


 * Rectholds four integer coordinates for a rectangle. The rectangle is

 *represented by the coordinates of its 4 edges (left, top, right bottom).

 *These fields can be accessed directly. Use width() and height() to retrieve

 *the rectangle's width and height. Note: most methods do not check to see that

 *the coordinates are sorted correctly (i.e. left <= right and top <=bottom).


/* Rect 拥有矩形的四个坐标。四条边的坐标表示一个矩形,这四条边是左上右下。

 * 这些域值可以直接存取。使用width()和height()获取矩形的宽高。

 * 注意:大多数方法不会去检查坐标是否排序正确。left <= right 和 top <= bottom



public final classRect implements Parcelable{

    public int left;

    public int top;

    public int right;

    public int bottom;


    private static final Pattern FLATTENED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(

           "(-?\\d+) (-?\\d+) (-?\\d+)(-?\\d+)");



    * Create a new empty Rect. All coordinates are initialized to 0.



    /* 创建一个新的空的Rect。所有的坐标被初始化为0


    public Rect() {}



    * Create a new rectangle with the specified coordinates. Note: no range

    * checking is performed, so the caller must ensure that left <= rightand

    * top <= bottom.


    * @param left   The X coordinate of the leftside of the rectangle

    * @param top    The Y coordinate of the topof the rectangle

    * @param right  The X coordinate of theright side of the rectangle

    * @param bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle



    /* 创建一个矩形,指定它的坐标。注意:没有执行范围检查,

    * 所以调用者一定要确保left <= right 和 top <= bottom


    public Rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {

       this.left = left; = top;

       this.right = right;

       this.bottom = bottom;




    * Create a new rectangle, initialized with the values in the specified

    * rectangle (which is left unmodified).


    * @param r The rectangle whose coordinates are copied into the new

    *          rectangle.



    /* 创建一个新的矩形,初始化为传入的参数中的坐标,实际就是矩形的复制

    * @param r


    public Rect(Rect r) {

       if(r == null){

           left= top = right = bottom= 0;

       } else{

           left= r.left;


           right= r.right;

           bottom= r.bottom;






    * 判断是否是同一个实例或两个Rect对象里的四个坐标值是否一样



    public booleanequals(Object o) {

       if(this == o) return true;

       if(o == null|| getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;


       Rect r = (Rect) o;

       return left == r.left && top == && right == r.right && bottom == r.bottom;




    public inthashCode() {

       intresult = left;

       result = 31 * result + top;

       result = 31 * result + right;

       result = 31 * result + bottom;





    * 将矩形的坐标转化为字符串,格式:Rect(left, top - right,bottom)



    public String toString() {

       StringBuilder sb = newStringBuilder(32);

       sb.append("Rect(");sb.append(left);sb.append(", ");

       sb.append(top);sb.append(" - ");sb.append(right);

       sb.append(", ");sb.append(bottom);sb.append(")");





    * Return a string representation of the rectangle in a compact form.



    /* 返回一个紧凑型格式的代表矩形的字符串,格式:[left,top][right,bottom]

    * @return


    public String toShortString() {





    * Return a string representation of the rectangle in a compact form.

    * @hide


    public String toShortString(StringBuilder sb) {









    * Return a string representation of the rectangle in a well-defined format.


    * <p>You can later recover the Rect from this string through

    * {@link #unflattenFromString(String)}.


    * @return Returns a new String of the form "left top right bottom"



    /* 返回一个定义好格式的代表矩形的字符串

    * 然后你可以通过unflattenFromString(String)方法从这个字符串恢复Rect

    * 字符串格式"left top right bottom"

    * 方法的名字的意思差不多是 平整到字符串,因为格式看起来很平整,即格式化到字符串


    public String flattenToString() {

       StringBuilder sb = newStringBuilder(32);

       // WARNING: Do not change the format ofthis string, it must be

       // preserved because Rects are savedin this flattened format.


       sb.append(' ');


       sb.append(' ');


       sb.append(' ');






    * Returns a Rect from a string of the form returned by {@link #flattenToString},

    * or null if the string is not of that form.



    /* 静态方法,从一个平整的格式化字符串返回一个Rect对象,字符串格式为"left top right bottom"

    * @param str

    * @return


    public staticRect unflattenFromString(String str) {

       Matcher matcher = FLATTENED_PATTERN.matcher(str);

       if(!matcher.matches()) {

           return null;


       return new Rect(Integer.parseInt(,







    * Print short representation to given writer.

    * @hide



    /* 用于打印紧凑型字符串坐标

    * @param pw


    public voidprintShortString(PrintWriter pw) {







    * Returns true if the rectangle is empty (left >= right or top >=bottom)



    /* 当(left >= right 或 top >= bottom)返回ture,认为是非矩形。

    * 点或线都是非矩形,返回false

    * 该方法直接点理解就是判断是否 是非矩形


    public final boolean isEmpty() {

       return left >= right || top>= bottom;




    * @return the rectangle's width. This does not check for a valid rectangle

    * (i.e. left <= right) so the result may be negative.



