D4.3 State changes on different transactions

The state changes that can be associated with a transaction are determined by:
• The transaction type.
• The read response for transactions that are issued on the AR channel.
• Whether the master supports an external snoop filter.
• Whether the master performs speculative reads.
The rules that apply to a master are: 
• If a transaction read response has PassDirty asserted, then the cache line must move to a Dirty state. The PassDirty response can be asserted for:
— ReadNotSharedDirty.
— ReadShared.
— ReadUnique.
当read的response的passDirty置位时,cache必须置为dirty state
• If a transaction read response has IsShared asserted, then the cache line must move to either a Shared state or the Invalid state. The IsShared response can be asserted for:
— ReadOnce.
— ReadClean.
— ReadNotSharedDirty.
— ReadShared.
— CleanShared.
当read response的isShared asserted时,cache必须置为shared 或 invalid 状态。
• A cache line that is in a Unique state is permitted to move to the equivalent Shared state, but this is not expected behavior.unique state可以转为shared state,但是不建议这么做。
• If an external snoop filter is not supported, a cache line that is in a Clean state can move to the Invalid state.如果没有外部snoop filter,则cache可以从clean sate转变为invalid state

D4.3.1 State changes associated with a load

No cache line state change is required for the internal action of a load. 

D4.3.2 State changes associated with a coherent store 

Before carrying out the internal operation of a store to a cache line in Shareable memory, the master must ensure that it has permission to store. A master has permission to store if the cache line is in the UniqueClean or UniqueDirty state.只有当cache的state是uniqueclean或uniquedirty时,才能对cache执行store的操作,即必须时unique时才能store。
If the master does not have permission to store then it must either:对于不处于unique状态的cahe,可以执行下面的操作使其变换到unique的状态:
• Issue a transaction on the AR channel that obtains permission to store, and then perform the store to the cache line. After the store to a cache line, the master must be in the UniqueDirty state. The transactions that obtain permission to store are:
— ReadUnique.
— CleanUnique.
— MakeUnique
在读通道上执行下面的操作转为unique状态,在store之后,cache要处于uniquedirty state。
• Issue a transaction on the AW channel that obtains permission to store and also updates main memory. The transactions that obtain permission to store data and also update main memory are:
— WriteUnique.
— WriteLineUnique.

D4.3.3 State changes associated with a main memory update

An update to main memory can be performed when the cache line is in a Dirty state. 
When a master is given permission to update main memory, the earliest the associated write transaction can occur
is the cycle after the RVALID/RREADY handshake in which RLAST is asserted for the transaction that gave
permission to update main memory.

An update to main memory is performed using a WriteBack or WriteClean transaction.

After an update to main memory, the cache line must be in a Clean or Invalid state.

向main memory更新要使用writeback或writeclean操作。


If an external snoop filter is supported, then the following restrictions apply:
• After a WriteBack transaction, the cache line must be in the Invalid state.
• After a WriteClean transaction, the cache line must be in a Clean state.

如果支持外部snoop filter的话:


D4.3.4 State changes associated with cache maintenance operations

The cache maintenance transactions are:
• CleanShared.
• CleanInvalid.
• MakeInvalid
Before issuing a cache maintenance transaction, the master must ensure that:
• For CleanShared, the cache line must be in a Clean or Invalid state.
• For CleanInvalid and MakeInvalid, the cache line must be in the Invalid state.


执行cleaninvalid或makeinvalid之前,cacheline必须是invalid state。

A cache maintenance transaction does not change the cache line state.cache维护操作不改变cacheline state


















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