->up.frag_handling) {      //在include/openflow/openflow-1.0.h中定义的枚举ofp_config_flags,对分片的不同策略;
        case OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL: //对分片不会特别处理;
            /* We must pretend that transport ports are unavailable. */
            ctx->flow.tp_src = ctx->base_flow.tp_src = htons(0);
            ctx->flow.tp_dst = ctx->base_flow.tp_dst = htons(0);

        case OFPC_FRAG_DROP:  

        case OFPC_FRAG_REASM:
            NOT_REACHED();     //abort();

        case OFPC_FRAG_NX_MATCH:
            /* Nothing to do. */


     special = process_special(ctx->ofproto, &ctx->flow, ctx->packet);
    if (special) {
        ctx->slow |= special;
    } else {   // 大多数情况下不会是CFM,LACP,STP;
        static struct vlog_rate_limit trace_rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 1);
        ovs_be16 initial_tci = ctx->base_flow.vlan_tci;

         do_xlate_actions(ofpacts, ofpacts_len, ctx);

        if (ctx->max_resubmit_trigger && !ctx->resubmit_hook) {
            if (!hit_resubmit_limit) {
                /* We didn't record the original flow.  Make sure we do from
                 * now on. */
                hit_resubmit_limit = true;
            } else if (!VLOG_DROP_ERR(&trace_rl)) {
                struct ds ds = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;

                ofproto_trace(ctx->ofproto, &ctx->orig_flow, ctx->packet, initial_tci, &ds);
                VLOG_ERR("Trace triggered by excessive resubmit recursion:\n%s", ds_cstr(&ds));

        if (!connmgr_may_set_up_flow(ctx->ofproto->up.connmgr, &ctx->flow,
                                     ctx->odp_actions->size)) {
            ctx->slow |= SLOW_IN_BAND;
            if (ctx->packet&& connmgr_msg_in_hook(ctx->ofproto->up.connmgr, &ctx->flow,
                                       ctx->packet)) {
                compose_output_action(ctx, OFPP_LOCAL);
        if (ctx->ofproto->has_mirrors) {
            add_mirror_actions(ctx, &ctx->orig_flow);

static enum slow_path_reason  process_special(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const struct flow *flow,  const struct ofpbuf *packet)
    struct ofport_dpif *ofport = get_ofp_port(ofproto, flow->in_port);

    if (!ofport) {
        return 0;
    if (ofport->cfm && cfm_should_process_flow(ofport->cfm, flow)) {
        if (packet) {
            cfm_process_heartbeat(ofport->cfm, packet);
        return SLOW_CFM;
    } else if (ofport->bundle && ofport->bundle->lacp && flow->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_LACP)) {
        if (packet) {  //IEEE802.3ad链路聚合控制协议;
            lacp_process_packet(ofport->bundle->lacp, ofport, packet);
        return SLOW_LACP;
    } else if (ofproto->stp && stp_should_process_flow(flow)) {
        if (packet) {
            stp_process_packet(ofport, packet);
        return SLOW_STP;
    return 0;

     样品动作(SAMPLE action)必须在一个action list的开始,所以没有必要构造的那么完美,尽力;
static void  add_sflow_action(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx)
    ctx->user_cookie_offset = compose_sflow_action(ctx->ofproto, ctx->odp_actions,&ctx->flow, OVSP_NONE);
    ctx->sflow_odp_port = 0;
    ctx->sflow_n_outputs = 0;
/* Compose SAMPLE action for sFlow. */
static size_t  compose_sflow_action(const struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto,struct ofpbuf *odp_actions,
                     const struct flow *flow,uint32_t odp_port)
    uint32_t probability;
    union user_action_cookie cookie;
    size_t sample_offset, actions_offset;
    int cookie_offset;

    if (!ofproto->sflow || flow->in_port == OFPP_NONE) {
        return 0;

    sample_offset = nl_msg_start_nested(odp_actions, OVS_ACTION_ATTR_SAMPLE);

