
本文详细介绍了英语中一般将来时态的构成和使用,包括will和be going to两种形式,以及它们在主系表结构和主谓宾结构中的应用。通过实例展示了如何构造肯定句、否定句和疑问句,并探讨了will和be going to在表达意愿和预期情况上的区别。



一般将来时最常见的两种构成方式        will、be going to 都是助动词,没有意思

        ①由助动词 "will" 构成,

        ②由助动词 "be going to" 构成

注意:在英式英语里面,当主语是 I 或者 we 的时候可以用 shall be 代替 will be

[句子构成方式] will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

        主语 + will + be + 表语 + 表示将来的时间状语,其实就是 will + be 动词原型

人称代词主格(主语) + will be + 形容词(表语) + 时间状语

名词(主语) + will be + 形容词(表语) + 时间状语

人称代词主格(主语) + will be + 名词(表语) + 时间状语

名词(主语) + will be + 名词(表语) + 时间状语

1.[人称代词主格(主语) + will be + 形容词(表语) + 时间状语] will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 时间状语:tomorrow        in the future

        [例1]:I will be busy tomorrow.

        [例2]:It will be big in the future.

        [例3]:You will be rich in the future.        你 / 你们将来会有钱的

        [例4]:We will be famous in the future.

2.[名词(主语) + will be + 形容词(表语) + 时间状语will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 只需要考虑可数名词不能单独出现的规则即可

        [例1]:Nick will be busy tomorrow.

        [例2]:Nick and Jack will be famous in the future.

        [例3]:This book will be famous in the future.

        [例4]:Students will be happy tomorrow.        可以,但是泛指学生都开心

        [例5]:Rice will be cheap in the future.

3.[人称代词主格(主语) + will be + 名词(表语) + 时间状语will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: you 存在你们的意思

        [例1]:I will be her leader tomorrow.

        [例2]:You will be Nick's leaders in the future.

        [例3]:She will be my student in the future.       

        [例4]:They will be drivers in the future.

4.[名词(主语) + will be + 名词(表语) + 时间状语will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 可数名词单复数问题

        [例1]:Nick will be a leader in the future.

        [例2]:Her husband will be a driver in the future.

        [例3]:My leader will be a student tomorrow.

        [例4]:My students will be leaders in the future.

[一般疑问句] will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 只要把助动词 will 移动到句首,然后 be 的位置保持不变即可

        [例1]:I will be a teacher next year.

        [例1]:Will you be a teacher next year ?

        [例1]:Yes,I will.        No,I will not / won't.

        [例2]:You will be beautiful tomorrow.

        [例2]:Will I be a beautiful tomorrow ?

        [例2]:Yes,You will.        No,You will not / won't.

[否定句] will 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 直接在 will 后面加 not,一般缩写为 won't,be 的位置保持不变

        [例1]:I will be her leader tomorrow.

        [例1]:I will not be her leader tomorrow.

        [例2]:I will be busy tomorrow.

        [例2]:I will not be busy tomorrow.

        [例3]:This book will be famous in the future.

        [例3]:This book will not be famous in the future.

        [例4]:My leader will be a student tomorrow.

        [例4]:My leader will not be a student tomorrow.

[句子构成方式] will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: 主谓宾动作型句子变将来时,只要在谓语动词原型前面加 will,然后加上将来的时间状语即可

        will + 实义动词 = 复合谓语

人称代词主格(主语) + will + 不及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 时间状语

名词(主语) + will + 不及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 时间状语

人称代词主格(主语) + will + 及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 宾语 +时间状语

名词(主语) + will + 及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 宾语 + 时间状语

1.[人称代词主格(主语) + will + 不及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 时间状语]

        will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

        [例1]:I will travel tomorrow.

        [例2]:You will smile tomorrow.

        [例3]:She will rest tomorrow.

        [例4]:They will swim tomorrow.

2.[名词(主语) + will + 不及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 时间状语will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

        [例1]:Nick will travel tomorrow.

        [例2]:Your students will smile tomorrow.

        [例3]:My leader will rest tomorrow.

        [例4]:Their doctor will swim tomorrow.

3.[人称代词主格(主语) + will + 及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 宾语 +时间状语

        will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

        [例1]:It will clean Nick's office tomorrow.

        [例2]:She will help me.

        [例3]:They will bake corn tomorrow.

        [例4]:It will catch mice tomorrow.

4.[名词(主语) + will + 及物动词原型(复合谓语) + 宾语 + 时间状语]  

        will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

        [例1]:My daughters will clean Nick's office tomorrow.

        [例2]:His wife will help me.

        [例3]:The girl will bake corn tomorrow.

        [例4]:It will catch mice tomorrow.

