

介绍 (Introduction)

Talking about inspiration in the networking industry, nothing more than Autonomous Driving Network (ADN). You may hear about this and wondering what this is about, and does it have anything to do with autonomous driving vehicles? Your guess is right; the ADN concept is derived from or inspired by the rapid development of the autonomous driving car in recent years.

谈到网络行业的灵感,无非就是自动驾驶网络(ADN)。 您可能听说过这,并想知道这是什么,它与自动驾驶汽车有什么关系吗? 您的猜测是正确的; ADN概念源于自动驾驶汽车近年来的快速发展或受其启发。

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Driverless Car of the Future, the advertisement for “America’s Electric Light and Power Companies,” Saturday Evening Post, the 1950s. Credit: The Everett Collection. (Mark W., 2014)
未来无人驾驶汽车,“美国的电灯和电力公司”的广告,1950年代,星期六晚上邮报。 信用:Everett收藏。 (马克·W,2014年)

The vision of autonomous driving has been around for more than 70 years. But engineers continuously make attempts to achieve the idea without too much success. The concept stayed as a fiction for a long time. In 2004, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA) organized the Grand Challenge for autonomous vehicles for teams to compete for the grand prize of $1 million. I remembered watching TV and saw those competing vehicles, behaved like driven by drunk man, had a really tough time to drive by itself. I thought that autonomous driving vision would still have a long way to go. To my surprise, the next year, 2005, Stanford University’s vehicles autonomously drove 131 miles in California’s Mojave desert without a scratch and took the $1 million Grand Challenge prize. How was that possible? Later I learned that the secret ingredient to make this possible was using the latest ML (Machine Learning) enabled AI (Artificial Intelligent ) technology.

自动驾驶的愿景已经存在了70多年了。 但是工程师们不断地尝试实现这一想法,但并没有取得太大的成功。 这个概念长期以来一直是虚构的。 2004年,美国国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)组织了无人驾驶汽车大挑战,各车队争夺100万美元的大奖。 我记得看电视,看到那些竞争的车辆,表现得像醉汉一样,很难开车。 我认为自动驾驶的视野还很长。 令我惊讶的是,第二年,2005年,斯坦福大学的汽车在加州莫哈韦沙漠无人驾驶自动行驶131英里,并获得了100万美元的“挑战大奖”。 那怎么可能? 后来我得知,实现这一目标的秘密因素是使用最新的ML(机器学习)支持的AI(人工智能)技术。

Since then, AI technologies advanced rapidly and been implemented in all verticals. Around the 2016 time frame, the concept of Autonomous Driving Network started to emerge by combining AI and network to achieve network operational autonomy. The automation concept is nothing new in the networking industry; network operations are continually being automated here and there. But this time, ADN is beyond automating mundane tasks; it reaches a whole new level. With the help of AI technologies and other critical ingredients advancement like SDN (Software Defined Network), autonomous networking has a great chance from a vision to future reality.

从那时起,人工智能技术飞速发展,并在各个领域得到了实现。 在2016年左右的时间里,自动驾驶网络的概念开始出现,它通过将AI和网络相结合来实现网络运营自主性。 自动化概念在网络行业中并不是什么新鲜事物。 网络操作在这里和那里不断地自动化。 但是这次,ADN超出了自动执行日常任务的范围; 它达到了一个全新的水平。 借助AI技术和SDN(软件定义网络)等其他关键要素的进步,从愿景到未来现实,自主网络都是一个巨大的机会。

In this article, we will examine some critical components of the ADN, current landscape, and factors that are important for ADN to be a success.


愿景 (The Vision)

At the current stage, there are different terminologies to describe ADN vision by various organizations.


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Even though slightly different terminologies, the industry is moving towards some common terms and consensus called autonomous networks, e.g. TMF, ETSI, ITU-T, GSMA. The core vision includes business and network aspects. The autonomous network delivers the “hyper-loop” from business requirements all the way to network and device layers.

尽管术语略有不同,但业界仍在朝着一些称为自治网络的通用术语和共识迈进,例如TMF,ETSI,ITU-T,GSMA。 核心愿景包括业务和网络方面。 自治网络从业务需求一直到网络和设备层都提供“超环”。

On the network layer, it contains the below critical aspects:


  • Intent-Driven: Understand the operator’s business intent and automatically translate it into necessary network operations. The operation can be a one-time operation like disconnect a connection service or continuous operations like maintaining a specified SLA (Service Level Agreement) at the all-time.

    目的驱动:了解运营商的业务意图并将其自动转换为必要的网络操作。 该操作可以是一次性操作,例如断开连接服务,也可以是连续操作,例如始终保持指定的SLA(服务水平协议)。

  • Self-Discover: Automatically discover hardware/software changes in the network and populate the changes to the necessary subsystems to maintain always-sync state.


  • Self-Config/Self-Organize: Whenever network changes happen, automatically configure corresponding hardware/software parameters such that the network is at the pre-defined target states.


  • Self-Monitor: Constantly monitor networks/services operation states and health conditions automatically.