    /* 返回矩形的宽,这个方法不会检查矩形是否有效,所以结果可能为负数

    * @return


    public final int width() {

       return right - left;




    * @return the rectangle's height. This does not check for a valid rectangle

    * (i.e. top <= bottom) so the result may be negative.


    /* 返回矩形的高,这个方法不会检查矩形是否有效,所以结果可能为负数

    * @return


    public final int height() {

       return bottom - top;




    * @return the horizontal center of the rectangle. If the computed value

    *         is fractional, thismethod returns the largest integer that is

    *         less than the computedvalue.



    /* 矩形的水平方向上中心点x坐标。如果计算值是分数,这个方法返回的是最大整数,小于计算值


    public final int centerX() {

       return(left + right) >> 1;




    * @return the vertical center of the rectangle. If the computed value

    *         is fractional, thismethod returns the largest integer that is

    *         less than the computedvalue.


    /* 矩形的垂直方向上中心点坐标。如果计算值是分数,这个方法返回的是最大整数,小于计算值


    public final int centerY() {

       return(top + bottom) >> 1;




    * @return the exact horizontal center of the rectangle as a float.


    /* 矩形的水平方向上中心点x精确坐标。返回浮点值


    public final float exactCenterX() {

       return(left + right) * 0.5f;



    /* 矩形的垂直方向上中心点y精确坐标。返回浮点值


    public final float exactCenterY() {

       return(top + bottom) * 0.5f;




    * Set the rectangle to (0,0,0,0)




    * 设置成一个点了,即设置成非矩形


    public voidsetEmpty() {

       left= right = top = bottom= 0;




    * Set the rectangle's coordinates to the specified values. Note: norange

    * checking is performed, so it is up to the caller to ensure that

    * left <= right and top <= bottom.


    * @param left   The X coordinate of the leftside of the rectangle

    * @param top    The Y coordinate of the topof the rectangle

    * @param right  The X coordinate of theright side of the rectangle

    * @param bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle



    /* 设置矩形的坐标,当使用空的构造方法时,再使用该方法赋初值,或者改变已有矩形的四条边的坐标


    public voidset(intleft, inttop, intright, intbottom) {

       this.left = left; = top;

       this.right = right;

       this.bottom = bottom;




    * Copy the coordinates from src into this rectangle.


    * @param src The rectangle whose coordinates are copied into this

    *           rectangle.



    /* 设置矩形坐标和传入的矩形的坐标一样


    public voidset(Rect src) {

       this.left = src.left; =;

       this.right = src.right;

       this.bottom = src.bottom;




    * Offset the rectangle by adding dx to its left and rightcoordinates, and

    * adding dy to its top and bottom coordinates.


    * @param dx The amount to add to the rectangle's left and right coordinates

    * @param dy The amount to add to the rectangle's top and bottom coordinates



    /* x和y方向上移动dxdy的距离


    public voidoffset(intdx, intdy) {

       left+= dx;

       top+= dy;

       right+= dx;

       bottom+= dy;




    * Offset the rectangle to a specific (left, top) position,

    * keeping its width and height the same.


    * @param newLeft   The new "left"coordinate for the rectangle

    * @param newTop    The new "top"coordinate for the rectangle



    /* 移动到指定的点


    public voidoffsetTo(intnewLeft, intnewTop) {

       right+= newLeft - left;

       bottom+= newTop - top;

       left= newLeft;

       top= newTop;




    * Inset the rectangle by (dx,dy). If dx ispositive, then the sides are

    * moved inwards, making the rectangle narrower. If dx isnegative, then the

    * sides are moved outwards, making the rectangle wider. The same holdstrue

    * for dy and the top and bottom.


    * @param dx The amount to add(subtract) from the rectangle's left(right)

    * @param dy The amount to add(subtract) from the rectangle's top(bottom)



    /* 根据名字不太好理解,插入一个边框,为正值时两条边界同时向内移动dx距离,为负值时,同时向外移动dx,效果是矩形的放大缩小,每个方向上缩放一致

    * @param dx

    * @param dy


    public voidinset(intdx, intdy) {

       left+= dx;

       top+= dy;

       right-= dx;

       bottom-= dy;




    * Returns true if (x,y) is inside the rectangle. The left and top are

    * considered to be inside, while the right and bottom are not. Thismeans

    * that for a x,y to be contained: left <= x < right and top <=y < bottom.

    * An empty rectangle never contains any point.