    /* Number of packets out of UINT_MAX to sample. */
    probability = dpif_sflow_get_probability(ofproto->sflow);
    nl_msg_put_u32(odp_actions, OVS_SAMPLE_ATTR_PROBABILITY, probability);

    actions_offset = nl_msg_start_nested(odp_actions, OVS_SAMPLE_ATTR_ACTIONS);
     compose_sflow_cookie(ofproto, htons(0), odp_port, odp_port == OVSP_NONE ? 0 : 1, &cookie);
    cookie_offset =  put_userspace_action(ofproto, odp_actions, flow, &cookie);

    nl_msg_end_nested(odp_actions, actions_offset);
    nl_msg_end_nested(odp_actions, sample_offset);
    return cookie_offset;

/* user_action_cookie is passed as argument to OVS_ACTION_ATTR_USERSPACE.
* Since it is passed to kernel as u64, its size has to be 8 bytes. */
union  user_action_cookie {
    uint16_t type;              /* enum user_action_cookie_type. */

    struct {
        uint16_t type;          /* USER_ACTION_COOKIE_SFLOW. */
        ovs_be16 vlan_tci;      /* Destination VLAN TCI. */
        uint32_t output;        /* SFL_FLOW_SAMPLE_TYPE 'output' value. */
    } sflow;

    struct {
        uint16_t type;          /* USER_ACTION_COOKIE_SLOW_PATH. */
        uint16_t unused;
        uint32_t reason;        /* enum slow_path_reason. */
    } slow_path;

static size_t  put_userspace_action(const struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, struct ofpbuf *odp_actions,
                     const struct flow *flow, const union user_action_cookie *cookie)
    uint32_t pid;

    pid =  dpif_port_get_pid(ofproto->dpif,  ofp_port_to_odp_port(flow->in_port));

    return  odp_put_userspace_action(pid, cookie, odp_actions);
/* Returns the Netlink PID value to supply in OVS_ACTION_ATTR_USERSPACE actions
* as the OVS_USERSPACE_ATTR_PID attribute's value, for use in flows whose
* packets arrived on port 'port_no'.
* A 'port_no' of UINT16_MAX is a special case: it returns a reserved PID, not
* allocated to any port, that the client may use for special purposes.
* The return value is only meaningful when DPIF_UC_ACTION has been enabled in
* the 'dpif''s listen mask.  It is allowed to change when DPIF_UC_ACTION is
* disabled and then re-enabled, so a client that does that must be prepared to
* update all of the flows that it installed that contain
uint32_t  dpif_port_get_pid(const struct dpif *dpif, uint16_t port_no)
    return ( dpif->dpif_class->port_get_pid ? (dpif->dpif_class->port_get_pid)(dpif, port_no) : 0);
     //调用具体datapath interface接口实现的port_get_pid这个方法得到我们用户层的netlink pid,比如说dpif_linux_class;
/* Appends an OVS_ACTION_ATTR_USERSPACE action to 'odp_actions' that specifies
* Netlink PID 'pid'.  If 'cookie' is nonnull, adds a userdata attribute whose
* contents contains 'cookie' and returns the offset within 'odp_actions' of
* the start of the cookie.  (If 'cookie' is null, then the return value is not
* meaningful.) */
size_t  odp_put_userspace_action(uint32_t pid, const union user_action_cookie *cookie, struct ofpbuf *odp_actions)
    size_t offset;

    offset = nl_msg_start_nested(odp_actions, OVS_ACTION_ATTR_USERSPACE);
    nl_msg_put_u32(odp_actions, OVS_USERSPACE_ATTR_PID, pid);
    if (cookie) {
        nl_msg_put_unspec(odp_actions, OVS_USERSPACE_ATTR_USERDATA, cookie, sizeof *cookie);
    nl_msg_end_nested(odp_actions, offset);

    return cookie ? odp_actions->size - NLA_ALIGN(sizeof *cookie) : 0;

static void  do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t ofpacts_len, struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx)
    const struct ofport_dpif *port;
    bool was_evictable = true;
    const struct ofpact *a;

    port = get_ofp_port(ctx->ofproto, ctx->flow.in_port);  //得到具体实现的端口实例;
    if (port && !may_receive(port, ctx)) {
        /* Drop this flow. */