  • Auto-Detect: Detect network faults, abnormalities, and intrusions automatically.


  • Self-Diagnose: Automatically conduct an inference process to figure out the root causes of issues.


  • Self-Healing: Automatically take necessary actions to address issues and bring the networks/services back to the desired state.


  • Self-Report: Automatically communicate with its environment and exchange necessary information.


  • Automated common operational scenarios: Automatically perform operations like network planning, customer and service onboarding, network change management.


On top of those, these capabilities need to be across multiple services, multiple domains, and the entire lifecycle(TMF, 2019).


No doubt, this is the most ambitious goal that the networking industry has ever aimed at. It has been described as the “end-state” and“ultimate goal” of networking evolution. This is not just a vision on PPT, the networking industry already on the move toward the goal.

毫无疑问,这是网络行业有史以来最雄心勃勃的目标。 它被描述为网络发展的“最终状态”和“最终目标”。 这不仅仅是关于PPT的愿景,网络行业已经朝着目标迈进。

David Wang, Huawei’s Executive Director of the Board and President of Products & Solutions, said in his 2018 Ultra-Broadband Forum(UBBF) keynote speech. (David W. 2018):

华为执行董事兼产品与解决方案总裁王大卫在2018年超宽带论坛(UBBF)主题演讲中表示。 (David W.2018):

“In a fully connected and intelligent era, autonomous driving is becoming a reality. Industries like automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing are modernizing and renewing themselves by introducing autonomous technologies. However, the telecom sector is facing a major structural problem: Networks are growing year by year, but OPEX is growing faster than revenue. What’s more, it takes 100 times more effort for telecom operators to maintain their networks than OTT players. Therefore, it’s imperative that telecom operators build autonomous driving networks.”

在完全连接和智能化的时代,自动驾驶已成为现实。 汽车,航空航天和制造业等行业正在通过引入自主技术来实现自我更新和更新。 但是,电信行业面临着一个主要的结构性问题:网络每年都在增长,但是运营支出的增长快于收入。 而且,与OTT运营商相比,电信运营商维护其网络所花费的精力要多100倍。 因此,电信运营商必须建立自动驾驶网络。”

Juniper CEO Rami Rahim said in his keynote at the company’s virtual AI event: (CRN, 2020)

瞻博网络首席执行官拉米·拉希姆(Rami Rahim)在公司虚拟AI活动的主题演讲中说: (CRN,2020)

“The goal now is a self-driving network. The call to action is to embrace the change. We can all benefit from putting more time into higher-layer activities, like keeping distributors out of the business. The future, I truly believe, is about getting the network out of the way. It is time for the infrastructure to take a back seat to the self-driving network.”

“现在的目标是建立自动驾驶网络。 呼吁采取行动就是拥抱变化。 将更多的时间投入到更高层次的活动中,例如使分销商脱离业务,我们都可以从中受益。 我真正相信,未来将使网络畅通无阻。 现在该让基础架构在自动驾驶网络中退后一步了。”

这个愿景可以实现吗? (Is This Vision Achievable?)

If you asked me this question 15 years ago, my answer would be “no chance” as I could not imagine an autonomous driving vehicle was possible then. But now, the vision is not far-fetch anymore not only because of ML/AI technology rapid advancement but other key building blocks are made significant progress, just name a few key building blocks:

如果您在15年前问我这个问题,我的回答将是“没有机会”,因为我当时无法想象有可能驾驶自动驾驶汽车。 但是现在,这个愿景不再遥不可及,不仅因为ML / AI技术的飞速发展,而且其他关键构建块也取得了重大进展,仅举几个关键构建块:

  • software-defined networking (SDN) control

  • industry-standard models and open APIs

  • Real-time analytics/telemetry

  • big data processing

  • cross-domain orchestration

  • programmable infrastructure

  • cloud-native virtualized network functions (VNF)

  • DevOps agile development process

  • everything-as-service design paradigm

  • intelligent process automation

  • edge computing

  • cloud infrastructure

  • programing paradigm suitable for building an autonomous system . i.e., teleo-reactive programs, which is a set of reactive rules that continuously sense the environment and trigger actions whose continuous execution eventually leads the system to satisfy a goal. (Nils Nilsson, 1996)

    适合建立自治系统的程序设计范例。 即远程React程序,它是一组React性规则,可连续感知环境并触发动作,这些动作的连续执行最终使系统达到目标。 (Nils Nilsson,1996年)
  • open-source solutions


巨大的挑战 (Huge Challenges)

We have reasons to be optimistic about ADN while fully realize the considerable challenges in this ADN journey.


As we know, a typical autonomous system composes of 3 essential components:


  • An Agent: A reactive system (controller) interacting with components of its environment so that specific goals are met.


  • An Object: A physical or virtual component whose behavior can be controlled by system agents.

    对象: A 可以由系统代理控制其行为的物理或虚拟组件。

  • The Environment: Consists of the elements of the physical and virtual infrastructure of the system that is used for the coordination between components (agents and objects).


The first complexity of autonomous

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