[一般疑问句] will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: will 移到句首

        [例1]:My daughters will clean Nick's office tomorrow.

        [例1]:Will  your daughters clean Nick's office tomorrow.

        [例1]:Yes,She will.        No,She  will not / won't.

        [例2]:His wife will help me.

        [例2]:Will his wife help me.

        [例2]:Yes,She  will.        No,She  will not / won't.

[否定句] will 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: will 后面加 not,won't

        [例1]:I will buy a house next year.

        [例1]:I will not buy a house next year.

        [例2]:He will find a job this summer.

        [例2]:He won't find a job shit summer.

[时间状语] 一般将来时态的时间状语

 Tip: 可以直接使用表示将来的时间副词,

        tomorrow        tonight        the day after tomorrow        tomorrow morning       

        tomorrow evening


next + 表示时间名词的单数

eveningnightday / year

        [例1]:I will travel next year.

        [例2]:We will buy a house next life.

        [例3]:We will be rich next month.

after + 具体时间点 (...之后)

 Tip: after + 具体的时间点

        after work 下班后        after school 放学后        after class 下课后

        (1) after + 几点钟的数词

            after 12:00 12点之后       after 5:30

        (2) after + 几岁

            几岁:one year old        18 years old        three months old

            after 35 years old        after 20 years old        after three months old 三个月大的时候

        (3) after + 表示将来的年份的数词,或表示月份,星期,节日的词语

             after 2023        after May        after Sunday        after Christmas 圣诞节之后

注意:after + 一段时间,也就是 after + 数词 + 表示时间名词的复数,

        或者 after + one / a / an + 表示时间名词单数,也可以构成时间状语。


        [例1]:I will be happy after three days.        这个句子存在语法错误


        [例1]:I bought a house after three days. 

I went to Guangdong to make money in 2007,and I bought a house after three years.

in + 一段时间 (...之后)

 Tip: after three days 过去的某个时间点算起的三天之后 用在一般过去时态

        in three days 现在的时间点算起的三天之后 用在一般将来时态

        in five days        in ten years        in an hour        in one day        in a year

        in three minutes        in a few days        in a week

        [例1]:I wil buy a house in three days.

        (1) in + 将来的月份或者年份 (在...)

        in 2023        in June  

        [例2]:We will buy the house in 2023.

later (...之后)

 Tip: 数词 + 时间名词复数 + later        a / an / one + 时间名词单数 + later


        three days later        a week later        ten months later 十个月之后

[句子构成方式] be going to 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip: be going to = will        be going to当作一个助动词


        am going to        is going to        are going to

        当主语是 I 的时候用 am going to

        当主语是 第三人称单数 的时候用 is going to

        当主语是 you或者复数 的时候用 are going to

[主语 + be going to + be + 表语 + 表示将来的时间状语be going to 主系表结构的一般将来时态

        [例1]:I am going to be busy tomorrow.

        [例2]:You are going to be happy tomorrow.

        [例3]:She is going to be famous in the future.

[一般疑问句] be going to 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip:  am going to        is going to        are going to 中的 "be" 移动到句子开头

        [例1]:I am going to be a teacher next year.

        [例1]:Are you going to be a teacher next year ?

        [例1]:Yes,I am.        No,I am not.

        [例2]:She is going to be a manager next month.

        [例2]:Is she going to be a manager next month ?

        [例2]:Yes,she is.        No,she isn't.

        [例3]:We are going to be rich in the future.

        [例3]:Are you going to be rich in the future ?        你们在未来会有钱吗?

        [例3]:Yes,we are.        No,we are not.

[否定句] be going to 主系表结构的一般将来时态

 Tip:  am going to        is going to        are going to 中的 "be"后面加 "not"

        [例1]:I am going to be a teacher next year.

        [例1]:I am not going to be a teacher next year.

        [例2]:She is going to be a manager next month.

        [例2]:She is not going to be a manager next month.

        [例3]:We are going to be rich in the future.

        [例3]:We are not going to be rich in the future.

[句子构成方式] be going to 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

主语 + is / are / am going to + 不及物动词原型 + 状语 

        [例1]:I am going to travel tomorrow.

        [例2]:You are going to smile tomorrow.

        [例3]:She is going to rest tomorrow.

主语 + is / are / am going to + 及物动词原型 + 宾语 + 状语 

        [例1]:It is going to clean Nick's office tomorrow.

        [例2]:They are going to bake corn tomorrow.

        [例3]:am going to catch mice tomorrow.

[一般疑问句 / 否定句] be going to 主谓宾结构的一般将来时态

        与 be going to 主系表 变化一致

will 与 be going to的区别

在特定情况下 will 强调一种意愿,意志

                        be going to 表达将来或者比较确定即将发生的动作或状态





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