    if (ctx->rule) {
        /* Don't let the rule we're working on get evicted underneath us. */
        was_evictable = ctx->rule->up.evictable;
        ctx->rule->up.evictable = false;
    OFPACT_FOR_EACH (a, ofpacts, ofpacts_len) {
        struct ofpact_controller *controller;
        const struct ofpact_metadata *metadata;

        if (ctx->exit) {
        switch (a->type) {
        case OFPACT_OUTPUT:
             xlate_output_action(ctx, ofpact_get_OUTPUT(a)->port, ofpact_get_OUTPUT(a)->max_len, true);

            controller = ofpact_get_CONTROLLER(a);
            execute_controller_action(ctx, controller->max_len, controller->reason,controller->controller_id);

        case OFPACT_ENQUEUE:
            xlate_enqueue_action(ctx, ofpact_get_ENQUEUE(a));

        case OFPACT_SET_VLAN_VID:
            ctx->flow.vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_VID_MASK);
            ctx->flow.vlan_tci |= (htons(ofpact_get_SET_VLAN_VID(a)->vlan_vid)| htons(VLAN_CFI));

        case OFPACT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
            ctx->flow.vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_PCP_MASK);
            ctx->flow.vlan_tci |= htons((ofpact_get_SET_VLAN_PCP(a)->vlan_pcp<< VLAN_PCP_SHIFT)| VLAN_CFI);

        case OFPACT_STRIP_VLAN:
            ctx->flow.vlan_tci = htons(0);

        case OFPACT_SET_ETH_SRC:
            memcpy(ctx->flow.dl_src, ofpact_get_SET_ETH_SRC(a)->mac,

        case OFPACT_SET_ETH_DST:
            memcpy(ctx->flow.dl_dst, ofpact_get_SET_ETH_DST(a)->mac, ETH_ADDR_LEN);

        case OFPACT_SET_IPV4_SRC:
            ctx->flow.nw_src = ofpact_get_SET_IPV4_SRC(a)->ipv4;

        case OFPACT_SET_IPV4_DST:
            ctx->flow.nw_dst = ofpact_get_SET_IPV4_DST(a)->ipv4;

        case OFPACT_SET_IPV4_DSCP:
            /* OpenFlow 1.0 only supports IPv4. */
            if (ctx->flow.dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IP)) {
                ctx->flow.nw_tos &= ~IP_DSCP_MASK;
                ctx->flow.nw_tos |= ofpact_get_SET_IPV4_DSCP(a)->dscp;

        case OFPACT_SET_L4_SRC_PORT:
            ctx->flow.tp_src = htons(ofpact_get_SET_L4_SRC_PORT(a)->port);

        case OFPACT_SET_L4_DST_PORT:
            ctx->flow.tp_dst = htons(ofpact_get_SET_L4_DST_PORT(a)->port);

        case OFPACT_RESUBMIT:
            xlate_ofpact_resubmit(ctx, ofpact_get_RESUBMIT(a));

        case OFPACT_SET_TUNNEL:
            ctx->flow.tunnel.tun_id = htonll(ofpact_get_SET_TUNNEL(a)->tun_id);

        case OFPACT_SET_QUEUE:
            xlate_set_queue_action(ctx, ofpact_get_SET_QUEUE(a)->queue_id);

        case OFPACT_POP_QUEUE:
            ctx->flow.skb_priority = ctx->orig_skb_priority;

        case OFPACT_REG_MOVE:
            nxm_execute_reg_move(ofpact_get_REG_MOVE(a), &ctx->flow);

        case OFPACT_REG_LOAD:
            nxm_execute_reg_load(ofpact_get_REG_LOAD(a), &ctx->flow);

        case OFPACT_DEC_TTL:
            if (compose_dec_ttl(ctx, ofpact_get_DEC_TTL(a))) {
                goto out;

        case OFPACT_NOTE:
            /* Nothing to do. */

        case OFPACT_MULTIPATH:
            multipath_execute(ofpact_get_MULTIPATH(a), &ctx->flow);

        case OFPACT_AUTOPATH:
            xlate_autopath(ctx, ofpact_get_AUTOPATH(a));