    * @param x The X coordinate of the point being tested for containment

    * @param y The Y coordinate of the point being tested for containment

    * @return true iff (x,y) are contained by the rectangle, where containment

    *              means left <= x< right and top <= y < bottom



    /* 判断是否包含这个点,是个半开区间的判断


    public booleancontains(intx, inty) {

       return left < right && top < bottom  // check for empty first

              && x >= left&& x < right&& y >= top&& y < bottom;




    * Returns true iff the 4 specified sides of a rectangle areinside or equal

    * to this rectangle. i.e. is this rectangle a superset of the specified

    * rectangle. An empty rectangle never contains another rectangle.


    * @param left The left side of the rectangle being tested for containment

    * @param top The top of the rectangle being tested for containment

    * @param right The right side of the rectangle being tested for containment

    * @param bottom The bottom of the rectangle being tested for containment

    * @return true iff the the 4 specified sides of a rectangle are inside or

    *              equal to thisrectangle



    /* 判断四条边是否在矩形内,闭区间判断,等于也表示在矩形内


    public booleancontains(intleft, inttop, intright, intbottom) {

              // check for empty first

       return this.left< this.right &&< this.bottom

              // now check for containment

                && this.left<= left && <= top

                && this.right>= right && this.bottom >= bottom;




    * Returns true iff the specified rectangle r is inside or equalto this

    * rectangle. An empty rectangle never contains another rectangle.


    * @param r The rectangle being tested for containment.

    * @return true iff the specified rectangle r is inside or equal to this

    *              rectangle


    /* 判断传入的矩形是否在矩形内,闭区间判断,等于也表示在矩形内


    public booleancontains(Rect r) {

              // check for empty first

       return this.left< this.right &&< this.bottom

              // now check for containment

              && left<= r.left&& top<= right>= r.right&& bottom>= r.bottom;




    * If the rectangle specified by left,top,right,bottom intersects this

    * rectangle, return true and set this rectangle to that intersection,

    * otherwise return false and do not change this rectangle. No check is

    * performed to see if either rectangle is empty. Note: To just test for

    * intersection, use {@link #intersects(Rect,Rect)}.


    * @param left The left side of the rectangle being intersected with this

    *             rectangle

    * @param top The top of the rectangle being intersected with this rectangle

    * @param right The right side of the rectangle being intersected with this

    *              rectangle.

    * @param bottom The bottom of the rectangle being intersected with this

    *             rectangle.

    * @return true if the specified rectangle and this rectangle intersect

    *              (and this rectangleis then set to that intersection) else

    *              return false and donot change this rectangle.


    /* 判断矩形是否与给定的四条边围成的区域相交,若相交则将传入的参数作为当前矩形,开区间比较,若仅仅边界相交就返回false


    public booleanintersect(intleft, inttop, intright, intbottom) {

       if(this.left < right && left < this.right&& < bottom && top < this.bottom){

           if(this.left < left) this.left= left;

           if( < top) top;

           if(this.right > right) this.right= right;

           if(this.bottom > bottom) this.bottom= bottom;

           return true;


       return false;




    * If the specified rectangle intersects this rectangle, return true andset

    * this rectangle to that intersection, otherwise return false and do not

    * change this rectangle. No check is performed to see if eitherrectangle

    * is empty. To just test for intersection, use intersects()


    * @param r The rectangle being intersected with this rectangle.

    * @return true if the specified rectangle and this rectangle intersect

    *              (and this rectangleis then set to that intersection) else

    *              return false and donot change this rectangle.


    /* 判断矩形是否与给定的矩形相交,若相交则将传入的矩形作为当前矩形,开区间比较,若仅仅边界相交这返回false


    public booleanintersect(Rect r) {

       returnintersect(r.left,, r.right, r.bottom);




    * If rectangles a and b intersect, return true and set this rectangle to

    * that intersection, otherwise return false and do not change this

    * rectangle. No check is performed to see if either rectangle is empty.

    * To just test for intersection, use intersects()


    * @param a The first rectangle being intersected with

    * @param b The second rectangle being intersected with

    * @return true iff the two specified rectangles intersect. If they do, set

    *              this rectangle tothat intersection. If they do not, return

    *              false and do notchange this rectangle.



    /* 将两个矩形的相交区域作为当前矩形大小和位置,设置成功则返回true,边界重合不算相交


    public booleansetIntersect(Rect a, Rect b) {

       if(a.left < b.right && b.left < a.right && < b.bottom && < a.bottom) {

           left= Math.max(a.left,b.left);

           top= Math.max(,;

           right= Math.min(a.right,b.right);

           bottom= Math.min(a.bottom,b.bottom);

           return true;


       return false;




    * Returns true if this rectangle intersects the specified rectangle.

    * In no event is this rectangle modified. No check is performed to see

    * if either rectangle is empty. To record the intersection, useintersect()

    * or setIntersect().


