

警察改革 (Police Reform)

Written by Lael R. Keiser and Susan M. Miller

撰写者 Lael R. Keizer和Susan M. Miller

Evaluations of police performance are at the lowest point in years, particularly among Black Americans. The killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, among others, have once again highlighted concerns about systemic racism in the criminal justice system. Massive protests have called for reforming the police. Among the suggested police reforms is a call to shift some of the responsibilities of the police to other agencies and workers, including social workers, mental health professionals, and non-police traffic patrollers. Some have advocated a move toward more automated enforcement, particularly for traffic, as part of this reform.

对警察绩效的评估是多年来的最低点,尤其是在黑人美国人中。 乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)和布雷娜·泰勒(Breonna Taylor)等人的遇害再次凸显了人们对刑事司法系统中系统种族主义的担忧。 大规模抗议活动要求改革警察。 在建议的警察改革中,呼吁将警察的某些职责移交给其他机构和工人,包括社会工作者,精神卫生专业人员和非警察交通巡逻员。 作为此改革的一部分,有人主张采取更加自动化的执法措施 ,尤其是针对交通流量的执法措施

Automated decision systems in government have potential downsides, of course. They can be potential sources of bias, expand government surveillance by making it cheaper and less noticeable, etc. Yet, certain forms of automated decision-making may offer benefits when compared to the human alternative, such as a possible reduction in physical interactions with government agents. For policing, this may be particularly important. As we have witnessed, interactions with the police, such as traffic stops, can escalate into violence. Research indicates that Black drivers are more likely to be stopped than white drivers, and that the evidentiary threshold for searching Black and Hispanic drivers is lower than that for searching white drivers (also see this study). Within this environment, automated decision systems that offer a potential way to reduce citizens’ interactions with the police could be viewed positively by citizens, particularly minority citizens.

当然,政府中的自动决策系统具有潜在的弊端。 它们可能是造成偏见的潜在原因,可以通过降低成本和减少关注程度来扩大政府监管 ,等等。然而,某些形式的自动化决策与人为选择相比,可能会带来好处 ,例如,可能减少与政府的自然互动代理商。 对于警务,这可能特别重要。 正如我们所看到的,与警察的互动,例如交通停站,可能会升级为暴力。 研究表明,黑人司机比白人司机更容易被停车,并且搜寻黑人和西班牙裔司机的证据阈值低于搜寻白人司机的证据阈值(另请参见本研究 )。 在这种环境下,公民,特别是少数民族公民可以积极看待自动决策系统,该系统为减少公民与警察的互动提供了一种可能的方式。

In our recent article, we examine attitudes toward a type of automated decision-making used in law enforcement, red light cameras. We were particularly interested in whether citizens were more likely to rate red light cameras higher than police officers in terms of fairness when the police officers do not racially represent the citizens compared to when they do. This is important given the underrepresentation of minorities in many police agencies.

在我们最近的文章中 ,我们研究了对执法中使用的自动决策类型(红灯摄像机)的态度。 我们特别感兴趣的是,在警察不种族代表公民的情况下,与公平相比,在公平方面,公民是否更可能对红灯摄像机的评级高于警察。 鉴于许多警察机构中的少数民族 人数不足 ,这一点很重要。

Research suggests that a lack of racial representation reduces the perceived fairness, trustworthiness, and performance of a police agency and decreases the likelihood that police stops are viewed as legitimate. This leads to our question: Does a lack of racial representation among the police make citizens more likely to view automated decisions as fairer than police decisions?

研究表明,缺乏种族代表性会降低人们对警察机构的公正性,可信赖性和绩效的感知,并降低警察停止被视为合法的可能性。 这就引出了我们的问题:警察之间缺乏种族代表制是否会使公民比警察的决策更容易将自动决策视为公平的决策?

To answer this question, we conducted a survey experiment that examined attitudes toward red light cameras and the police. We find that Black respondents are more likely to rate a red light camera as higher on fairness than a police officer when presented with a picture of local police officers who are not racially representative. We do not find differences in fairness ratings among white respondents.

为了回答这个问题,我们进行了一项调查实验,检查了对红灯摄像机和警察的态度。 我们发现,当黑人被访者看到一张不具有种族代表性的当地警官的照片时,其对红灯摄像机公平性的评价比对警察更高。 我们没有发现白人受访者在公平等级上存在差异。

To gain insight into perceptions of fairness, we also asked respondents to provide their rationale for their fairness ratings. Black respondents (all and those who rated the red light camera higher on fairness) who were presented with a lack of racial representation among the local police were more likely to indicate that concerns about drivers being searched were important to their fairness ratings. This result highlights a notable characteristic of certain types of automation — the potential to limit the physical interaction between the citizen and police officer.