        case OFPACT_BUNDLE:
            ctx->ofproto->has_bundle_action = true;
            xlate_bundle_action(ctx, ofpact_get_BUNDLE(a));

        case OFPACT_OUTPUT_REG:
            xlate_output_reg_action(ctx, ofpact_get_OUTPUT_REG(a));

        case OFPACT_LEARN:
            ctx->has_learn = true;
            if (ctx->may_learn) {
                xlate_learn_action(ctx, ofpact_get_LEARN(a));

        case OFPACT_EXIT:
            ctx->exit = true;

        case OFPACT_FIN_TIMEOUT:
            ctx->has_fin_timeout = true;
            xlate_fin_timeout(ctx, ofpact_get_FIN_TIMEOUT(a));

            /* TODO:XXX
             * Nothing to do because writa-actions is not supported for now.
             * When writa-actions is supported, clear-actions also must
             * be supported at the same time.

            metadata = ofpact_get_WRITE_METADATA(a);
            ctx->flow.metadata &= ~metadata->mask;
            ctx->flow.metadata |= metadata->metadata & metadata->mask;

        case OFPACT_GOTO_TABLE: {
            /* TODO:XXX remove recursion */
            /* It is assumed that goto-table is last action */
            struct ofpact_goto_table *ogt = ofpact_get_GOTO_TABLE(a);
            assert(ctx->table_id < ogt->table_id);
            xlate_table_action(ctx, ctx->flow.in_port, ogt->table_id, true);

    /* We've let OFPP_NORMAL and the learning action look at the packet,
     * so drop it now if forwarding is disabled. */
    if (port && !stp_forward_in_state(port->stp_state)) {
    if (ctx->rule) {
        ctx->rule->up.evictable = was_evictable;

struct ofpact {
    enum ofpact_type type;      /* OFPACT_*. */
    enum ofputil_action_code compat; /* Original type when added, if any. */
    uint16_t len;               /* Length of the action, in bytes, including
                                 * struct ofpact, excluding padding. */
* Used for OFPAT10_OUTPUT. */
struct ofpact_output {
    struct ofpact ofpact;
    uint16_t port;              /* Output port. */
    uint16_t max_len;           /* Max send len, for port OFPP_CONTROLLER. */

static void  xlate_output_action(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx,uint16_t port, uint16_t max_len, bool may_packet_in)
    uint16_t prev_nf_output_iface = ctx->nf_output_iface;

    ctx->nf_output_iface = NF_OUT_DROP;
      //TODO:看of 1.0协议来明确这些端口号的含义; 这里提供的port是在哪儿得到的呢?
      //在具体的ofpact_*结构体中,这里看 ofpact_output;
    switch (port) {
    case OFPP_IN_PORT://从入口发送,这个虚拟端口必须明确指示;
        compose_output_action(ctx, ctx->flow.in_port);
    case OFPP_TABLE:
        xlate_table_action(ctx, ctx->flow.in_port, 0, may_packet_in);
    case OFPP_NORMAL:
    case OFPP_FLOOD:
        flood_packets(ctx,  false);
    case OFPP_ALL:
        flood_packets(ctx, true);
         execute_controller_action(ctx, max_len, OFPR_ACTION, 0);
    case OFPP_NONE:
    case OFPP_LOCAL:
        if (port != ctx->flow.in_port) {
            compose_output_action(ctx, port);
        } else {
            xlate_report(ctx, "skipping output to input port");

    if (prev_nf_output_iface == NF_OUT_FLOOD) {
        ctx->nf_output_iface = NF_OUT_FLOOD;
    } else if (ctx->nf_output_iface == NF_OUT_DROP) {
        ctx->nf_output_iface = prev_nf_output_iface;
    } else if (prev_nf_output_iface != NF_OUT_DROP &&
               ctx->nf_output_iface != NF_OUT_FLOOD) {
        ctx->nf_output_iface = NF_OUT_MULTI;

static void  flood_packets(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx, bool all)
    struct ofport_dpif *ofport;
    // 会遍历这个datapath所有的port,然后发送packet;
    HMAP_FOR_EACH (ofport, up.hmap_node,  &ctx->ofproto->up.ports) {
        uint16_t ofp_port = ofport->up.ofp_port;