    * @param left The left side of the rectangle being tested for intersection

    * @param top The top of the rectangle being tested for intersection

    * @param right The right side of the rectangle being tested for

    *              intersection

    * @param bottom The bottom of the rectangle being tested for intersection

    * @return true iff the specified rectangle intersects this rectangle. In

    *              no event is thisrectangle modified.


    /* 判断是否相交,仅仅边线重合不算相交


    public booleanintersects(intleft, inttop, intright, intbottom) {

       return this.left< right && left < this.right &&< bottom && top < this.bottom;




    * Returns true iff the two specified rectangles intersect. In noevent are

    * either of the rectangles modified. To record the intersection,

    * use {@link #intersect(Rect)} or {@link #setIntersect(Rect, Rect)}.


    * @param a The first rectangle being tested for intersection

    * @param b The second rectangle being tested for intersection

    * @return true iff the two specified rectangles intersect. In no event are

    *              either of therectangles modified.



    /* 静态判断两个矩形是否相交,仅仅边界重合不算相交,返回false


    public static boolean intersects(Rect a, Rect b) {

       returna.left < b.right && b.left < a.right && < b.bottom && < a.bottom;




    * Update this Rect to enclose itself and the specified rectangle.If the

    * specified rectangle is empty, nothing is done. If this rectangle isempty

    * it is set to the specified rectangle.


    * @param left The left edge being unioned with this rectangle

    * @param top The top edge being unioned with this rectangle

    * @param right The right edge being unioned with this rectangle

    * @param bottom The bottom edge being unioned with this rectangle



    /* 取两个矩形联合后的最大边界范围,若自身非矩形,则将传入的范围负值给自身,若传入的非矩形范围,则什么都不做


    public voidunion(intleft, inttop, intright, intbottom) {

       if((left < right) && (top < bottom)) {

           if((this.left < this.right)&& ( < this.bottom)){

                if (this.left> left) this.left = left;

                if (> top) = top;

                if (this.right< right) this.right = right;

                if (this.bottom< bottom) this.bottom = bottom;

           } else{

                this.left= left;


                this.right= right;

                this.bottom= bottom;






    * Update this Rect to enclose itself and the specified rectangle.If the

    * specified rectangle is empty, nothing is done. If this rectangle isempty

    * it is set to the specified rectangle.


    * @param r The rectangle being unioned with this rectangle



    /* 取最大边界范围

    * @param r


    public voidunion(Rect r) {

       union(r.left,, r.right, r.bottom);




    * Update this Rect to enclose itself and the [x,y] coordinate.There is no

    * check to see that this rectangle is non-empty.


    * @param x The x coordinate of the point to add to the rectangle

    * @param y The y coordinate of the point to add to the rectangle



    /* 当x y值在矩形之外时,将原矩形区域联合扩大,小于或等于 什么都不做

    * @param x

    * @param y


    public voidunion(intx, inty) {

       if(x < left){

           left= x;

       } else if (x > right) {

           right= x;


       if(y < top){

           top= y;

       } else if (y > bottom) {

           bottom= y;





    * Swap top/bottom or left/right if there are flipped (i.e. left> right

    * and/or top > bottom). This can be called if

    * the edges are computed separately, and may have crossed over eachother.

    * If the edges are already correct (i.e. left <= right and top <=bottom)

    * then nothing is done.



    /* 排序,将四条边设置成矩形,如果四条边能围成矩形



    public voidsort() {

       if(left > right) {

           inttemp = left;

           left= right;

           right= temp;


       if(top > bottom) {

           inttemp = top;

           top= bottom;

           bottom= temp;





    * Parcelable interface methods


    public intdescribeContents() {





    * Write this rectangle to the specified parcel. To restore a rectanglefrom

    * a parcel, use readFromParcel()

    * @param out The parcel to write the rectangle's coordinates into


    public voidwriteToParcel(Parcel out, intflags) {







    public static final Parcelable.Creator<Rect>CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Rect>(){


        * Return a new rectangle from the data in the specified parcel.


       publicRect createFromParcel(Parcel in) {

           Rect r = newRect();






        * Return an array of rectangles of the specified size.


       publicRect[] newArray(intsize) {

           return new Rect[size];





    * Set the rectangle's coordinates from the data stored in the specified

    * parcel. To write a rectangle to a parcel, call writeToParcel().


    * @param in The parcel to read the rectangle's coordinates from


    public voidreadFromParcel(Parcel in) {

       left= in.readInt();

       top= in.readInt();

       right= in.readInt();

       bottom= in.readInt();




    * Scales up the rect by the given scale.

    * @hide



    /* 将自身进行缩放

    * @param scale


    public voidscale(floatscale) {

       if(scale != 1.0f) {

           left= (int)(left * scale +0.5f);

           top= (int)(top * scale +0.5f);

           right= (int)(right * scale +0.5f);

           bottom= (int)(bottom * scale +0.5f);









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