为了深入了解公平感,我们还要求受访者提供其公平评级的理由。 在当地警察中缺乏种族代表性的黑人受访者(所有人和对红灯摄像机的公平性更高的人)更有可能表明,对被搜查驾驶员的担忧对其公平性等级很重要。 这一结果突出了某些自动化类型的显着特征-限制公民与警务人员之间物理互动的潜力。

Our findings suggest that using automated decision-making systems, like red light cameras, may improve how Black citizens view the fairness of law enforcement decisions when there is a lack of racial representation among the police. Moreover, the potential to reduce physical interactions with the police seems to be an important consideration in this evaluation.

我们的研究结果表明,在警察缺乏种族代表性的情况下,使用自动决策系统(例如红灯摄像机)可能会改善黑人公民如何看待执法决策的公正性。 此外,减少与警察的身体互动的潜力似乎是此次评估的重要考虑因素。

The flip side of our results also has implications for another possible reform — increased recruitment of minority officers. In our experiment, Black respondents were less likely to view the red light camera as fairer than the police officer when they were racially represented among the local police in the picture compared to when they were not. Given the possible pitfalls of automated decision-making, this is also an important finding, pointing to potential positive consequences associated with the recruitment of more minority officers.

我们的结果的另一面也对另一种可能的改革产生了影响–增加了对少数民族官员的招聘。 在我们的实验中,当黑人被调查者在图片中被当地警察种族代表时,与没有警察相比,黑人受访者认为红灯摄像机比警察更公平。 考虑到自动决策的可能陷阱,这也是一个重要发现,指出了与招募更多少数民族官员有关的潜在积极后果。

We are not suggesting that either automated decision-making or increased recruitment of minority officers are a panacea for criminal justice policy. Both have challenges. And automated decision systems should be carefully considered as different systems will have different drawbacks and benefits, with some increasing the potential for physical interactions and enhancing police power. However, our research demonstrates that automating certain tasks, like traffic enforcement, particularly in locations where police do not racially represent the communities they serve, may improve how members of the underrepresented community think about government decisions. This may be particularly important in areas, such as policing, in which race is highly salient and limiting physical interactions can be desirable. And although biases may exist in automated decision-making, as noted recently by Kevin Drum, “With a computer algorithm, however, careful study can often identify biases — and once those biases are uncovered, they can be fixed. [. . .] Compare that to the years and years it would take to fight human racism with bias training and diversity programs and so forth, with no guarantee even then of success.”

我们不建议自动决策或增加对少数族裔官员的招聘都是刑事司法政策的灵丹妙药。 两者都有挑战。 自动化决策系统应谨慎考虑,因为不同的系统将具有不同的弊端和收益,其中一些会增加物理交互的可能性并增强警察的权力。 但是,我们的研究表明,自动化某些任务(例如交通执法),尤其是在警察没有种族代表其服务社区的地方,可能会改善代表性不足的社区成员对政府决策的看法。 这在种族高度突出并且可能需要限制物理交互的区域(例如警务)中尤其重要。 正如凯文·德鲁姆(Kevin Drum)最近指出的那样 ,尽管在自动决策中可能存在偏差,但是“通过计算机算法,仔细的研究通常可以识别出偏差-一旦发现了这些偏差,就可以将其修复。 [。 。 。]相比之下,与通过偏见培训和多元化计划等与人类种族主义作斗争的岁月和岁月,即使到那时也无法保证成功。”

Moreover, like many reforms, the use of red light cameras or other automated decision systems needs to be considered holistically and likely coupled with other reforms (e.g., traffic enforcement primarily handled by automated systems and non-police traffic patrollers). In the case of red light cameras, it is important to ensure that the placement of cameras does not introduce biases and to consider what police officers are doing instead of traffic duty. However, red light cameras and other forms of automated decision-making could be part of the reforms to shift responsibilities away from the police, which may enhance the perceived fairness of government decisions among Black Americans, particularly in areas in which they are underrepresented within the public service.

此外,像许多改革一样,需要全面考虑使用红灯摄像机或其他自动决策系统,并可能将其与其他改革结合起来(例如,交通执法主要由自动化系统和非警察交通巡逻员处理)。 对于红灯摄像头,重要的是要确保摄像头的放置不会引起偏见,并考虑警务人员在做什么而不是在执行交通职责。 但是,红灯摄像机和其他形式的自动决策可能是改革的一部分,以将责任从警察转移到其他地方,这可能会增强美国黑人在政府决策中所感觉到的公平性,尤其是在他们在政府内部代表性不足的地区。公共服务。

翻译自: https://medium.com/3streams/what-people-think-about-automated-enforcement-and-why-it-might-matter-for-police-reform-4758a16e05ea


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