Large Scale Data Engineering EMATM0051

This coursework is divided into two parts:
Part 1: A written task (only) related to the knowledge gained in the AWS Academy Cloud
Foundations course (weeks 1-7).
Part 2: A combined practical and written activity architecting a scaling application on the Cloud, where you will be required to use knowledge gained and a little further research to implement the scaling infrastructure, followed by a report that will focus on your experience in the practical activity
together with knowledge gained in the entire LSDE course.
Weighting : This assessment is worth 100% of your total unit 20 credits.
You must have completed the AWS Academy Cloud Foundations course set in weeks 1-8
You will require an AWS Academy Lab account for the practical activity. You should receive an invite when this document is released. Please contact the LSDE Unit Director if you have no invitation email or are having issues with the registration.
A Secure Shell (SSH) client, such as MacOS Terminal or PuTTy on Windows, for server admin.
Submission :
Via the LSDE BlackBoard coursework assessment page, submit one .pdf file (named ‘your_username.pdf, e.g. tl18303.pdf), containing:
A report (‘report.pdf’) in PDF format containing:
o Part 1
o Part 2
o Your AWS Academy account credentials (username, password)
In this document we provide a detailed explanation of the tasks and the approach to marking.
Task 1: (25%)
Write a maximum of 1000 words (minimum: 600) debating the statement:
“Transform the retail industry by leveraging cloud technology”. You could know some background information via this link: Include your own descriptions of the following:
At least 5 AWS features or services introduced in the Cloud Foundations course that make cloud service advantageous for retail industry.
At least 3 different scenarios where the cloud service may have challenges for transforming  retail industry.
Task 2: Scaling the WordPress Application (75%)
WordPress is by far the most popular open-source software for hosting online blogs and small-scale  websites. It is a PHP application, backed by a MySQL database (NOTE: you are NOT expected to understand or modify the source code in any way).
WordPress includes a password-secured browser admin interface that enables blog posts and other content to be created, management of users, review of blog metrics, installation of extensions (known as ‘plugins’), and so on.
WordPress is typically installed on a single EC2 server, but as we saw in the Cloud Foundations course, a single server has limitations in availability, scalability, performance, etc. This can affect the speed of response (latency) and thus performance and cost (see this article ).
Your task will be to take a default, minimal installation of WordPress and implement a resilient, highly available, scalable, cost effective and secure architecture for it on AWS. This will include performing load testing on your application to demonstrate improved performance under stress.
You will be required to initially set up and test the application, using instructions given with the zip download file. You will then need to identify how to scale and improve the application architecture, based on principles learned in the CF course. Finally, you will write a report covering this process, along with some extra material.
"大规模基准数据集用于评估泛锐化性能"是一个用于评估图像泛锐化算法表现的数据集。泛锐化是一种图像处理技术,旨在通过将低分辨率的多光谱图像与高分辨率的全色图像融合,以产生具有较高空间分辨率和丰富光谱信息的图像。这种技术在许多遥感应用中都很有用,例如土地利用监测、资源管理和环境监测。 该数据集的规模大,包含了大量的多光谱和全色图像对,这些图像对均具有全面的注释和质量测量指标。这些图像对来自各种不同的遥感源,涵盖不同的场景和条件。数据集的构建过程经过精心设计,以保证评估结果的准确性和可靠性。 使用该数据集,研究人员和开发者可以对他们的泛锐化算法进行全面的评估和对比。他们可以将自己的算法应用于数据集中的图像对,并使用数据集中提供的注释进行性能评估。这些注释可以包括图像质量评价指标,如结构相似性指数(SSIM)和峰值信噪比(PSNR),或者一些更复杂的图像质量评价方法,如目标检测和目标分类任务的准确率。通过与其他算法进行比较,开发者可以了解他们的算法在不同场景和条件下的表现如何,并进一步改进和优化他们的方法。 "大规模基准数据集用于评估泛锐化性能"的建立为泛锐化算法的发展提供了一个公共的平台,促进了该领域的研究和进步。研究人员和开发者可以根据数据集中的结果和经验得出更好的算法和技术,进一步提高泛锐化算法在实际应用中的效果。这个数据集的存在为遥感图像处理的研究和应用带来了很大的推动力。




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