        if (ofp_port == ctx->flow.in_port) {

        if (all) {
             compose_output_action__(ctx, ofp_port, false);
        } else if (!(ofport->up.pp.config & OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FLOOD)) {
            compose_output_action(ctx, ofp_port);

    ctx->nf_output_iface = NF_OUT_FLOOD;

static void  compose_output_action__(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx, uint16_t ofp_port,bool check_stp)
    const struct ofport_dpif *ofport = get_ofp_port(ctx->ofproto, ofp_port);
    uint16_t odp_port = ofp_port_to_odp_port(ofp_port);
    ovs_be16 flow_vlan_tci = ctx->flow.vlan_tci;
    uint8_t flow_nw_tos = ctx->flow.nw_tos;
    uint16_t out_port;

    if (ofport) {
        struct priority_to_dscp *pdscp;

        if (ofport->up.pp.config & OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FWD) {
            xlate_report(ctx, "OFPPC_NO_FWD set, skipping output");
        } else if (check_stp && !stp_forward_in_state(ofport->stp_state)) {
            xlate_report(ctx, "STP not in forwarding state, skipping output");

        pdscp = get_priority(ofport, ctx->flow.skb_priority);
        if (pdscp) {
            ctx->flow.nw_tos &= ~IP_DSCP_MASK;
            ctx->flow.nw_tos |= pdscp->dscp;
    } else {
        /* We may not have an ofport record for this port, but it doesn't hurt
         * to allow forwarding to it anyhow.  Maybe such a port will appear
         * later and we're pre-populating the flow table.  */

    out_port = vsp_realdev_to_vlandev(ctx->ofproto, odp_port,ctx->flow.vlan_tci);
    if (out_port != odp_port) {
        ctx->flow.vlan_tci = htons(0);
      commit_odp_actions(&ctx->flow, &ctx->base_flow, ctx->odp_actions);
    nl_msg_put_u32(ctx->odp_actions, OVS_ACTION_ATTR_OUTPUT, out_port);

    ctx->sflow_odp_port = odp_port;
    ctx->nf_output_iface = ofp_port;
    ctx->flow.vlan_tci = flow_vlan_tci;
    ctx->flow.nw_tos = flow_nw_tos;

/* Returns the ODP port number of the Linux VLAN device that corresponds to
* 'vlan_tci' on the network device with port number 'realdev_odp_port' in
* 'ofproto'.  For example, given 'realdev_odp_port' of eth0 and 'vlan_tci' 9,
* it would return the port number of eth0.9.
* Unless VLAN splinters are enabled for port 'realdev_odp_port', this
* function just returns its 'realdev_odp_port' argument. */
static uint32_t  vsp_realdev_to_vlandev(const struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, uint32_t realdev_odp_port, ovs_be16 vlan_tci)
    if (!hmap_is_empty(&ofproto->realdev_vid_map)) {
        uint16_t realdev_ofp_port = odp_port_to_ofp_port(realdev_odp_port);
        int vid = vlan_tci_to_vid(vlan_tci);
        const struct vlan_splinter *vsp;

        HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (vsp, realdev_vid_node,
                                 hash_realdev_vid(realdev_ofp_port, vid),
                                 &ofproto->realdev_vid_map) {
            if (vsp->realdev_ofp_port == realdev_ofp_port
                && vsp->vid == vid) {
                return ofp_port_to_odp_port(vsp->vlandev_ofp_port);
    return realdev_odp_port;   //没有牵扯到VLAN的话就直接返回那个端口号;

     从base flow将那些不同的字段更新到flow中,同时将会设置odp_actions相应的属性OVS_KEY_ATTR_TCP,OVS_KEY_ATTR_ETHERNET等等。

void  commit_odp_actions(const struct flow *flow, struct flow *base, struct ofpbuf *odp_actions)
    commit_set_tun_id_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_set_ether_addr_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_vlan_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_set_nw_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_set_port_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_set_priority_action(flow, base, odp_actions);
    commit_set_skb_mark_action(flow, base, odp_actions);

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